As we all know, Democrats and their pet Credentialed Media have been accusing Trump of being an authoritarian for years. They can’t say exactly how he’s being one, especially since he tends to do away with rules and regulations rather than enact them. I guess it’s do to him being mean to Dems and the media? James E. Baker, who served under Clinton, is upset
Why Is Trump So Timid With the Defense Production Act?
Every Marine knows better than to pull a knife in a gunfight. But so far, that appears to be the federal government’s approach to battling Covid-19. The president has “invoked†the Defense Production Act, but the government has not used the full authority of the act. There is a difference between invoking a law and using it, just as there is a difference between talk and action.
Governors and health officials tell us that there is a profound gap between the protective equipment, hospital equipment and testing resources that are needed (and will be needed) and what is available (or in the pipeline). Bill Gates reminds us that we will need to produce millions, perhaps billions, of doses of vaccine in 12 to 18 months. This isn’t a passing crisis; we will need more of everything in two months, six months and maybe years.
Don’t let debate over the details of General Motors’ and Ventec’s honorable effort to build more ventilators hide the bottom line: The federal government has all the authority it needs to close the supply gap, allocate resources among states, and prepare for the production and distribution of the vaccine to come. Until the federal government demonstrates — with statistics, contracts and timelines — that the gap is closed and the vaccine pipeline is ready, we should ask: Why isn’t the government bringing its full arsenal to the fight?
Don’t look at all the those private companies voluntarily changing their production lines to help out distract you from the bottom line (remember how the media belittled and attacked the founder of My Pillow and the company?), which is that Trump Should Be Acting Like A Dictator
The D.P.A.’s authorities go beyond prioritizing contracts and manufacturing supplies. Its allocation authority addresses the problem of states’ competing against one another for scarce resources based on market mechanisms. The federal government can allocate equipment and supplies based on actual need and best public-health practices. The D.P.A.’s industry assessment authority can be used to measure production and distribution capacity, remove blind spots, plan efficiently and recreate a supply chain at home. The federal government can determine now which entities could produce vaccines while it plans for their ethical allocation. The government can then use the D.P.A.’s Title III incentive authorities to issue loans, offer antitrust protection and guarantee purchases, creating a secure market for masks, tests and vaccines.
The minute that the Trump admin starts prioritizing they will be accused of picking and choosing winners and losers, that they are helping out Trump states and not Blue states.
The law is so broad in places that it is sometimes referred to as a “commandeering†authority. Lawyers prefer to say the president would act at the zenith of his authority under the paradigm presented in Justice Jackson’s concurrence in the Supreme Court’s landmark Youngstowncase. But its use is not as extraordinary as some suggest, and it is not commandeering. The Defense Department alone uses the prioritization authority some 300,000 times a year, while the government uses Title III incentives 20 to 30 times per year. Although the allocation authority has not been used since the Cold War, some civilian airliners and freighters remain allocated for the Civil Reserve Air Fleet. Nor does exercise of the prioritization and allocation authority equate to state ownership. Under the act, corporations are paid fair market value for their products. Any actual “commandeering†of production would require just compensation under the Fifth Amendment’s Takings Clause. Moreover, price controls under the D.P.A. require a joint resolution of Congress signed into law by the president.
Wait, what was that about a joint resolution by Congress? We all know that the minute Trump goes and fully uses DPA the same media will accuse him of going to far and acting like an authoritarian.
State and local authorities are imploring the federal government to use the authority it has to secure our medical supply chain. So far, the administration appears to have responded like a parent doling out candy to a child: one piece at a time. This is an “all hands on deck†moment, not merely to flatten the curve but to leap ahead of the curve. America was once the arsenal of democracy; the D.P.A. can help make us the arsenal of public health.
Wait, government is inefficient? Who knew! But, really, if these state and local administrations are incompetent, perhaps they should resign and let others who aren’t do the job.
I’ve never heard of a commander who complained about having too many tanks or who asked for a few artillery shells and not one too many. It’s high time we fought the virus the American way: with everything we’ve got.
Perhaps Mr. Baker should have a conversation with Mr. Obama, and his VP Joe Biden, about depleting the N95 masks and not replenishing them.

So trump is NOW afraid that the media will criticize him? He’s a wartime President playing golf and passing the buck.
TEACH: Obama!!! Biden!!!
It turns out the trump Administration IS exaggerating the number of likely deaths so that trump can claim WINNING!
Trump, August 2020: “The ‘models’ predicted 240,000 dead and I only killed 81,000!
With trump it’s Nov 2020 all the time. On election day, unemployment will be 9-10%. For a president whose only claim is how much he’s helped the working classes…
The Obama Recovery is over. Nine years of job growth is over.
701,000 jobs lost in the first half of March alone. Unemployment rate jumps to 4.4%.
Over 10 million jobless claims for all of March, so far.
When your goal is to dismantle government, this is what you get. We have to hope that others still want to buy US Treasuries.
All for a hoax.
“I think this is the beginning of the end of the pandemic. I’m very serious,†Smith, an infectious disease specialist, told host Laura Ingraham.
Currently there is no known cure for the coronavirus pandemic ravaging the globe.
Smith, who is treating 72 COVID-19 patients, said that he has been treating “everybody with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin [an antibiotic]. We’ve been doing so for a while.â€
He pointed out that not a single COVID-19 patient of his that has been on the hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin regimen for five days or more has had to be intubated.
A French Study has done 50 patients and then another 80 patients EVERY single one of them have recovered. Most of them were in serious condition. Using the same regimine of anti-malarial and azithromycin anti-biotics.
CHINA has been using this treatment for a couple months and has very good outcomes.
The press and this Elwood chap keeps calling Trump names, when Trump was demanding the FDA fast track this for use in Covid-19.
Governors all over the nation have backtracked on it and are now pleading for the drugs.
The PRESS who raped Trump for giving false hope are now begrudingly suggesting there is HOPE.
Meanwhile the Democrats want to impeach Trump again. Hollywood is unhinged as usual. By the way I would recommend that NOT one conservative EVER buy or watch another hollywood made movie. Guys. Netflix and Prime and HBO and others make tons of movies rarely using Hollywood actors/actresses. You want to #cancle someone…..I would cancle any movie made by these insane whackos.
Thats all. Praise Trump for having the IQ to read, study and dig deep into what is going on with treatments and realizing that the establishment is trying to delay generic drugs so that drug companies can make trillions inventing a vaccine and treatment and selling it to 7 billion people.
Praise Trump. Trump 20 more years. Please.
The longer this goes on the worse Trump looks
5 weeks ago at the end of Feb he was saying “it’s all under control†and “hoaxâ€
Teach when did you begin to think this was going to be really really bad ?
It sure as hell took you too long to realize that
the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan was a colossal mistake
And what about BIG GOVERNMENT interfering in the “ free market “ ?
Isn’t that socialism ? Giving out free money to all ?
Total bull shit, John. A despicable and vulgar use of a worldwide emergency toward partisan political purposes. You are using the deaths of thousands, the financial ruin of millions and putting it all on the shoulders of Trump? Are you serious?
**”Let us not forget that information was rather thin when China “identified†it in December. The Chinese Communist Party ordered its scientists to destroy evidence of the virus, suppress physician warnings, turned around ships loaded with vital supplies, and threaten to block critical pharmaceuticals so that America might experience “the hell of a novel coronavirus epidemic.†As for the false accusation that Trump reacted late in handling the invisible enemy — it would be in the accusers’ best interest to know that he took action BEFORE any other Western leader. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated on January 14: “There is NO clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.†[emphasis added] Incidentally, Trump was also falsely accused by Democrats of saying that the coronavirus was a “hoax.†An examination of the video and transcript show Trump actually described Democratic complaints about his handling of the virus threat as “their new hoax.†Whicjh I see John is still doing. Liars lie! He never referred to the coronavirus itself as a hoax. In any case, just a week after the first coronavirus case was confirmed in Seattle, Washington, Trump announced on January 29 the creation of the President’s Coronavirus Task Force to lead the “United States government response to the novel 2019 coronavirus and with keeping him apprised of developments.†Two days later the Trump administration suspended entry into the United States by foreign nationals who had traveled to China within the last 14 days (excluding Hong Kong and Macau), and presidential hopeful Joe Biden accused Trump of “hysteria, xenophobia and fearmongering†for this; the travel ban was extended to Europe on March 11.” Which is all the left has: name calling and undercutting the efforts of Trump with LIES!
“The Trump administration was handling the outbreak the best it could with what it had on hand, unlike other leaders in the free world who demonstrated complete ineptitude.” As they say: “You fight the war with the army you have”. Since Barry Hussein (bless his name) ran the US out of vital medical supplies in his ill fated response to N1H1 and NEVER REPLENISHED THEM he left America in a dangerous position.
**”Paralleling the lockdown measures put in place in China and Europe, on March 16 the White House released a 15-day advisory, requesting citizens to avoid all but essential excursions from the home, such as for food or to pharmacies. On March 27 Trump signed into law a $2.2 trillion stimulus bill after it passed in both the House and the Senate. And as of March 30, because of his “business-type†style in working with the private sector, a new COVID-19 test from the medical device company Abbott was approved for emergency use thus far only in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration. The test can return positive results in five minutes — and it can be run in a doctor’s office.”
While Trump is worried about the lives of Americans and the recovery of our economy after the shut downs you and the rest of your ghoulish leftists pray for more deaths and deeper recession TO WIN AN ELECTION after trying unsuccessfully for three years to oust the elected President of the United States. You are despicable.
Trump 2020 Only he is fighting for us
**quotes are excerpts from “President Trump’s Coronavirus Report Card”
By Mario Alexis Portella @ American Thinker today.
Stick your lol where all the boys stick it.
The longer this goes on the worse Trump looks
5 weeks ago at the end of Feb he was saying “it’s all under control†and “hoax
It is, hate to tell you. We have the treatment and we have the facilities.
Unlike all those places with universal healthcare who are turning old people (and probably babies) away.
It sure as hell took you too long to realize that
the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan was a colossal mistake
Only because it wasn’t. You don’t hear about the War on Terror any more.
Do you?
And what about BIG GOVERNMENT interfering in the “ free market “ ?
Isn’t that socialism ? Giving out free money to all ?
Government is not interfering in the free market. Lefty short sellers did.
And nobody is giving out free money to all. If not, prove it.
When did you realize this was going to be bad. If I remember right you were so busy talking about Trump should be impeached that you didn’t know anything about Covid-19.
Elwood was the same way. Impeachment all day everyday because that was what you were instructed to talk about on the Blogs.
I remember You and Elwood boo ha haing the Virus. It was nothing. Now its this great Scourge that your party didnt even know existed so Obsessed with Orange Man bad were you.
Now you talk about Trump and the Virus and you talk about Free money being socialism. Yes it is. I think it should all be taken back and your social security canceled so you can face the pain with the rest of us. If you have a VA disability. Cancelled. If you have A pension or 401k. Cancelled.
After all that is what Socialism is all about.
EVERYONE sharing together. The Fruits of our labor. We are doing no labor John. YOU should not get any money until you can work again. That is what Socialism/communism preaches.
Don’t you agree? I will give up my stimulus check if you give up your Pension, 401k and SSI.
Sounds fair to me from your point of view.
And as far as our wartime POTUS he sure hasn’t done enough
The USA ( with the best ? Healthcare system) now has the most cases in the world
#1 !!!
Total number of cases is the wrong metric. It would be the total per capita. This is probably changing fast, but here it was a couple of days ago
No, because it’s clear Red China has been lying.
Everybody knows it but you.
And the Demos can try to say Trump was late to the party, but facts show it was them.
(God, you’d think he’d have learned by now)
Announced it would be anti-humanitarian to not ship everything they make in the USA to South America which has like 20k cases and the USA has 250,000 cases and we are getting NOTHING.
South AMERICA has 20K cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything 3m makes goes to South America who I guarantee is then selling it to CHINA!!!!!!!!!
I suggest Americans stop buying ANYTHING made my 3M. Duct tape, masks, filters, face shields. Anything.
I guarantee that the PPE sent to South America is finding its way to CHINA!!!!!!!
3M makes shit in China and China prevented them from sending ANYTHING anywhere. Yet in the USA they are allowed to gouge anyone who will pay and they give the USA nothing because we demand a fair price.
Trump Must RESIGN today. He is a Bumbling Idiot and the Entire Republican party that is condoning this kind of Bullshit should resign and be replaced with Grandmothers who actually care and give a shit about America.
We will all die but at least 3M and China will then run the fuking world. Pricks.
Praise Trump! All hail, the Great and Powerful Trump!
Doctors have always had the ability to use chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat, and many are. And now the FDA is promoting the use.
Only after Trump kicked them in the ass.
Doctors have always had the ability to use chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat, and many are.
That’s a lie. Doctors have to follow medically approved treatments. The FDA had not approved the use of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin so doctors were not using the drugs.
Three weeks ago the FDA gave approval for “compassionate use” of the drugs which means the worst people got the drugs if they asked for, wanted them, and consented to their use.
One week ago, the FDA approved chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for use with patients as part of monitored testing. It is a loosening of the regulations, but Jeffery’s assertion is flat out wrong.
And now the FDA is promoting the use.
As of last Friday, the FDA was only allowing the use. They were not promoting the use in any stretch of the word.
Therefore, it is clear to see that Jeffery has lied about this issue. His hatred for Trump and those suffering from COVID-19 is so great that he feels the need to lie.
It is not unexpected.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Doctors can prescribe approved drugs “off-label”.
Chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin are all FDA approved drugs.
Porter Good, Sr. doesn’t know what he is talking about. Don’t listen to him.
TEACH: Your old man is deteriorating rapidly.
Apparently, they weren’t, so, again, you lie.
Baghdadi Bunny is getting his news off Commie News Net. Even he should know better.
Is Rathole claiming that chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin were not approved drugs until the latest FDA announcement putting them into the US Strategic National Stockpile??? If so, Rathole are wrong.
The emergency use authorization only applies to the supply of these two drugs in the Strategic National Stockpile, the government’s storehouses of emergency medical supplies located in warehouses throughout the country.
One thing is for sure, the FDA decision doesn’t reflect an official determination that the drugs work against the coronavirus.
“This is not FDA approval of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19,” says infectious diseases physician Rajesh Gandhi, who is leading Massachusetts General Hospital’s COVID-19 treatment task force. “There’s an epidemic of misinformation out there, and we need to combat that.”
The drugs are still not approved by the FDA for the treatment or prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cons should heed the admonition to combat the epidemic of misinformation.
A doctor does not need FDA approval to use a drug for a purpose for which it was not intended or had FDA sanction. An example is oppressor which original came on the market for blood pressure control. Over several years the drug was used for control of arrhythmias, angina, heart failure and migraines. No one waited for the FDA to approve the drugs. As a doctor, you must provide justification for use of questioned by your peers, the medical board, or a malpractice attorney.
Anti-malarials are used for disease other than malaria. Chloroquine is used for Lupus, and SARS. As corona is similar to SARS it was tried and it’s success is justification for continuation without waiting for proper trials, which are ongoing.
Well said, thanks.
Where is gitarcarver? He disappeared after david spanked him for his ignorance.
gitarcarver created his sockpuppet formwiz (aka Sibley (Rathole) Good).
Where is gitarcarver? He disappeared after david spanked him for his ignorance.
Actually he didn’t but as you have admitted you cannot read and understand English, I understand the confusion you may have.
gitarcarver created his sockpuppet formwiz (aka Sibley (Rathole) Good).
For the record, JEFFERY, I have never changed my name or posted under a different name, unlike you.
So once again, you are caught lying in two ways. Those lies are based on hatred.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Porter Good, Sr., (aka gitarcarver) called Elwood a liar for correcting Good’s falsehood about the off-label use FDA approved drugs.
Let’s roll the tape:
Elwood: Doctors have always had the ability to use chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat, and many are.
“gitarcarver”: That’s a lie. Doctors have to follow medically approved treatments. The FDA had not approved the use of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin so doctors were not using the drugs.
The truth is that all three drugs are approved by the FDA – was that your ‘confusion’?. David and Elwood both corrected your error. In the US, licensed physicians can prescribe FDA approved drugs for uses not listed as indications in the official FDA label, just as David pointed out – was that your ‘confusion’? David even presented you with examples. Were you talking about the use of drugs in other nations? Maybe they have different rules – we don’t know. If so, we apologize. Maybe our use of the word “always” is too broad. Chloroquine was discovered in 1934, so it couldn’t “always” be prescribed, could it? Was that the basis of your confusion? If so, we apologize.
Below find the FDA label for chloroquine.
Here’s the important part regarding Indications:
ARALEN is indicated for the:
Treatment of uncomplicated malaria due to susceptible strains of P. falciparum, P.malariae, P. ovale, and P.vivax.
Prophylaxis of malaria in geographic areas where resistance to chloroquine is present.
Treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis
Here’s an FDA note on the perfectly legal “off-label” use of FDA approved drugs:
Why might an approved drug be used for an unapproved use?
From the FDA perspective, once the FDA approves a drug, healthcare providers generally may prescribe the drug for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient.
Licensed physicians in the US can prescribe US FDA approved drugs for uses other than those approved Indications listed in the US FDA Label for said drug. Do you agree that that statement is true?
Maybe you should take some time to examine your own actions, clearly based on your own hatred that you project on others.
So now he’s david.
Off-label use—the practice of using an FDA-approved drug or device for a purpose that the FDA has not approved—was explored in “Medicolegal Implications of Using Off-label Drugs and Devices,†(OMIC Digest, Winter 1996). The FDA states that doctors, in the exercise of their best judgment, may use approved drugs or devices off-label if they are well informed about the product, base its use on firm scientific rationale and sound medical evidence, and maintain records of its use and effects.
The documentation is required and without it, the drug is not supposed to be used.
Once again, we see the hatred you have for facts.
Then again, all the left has is hate.
Porter Good, Sr., (aka gitarcarver) called Elwood a liar for correcting Good’s falsehood about the off-label use FDA approved drugs.
As previously stated, I have only used one name since commenting on this blog. I have never used a different name, which is a claim that you cannot make.
It must be the hatred that runs through your body that fuels your desire to lie.
Perhaps you remember this statement, made just a few days ago directed at me?
We understand your repetitive use of that is meant to antagonize others, but what does it mean?
Would you define what you mean by “the left�
And is it really possible for any group to only have a single quality, such as hatred?
Even the far-right Nazis were likely to have loved their children and dogs.
Sociopaths possibly hate every other humans, but maybe like Rice Krispies.
This is the last time I’ll trouble you.
And then your followup statement:
Thanks for confirming what we suspected.
Buh bye. Stay safe.
In that you are talking to me now, it is clear you lied all the way back on March 30. You couldn’t even keep your word for a whopping 5 days.
We see that the lack of morals is because of the hatred you have for people.
After all, all the left has is hate.
gitarcarver and formwiz continue to spread disinformation, just as does Teach.
We will continue to call out their disinformation and lies, otherwise we have little interest in dealing with their socio-pathologies.
Stop lying and I’ll never type your “names” again.
Physicians can prescribe approved drugs off-label. Why one would choose to argue about that is pathological.
Perhaps I did not make my point clear.
A doctor may not willy nilly use an approved drug or treatment. As you know, there are protocols for such a thing.
gc typed: Perhaps I did not make my point clear.
Wasn’t this your point?
gc typed: That’s a lie. Doctors have to follow medically approved treatments. The FDA had not approved the use of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin so doctors were not using the drugs.
All three of your statements are untrue. The FDA was not preventing physicians from prescribing chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin for SARS-CoV-2 infections. They could even prescribe it for prophylaxis if they wanted. Did you have another point?
Arguably, the FDA statement approving the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for SARS-CoV-2 could be viewed of promoting the use of the drugs since physicians could already use them. But I could be wrong. Could you?
No one claimed that physicians were using chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin “willy nilly” or mentioned “treatment”. The use of approved drugs is up to the judgement of the physician, but as David pointed out, the physician is still responsible for the outcomes.
John-still waiting for you to show us where Trump said the virus was a hoax. Should be easy, right?
OK a few facts to clear things up.
CDC says 3/4 of the people going into hospitals for Chi-Com Lung Flu have at least one co-mobidity. So only about a quarter of the deaths attributed to the scam are really due to the flu. The rest are due to existing causes.
Projections by all those computer models said we’d need about 125,000 beds about this time. Actual number needed is 31,000.
Take everything and divide it by 4 and that’s how bad this thing really is.
Time for Trump to get the country back to work.
He was right about Easter.
Where is gitarcarver? He disappeared after david spanked him for his ignorance.
Doubt that. and Jeffery thinks an honest disagreement is punishment, but I suspect he’s into that sort of thing.
gitarcarver created his sockpuppet formwiz (aka Sibley (Rathole) Good).
You should be so lucky.
gc typed: Perhaps I did not make my point clear.
Wasn’t this your point?
gc typed: That’s a lie. Doctors have to follow medically approved treatments. The FDA had not approved the use of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin so doctors were not using the drugs.
All three of your statements are untrue. The FDA was not preventing physicians from prescribing chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin for SARS-CoV-2 infections. They could even prescribe it for prophylaxis if they wanted. Did you have another point?
Issue is FDA approval helps deter lawsuits. But, yeah, FDA approval never stopped Kevorkian.
Arguably, the FDA statement approving the use of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for SARS-CoV-2 could be viewed of promoting the use of the drugs since physicians could already use them. But I could be wrong. Could you?
You are always wrong because you always lie. You were skeptical because you were hoping for a big body count.
Too bad.
No one claimed that physicians were using chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine or azithromycin “willy nilly†or mentioned “treatmentâ€. The use of approved drugs is up to the judgement of the physician, but as David pointed out, the physician is still responsible for the outcomes.
A few experimented with it and from them came the first results.
Maybe not willy nilly, but not exactly approved.
Porter Good, Sr., (aka gitarcarver) called Elwood a liar for correcting Good’s falsehood about the off-label use FDA approved drugs.
Let’s roll the tape:
Elwood: Doctors have always had the ability to use chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin to treat, and many are.
“gitarcarverâ€: That’s a lie. Doctors have to follow medically approved treatments. The FDA had not approved the use of chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin so doctors were not using the drugs.
The truth is that all three drugs are approved by the FDA – was that your ‘confusion’?. David and Elwood both corrected your error. In the US, licensed physicians can prescribe FDA approved drugs for uses not listed as indications in the official FDA label, just as David pointed out – was that your ‘confusion’? David even presented you with examples. Were you talking about the use of drugs in other nations? Maybe they have different rules – we don’t know. If so, we apologize. Maybe our use of the word “always†is too broad. Chloroquine was discovered in 1934, so it couldn’t “always†be prescribed, could it? Was that the basis of your confusion? If so, we apologize.
Having the ability is not the same as having the willingness. You could prescribe chloroquine for diabetes. The lawsuits woukld be fun.
FDA approval to use a drug for a given malady lends a certain imprimatur. That’s why Trump has been kicking them in the ass to move on a lot of things.
Below find the FDA label for chloroquine.
Here’s the important part regarding Indications:
ARALEN is indicated for the:
Treatment of uncomplicated malaria due to susceptible strains of P. falciparum, P.malariae, P. ovale, and P.vivax.
Prophylaxis of malaria in geographic areas where resistance to chloroquine is present.
Treatment of extraintestinal amebiasis
Here’s an FDA note on the perfectly legal “off-label†use of FDA approved drugs:
Why might an approved drug be used for an unapproved use?
From the FDA perspective, once the FDA approves a drug, healthcare providers generally may prescribe the drug for an unapproved use when they judge that it is medically appropriate for their patient.
Licensed physicians in the US can prescribe US FDA approved drugs for uses other than those approved Indications listed in the US FDA Label for said drug. Do you agree that that statement is true?
Nothing in there for the Shy Knees Blight, so the first guys to try it were taking a flyer.
Maybe you should take some time to examine your own actions, clearly based on your own hatred that you project on others.
Is Rathole claiming that chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin were not approved drugs until the latest FDA announcement putting them into the US Strategic National Stockpile??? If so, Rathole are wrong.
The emergency use authorization only applies to the supply of these two drugs in the Strategic National Stockpile, the government’s storehouses of emergency medical supplies located in warehouses throughout the country.
One thing is for sure, the FDA decision doesn’t reflect an official determination that the drugs work against the coronavirus.
The drug had to be expedited by Trump. You can try to spin it any way you want, but the FDA, like most government agencies, moves at a glacial pace and sometimes need a good swift kick.
Trump provided that.
you hate it.
It makes him more of a hero to the people.
“This is not FDA approval of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19,†says infectious diseases physician Rajesh Gandhi, who is leading Massachusetts General Hospital’s COVID-19 treatment task force. “There’s an epidemic of misinformation out there, and we need to combat that.â€
The drugs are still not approved by the FDA for the treatment or prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cons should heed the admonition to combat the epidemic of misinformation.
It shows exactly why trump had to move.
You have the density of a black hole.
gitarcarver and formwiz continue to spread disinformation, just as does Teach.
We will continue to call out their disinformation and lies, otherwise we have little interest in dealing with their socio-pathologies.
Truth is our game, just as lying is yours. Anything to try to take some credit away from Trump.
Stop lying and I’ll never type your “names†again.
I’m so scared.
Physicians can prescribe approved drugs off-label. Why one would choose to argue about that is pathological.
They can, but do they consider it wise? I’ll bet not.
Too many ambulance chasers out there.