…is a horrible cat sucking up resources and causing the temperature to spike, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the NJ Governor vs. The Bill Of Rights.

…is a horrible cat sucking up resources and causing the temperature to spike, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on the NJ Governor vs. The Bill Of Rights.
Now why does she need a thong?
Ramadan begins April 23, in six days and runs till May 23. Who is gonna tell the barbarians they can’t go to mosque? If they stopped Jews and they stopped Christians they sure as hell better shut down the mosques.
Nice point.
Trump is finally liberating his stormtroopers to start their attacks! Release the hounds!
Liberate Michigan!
Liberate Minnesota!
Liberate Virginia! and save your great 2nd Amendment, it’s under siege!
Storm troopers?
You mean those working classes you’ve been whining about? People driving into town, honking their horns because they want to go back to work?
Oh, yeah, you want them to stay home feeling powerless.
Like you.
More like the assholes toting their AR-15s to protest what exactly?
Liberty and license are not the same thing.
See any ARs?
Of course not.
All you have is hate and lies.
Especially when you’ve lost.
These are astroturfed right-wing political protesters. If they had stayed in their cars so many of them wouldn’t have been infected with SARS-CoV-2.
They did stay in their cars, jerkoff.
And how many got infected, hmmm?
Haven’t you heard, the antibodies are out? We’re all immune.
Except for Lefty snowflakes who believe everything they hear on Fake News.
The states are opening up already. All that warm weather you said wouldn’t end it.
Ha, ha.
In Michigan they were marching with Confederate flags, swastikas and AR-15s.
Just like Charlottesville. Freedom!!
Your ignorance and contempt for freedom is awe inspiring.
“Liberate Virginia! and save your great 2nd Amendment, it’s under siege!”
Unless you have no means of getting information you should be aware that OUR (not “your”) second amendment rights are quite heavily under siege. Especially in Virginia.
We are amused that to you a protest by the people about the abuse of their rights becomes attacking “stormtroopers” but when “vibrants” riot, smash windows, burn cars and beat people that’s okay. What a douche.
I saw pictures of the demonstration and I saw no violence, swastikas or AR-15’s. Show me. I did see confederate flags which to sane people represent rebellion and to commie faggots represent raaaaacism. Of course it would. Everything to them that does not support their narrative is raaaaacist.
Trump 2020 The commies are scared now keep pushing.
Your beef is with DJ Trump, not me. It was the ignorant trump who tweeted “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!â€.
Only a connie pussy would carry a rifle to a ‘peaceful’ protest. Only a neoNazi would wave a Trump/Pence swastika. Only an idiot would wave a confederate flag at a Michigan protest. Only a dumbass connie would chant “Lock her up!” about Governor Whitmer.
tRump is fomenting rebellion because he’s afraid of losing power. It’s not that he hates America, it’s that he doesn’t care about America, Americans or anything other than tRump. He’s a sick, sick man, with a sick, sick following.
2020: Americans are sick of your sick, violent connie Death Cult and your CinC (Coward in Chief).
This was an astroturf political demonstration engineered by nuConnie operatives to support trump. Just like Charlottesville.
No Elwood, my “beef” is with an hysterical, ignorant moron like you who blows a loud-mouthed comment out of proportion.
“A normal person might interpret Trump’s tweet in the most probable fashion. Namely, that he’s asking governors to drop the pointless, draconian lock downs in favor of the guidelines he set forth, which still include heavy social distancing and a phased re-opening.” Obviously you’re not a “normal” person Elwood. But we already knew that.
Nowhere does Trump ask people to “storm their statehouses,†nor an armed rebellion, though a good old fashioned protest might be in order. But to idiot commies like you assembling for a redress of grievances by citizens (armed or not) is illegal and they are “stormtroopers”. Even though ALL they did was execute their Constitutional rights.
DID ANYONE GET ATTACKED? WAS ANYONE BEATEN? Then these rallies were a lot better than Antifa rallies have ever been.
That kind of hysterical nonsense passes for intelligent thought within the mainstream media and in your childish partisan brain. But federal law requires intent wrapped in a direct, specific charge, not a vague tweet pointed at states currently suspending constitutional rights without a legal backing to do so. Or can’t you divine that difference becaust of YOUR HATE?
No one is grabbing their gun and forming a militia to overthrow their state government based on Trump saying the word “liberate.†To pretend that’s what Trump meant is to be so willfully obtuse, stupid, ignorant and a damned fukin’ liar ant that your opinion is completely compromised. Further, to think that Trump said that word based on some grand plan to call for insurrection but to then be able to deny it later is to credit Trump with forethought he simply doesn’t possess. How do I know? Because I’m assured by everyone now freaking out that Trump doesn’t have the capacity to think things through. You can’t have it both ways. Is he a loudmouth who just pops off or an evil genius who plans every word?
“I’ll end by noting that a lot of conservatives lost their lids at the tweets as well. If you are still freaking out and feeling the need to virtue signal over every Trump tweet, perhaps it’s time to just mute the guy on your feed and find something else to do. This is who Trump is. He’s going to rant, use imprecise language, and go right at people. Whether it’s always politically smart will be a question answered in the coming election, but there’s nothing gained by the continued gnashing of teeth. Well, maybe a few Jake Tapper retweets, but those are hardly valuable.” *
Trump 2020 Keep Elwood and his commie friends hysterical!
*Posted at 9:38 am on April 18, 2020 by Bonchie @ Red State
Your beef is with DJ Trump, not me. It was the ignorant trump who tweeted “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!â€.
Since Governor Blackface (why are you defending this slug?) is attempting to deprive Virginians of their 2nd Amendment rights, among other things, what is so ignorant about protesting that?
1st Amendment right.
Only a connie pussy would carry a rifle to a ‘peaceful’ protest. Only a neoNazi would wave a Trump/Pence swastika. Only an idiot would wave a confederate flag at a Michigan protest. Only a dumbass connie would chant “Lock her up!†about Governor Whitmer.
What, exactly, is a Trump/Pence swastika? And who brought an AR to a protest? The people in MI didn’t even get out of their cars.
And, for many, as Confederate flag is a symbol of rebellion. And there’s nothing dumb about want to imprison Whitler for her abuses of the law.
I thought you were all about the working classes. Those are the idiots, pussies, neo-Nazis, and dumbasses to whom you refer.
tRump is fomenting rebellion because he’s afraid of losing power. It’s not that he hates America, it’s that he doesn’t care about America, Americans or anything other than tRump. He’s a sick, sick man, with a sick, sick following.
Funny, your Mocha Messiah always talked about the America he knew. Well, this is the America that fought for its independence and then fought to keep its freedom. I guess your America really isn’t America.
Trump fomented nothing. I told you 2 weeks ago this was going to happen. You thought Americans would just be sheep. Too bad that’s not the America you thought you knew.
Americans are sick of your sick, violent connie Death Cult and your CinC (Coward in Chief).
It was Americans that were out on the streets exercising their 1st Amendment rights.
This was an astroturf political demonstration engineered by nuConnie operatives to support trump. Just like Charlottesville.
I don’t recall anyone getting shot over the past 2 days.
Unless you count by all those criminals the Demos let loose. And, by astroturf political demonstration engineered by nuConnie operatives, do you mean community organizers like your Mocha Messiah?
That’s what he did.
No, these were spontaneous demonstrations of the real will of the people. Remember how, when you were drunk in the John, you said it wouldn’t amount to anything?
Now you’re scared?
Like millionaire Bill Kristol, the esteemed Mr Dowd, who has previously told us he is wealthy, seems to think that the working class can just keep staying home from work for months.
Mr Dowd, who has so often combitched that President Trump is an evil fascist and authoritarian, seems blithely unconcerned that so many state governors — sadly including Republicans as well as Democrats — have actually been exercising authoritarian powers, and that the sheeple have been going along with it. Mr Dowd has defended the states trampling on people’s constitutional rights, ’cause it’s necessary, don’t you know, without any concern that it opens the door for the curtailment of our constitutional rights for other reasons.
The Supreme Court ruled, in late 1944, in Ex parte Endo, that the United States could not detain, without cause, someone simply due to who he was, in that case an American of Japanese descent. Trouble is, Ex parte Endo wasn’t decided until December 18, 1944, when the war against Japan was mostly already decided, and the Nisei had already been locked up in concentration camps for almost three years.
And that’s what’s going to happen here. Perhaps someone will challenge the lockdowns and house arrest orders and the like, but by the time they wind their way through the courts, the orders will (probably) have been rescinded and the cases declared moot. The state Reichsstatthalter will have gotten away with it, and most of the sheeple will have gone right along with it.
The estimable Mr. Dana conflates putting Japanese-Americans in concentration camps with the current largely voluntary pseudo-shutdowns intended to squelch the pandemic. US mayors, county commissioners, and governors have displayed courage that the cowardly lyin’ trump talks about but doesn’t exhibit. Donald “All the credit, none of the responsibility” Trump has been campaigning during this crisis. Trump is in the mold of the new, modern ‘nice’ authoritarian, like Orbon, Bolsonaro, Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Duterte – authoritarians who control without murders, concentration camps or terror, and often with pseudo-democratic trappings. Trump wants governors to take the heat while he jerks off, testing the prevailing winds.
We see preacher Tony Smell in LA is urging his flock to donate their relief checks to ‘patriotic’ evangelist grifters like himself, even as one of his parishioners died from a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Death cult. Maybe it’s time for fraudsters like Spell to start paying taxes or maybe be charged with murder.
Spell insisted his flock attend church because Jeezus wanted it, even if it meant death (to his flock, not Tony). Plus, a grifter preacher doesn’t get paid if the church is empty.
Anyway, tens of thousands of dead Americans is a small price to pay for 4 more years of Trumpism.
The estimable Mr. Dana conflates putting Japanese-Americans in concentration camps with the current largely voluntary pseudo-shutdowns intended to squelch the pandemic. US mayors, county commissioners, and governors have displayed courage that the cowardly lyin’ trump talks about but doesn’t exhibit. Donald “All the credit, none of the responsibility†Trump has been campaigning during this crisis.
Voluntary? Stores are closed because they don’t want to be arrested. People are at home because they get cited if they go to a park.
Voluntary, my ass.
And how has Trump been campaigning? No rallies, no ads.
He appears on TV and takes questions from Fake News.
Trump is in the mold of the new, modern ‘nice’ authoritarian, like Orbon, Bolsonaro, Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Duterte – authoritarians who control without murders, concentration camps or terror, and often with pseudo-democratic trappings. Trump wants governors to take the heat while he jerks off, testing the prevailing winds.
Shi is a nice dictator? He rules without murders? How many Uighurs have gone to the wall? How many Peking Pulmonary Pox whistleblowers?
How many people died because he didn’t want to admit to the world he fu(ked up.
And the Democrats started this sowing of the wind. They can reap the whirlwind of the American people.
We see preacher Tony Smell in LA is urging his flock to donate their relief checks to ‘patriotic’ evangelist grifters like himself, even as one of his parishioners died from a SARS-CoV-2 infection. Death cult. Maybe it’s time for fraudsters like Spell to start paying taxes or maybe be charged with murder.
The death cult is yours, with your worship of abortion (especially among your own people), race traitor, and making this phony Shy Knees Blight into a bigger killer than it really is.
You want people charged with murder?
Let’s start with Don Cuomo and Kaiser Wilhelm in NY.
As for Spell, he asked people donate to churches because many have had not offerings in a month, due to the illegal shutdowns, and are starting to feel the pinch, much like your working classes.
He’s also contended his lawyer did not die of the Sino Sinus Syphilis, which is quite probable, considering how the Deep State has been, by their own admission, lying to us.
Spell insisted his flock attend church because Jeezus wanted it, even if it meant death (to his flock, not Tony). Plus, a grifter preacher doesn’t get paid if the church is empty.
Spell’s at much at risk as anybody else and we’ve seen Lung Pao Flu isn’t nearly as dangerous as people like you want everybody to believe.
And I see we’re back to ridiculing Christianity again. I thought they were the people you associated with every day.
But grifter Democrats do get paid because the taxes come rolling in, along with kickbacks from those “essential” abortion mills.
tens of thousands of dead Americans is a small price to pay for 4 more years of Trumpism.
Hardly tens, but thousands of dead Americans is a small price to pay for absolute Democrat control.
BTW I see NPR is whining because they’re out of money because of all the lockdowns.
I guess tens of thousands of dead Americans is a small price to pay for Big Bird.
TX, AL, and FL are already beginning to open back up.
So much for stormtroopers.
Let’s see how long before the Demos have to give in.
PS MN was one of Parscale’s targets this year. Looks like he’ll make it.
More cool news from the world of epidemiology.
Turns out antibody testing in a CA has revealed a much higher prevalence of Oriental Lung Rash infection than official figures suggested. The findings also indicate that the virus is less deadly than expected.
50 center is part right. I did see 3 men standing on the capital steps of Michigan with assault rifles one man clearly had a magazine with either blanks or empty based upon the large rubber band tied around it.
All I saw was American flags and LIVE FREE OR DIE signs. I didnt see any signs that said. Kill Blacks and gays.
50 center once again trying to sew dissension between American.
Perhaps he is in love with Ca. Or, Wa getting together to form an alliance. Or Several Midwest states or NY, NJ, PA, CT, MA, RI forming their own alliance.
Cuomo is yelling at trump for no funding. Dude. Talk to Pelosi. If you can find her, shes too busy standing in front of her 25000 dollar refrige to pass legislation to get funding to the states.
Why? Simply put the more the people suffer and the longer. The more they turn on Trump.
50 center understands how Communist China works. He is just importing it to the USA.
In Michigan they were marching with Confederate flags, swastikas and AR-15s.
Just like Charlottesville. Freedom!!
Prove it.
Not to mention the Heil Whitmer banners on the capitol steps in Lansing. And why were some connies carrying AR-15s AND wearing masks? Were they going to shoot the virus? Or the police?
And you defend preacher Spell for the fleecing of his flock. Of course. When the evangelical extremists and their supporting right-wing ‘protestors’ end up in the ICU, who pays for it? Taxpayers. When the death count starts to go up in the second wave, whose fault is it? GOPhers and connies.
Ah poor 50 center. He is now angry that the NAZI tag is being used against leftists for enforcing laws that are against the civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
Sad isnt it 50 center when the right begins to call out the left for being AUTHORITARIAN bitches.
You loved how the Chinese locked your people into their houses and welded the doors shut didnt you.
You love how the Chinese have over a million MUSLIMS who you pretend to defend locked up on concentration/reeducation camps dont you.
You love how your 50 cent army loves to spread lies and false hoods. Confederate flags are a symbol of rebellion, not racism. No matter how hard you spin it and once again in the pictures you post I saw NO CONFEDERATE FLAGS. Only HEIL WITMER and the swastica used against her, not pretending to be for NAZISM or supporting that Tenet.
You lying 50 center. Tell the truth for once. It might envigorate you.
50 center throws fascist and nazi’s around non stop day after day against the right. Racist. Xenophobes. Homophobes he yells.
Yet when push comes to shove it is all the blue states locking up their citizens and telling them they cant leave their house without being arrested or fined.
and when they do the same against his ideals and his side. OMG it is the most atrocious sin the world has ever seen.
sounds like you forgot your constitutional tenets.
Oh wait you don’t believe in it. You believe in the Communist manifesto. I forgot.
Klem Rubler,
You are sadly mistaken in your ardent defense of neo-Nazis and traitors. Nazis and neo-Nazis, not American protestors, use swastikas. The confederate flag is a symbol of treason.
But these symbols have been associated with the faux-patriotism of the American alt-right for several years now.
BTW, Why are so many White Nationalists running for office as Republicans?
And why is tRump’s approval dropping?
The GOP has become a Death Cult.
I saw 2 guys with ARs. And how do we know the swastika wasn’t some Lefty counter protesting, hmmm?
The Whitler analogy is one your side’s been using forever. You really can’t take a dose of your own medicine, can you?
And you defend preacher Spell for the fleecing of his flock. Of course. When the evangelical extremists and their supporting right-wing ‘protestors’ end up in the ICU, who pays for it? Taxpayers. When the death count starts to go up in the second wave, whose fault is it? GOPhers and connies.
Who says his flock is being fleeced. You want the American people fleeced to support IdiotCare and global nothing. At least Spell spreads the Word of God.
And, if someone ends up in ICU, usually it’s their insurance that pays for it. We aren’t all leeches the way you Lefties are.
And are we hoping for more deaths now? Second wave? Is that the new phony threat now that Red China’s lies about how they stopped all new cases has been shown up?
Mortality is where it was when I first started talking about it – .2%. Which means, at
716,995 confirmed cases, real Flu Manchu deaths are less than 7170 deaths, not 33,000. If you want to go by the study mentioned in Nature, real deaths would be about 10,000 or about 30% of the lies you try to guilt people with.
And it looks like the eventual mortality will be down to about .1%.
So sorry so many people didn’t die from Kung Flu, after all. Are you going to try to use all the suicides your phony plague and engineered market crash have caused as Wu Flu deaths, too?
You probably will.