Does anyone who smokes ever look at the warning labels on packs of cigarettes? Or on cans/packs of dip and chew? Do they do anything to warn people away? The Cult of Climastrology can’t help themselves in pushing silliness
Climate-killing products should come with smoking-style warnings
Cigarette packets with grisly warnings of the consequences of smoking are intended to deter smokers. Now a group of public health experts says similar warnings should appear on high-carbon products, from airline tickets and energy bills to petrol pumps, to show consumers the health impacts of the climate crisis.
Warning labels would be a cheap but potentially highly effective intervention that would make consumers aware of the impact of their purchases on climate breakdown, according to the experts.
“Warning labels connect the abstract threat of the climate emergency with the use of fossil fuels in the here and now, drawing attention to the true cost of fossil fuels pictorially or quantitatively,†they write in the British Medical Journal. “They sensitise people to the consequences of their actions, representing nudges designed to encourage users to choose alternatives to fossil fuels, thus increasing demand for zero-carbon renewable energy.â€
Interesting that these public health nags aren’t named, and, really, what alternatives are there for filling our fossil fueled vehicles? Take the bus? A lot easier said then done in certain places, and, do these nags take the bus? Buy an electric vehicle? Who has a minimum of $38 (plus taxes and fees) lying around for a base of base Tesla? I guess you could go with a tiny little Nissan Leaf or something. Or, you could spend around $23k on a Honda Civic or Toyota Corolla with lots and lots of features and a low cost of ownership which can easily get you 200k miles. No one really knows the length a pure electric will go, and the cost of ownership of a Leaf and others is way above that of a Civic or Corolla, and their 36 and 60 month residual values are in the toilet. Even hybrids have low residuals, because people who buy used are concerned with how long the batteries will last.
High-carbon health labels could be similarly graphic, especially if they highlighted the damage to health from air pollution caused by fossil fuels, such as the exhaust gases from diesel vehicles. They could include pictures of damaged lungs, or highlight severe weather such as flooding, or show the bodies of people who have died because of heatwaves, said Mike Gill, a former regional director of public health for south-east England, and a co-author of the letter.
In some countries, messages could include the increased spread of dengue fever and malaria driven by global heating, while there should also be scope to warn about the effects of environmental degradation caused by climate breakdown, and the harmful effects on water and food supplies, he added.
These wankers don’t just want the labels on pumps, but for commercials and ads. And
(deadline) Warning labels should be displayed on petrol pumps, energy bills, and airline tickets to encourage consumers to question their own use of fossil fuels, say health experts in The BMJ today.
You know what I want a label for? I want one slapped on Warmists and Warmist groups who refuse to give up their own use of fossil fuels and make their lives carbon neutral. Perhaps it could be in the form of a sticker that says “climahypocrite” on the sides and rear of the vehicle. It could be on the license plate. They’d be require to wear some sort of sign at the airport. Once again, I’ll believe it’s a crisis when the people who tell me it’s a crisis act like it’s a crisis in their own lives.

Most states already have multiple warning labels on gas pumps. No one cares. It’s just one more color in the flurry of background colors that no one will read.
Are you still siphoning gasoline through a cut garden hose ?
On Feb 15th Trump said that there were 15 cases and that soon it would be down to zero
That was6 weeks ago now there are 4000 dead
For citations please watch
Potholder 54 on youtube he has the videos posted showing Trump continually minimizing Covid 19 and also using the word “hoaxâ€
Unlike democrat leaders who told just the opposite right?
Like Pelosi walking through Chinatown urging people to come on down, that it was safe.
Or NYC health commissioner telling people there is no reason not to use the subways, buses and to eat at your favorite restaurant.
Or AOC telling people to eat at Chinese restaurants and if you don’t you’re a racist.
Or DeBlasio saying it is no worse than the common cold or flu and ignores NY’s stay at home orders.
Oh, and remind us all again what you did in response to 9/11.
If somebody’s to blame, it’s all the tyrannical Demo governors and mayors that let in disease-ridden illegals.
Bingo! We have a winner!
Try to stay on topic. Are you totally unaware of what gas pumps look like already? Or the 15 page instruction manual that comes with a circular saw? It is a simple fact of life that with every new warning label, the value of each label is diminished. Adding one more just adds more noise to the noise that is already automatically filtered out by most normal functioning adults. If you are unaware of what “normal functioning” looks like, try watching how other people act.
I see no citations. And, wow, you found some guy on YouTube to back you up.
I’m impressed. How heavily was the vid edited, he dares ask?
Congratulations John, you found another idiot on YouTube as dumb as you. What an accomplishment!
“He uses the word “hoaxâ€. No one said he didn’t. You said it was in relation to the virus itself. Where’s that?
Years ago California mandated Prop 65 cancer warnings on pretty much everything even tangentially related to cancer. They went so far as to okay civil lawsuits by private parties for damages when warnings weren’t displayed. You didn’t have to prove damages from lack of a warning just that no warning was given. Naturally, warnings popped up everywhere. You could buy a lot of signs for the hourly cost of one lawyer.
There is no practical difference between a warning on everything and no warnings on anything. The warnings are just unnoticed background noise, an empty space with a number in it.
A few points Jeffery and his cartoon characters and sock puppets ignore.
Almost 80% have an underlying co-morbidity
There’s also the fact those morons from MI and NV finally got wise and allowed the use of chloroquine.
Which you moron only thought might work.
PS Click on the pic tag to see the graphic
The real reason Jeffery is puling out all the stops, Kung Flu is killing Gropin’ Joe’s campaign.
I love how the left has seized upon a national, no worldwide crisis, to pivot from their failed impeachment attempt to find something else and completely unknown previously and blame it on Trump.
But people who actually care know who to blame
“For its role in helping Beijing cover up coronavirus.
The deputy prime minister of Japan says that the WHO should be renamed the ‘Chinese Health Organization’ for its role in helping Beijing cover-up the severity of the coronavirus outbreak.
Referring to a petition which now has almost 700,000 signatures calling on WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom to resign, Taro Aso tore into the organization for conspiring with China and failing to stop a global pandemic that could have been prevented.
“People think the World Health Organization should change its name. It shouldn’t be called the WHO, it should be renamed the Chinese Health Organization (CHO). This appeal is truly resonating with the people,†said Aso.
“Early on, if the WHO had not insisted to the world that China had no pneumonia epidemic, then everybody would have taken precautions,†he added, noting that Taiwan had to face coronavirus on its own because it was excluded from the WHO.”
Trump 2020 Don’t let the leftist globalists win.
“U.S. intelligence officials concluded that China intentionally hid details of the coronavirus outbreak in its country to mask the number of total cases and deaths. The officials, who spoke anonymously to Bloomberg, provided their conclusions in a classified report to the White House last week, in which they declared China had provided fake statistics of coronavirus cases in their own country. Skepticism has surrounded China’s reporting of its coronavirus outbreak, which began in December 2019. China’s reported numbers of coronavirus, which are compiled and updated by Johns Hopkins University’s global coronavirus tracking map, shows just 82,000 coronavirus cases and 3,300 deaths in China. In contrast, the U.S. now has 190,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and 4,100 deaths. Skepticism of China’s coronavirus reporting stems from the Chinese government’s repeatedly changed case counting methodology, which left out individuals who were confirmed positive for coronavirus but did not exhibit symptoms of the virus. – ADVERTISEMENT – Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator, said the world is still missing significant data from China. “The medical community … interpreted the Chinese data as: This was serious, but smaller than anyone expected,†Birx said on Tuesday. “Because I think probably we were missing a significant amount of the data, now that what we see happened to Italy and see what happened to Spain.†On Monday, a Reuters report citing five U.S. government sources described “serious gaps†in their ability to determine the status of coronavirus in China, as well as Russia and North Korea. Assessment of these countries is difficult due to heavily state-controlled information. The lack of information, however, is harming the rest of the world’s ability to (estimate the damage)
So that’s how the hoax is laid at Trumps feet: LIES!
You can’t really blame the Chinese. We always knew they were a scorpion. They lie about everything. Even if they weren’t communists, who lie about everything, they are still Chinese and culturally incapable of telling the truth. Anyone who expected the truth from them was either delusional or simply had no understanding of China.
Since when does the far-right trust US intelligence officials?? But it’s a great development.
And how does a right-winger decide when Bloomberg and Reuters are spreading real news vs fake news??
Anyway, if China hadn’t lied would trump have taken the pandemic seriously?
The far right never trusts US intelligence officials just like the far left never trusts the head of the US. But regular Patriotic Americans capable of reason, truth and observation (that eliminates leftists and commie sympathizers) are quite capable of sorting out the truth from the myriad of lies and falsehoods put out by the Deep State and their lying comrades the Fake News Media. It took us time at first but we finally realized anything not following the leftist narrative is usually true, the rest bull shit. That’s also how we can tell if Bloomberg, Reuters, CNNMSNBCCBSABC the NYT and WaPo are lying. Add the ability to recognize those who are For America and those consistently and with great hatred always Against America and the truth usually reveals itself.
The lying continues with false questions and second guessing like if Trump “would have” taken the pandemic seriously insinuating he didn’t. We all know you want us to die just to get Trump. How many Americans have to die before you admit NOBODY can stop a pandemic? How many of your neighbors need to die for you to be sure Trump loses? You have added murderers to your resume of liars and grifters. Well done commie pigs.
You are all anti-American liars:
Trump 2020 They can’t kill all of us?
Like this example, Elwood:
ATLANTA, GA—Fooling thousands of readers in a prank that the cable news organization said was “just for fun,” CNN published a real news story for April Fools’ Day this year.
The story simply contained a list of facts, with no embellishment, editorializing, or invented details. The story also didn’t cite shaky “anonymous sources” and only quoted firsthand witnesses to the event. It was completely factual without any errors whatsoever.
Baffled CNN fans immediately knew something was up.
“I was reading this story, and I was like, ‘Wait, what is this?'” said one man in New York who relies on CNN for his fake news every morning. “They really got me good. Then I looked up at the calendar and I realized I’d been duped. A classic gag!”
“Those little rascals!” he added, shaking his head and laughing goodnaturedly. “As long as they return to their regularly scheduled fake news tomorrow, we’re good. We’re good.”
From The Babylon Bee
That’s actually a funny parody. Kudos.
Americans have good reason not to trust the current “head of the US” who changes his mind every hour. Did you trust the head of the US when Barack Obama was President?
Got it. Reports that support your positions/biases are true, those that don’t are fake. Thanks for explaining.
A month ago at one of his campaign spectaculars, trump called the pandemic a hoax. Now he’s saying 100,000 dead Americans will be a “victory” for him.
And (yawn) every American who criticizes trump is a commie, traitor, anti-America, liars, grifters and murderers.
Again, it was trump and his fanboy worshipers who are responsible for the deaths. Your refusal to face facts is why you are so angry. Let’s hope that Dr. Fauci and April Trump are wrong and you March Trump are right.
Do you feel at all betrayed that Trump is now following the leftist mantra and throwing his fanboys under the bus? Or do you believe he’s still a true believer and is going along with the consensus to save his own ass? Feckless leader, huh?
The next unemployment numbers will show record unemployment, topping even the Reagan Recession. It may eventually top the Great Depression.
That said, we should recover fairly quickly with all the Keynesian/socialist federal stimulus passed by the Democratic House. Remember when the GOP sabotaged the needed stimulus during the Great Recession? Good times. They hoped to keep President Obama from being re-elected in 2012 but the American people had a different idea, re-electing the President in a landslide.
First of all you seem to think that you and Hussein and your leftist comrades are ALWAYS right and we, Trump and our American allies are ALWAYS wrong. Right there is your dissonance. The fact that you also believe we always disagreed with O’Hussein is also telling. We didn’t. But ALWAYS disagree with Trump and even try to undermine his every thought word and deed.
The people of America may be fooled but we are not. You are killing Americans to punish us for electing Trump, pure and simple. You’re blaming Trump fot the “record unemployment” when that is neither his fault any more than it is Cuomos’ or yours for that matter. When politicians stirred up into a “we gotta do SOMETHING” panic by leftist Media operatives crash an economy you blaming it on Trump or anyone else than those who actually caused the pandemic (the Chinese), the closures (the state and local pols) and the panic (the media) is just more lies from a demented leftist full of lies and hate.
You want Americans to die so Trump loses. That’s your strategy and we all know it.
From The Z Blog 4/2
“This is uncharted territory. America is not Weimar Germany or 18th century France or 19th century Russia. We have no examples of a country turning itself off like this. We don’t really know why our rulers are doing this. The claim is the virus threat, but we have had worse virus threats and the ruling class did not go insane like this, so something is different this time. All we can say for sure is we moved from a world we generally knew and understood into a world of the unknown.”
You want to make political hay out of the death and suffering of millions of your fellow Americans. How low are you willing to go after that?
Trump 2020 Or America dies under a leftist yoke.
Americans have good reason not to trust the current “head of the US†who changes his mind every hour. Did you trust the head of the US when Barack Obama was President?
If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.
Trump has gotten up there and told the truth.
Got it. Reports that support your positions/biases are true, those that don’t are fake. Thanks for explaining.
I know this is a revolutionary concept for you, but reports that actually have facts in them make a big difference.
That’s why we never believe you.
A month ago at one of his campaign spectaculars, trump called the pandemic a hoax. Now he’s saying 100,000 dead Americans will be a “victory†for him.
I know you are told to repeat this (Gospel According To Dr Goebbels), but it was the panic and phony charges cooked up by Fake News that he called a hoax.
His exact words
So you’re talking about 2.2 million deaths, 2.2 million people from this. And so if we could hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000. It’s a horrible number, maybe even less —but to 100,000. So we have between 100,000 and 200,000, and we altogether have done a very good job
So you’re a liar.
Fauci and Birx are feeding him lousy models based on lousy data. I think he knows that and I think he knows, if the death toll comes in less that 100,000, he gets the credit.
And years from now, we’ll finally be told most of the deaths really were from the co-morbidities.
And (yawn) every American who criticizes trump is a commie, traitor, anti-America, liars, grifters and murderers.
So what else is news?
Again, it was trump and his fanboy worshipers who are responsible for the deaths. Your refusal to face facts is why you are so angry. Let’s hope that Dr. Fauci and April Trump are wrong and you March Trump are right.
No, it was you.
You were so busy impeaching him, you didn’t care about the Sino Sinus Syphilis. He closed off travel from the Orient, you screamed. He closed of travel from Europe, you screamed. He pushed chloroquine, you sneered.
The blood (or barf) is on your hands.
Do you feel at all betrayed that Trump is now following the leftist mantra and throwing his fanboys under the bus? Or do you believe he’s still a true believer and is going along with the consensus to save his own ass? Feckless leader, huh?
Better him than Zippy.
And I don’t see him following any Leftist mantra. He’s going by the current models (which are a crock IMHO), but, if deaths level off as many expect, he gets to open the economy around Easter.
When will you get it through your thick head he’s smarter than all the Lefties put together.
The next unemployment numbers will show record unemployment, topping even the Reagan Recession. It may eventually top the Great Depression.
First, Reagan never had a recession, Bucketmouth did.
Second, population in the 30s was 125 million, so any comparisons are going to be faulty, at the least.
And the unemployment is your doing. You pushed the phony panic.
That said, we should recover fairly quickly with all the Keynesian/socialist federal stimulus passed by the Democratic House.
No, the House version was cut off at the pass, as was the new one Pelosi Galore wants.
The one the Senate passed is the one that Trump signed.
You really make this up as you go along, don’t you?
Remember when the GOP sabotaged the needed stimulus during the Great Recession? Good times.
It did? When did this happen? I seem to recall all those orange signs on the road, but nobody was working.
They hoped to keep President Obama from being re-elected in 2012 but the American people had a different idea, re-electing the President in a landslide.
No, he was kept in the Massa’s Mansion because vote fraud (140% turnout, poll workers voting multiple times, people bused in from out of state, overseas ballots “lost”) was rampant.
You, a purported scientist denied Covid-19 was an problem. You changed your mind. The Governor of Michigan threatened to jail doctors for prescribing chlorquine, now today she changed her mind.
Governor Cuomo uses money to erect signs that say I love NY while ignoring medical supplies and his rainy day fund. Ventilators sent to NY were found in a warehouse. No doubt fixing to be sold to CHINA. He wanted to block the stimulus packages to 300 million Americans because NY was not given 25 billion dollars when everyone and their brother knows there will be another bill designed to give relief to hospitals, and States for their shut down and expenses in dealing with this virus.
The Governor of Florida changed his mind on remain in place. All across the land people are changing their minds as facts become more readily available except you.
NIH and CDC changed their minds. As facts become available. China destroyed the first 2-3 weeks of data on the new Virus. Without finding patient zero we are working in the blind because of a communist government bent on taking over the world.
CHINA is evil. They are not our friend. They are not anyones friend. They have stolen everything of value all across the world for 2-3 decades and we just let them. Now they send FAULTY products to people in need of life saving equiptment and
Are you ready?
A second wave of Corona virus is spreading in China, being squelched and ignored as once again millions go into lockdown in the country.
A supposed scientist. You have no interest in this virus. You should be helping at a clinic or hospital, with your supposed science degree, not here commenting on Trump is Evil.
Hell even my wife and I are helping to deliver food to the elderly and volunteering at the local animal shelter and working with our local food bank and homeless shelter.
What are you doing? Thats why I post once a day here. I am actually busy in a sea of Cornoavirus.
The people of America may be fooled but we are not. You certainly didn’t mean to imply that YOU are NOT part of the ‘people of America’, did you?
Trump is President, not me, not the media, not Congress. Trump declared a state of national emergency giving him extraordinary powers to do what is needed to halt the crisis.
We understand your frustration, and that’s why you blame everyone else for the governments failures to control the pandemic. How am I killing Americans? By criticizing trump?
Didn’t you believe that the Great Recession was Obama’s fault? That the slow recovery was Obama’s fault?
The voters will decide in Nov who should be President in 2021.
Since when does the far-right trust US intelligence officials?
Maybe WWII, but even Custer’s intel was lousy.
And how does a right-winger decide when Bloomberg and Reuters are spreading real news vs fake news??
You don’t. We’ve known for weeks, if not months, the Reds were lying. You were the ones who took forever to catch on.
If Bloomie has to admit it, then it probably is the truth.
Kind of like chloroquine.
Anyway, if China hadn’t lied would trump have taken the pandemic seriously?
It was the panic he took seriously. The Peking Pulmonary Pox is still a joke compared to a real flu.
The problem was not Trump, it was Pelosi Galore.
The people of America may be fooled but we are not. You certainly didn’t mean to imply that YOU are NOT part of the ‘people of America’, did you?
No, he was trying to tell you that you aren’t.
Trump is President, not me, not the media, not Congress. Trump declared a state of national emergency giving him extraordinary powers to do what is needed to halt the crisis.
We understand your frustration, and that’s why you blame everyone else for the governments failures to control the pandemic. How am I killing Americans? By criticizing trump?
Why not? Trump’s gotten it all right and way ahead of the Democrats.
And, by keeping the panic going, you make resources harder to come by. It’s the old Commie game of divided and rule, spread as much FUD as possible.
And criticize Trump all you want. They’re all lies and they all are exposed.
Didn’t you believe that the Great Recession was Obama’s fault? That the slow recovery was Obama’s fault?
Yes and Yes.
I’ve explained it to you before, but I can do it again if you need me to.
The voters will decide in Nov who should be President in 2021.
Donald John Trump.
Get used to it now. You’re only 4 years behind the country.
Elwood, I was going to give your ridiculous comment a rebuttal but Klem and formwiz did such a bang up job of it my input is not required.
Although I would like to add that 21 million cell phone users were just “disappeared” in Red China, home of the Sino-Sinus Plague which you guys are waving on to hurt Trump. Since the Red Chinks are so “open” nobody seems to know where they were “disappeared” to.
Your desire to hurt and kill Americans for political profit is perfectly aligned with the history of your abominable leftist religion. It matters not who dies to you as long as you win. Hate, lies and grift and now you’ve add murder to your list of atrocities.
Trump 2020 Or the commies win.
The boys and girls at the Peoples Cube had this to add:
“Congratulations to The People’s Cube, which celebrated its 15th birthday yesterday. Despite the grimness of the Wuhan coronavirus lockdown, the site will leave readers in a festive mood, thanks to these cheerful predictions:
By the time the pandemic is over, everyone will be convinced that…
1. Open borders are a menace.
2. Globalization is a menace.
3. Public transportation is a menace, while private cars keep families safe.
4. Public schools are a menace.
5. Homeschooling is great.
6. Gun owners have fewer anxieties to deal with during a crisis.
7. Hollywood is a bunch of nincompoops.
8. The mainstream media is a useless menace.
9. Communists can’t be trusted and are a menace.
10. Capitalist enterprise reacts to emergencies faster and more efficiently, while the obstructionist bureaucracy is a menace.
11. All essentials must be manufactured within our own borders.
12. A businessman makes a better president than a career politician.
The Democrats running the media have bent over backward trying to exploit the crisis to their political advantage, but the long-term effects may not be in their favor.
On a tip from Dragon’s Lair.”
Again, Jeff and John are lying or using obfuscation and making up sheer non-sense. We know that Trump acted early and appropriate given the circumstances in January and February. Initial data from the Chinese and WHO were terribly wrong. I reviewed what we were given and the disease looked little different from the flu. What were the Dems doing, using their vast resources to try to impeach Trump, diverting attention and resources from the growing crisis. Obama made our health service less prepared than we would have been. Clinton moved our manufacturing assets to China’s and elsewhere. In short, the Dems have killed us.
In a way, this crisis is a gift. We can now assess the true influence of fossil fuels on the environment. And it is obvious that CO2 does nothing and humans have minimal to no influence on climate.
And, Jeff, you were wrong on ARDS, keep your uneducated ideas to something you know which is limited and mostly a great gift at writing lies.
Trump never, ever said this illness was a hoax. Only media response to his efforts were and are a lie, which is typical for the media and for ignorant people like you and John.