…is an evil 1%er boat causing extreme weather, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Last Refuge, with a post on the Kentucky governor ordering police to take photos of license plates at Easter church services.
Doubleshot under the fold, so check out The Other McCain, with a post on Oregon’s pointless bat soup virus lockdown.
I’m sorry, I have to actually laugh at some stuff like this. She puts on her bikini, does the hair and makeup, cleans the sneakers, then goes to the park to take this photo, doing the whole “standing on toes” horsey pose, pretending to get water. And grabbing hair. I guess the young folks doing this is better than drugs and alcohol.
For Kentucky Headhunter

Since Jeffery’s Alinskyesque How Can You Be So Heartless rants are so amusing, I post this article on why the lockdown should end now.
Of course, if it had been up to me, it never would have started.
Why won’t Sibley, Sibley, Sibley make an argument or at least summarize the key points?
Because all the Conservatives know how to read.
Sibley, Sibley, Sibley…
Nice link.
This post is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules.
Here’s the Medium.com Rules:
50 center is making a fortune today I see. Post after post after post. No other reason but to get paid to post.
Congrats to your beloved China. They will soon be feeling the sting of poverty once again as nation after nation pulls out of your country and with it lets hope your Communist government collapses with it.
Who cares?
If they are too gutless to post an opposition piece, especially one that addresses the truth, screw them.
It’s in lots of other places.
Read it.
Medium.com publishes serious work, not collections of right-wing speculation.
Perhaps the recommendation that those under 65 get out and contract SARS-CoV-2 so that if they survive they may have immunity, was a bridge too far.
Maybe it was ignoring the health impacts and focusing on unemployment, and suggesting that many unemployed would commit suicide.
Wasn’t on Insty.
Red bikini left her boobs at home. Should have put them in the same bag as the sneakers before she left.
Top chick is just too Insta-grammy for me to fully enjoy. I guess the purse is supposed to be the real star of the pic? Plus tats and abs on girls is lame. Flat tummy and clean skin for the win, gals.
Andy Beshear is just a regular old corrupt KY Democrat, who gets lots of likes on Facebook apparently. Never would get elected if women, especaiily the teacher’s unions didn’t put him in office.
Whoohoo! I’m a thanking you.
Now, can anyone not see why I find the additional pictures (though obviously staged) much more enjoyable?