Why, no, no, the climate cultists will not give up on forcing Other People to comply and passing ‘climate change’ legislation
Tackling climate change is vital for the strongest economic recovery after coronavirus
Recovery from coronavirus must reckon with climate change. The current and urgent focus properly needs to be flattening the curve and saving lives.
Yet even as this overriding priority absorbs us, governments now need to be thinking how to support the strongest possible recovery as we emerge from this crisis.
The prime minister, Scott Morrison, underscores we are in both a health and economic crisis. In dealing with the former we cannot lose a generation to the latter.
Focus on recovery must be on maximising economic growth and jobs, and ensuring this includes everyone. This was the guiding star that steered the international response to the global financial crisis. (snip)
Reckoning with climate change will support a strongest possible recovery. The threat of climate change that is driving global action against it has not gone away. Indeed, the Covid-19 pandemic is a harbinger of climate disasters to come and the resilience we need to build into our systems – including health – to deal with what we know will be the adverse impacts of climate change.
We know that unless we address this challenge, we will all be worse off; and the longer we take in addressing the challenge, the worse it will be. Just as Covid-19 requires us to act now to save lives in the next few weeks, climate change requires action now to avert a future global catastrophe. The logic of climate action has increasingly applied to global economic activity since the Paris agreement, and must continue to underpin the investment decisions governments make going forward.
I’ll tell you what: when I see the majority of Warmists, especially the big shots and the ones who go on TV and write things along with all the ones who protest and such, practice what they preach, I’ll consider supporting Hotcoldwetdry policies.
Significantly, climate related investments in many cases will offer the best prospects for economic growth and jobs. On that basis alone they should be prioritised. The OECD report Investing in Climate, Investing in Growth demonstrated this in detail for the G20 in 2018.
For example, they provide options for major infrastructure investments which should be a bedrock of government stimulus for recovery: clean energy and new transport systems, more sustainable homes and buildings, improved agricultural practices water and waste management.
In other words, government controlling where you go and where you live. What you eat.
In short, if banks will not finance new coal-fired power in Australia but will lend for renewable energy and storage, which would you tend toward, and where then are the growth and jobs, and best place for stimulus?
Telling banks who they can loan money to.
Turbocharging this with a stimulus package for more renewable energy and flexible storage of all sorts (including hydrogen), accompanying transmission and security technologies for our electricity grid, and investment in dramatically improving energy efficiency would – literally and figuratively – power our economy forward.
Funny, nations have been doing this for well over a decade, but, especially for the 2008 recession recovery, and, it mostly failed.
In the aftermath of our drought and bushfires, another obvious area for nation-building investment is our land sector. Farm productivity can be dramatically improved by precision agriculture and regenerative farming technologies while building resilience to drought.
So, controlling farms. Strange how this always seems to end in government control.

This whole COVID-19 thing is nothing but BS stirred up by lies and faulty models just as AGW is.
It starting to look like you are correct, Nighthawk.
Been saying this from the start.
It was always a manufactured panic.
23000 Americans have been killed, a destroyed economy and you Teach still find it funny to be calling Corvid 19 by some cartoon sounding name
Sort of like when you kept calling it The Sandy Rainstorm
23,000 isn’t even a light flu season, so spare us the crocodile tears and the crashed, but not destroyed, economy is your doing.
And here are just a few of the names I call your phony plague.
Oriental Lung Rash
Peking Pulmonary Pox
Shy Knees Blight
Sino Sinus Syphilis
Lung Pao Flu
Flu Manchu
Kung Flu
Wu Flu
Wu Hu Flu
Red Chinese Lung Rot
Peking Pox Panic
Chinese Floozy
Wu Ping Cough
ChiCom Cough 19
Winnie The Flu
Nanking Nasty
Trans Pacific Plague
Shanghai Surprise
PS A lot of those deaths are on your side because they had to defy Trump when he wanted to close both coasts. This is what open borders gets you.
I just read at 90 Miles From Tyranny website that a “vibrant of diversity” was released from jail in Hillsborough, Florida on March 19 only to commit murder on the 20th. The good news is they were both probably Democrats, the bad news is they both will probably be voting several times in November since there is no such thing as voter fraud.
Trump 2020 Let’s keep the criminals in jail so they don’t murder more.
We assume you’re going about your business as usual with no mask and no extra precautions – no sanitizers, extra handwashing etc. Going shopping, shaking hands, joining large crowds to protest the Governor’s proclamations…
Why would you “assume” that I would do now that which I don’t do normally? You realize I am on 5LPM of oxygen 24/7, I do a nebulizer every 6 hours of Ipratropium Bromide and Albuterol Sulfate solution, require 4 puffs daily of Symbicort 160-4.5mcg and have Albuterol Sulfate HFA as an emergency inhaler. I have advanced COPD and emphysema and am waiting for a bilateral lung transplant. I think it is very cruel, heartless and insensitive to try and hold a handicapped person like myself to standards you wouldn’t abide.
I find it interesting that in this environment you would expect anyone to use ZERO caution just because they disagree with your assessments. I think it would be foolish to not use gloves right now and not to wash constantly (which as a former restaurateur I do anyhow). Masks, meh.
And just so you know, even in my condition I bundle up my fukin oxygen and get in my own car and drive myself to the market and the pharmacy where I don my gloves because I use those handicapped carts and I have to touch the controls which are handled by filthy, fat pigs who don’t wash. Does that make me a bad guy in your dystopian world?
Trump 2020 Or the left will kill the elderly and infirm when they are finished with the tiny babies.
I’m aware of your health issues; I was responding to formwiz.
Of course.
I have no risk for the Bat Soup Complaint and think all the “social distancing” is bull.
This thing isn’t even a bad flu. How many people go though all this during the regular flu season?
It just shows some people are very gullible. Most all of them Lefties, I’d say.
John hates a China province so much that he just called it’s name “cartoon sounding.”
I bet the Chinese will get right on changing the name to something of which John approves.
Just more indication that all the left has is hate.
There’s a Chinese province named “Bat Soup”?
All gitarcarver has is his special brand of lying bullshit.
How would you know?
And git never said anything about location.
But, if you believe all the Fake News lies, it started in bat soup.
I’m aware of your health issues
You are? Do you go skulking around the Interwebz trying to find out everything you can about us?
That’s called stalking.
I was responding to formwiz.
Sure, you were. Kye just got in the way, right?
I really resent the premise that just because someone is concerned about the (possibly irreparable) damage being done to our economy they are cold-hearted, cruel bastards who only care about money. If we let this go to the point where nobody can die before we get going again we will never get going again. Thousands and frequently tens of thousands of Americans die every year from the flu. Do we close down the country every flu season and cower in fear in “self isolation”? No. We take precautions and go on with our lives. That’s what we should be doing here. Plus, when we have mayors and governors basically negating and ELIMINATING our Constitutional rights. From where do they get the authority to tell Americans we can’t go to pray, we can’t buy guns, we can’t freely meet and we can’t open our own businesses, our own property? All without a trial r even a peep from Trump. He should be out there screaming his ass off about a Constitutional crisis and the evil being perpetrated on the American people based on a virus. Are you all mad? Think of the insanity of all this.
Trump 2020 That’s enough Mr. President! Open America.
I really resent the premise that just because someone is concerned about the (possibly irreparable) damage being done to our economy they are cold-hearted, cruel bastards who only care about money.
Lefties always try to put people on the defensive. That’s the whole point of Uncle Saul’s Rules. It’s why Jeffery is always accusing somebody of something of which he’s more guilty than they are.
And, of course, they don’t want the economy to recover. That’s why Jeffery whines about “the working classes”. He wants them to be the underclasses, permanently out of working. “The working classes” are the bitter clingers and Christianists he hates so much. He doesn’t care about them. He just needs cannon fodder for the class war he wants.
Plus, when we have mayors and governors basically negating and ELIMINATING our Constitutional rights. From where do they get the authority to tell Americans we can’t go to pray, we can’t buy guns, we can’t freely meet and we can’t open our own businesses, our own property? All without a trial r even a peep from Trump.
Trump has said plenty. That’s why Jeffery’s been babbling about Trump’s “absolute power”. Trump can open the country any time he wants. He just wants people to understand a Democrat is a dictator. Good and hard.
He’s given the Democrat governors and mayors a chance to put their states and cities back on their feet. If you see more of what Newsom proposed, he’ll do it himself.
Same way he did with Chuckie and Pelosi Galore on the border and DACA. Carrot and stick and the Demos still don’t get it.
Make sure they remember in November. We’ve seen protests in OH, NC, and MI. Just the beginning. The more angry people get, the bigger turnout for him in November.
The man is not stupid. His opponents are.