It’s a shame that the media is not focusing that much on ‘climate change’ in these days of Bat Soup Virus (I only made it to page 4 of Google News for climate change, stories from past 24 hours, before they became mostly about other things, with climate change either as something small or mentioned elsewhere on the page), because it would be an eye opener for the casual Warmist what the Cult of Climastrology really stands for
GRETA THUNBERG COULDN’T do it. Bill McKibben and couldn’t do it, and neither could the Paris climate accord. But Covid-19 is cutting human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases as travel and other economic activity in much of the world slow or halt altogether.
While the contraction in CO2 emissions set off by the virus may not be as pronounced as the related though distinct fall in “conventional†pollutants like soot and smog, it is far more consequential. Soot and smog poison and kill only in the present, while greenhouse gases stick around to maim the climate for the next century. Burning a fossil fuel today is tantamount to signing a death warrant for future generations. Conversely, forgoing an action that would have caused a fossil fuel to be burned creates a permanent benefit.
If what is in bold is the case, why don’t Warmists give up their own use of fossil fuels?
Is it cruel to point approvingly to the steep reduction in carbon emissions now unfolding, given the skyrocketing deaths, lost livelihoods, and widespread privation? And won’t the reductions be negated as the virus is tamed and emissions come roaring back? No and no.
Insane people gleeful over this tragedy.
The suffering is a different story. Were a happiness/misery calculator able to quantify the pluses and minuses to well-being from events befalling human society, the coronavirus’s flattening of the rising CO2-in-the-atmosphere curve would obviously be swamped by the lost life and the disordering of business as usual.
And yet business as usual must come to an end if we are to hand down a livable planet to our children.
The rub is how to slash carbon emissions with minimum suffering and maximum social and economic justice, and without nature forcing the reductions on us via pandemics or other chaotic black swan events that are surely in store.
Yes, that is the rub, one which the Cultists have failed to offer solutions to. Because they don’t have them. I’m not saying their policies would make the world look like it does right now, but, what, maybe half of what we’re seeing?
Second, the crisis is helping us see just how much our well-being depends on muscular, proactive governance. Government of the people and for the people is literally the thing that’s now needed more than ever.  The people must be sovereign over corporations and not vice versa — a point driven home by the tepid response of big business to Trump’s exhortations to step up manufacture of equipment to protect health care workers.
Interestingly, this fails to say that people should be sovereign over government. This is a clarion call for authoritative big government, the type that tells you where you may go and when. They type that arrests people for making their own choice to attend parties and churches. The type that applies laws and rules however they like, such as arresting a guy for paddleboarding despite not being near anyone. You have people snitching on neighbors for going out, even for exercise. There are even snitch lines established by government (and not just in the UK). You have government assuming more and more power for itself, like in Kentucky. Do Warmists consider that they themselves will be subject to the whims of government?
As for the super-rich, never have their fortunes been so fully revealed as hollow and corrosive. Worldwide, the wealthiest 5 percent of households collectively burn more carbon than the entire bottom half, according to a comprehensive new report from the University of Leeds. Could the past decade’s research and agitation on economic inequality now culminate, in the pandemic’s wake, in an insistence on transmuting extreme private wealth into a new collectively shared wealth of renewable energy and sustainable communities?
This, more than fossil fuel divestment or class-action litigation, is the kind of program that will actually cast off the yoke of the fossil fuel empire upon which the portfolios of the super-rich depend. In the process, the toxic aspiration to join the super-rich could be swept aside. Bye-bye, lusting after commuter helicopters. Bye-bye, hungering for one’s own island. Bye-bye, legislatures purchased by dark money.
This really isn’t about ‘climate change’, is it. And now they are using the suffering of billions to push their cult.

Palm Sunday Services – LIVE STREAMING
Teach headlined: People Suffering Is A Small Price To Pay To Solve The Climate Crisis
That’s not what the authors wrote.
People are our governments, and governments are our people.
Our federal government, as dysfunctional as it has become, is the lifeline that will save lives and the economy.
As the article (and numerous others) asserted, we don’t have to have millions of deaths to cut CO2 emissions. If we can spend several trillion dollars in a quarter to support the markets, can we transition to cleaner energy sources?
The only cult is the Cult of Denialism (CoD).
Why are right-wingers determined to spread lies and hatred.
The new right-wing world just faced their first challenge. How do you think you’re doing?
People are our governments, and governments are our people.
Josef Goebbels, 1938.
Our federal government, as dysfunctional as it has become, is the lifeline that will save lives and the economy.
If Trump can get it out of the way of the people.
As the article (and numerous others) asserted, we don’t have to have millions of deaths to cut CO2 emissions. If we can spend several trillion dollars in a quarter to support the markets, can we transition to cleaner energy sources?
Since you caused the panic and the crash, maybe we ought to take it out of you Lefties’ pockets?
How’s ’bout that? You’re so eager to tax everybody else, we’ll have a Lefty Tax, say 85%.
Howzat sound?
The only cult is the Cult of Denialism (CoD).
You mean the one that denies global idiocy is a scam?
Why are right-wingers determined to spread lies and hatred.
I was unaware the truth was now described as lies and hatred. That’s your bag.
The new right-wing world just faced their first challenge. How do you think you’re doing?
Better than the Left wing world did a dozen years ago.
W was preezy a dozen years ago. President Obama, above the protests of GOPhers, started the economic recovery to clean up one of W’s messes, and now trump just cratered it. The Trump Depression starts with 10 million unemployed.
We hoped trump would coast and not have any crises, to reveal his incompetence. Pandemic, depression, record debt. That’ll do, don, that’ll do.
Rather than spend your energy sucking trump, why not work toward a solution?
No, Zippy let the economy stagnate so there would be plenty of people on welfare. He thought they’d never get off, but Trump found a magic wand. It was called capitalsim.
And the sub prime mess was partly Zippy’s doing along with the Friend Of Angelo and the Hildabeast, all big recipients of Wall St money.
We hoped trump would coast and not have any crises, to reveal his incompetence. Pandemic, depression, record debt. That’ll do, don, that’ll do.
The record debt is Zippy’s doing, as is the Second Depression, and Trump is handling it better than Zippy did the bird flu.
Now, since we know the market crash, just like last time, was a Lefty hit job, we know Trump can put that aright in no time.
Rather than spend your energy sucking trump, why not work toward a solution?
Funny, I have it on good authority you’re the only one sucking around here.
One of the few benefits we have as a result of the shut down is to see the influence on the environment from reduced fossil fuels. And just like we thought, there is absolutely no influence at all. Human influence on the environment has been shown to be a hoax.
It’s too soon to see any effects from a drop in CO2 emissions. Recall the t1/2 of CO2 in the atmosphere several years, such that small, temporary changes have little impact. It’s not a hoax.
The fact he says this says it’s a hoax.
The fact you say that says it’s not a hoax.
Sorry, we know you’re a liar.
The fact that you say that says you’re a liar.
“This is not time to bicker,” California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom said last Wednesday on CNN. “Let me just be candid with you. I’d be lying to you to say that [Trump] hasn’t been responsive to our needs. He has. And so, as a sort of an offer of objectivity, I have to acknowledge that publicly.”
Newsom added: “The fact is, every time that I’ve called the president, he’s quickly gotten on the line. When we asked to get the support for that [USNS] Mercy ship in Southern California, he was able to direct that in real-time. We’ve got 2,000 of these field medical sites that are up, almost all operational now in the state, because of his support. Those are the facts.”
Trump is helping. Those are the facts. No amount of spin the left puts on this will change the facts. But of course its an election year.
By the way did anyone even bother to notice that Trump has put a large floatilla of Ships in the caribean under the guise of drug trafficing? Did anyone notice that in the midst of all this that Pompeao is discussing free elections in Venezuela. Did anyone notice that Venezuela is cozying up with China against the Monroe Doctrine.
Has anyone put two and two together yet or are we all so obsessed with the virus that he have stopped critically thinking?