Remember when Trump referred to Michigan governor Gretchan Whitmer as “that woman in Michigan”? So, of course she’s gotten all sorts of glowing praise from the utterly unbiased media. What does the media think of this?
.@GovWhitmer has banned us from growing our own food. This is fucking insane.
— Whatevs (@j035ich5pach) April 10, 2020
While some are saying this is fake, well, um
(WNEM) On Thursday, April 9, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer extended her “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” executive order through the end of April.
As part of Executive Order 2020-42, Whitmer also placed restrictions on stores including how many people are allowed in the store at a time and what type of items they can sell.
Large stores must also close areas of the store that are dedicated to carpeting, flooring, furniture, garden centers, plant nurseries, or paint.
So, no seeds.
(Bridge) Brian Tillery walked into Home Depot on Friday morning and did a double take.
“What — they’re not selling paint?†he exclaimed.
Signs taped to orange buckets lined with yellow caution tape told the story:
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest stay-home order to battle the coronavirus pandemic allows home improvement stores to stay open, but only to sell “products necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation and basic operations of residences.†(snip)
Whitmer’s order also requires large retailers to close carpet or flooring, furniture, garden and plant nursery sections, either by blocking them, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs or removing goods from shelves. Bottle return sections at grocery stores must also remain closed.
Starting Monday, large retailers cannot advertise products that are not groceries, medical supplies or items necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation and basic operation of residences.
If you own a second house in Michigan, you are not allowed to travel there. Landscaping businesses are closed by her decree.
Whitmer doesn’t care – she’s too busy auditioning for the role of VP.
I hate to say it but the feds may have to step in here soon, this is ridiculous.
— The????FOO (@PolitiBunny) April 11, 2020
Strange when a Democrat like Andrew Cuomo or Gavin Newsome seem reasonable.

If your old enough and lived in mostly the south there used to be Blue Laws in place on Sunday. Only essential items would be sold on Sundays because of church. Now There are several states doing this. Mainly I think there reasoning is that they dont want people coming to the stores to buy Model airplanes, Paint, or other things that would EXPOSE them to the virus.
You can count on Lefties to deny liberty to their citizens and you can look at the 8 or 9 states still open with no restrictions in place and they have the least number of cases and people are still working and life sorta is still going on.
Many people are horrified that the government will take over many of our freedoms in the name of a virus. And it is possible. I know serious people who have been saying that just like there is BC and AD there will now be before 20 and after 20. 2020.
Life has changed as we know it. China turned this virus lose and they lost nothing if the rest of the world goes belly up with them. If we pull our stuff from the country they have the next virus in the wings.
Let us hope they understand the next virus being turned loose on the world is a declaration of war. A war they will lose and if anyone thinks I am being overly dramatic. Then read the real news. News outside of the USA where it is all bought and paid for by political interests China and others to shape the propaganda war.
Other countries actually have integrity when it comes to their MSM.
I think it is a good lesson that these liberal/ communist Democrats are using any excuse to exercise their tyrannical desires. There is no medical justification for the actions of the Democrat governors, mayors and other local officials to block our freedom.
Good lesson, don’t vote Democrat, they are nuts.
Also, now we can see the influence of drastically reducing the use of fossil fuels and find that CO2 has no influence on the environment. That has now moved from the status of a religion to mythology. This hoax is only being used to obtain total power over us.
In the immortal words of David Horowitz, “Inside Every Progressive/Liberal/Socialist/Marxist/Social Democrat/Democratic Socialist Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out”
The kids in MI are finding out first hand what a tyrant is.
She was the one talking about martial law when all this started.
Anybody wanna bet Trump’s appeal to federalism is really aimed at letting the country see what these tin penny gauleiters are really like?
He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus
An examination reveals the president was warned about the potential for a pandemic but that internal divisions, lack of planning and his faith in his own instincts led to a halting response.
The NYT doesn’t like Trump, and are spinning like mad to blame him for something…
How shocking.
They don’t even try to print facts anymore. The last one was in 1957, I believe – and was naturally quickly retracted.
Not to mention your idiotic post has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
The Demos were warned, too, but were too busy with their phony impeachment.
More to the point, when Trump tried to close off the East and West Coasts to keep out Winnie The Flu, all the demos did was scream rrrrraaaaaacccccciiiiiisssssttttt.
As did you.
Take the Gray Lady and shove it up your suppurating putule.
The Dems weren’t president, trump was. He was still going golfing and hosting his big Klan rallies during impeachment. Closing the coasts had little effect since the virus was already percolating throughout the US.
trump’s strategy, such as it was, was to avoid responsibility, blame others, and work on his re-election.
What’s a putule?
Much of what cons believe is untrue.
The Dems weren’t president, trump was. He was still going golfing and hosting his big Klan rallies during impeachment. Closing the coasts had little effect since the virus was already percolating throughout the US.
It was? Please submit your proof the bug was already here.
The Demos run the House and they could have spent money on more important things than a bogus impeachment.
And, if you don’t think shutting down the coasts was important, explain how NY’s refusal to allow people from Red China or Europe saved it from becoming the epicenter of this little exercise.
trump’s strategy, such as it was, was to avoid responsibility, blame others, and work on his re-election.
Sure, that’s why he shut down both coasts and pushed chloroquine.
What’s a putule?
Much of what cons believe is untrue.</i.
Especially if it comes from you.
Hey, Elwood,
WE all know you’re a liberal. You just proved it by exposing your ignorance. Good luck. You’ll need it.
50 center speaks about racism and klan rallies.
I know the op loves Elwood because he keeps the comment section buzzing with his outrageous comments but hey. china is done. MOre countries even today are buzzing about leaving China after this is over.
You support CHINA JOE. Bought and paid for by the Communist Chinese Party. His own son accepting billions from China to buy Joe the nursing home escapee Biden.
I would rather have Trump any day than a bought and paid for Closet Commie in the White House, like the last one whose legacy is a Beer Summit and offering an airplane full of money to the biggest terrorist country on the planet and best friends with CHINA.
Gotta love the 50 cent army of which Elwood has bought into hook line and sinker. Count his posts on any given day. They have to be close to 100 every day here. China pays 50 cents for each post. He just writes the same drivel over and over all day every day.
We call it 3.5 yuan per post, capitalist pigs!
We Chinese work long hours and there’s almost 1.5 BILLION of us! Each of us 3.5 yuaners must make 400 posts/day on a list of 311 conservative blogs. We call them ConnieBlogs. We call US conservatives Connies, LOL.
We have more computer terminals in Guangzhou than you have in all of America.
Seriously folks, no doubt China, Russia, Iran and other nations try to influence Americans via misinformation, disinformation, bias, lies, rumors over social media such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, twitter, Reddit, fake blogs, planted news stories… This requires that we citizens must be critical of all we hear and read.
The NYT is full of shit and so is anyone who believes a word they print.
Journalists led by the New York Times and top Democrats have beaten hasty retreat from their previous claims that Trump’s ban on travel from China was both xenophobic and ineffective.
But media outlets’ misinformation on hydroxychloroquine was unique because it involved not simply policy disagreements but also suggestive medical advice and directives that could have dissuaded some from seeking certain treatments. “Malaria Drug Helps Virus Patients Improve, in Small Study,” The New York Times reported this week, adding: “A group of moderately ill people were given hydroxychloroquine, which appeared to ease their symptoms quickly, but more research is needed.” They lied, people died!
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, a Democrat, went from threatening doctors who prescribed the drug with “administrative action” to requesting that the federal government ship her state some. Other state leaders have followed suit, including Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak, also a Democrat. It wasn’t always considered acceptable to use that kind of optimistic rhetoric, however.
“Trump peddles unsubstantiated hope in dark times,” read a March 20 “analysis” by CNN’s Stephen Collinson. Saying Trump was “adopting the audacity of false hope” and embracing “premature optimism,” Collinson charged that “there’s no doubt he overhyped the immediate prospects for the drug” because the FDA had not provided an explicit timeline on approving the drug to treat coronavirus.”
The Times as the obedient propaganda arm of the Demcom party touted the ChiCom lies for the entire crisis. They are still insisting that if Trump doesn’t end the close down the economy is dust and it’s his fault but if Trump ends the close down he’s responsible for every death thereafter from any cause other than abortion.
Trump 20 20 Make the left scream and cry again. Commie tears are sweet!
They’re already calling her Whitler.
I almost forgot this tidbit from Ace:
“After repeatedly mocking President Trump for suggesting on March 19 that hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for coronavirus, The New York Times and other media organizations have begun acknowledging that the drug — now approved for emergency use to treat coronavirus by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — may be useful after all.”
Shit, whoda thunk?
Did you know that the US has the most cases and the most deaths from SARS-CoV-2 and is the epicenter for the pandemic? 5% of the populations, 30% of the cases, 20% of the deaths. So far.
Record unemployment, record debt, record spending, increased government control… grocery clerks and stockers, fast food workers, health care workers including support staff, trash collectors, delivery drivers keeping Americans alive and safe…
Turns out trump feared offending China to protect the nascent trade deal and to keep PPE supplies coming from China. Once China floated the false claim that US had released the virus in China, Pompeo and other China hawks convinced trump to start calling Covid-19 the Wuhan or Chinese virus. An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.
trump is in full campaign mode now, casting blame on enemies and working to get re-elected.
Did you know that the US has the most cases and the most deaths from SARS-CoV-2 and is the epicenter for the pandemic? 5% of the populations, 30% of the cases, 20% of the deaths. So far.</i.
Did you know that’s a crock the whole world is aware of?
Record unemployment, record debt, record spending, increased government control… grocery clerks and stockers, fast food workers, health care workers including support staff, trash collectors, delivery drivers keeping Americans alive and safe…
And? The idea is to get through this.
Record unemployment, no. Record debt goes back to your boy. Record spending, doubtful. And this roll call of the proles, does that serve some purpose? They’re the people who keep the country humming, regardless, and you know what?
They’re the racists, the Christianists, the bitter clingers, the Trump cultists you love to hate.
All you do is bitch. You have no real idea of what to do, much like the rest of the Democrats and can’t even stick to the facts.
Turns out trump feared offending China to protect the nascent trade deal and to keep PPE supplies coming from China. Once China floated the false claim that US had released the virus in China, Pompeo and other China hawks convinced trump to start calling Covid-19 the Wuhan or Chinese virus. An ounce of image is worth a pound of performance.
You have proof of any of this or is this just more lies you copied from the Daily Worker?
trump is in full campaign mode now, casting blame on enemies and working to get re-elected.
And that’s any different from the Mocha Messiah, how?
Kinda makes you wonder why Congress is in a recess during the pandemic yet the President is still working seven days a week.
That’s quite an incision, Dr Kevorkian.
Fire Congress.
Keep the President.
He’s the only one working for Americans.
MORE 50 CENT propaganda from the CHICOM communist.
In the USA we have this thing called Freedom. We cant weld our people into their homes or drag them out of them and force them into a hell hole quarantine Center.
50 center wishes the USA would do that like his own employer enjoys doing. China let 25-50 million people die of starvation in the 60’s from famine while they had warehouses full of food. Cant feed the masses when the CCP party needs to eat first.
Freedom is such an evil thing Elwood. Sorry your masters hate it so.
We call it 3.5 yuan per post, capitalist pigs!
We Chinese work long hours and there’s almost 1.5 BILLION of us! Each of us 3.5 yuaners must make 400 posts/day on a list of 311 conservative blogs. We call them ConnieBlogs. We call US conservatives Connies, LOL.
We have more computer terminals in Guangzhou than you have in all of America.
IOW Slaves.
Seriously folks, no doubt China, Russia, Iran and other nations try to influence Americans via misinformation, disinformation, bias, lies, rumors over social media such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, twitter, Reddit, fake blogs, planted news stories… This requires that we citizens must be critical of all we hear and read
Especially coming from you.