There’s some very interesting revisionism going on. When Trump put in place the travel ban from China he was slammed for it, because the media had been saying it wasn’t that bad
There was a lot of the sort of stuff depicted below.
— Brit Hume (@brithume) April 1, 2020
Plus, you know, Orange Man Bad, and the media firefighters are always trying to manufacture a gotcha, trying to score points. Like we can’t go back and see what they’ve written
As Trump administration debated travel restrictions, thousands streamed in from China
In defending his strategy against the deadly coronavirus, President Donald Trump repeatedly has said he slowed its spread into the United States by acting decisively to bar travelers from China on Jan. 31.
“I was criticized by the Democrats when I closed the Country down to China many weeks ahead of what almost everyone recommended. Saved many lives,†he tweeted, for instance, on March 2.
But Reuters has found that the administration took a month from the time it learned of the outbreak in late December to impose the initial travel restrictions amid furious infighting.
During that time, the National Security Council staff, the state department and other federal agencies argued about everything from how best to screen for sick travelers to the economic impact of any restrictions, according to two government officials familiar with the deliberations. (snip)
Each day that the administration debated the travel measures, roughly 14,000 travelers arrived in the United States from China, according to figures cited by the Trump administration. Among them was a traveler who came from Wuhan to Seattle in mid-January, who turned out to be the first confirmed case in the United States.
And the very minute the travel ban was implemented on January 21, he was demonized for it. This is the way it works, a Republican is damned if they do damned if they don’t.
We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) February 1, 2020
And here’s the NY Times slamming Trump. And Pelosi encouraging public gatherings in the wake of the travel ban. And you can find so many more.

IOW, the administration tried to figure out how best to handle the situation (like the libs say he should) instead of going off half-cocked (like the libs say he always does).
Orange Man Bad!
Even Fox is saying that Trump wasted 2 months that he voukd have used to prepare for the pandemic
Maybe the MSM like you actually believed as trump constantly told us that the virus was under control and would “miraculously†disappear in April
Before he finally did close the border almost 500,000 people ftom China entered
We now have the more cases than any other
USA #1 because of Trump
You do know Fox is now run by the hard Left Murdoch brothers, right?
Maybe the MSM like you actually believed as trump constantly told us that the virus was under control and would “miraculously†disappear in April
We know the predictions according to the model were way off. We also know chloroquine has had an outstanding rate of success, thanks to Trump.
So, yeah, I’d say it’s under control.
Before he finally did close the border almost 500,000 people ftom China entered
We now have the more cases than any other
Just like Zippy’s unemployment rate, the Reds stopped counting. The Hildabeast lies, you lie, Jeffery.
Then FOX is lying. Trump closed off travel to and from China on January 17, sooner than most Red Democrats even heard of the Red China Virus.
Trump acted in a timely fashion based on what we knew at the time. To say otherwise is a lie.
What you fail to realize John is that Fox is now owned by a lefty. I mean a far left whacko lefty. His father left him the business and there was talk of him turning Fox into a lefty MSNBC until they convinced him he could be rich or broke and just like all the other batshit crazy leftist media.
That being said. Fox Blog is full of lefties. I mean full of them. That is why other than the nighttime line up, Fox is slowly being absorbed by the collective.
In another 3-4 years Fox will no longer be the go to network leaving only OANN as a leftist network which will no doubt be bought out by George Soros and then there will be no voice by the left in this world in which FAR LEFT CHINA is fixing to dominate the world for the next 200 years.
Good luck with that one.