…is a glass of wine, which will be decimated by ‘climate change’ in the future, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Handsy Biden confusing even the CNN hosts.

…is a glass of wine, which will be decimated by ‘climate change’ in the future, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Handsy Biden confusing even the CNN hosts.
A friend who owns a bar in Warrington and banks at the same bank as my wife. He applied for the Fed money the same day she did and today received an email from TD bank stating that due to “the hold up by Congressional appropriations funds are currently not available”. So now Nazi Pelousy and her band of Nai extremists in the Demcom party are forcing small businessmen out of business. Why? What does the left have in mind for America that would begin with killing small business and creating 40 million unemployed and tens of thousands of American deaths all while they eliminate our Constitutional rights, let aliens enter the country and even bring in Afghans on work visas to take the jobs they just eliminated for Americans all while allowing hundreds if not thousands of convicted criminals into the streets?
What could they possibly be up to? If at first your coup don’t succeed try again?
Or just plain old Rules For Radicals in motion? They will kill us, you know.
It is neither Trump nor the virus that has caused economic collapse. The virus, so far, has killed somewhere between thirty and forty percent as many people, worldwide, as the average annual seasonal flu bug. But the annual flu bug doesn’t decimate the global economy. It is shutdown orders from American mayors and governors and leaders in foreign countries that have done that. Bear in mind that even in developing countries that have barely been hit by COVID-19, the shutdowns of advanced economies have devastating impact. This is due in part to declining orders for the raw materials on which most developing economies depend.
The United Nations said an estimated 42 million to 66 million children could fall into extreme poverty as a result of the coronavirus crisis this year, adding to the estimated 386 million children already in extreme poverty in 2019.
So: end the shutdown orders now. Do it for the children. If it saves just one life, it will be worth it. Remember?
Locked-Down New York State Now Has 17K Coronavirus Deaths or 10 Times the Number of Deaths as Sweden – And They Left Their Economy Open
By Jim Hoft
Published April 18, 2020 at 9:34am
@ Gateway Pundit
New York State now has recorded 17,131 coronavirus deaths.
This came after New York officials dumped another 3,700 “presumed†coronavirus cases to their fatality numbers earlier this week.
New York state has 19.85 million people.
New York state leaders put the entire state in lockdown in March. New York City Mayor de Blasio says the state will not reopen until July or August at the earliest.
Sweden has 1,511 recorded coronavirus deaths.
Sweden has 10.2 million people.
Sweden left its economy open during the coronavirus pandemic.
Sweden is a country half the size of New York State and has one-tenth the coronavirus deaths.
And Sweden will have an economy after the coronavirus pandemic runs its course.
“Start spreadin’ disease, New York New York” The new words to an old Sinatra song.
Trump 2020 Let’s take the entire skate RED!
Something else the Demos will have to face in November. While Nazi Pelousy squats on her stash of gourmet ice cream, many small businesses are getting shafted by the Demos’ refusal to support aid for small business.
Among other binds, 80% of restaurants say they may never reopen.
Let ’em eat Rocky Road, eh, Jeffery? These are your working classes you say concern you so. Why not a little joy for them.
Or do you want to see them all ruined so they have to go on welfare, but aren’t counted as unemployed the way Zippy did? We’re talking farmers, processors, suppliers, waiters, cleaners, and lots more going under.
There’s gonna be a big reckoning in November. All on the Demos.
Have fun.
formwiz, which do you think is worse the pandemic or the Dem-panic?
The problem I have with leftists like Elwood is: It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Mark Twain Elwood’s been fooled ROYALLY and can’t get out. He’s stuck forever in the “narrative”.
Right now Trump has two problems as I see it. First, he was dead wrong about having the authority to “open” the economy. But just so you leftists realize when you were screaming for him to “do something” and close it he didn’t have that authority either unless he declares martial law.
Second he has to get the economy going when every disingenuous lying son-of-a-scumbag fake news reporter, Democommie politician and leftist citizen will blame every death or every out of business sign on HIM and only HIM. I already noticed back several days where Elwood or John I forget which since they are interchangeable, actually made the comment that the stock market went down and the unemployment went up to “levels not seen since the Great Depression” under Trump compared to Hussein. Normal people realize with this crisis there can be no realistic comparison unless they are comparing the figures up to January at which point Trump would slaughter Hussein’s little gay ass.
Anyway the full court press is on to jimmy the November elections already. That’s why small businessmen can’t get their loans: Nazi Pelousy wants mail-in voting or she won’t pass the recovery bill.
Trump 2020 Don’t let them steal all the elections again.
The only place this thing seems to be really dangerous is Red China, so it has to be the manufactured panic and market crash although Trump seems to be handling things pretty well.
Wish he’d been a little more skeptical wrt Fauci and his model, but I guess you have to err on the side of caution until you get a handle on the real situation.
Keep in mind Trump’s turned the Demos’ power grab into their worst nightmare. They have all the responsibility for how long they attenuate this and people are getting mad. They can’t stretch this thing out forever, much as they want to, and Trump probably does have the authority to put the hammer down if he has to. Notice the 2 groups of states forming syndicates are the ones with ports and, if they try something cute, Trump can always intervene.
As for mail-in voting, Trump’s already pronounced that DOA and Pelousy only invokes the wrath of a significant portion of the electorate by starving them.
Her Let Them Eat Haagen-Dasz image is going to kill the Demos this Fall.
Speaking of interchangeable. Kye = formwhiz.
One of you typed, I can’t remember who: Normal people realize with this crisis there can be no realistic comparison unless they are comparing the figures up to January at which point Trump would slaughter Hussein’s little gay ass.
Much of what you connies believe to be true, is not. Actually the economic histories between President Obama and that man in DC are similar between the formal end of the Great Recession and the start of the Trump Recession. The rates of change of unemployment, job growth, GDP were similar. If by Hussein you mean President Obama, there is no evidence that he is gay. There is more evidence that the Manhattan Doughboy raped a 13 yr old girl. But you are correct that compared to that doughy man in DC, President Obama does have a little butt.
And didn’t the doughy man in DC (DM/DC) sign over $2 trillion in relief aid for Americans, all with little oversight?? Where did that money go? And now DM/DC wants more to help his re-election? No wonder he sent his trump-troopers into Lansing and Hamilton NJ (10-20 protestors in NJ)! He’s desperate.
Did you boyz get your gubmint checks yet?
Actually, conservatives go by facts and the idea Zippy got the economy moving is about as real as Franklin Roosevelt ended the first Depression.
The rates of change of unemployment, job growth, GDP were similar.
Zippy took anybody who’d been out of work 6 months or more off the unemployment rolls.
If by Hussein you mean President Obama, there is no evidence that he is gay. There is more evidence that the Manhattan Doughboy raped a 13 yr old girl.
Reggie Love Body Man.
And there’s no evidence Trump raped anybody (if there is, kindly produce it). There is evidence Willie raped a few 15 year old girls and the book is still out on Gropin’ Joe.
President Obama does have a little butt.
That turns you on, does it?
And didn’t the doughy man in DC (DM/DC) sign over $2 trillion in relief aid for Americans, all with little oversight?? Where did that money go? And now DM/DC wants more to help his re-election?
Last I looked, we had a Congress for that. Isn’t that what you were saying when they were trying to impeach someone?
No wonder he sent his trump-troopers into Lansing and Hamilton NJ (10-20 protestors in NJ)! He’s desperate.
He is?
Then why are you spending all day here whining?
Did you boyz get your gubmint checks yet?
I’m sure you’ve already spent yours.
The Defense Dept just announced they’ve extended their travel restrictions until June 30.
Trump Jr’s lover and Eric trump’s wife are each being paid $180,000/yr funneled through Brad Parscale’s companies which have received nearly $40 million from the campaign. That should make trump donors happy. Trump has funneled campaign cash to his family since the 2016 campaign, holding fundraisers and events at trump properties and charging exorbitant fees and rents.
Right-wing poser and trump advisor Stephen Moore calls the swastika-carrying Covid ‘protestors’ “modern day Rosa Parks”. Yeah, sure.
Trump has funneled campaign cash to his family since the 2016 campaign, holding fundraisers and events at trump properties and charging exorbitant fees and rents.
He has? Really?
Gropin’ Joe’s son gets $1.5B from Red China.
Right-wing poser and trump advisor Stephen Moore calls the swastika-carrying Covid ‘protestors’ “modern day Rosa Parksâ€. Yeah, sure.
No, they are.
And I only saw one with a Hakenkreuz and he could have been a Lefty.
PS I see this is Jeffery whine about something, anything day. Well, you’re losing on all fronts, so I guess it makes sense.
Trump boasted today of saving a billion American lives by banning Chinese flights to the US.
Lie. He said he saved a billion lives. No nationality.
He may. Kinda doubt it.
I love how Trump’s outlandish boasts set you off like a little firecracker in July. Your inability to understand the guy is why he does it. He gets you every time. Grow up junior.
Trump 2020 Make Elwood crazy for another four years!