It’s really great how so many Leftists are discovering federalism and the 10th Amendment. Of course, this is what Trump wants. He’s said time and time again that he wants the states and municipalities to be the leaders in all this, because they are closer to the actual citizens. They know them better. They know the conditions on the ground better than some functionary in D.C. This is the way it is supposed to work. But, see, it’s always about Resisting Orange Man Bad
States can band together to fight the virus — no matter what Trump wants
With sudden, fearsome ruthlessness, the pandemic has laid bare the essential weaknesses — and, yes, also strengths — of America’s unique federal structure. When Washington proved slow in responding to the new coronavirus, states including California, Ohio and New York moved aggressively, imposing stay-at-home measures, closing parks and ramping up testing spaces to head off an even deadlier disaster. At the same time, our decentralized approach has left us with a patchwork system in which citizens in some states remain vulnerable.
With the president eager to reopen the economy May 1 — and clashing with governors over who has the power to do so — the question of the relative power of states vs. the federal government has rarely been more important. The Constitution is largely on the side of the states. Certainly, Trump doesn’t hold ultimate authority over local public health matters. At the same time, there are aspects of this crisis to which states simply can’t respond individually.
California, Oregon and Washington — and, separately, seven Northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states — announced this week that they would collaborate as they consider cautiously restarting their economies; a group of Midwestern states may follow. But these states could go an important step further by establishing “interstate compacts,†a legally binding form of coordination sanctioned by law. They could thereby retain some of the advantages of local autonomy yet also gain some of the benefits of larger coordination. The White House could challenge these compacts — but it’s unlikely to prevail, absent a major change to constitutional law.
It’s also unlikely to challenge the compacts. Why would it? Trump is mostly leaving the authority in the hands of the states, where it rightly belongs.
Finally, experience with renewed waves of infection in Singapore, Hong Kong and China underscores the danger of migration from jurisdictions with lax mitigation policies. Whereas today New Yorkers are blamed in Florida for spreading the pandemic, the boot will probably soon be on the other foot.
While the Constitution protects the right to interstate travel, the protection is not absolute. It’s possible to imagine a compact among states with effective stay-in-place policies that enabled travel among those states, while limiting the entry of residents of states that failed to act in timely fashion against the coronavirus.
I’d bet that if the person in question is an illegal alien the states involved won’t stop them, but welcome them with open arms. I’m also betting that there will be lawsuits a-plenty if states restrict access to legal U.S. citizens, as that would be un-Constitutional. But, then, many might just say “don’t want my business? You’ve lost it forever.”
The past two months only confirm that state reliance on the federal government during the pandemic is a fool’s errand (unless, perhaps, you happen to be a partisan ally of the White House). Absent effective national action, compacts permit coalitions of willing states to protect public health gains and prevent the backsliding that a precipitous economic reopening would allow. So long as Washington dallies, states should keep in mind this constitutionally permitted path to collective action.
Wait, you mean the federal government is slow and ineffective quite often? Huh. Of course, Lefties will immediately push for big centralized government when all this is over.
State and local governments can be dictatorial, too

Epoch Times Video – Live Panel: Exploring the Origins of the Wuhan Coronavirus | CCP Virus
“States can band together to fight the virus — no matter what Trump wants”
Well of course they can, it’s what they did in 1861 regardless of what Lincoln wanted. There is precedent. Of course when your own constituents are marching to the capitols of said states to demand restoration of their God-given rights it could make it more difficult to sell the program of “temporary tyrant” as a governor. But they can try. Hell, they have the police and National Guard to use to shoot down their neighbors. At least the ones who haven’t already been turned over to the Stasi by snitches.
Why is the Democrat response to any situation more government power and oppression?
Trump 2020 You think they’re crazy now? Wait till November 4, 2020 then you’ll see CRAZY!
But hold it. Isn’t the primary responsibility of our Federal gov’t to protect America? Clearly the gov’t failed at this, as explained by the president, who blames China for starting the pandemic and bringing it to America, and blames the states for letting it kill 40,000 Americans (so far). He gives himself a 10!
Post-hoc, TEACH claims tRump’s handling of this crisis is part of tRump’s grand plan to reinforce federalism! This teaching moment is only costing the nation $10 trillion, international prestige, tens of thousands of American lives and triggered a recession. On the other hand, it’s working! Few Americans tRust tRump’s handling of the crisis and over 60% trust the state governors. Yay tRump!
He’s using your (and your children’s and grandchildren’s) taxes to buy votes at $1200 a pop and to bribe corporations for their support. He’s been on the phone repeatedly with Putin for the past month, no doubt coordinating the 2020 election, and shifting unknown billions.
We fully understand tRump’s panic regarding the election. But if the Federal gov’t had taken this virus seriously from the get-go the nation would be much better off today. Days, weeks and months mattered. We needed a leader and we elected an psychologically and intellectually challenged TV game show host.
But hold it. Isn’t the primary responsibility of our Federal gov’t to protect America? Clearly the gov’t failed at this, as explained by the president, who blames China for starting the pandemic and bringing it to America, and blames the states for letting it kill 40,000 Americans (so far). He gives himself a 10!
40,000? Maybe 12,000. And He had it corralled, but Don Cuomo and Kaiser Wilhelm left NY wide open because open borders. Funny how NY has far and away the most deaths.
As for the Feds,
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
No, not really. The people aren’t thralls of the Feds. He was way out ahead of the Demos on every score.
He deserves it.
Post-hoc, TEACH claims tRump’s handling of this crisis is part of tRump’s grand plan to reinforce federalism! This teaching moment is only costing the nation $10 trillion, international prestige, tens of thousands of American lives and triggered a recession. On the other hand, it’s working! Few Americans tRust tRump’s handling of the crisis and over 60% trust the state governors. Yay tRump!
He saw an opportunity, he took it.
Too bad the demos loused it up so badly.
He’s using your (and your children’s and grandchildren’s) taxes to buy votes at $1200 a pop and to bribe corporations for their support.
You just wish the Demos had been smart enough to get on board.
He’s been on the phone repeatedly with Putin for the past month, no doubt coordinating the 2020 election, and shifting unknown billions.
Any proof?
We fully understand tRump’s panic regarding the election. But if the Federal gov’t had taken this virus seriously from the get-go the nation would be much better off today. Days, weeks and months mattered. We needed a leader and we elected an psychologically and intellectually challenged TV game show host.
Um, the Demos were the ones who had ignored the warnings. Impeachment ring a bell?
an psychologically?
You need to have Mommy proofread your boilerplate more closely.
And we elected 2 psychologically and intellectually challenged celebs. In ’92 and ’08.
Shouldn’t the middle-school mean girl be working down there at the Joe Biden campaign convincing us of his leadership abilities?
Hey 50 center.
President Trump is fermenting Rebellion so he can declare martial law and suspend the election in November.
You deride the right as conspiracy theorist.
According to a Daily Kos poll, more than 60 percent of those polled (more than 340 respondents) are “concerned that President Trump will declare martial law and/or suspend the 2020 election.â€
The communist left which is what KOS represents are not concerned about health and saftey. They are concerned about the election. LOLOLOLOLOL.
As for the virus. Its already here. Trump did not start it or bring it here. When he closed the border you all called him a racist.
Not one soul has died for lack of a ventilator in the USA despite Liberal loons like Cuomo claiming he needed 100k of them.
More and more doctors are starting to realize and post in the era of social distancing that 6 feet is hurting herd immunity. Isolating is hurting herd immunity and a vaccine is a minimal of 2 years away BEFORE they could create 7.5 billion doses. Hell it will take them 5 months to make 180 million doses just for the USA.
But ChINA JOE, 50 CENTER and the communist lefts plan is to hide!!!!!!!!!!!!!..BE TERRIFIED. Never let a good crisis go to waste. The left is showing us they are serious. They are willing to kill 100’s of millions for POLITICAL POWER.
Wow 50 center. You sound just like a Communist party member from the USSR or..or..or C H I N A!!!!
Rubles doesn’t know why tRump is fomenting rebellion. Neither does tRump, really. tRump doesn’t (can’t) plan ahead more than a day. He is accurately described as ‘cultural day-trader’ careening from one outburst to the next. Chaos is his strategy; chaos is his friend.
Fomenting rebellion gets him through a day. Or two. He’ll do anything to stay in the limelight, to stay in power.
Anyone not one of his 35%ers, i.e., his Man Orange Bad (MOB) crew, already recognizes that tRump is harming the nation. This rapidly evolving recession, millions unemployed, lines at food banks, billions distributed to corporations, $1200 to citizens; developing so rapidly that the gov’t can’t keep up with the data. What’s the unemployment rate right now? 10%, 15%, 20%? (just heard on the TV set that it’s now 13%). How much has GDP dropped first quarter 2020? When did tRump last tout HIS great record on the Black unemployment rate? If tRump allows this data to ever be revealed how will the rank and file American respond?
To the Rubles of America, anyone who recognizes tRump for what tRump is, is a COMMUNIST!!
Rubles recommended that over 1 million Americans be allowed to die to help tRump, yet imagines that COMMUNISTS want to kill 100’s of millions! The ‘logic’ of this defies reason. How does his recommendation to actively infect every human by ending protective measures, e.g., social distancing; limiting public grouping; closing businesses; infecting school children and seniors; contact tracing; 14 day quarantines etc translate to COMMUNISTS! killing 100s of millions!?! Even taking his mortality rate of 0.4% results in 32 million dead worldwide. 1% translates to 80 million dead.
tRump and his followers (such as Rubles) have made the purely political calculation that thousands (even a million!) more American deaths will cause LESS harm to tRump’s electoral prospects than a deeper recession.
Labeling all that disagree as COMMUNISTS! is a strategy.
Trump isn’t “fomenting” anything. The dictatorial tendencies of the Democrats are.
Now Jeffery needs to change the subject, so his sock puppet sets up a straw man. Actually, several.
Did you see SC is also opening up? And look at all the protests.
The whole Left Coast, the whole Midwest, Southwest, into the blue states, even Gropin’ Joe’s home.
Be afraid, Jeffery, be very, very afraid.
We need more testing. We need more testing. We need more testing. That way only those infected need to isolate. All others go back to work.
To revive a ‘virus’ economy, one needs to control the virus.
High levels of testing in S Korea show a 3% prevalence rate (not the false 20% rate reported widely in the right-wing media based on a small number tested for antibodies in CA).
We need more testing. Why are we so far behind S Korea, Germany etc in testing? The US is (was?) the greatest and richest nation in the history of nations. Why can’t we handle this?
We need more testing. We need more testing. We need more testing. That way only those infected need to isolate. All others go back to work.
We know what we need to know.
All Jeffery wants is more stagnation.
Just like Zippy gave us in the Second Depression.
To revive a ‘virus’ economy, one needs to control the virus.
No virus in the economy. The virus is the Left.
High levels of testing in S Korea show a 3% prevalence rate (not the false 20% rate reported widely in the right-wing media based on a small number tested for antibodies in CA).
Hate to tell you, Einstein, but 1/66 = 1.5%.
We need more testing. Why are we so far behind S Korea, Germany etc in testing? The US is (was?) the greatest and richest nation in the history of nations. Why can’t we handle this?
Because we depended too much on Red China for pharmaceuticals.
And, hate to tell you, but The US is still the greatest and richest nation in the history of nations. I know that you had your hopes on destroying us, but you lose again.
Lonesome Loser: The US is still the greatest
I agree, but Lazy Don doesn’t think so. MAGA!
Those that love America are trying to save America by dumping tRump.
The unemployment rate was updated to 18% today, by far the highest since the Great Depression. During neither Reagan’s Deep V Recession or Bush II’s Greatest Recession did the unemployment rate get much over 10%.
LL: we depended too much on Red China for pharmaceuticals
Even if true, pharmaceuticals haven’t proven to be the answer, have they? That said, there are dozens of clinical studies of varying quality being conducted now. It’s not looking good for Dr. tRump’s drug candidate, but there is hope for the approved anti-viral drug, remdesivir.
If the middle-school mean girl would spend as much time researching as she does bitching about Trump maybe she could find her own answers.
Lolgfy MSMG
Rodney should spend more time researching as he does yelling at others. He keeps linking to stupid pro-tRump articles.
Data is not the plural of anecdote. Funny how controlled trials have yet to confirm the anecdotes. But we should stay hopeful.
Let me explain (you would have learned this if you had made it through middle school). To claim that ‘my patients improved on hydroxychloroquine’ proving it works ignores the patients who improved without chloroquines.
Anyway, doctors can prescribe hydroxychloroquine essentially ad libitum, and many are. Why isn’t the outbreak over??
A conspiracy, right?
Why isn’t the outbreak over??
asks the middle-school mean girl.
Contrary to what she believes anecdotal evidence is still evidence that hydochloroquine has been effective in treating patients with COV-19.
Just because the FDA (Red tape) and Big Pharma (money to be made) have been slow to recommend the treatment doesn’t mean it hasn’t been working i.e. S. Korea.
Lolgfy MSMG
To claim that ‘my patients improved on hydroxychloroquine’ proving it works ignores the patients who improved without chloroquines. Middle-school mean girl steps in it again.
Like, for example, when I hear somebody saying there are no studies to support its use. That is just simply not correct.
Lolgfy again MSMG
I agree, but Lazy Don doesn’t think so. MAGA!
Actually, Zippy did a lot of damage that had to be repaired.
Those that love America are trying to save America by dumping tRump.</i?
The only people doing that are the ones who hate America.
The unemployment rate was updated to 18% today, by far the highest since the Great Depression. During neither Reagan’s Deep V Recession or Bush II’s Greatest Recession did the unemployment rate get much over 10%.
In neither case did they have to contend with Leftists trying to crash the markets and locking down the country.
Don’t remember any recession on Reagan’s watch. Bucketmouth had a bad one, though.
And Dubya had no recession. Zippy made the Second Depression and presided over its stagnation for 8 years.
You seem to be quite ignorant about who causes recessions and depressions.
Even if true, pharmaceuticals haven’t proven to be the answer, have they?
They haven’t? Chlorqine seems to be doing just great. Of course you hate it because it’s saving lives and curing patients.
Too bad.
That said, there are dozens of clinical studies of varying quality being conducted now. It’s not looking good for Dr. tRump’s drug candidate, but there is hope for the approved anti-viral drug, remdesivir.
It’s not?
Not what they say in France and Israel. Of course, they’re on Trump’s side.
Testing for what?
The old, infirmed and at risk stay home. The rest of us go to work.
You want this nation to collapse because you have money. Probably your house is paid for.
People like you can’t grasp what the average working man goes through living from check to check.
You pretend to care. You do not. There is ONE round of checks that went out. Nancy Pussy cant bring herself to leave her refrigerator to come back to DC and pass more stimulus for the states and small businesses and another round of checks.
Because Nancy Pussy is a sniveling wiesel that wants to see trump thrown out of office she is willing to send the nation and world into massive economic suicide leading to 100’s of millions of deaths from food riots, food shortages in the midst of a pandemic.
This is on HER. NOT TRUMP.
The people in these states want to work. They are willing to risk it TO EAT.
Nancy PUSSY is hugging her refrigerator waiting for CHINA to give her marching orders. 50 center shouts hallelujah.
Test for people infected with SARS-CoV-12. How will it work to keep the old, infirm and at risk at home. Who decides? If a healthy 22-yo waiter at your favorite eatery goes to work with the virus and infects 10 diners a day without knowing it, and those 10, without knowing, carry the infection home, to work, visiting friends and family. Their children carry the virus to school who carry it to their homes.
This is why the tRump idea of “opening” America up soon, with us being ignorant of the extent of the virus, will not work, UNLESS we make the calculation that we don’t care if a million die.
Your claim that the old, infirm and at risk are expendable is not popular with the old, infirm and at risk. Impoverished people are in your ‘at risk’ pool.
How old are you? You claimed to have a grown granddaughter.
This is why the tRump idea of “opening†America up soon, with us being ignorant of the extent of the virus, will not work, UNLESS we make the calculation that we don’t care if a million die.
Your scare tactics won’t work. Mortality is only .2% among those who catch it. A very low rate. And it’s your side that’s been pushing that the old, infirm and at risk are expendable.
The name Zeke Emanuel ring a bell? How’s ’bout Richard Lamm?
you don’t care about anything but dragging this out as long as you can.
Sanctuary cities!! States States rights s !! Just what Teach has always wanted
There is no such legal thing as “sanctuary cities” in our law. Just so you know there is no such thing as “states rights” in the Constitution. Only Citizens have rights. States have “powers” not rights. But governors do not have the right to eliminate the Constitution. Or do you think they do, John? Do our rights only exist as long as a governor says they do?
States’ rights don’t overrule Federal law, moron.
Why are we so far behind S Korea, Germany etc in testing? asks the befuddled middle-school mean girl.
Rodney is just jealous since he never made it to middle school. It’s OK, the old confederacy doesn’t require much education.
Did you have a point to make with your link to an obsolete article from a right-wing blog?
I’d hardly call March 27 obsolete, but anything that works is going to make you uncomfortable.
And The Confederacy had many erudite men. Too bad you couldn’t have been one of them.
Start making sense! I approve and am comfortable with South Korea’s tamping down their epidemic. It was your little buddy who claimed halting the epidemic as has been done in South Korea was unacceptable.
Days, weeks and months make a huge difference during a pandemic. So a three week old article misses the mark on US cases by 900%, obsolete is the right word.
Sorry Yankee Beauregard. Although my ancestors were from Tennessee, VA and Kentucky, I would never have favored slavery.
ROK has a different set of problems,
Days, weeks and months make a huge difference during a pandemic. So a three week old article misses the mark on US cases by 900%, obsolete is the right word.
It does?
Seems like the epidemiology that was right a month ago was still right today.
Sorry Yankee Beauregard. Although my ancestors were from Tennessee, VA and Kentucky, I would never have favored slavery.
Then why do you support the Party of Slavery?
It’s OK, the old confederacy doesn’t require much education.
Evidently neither does applying for a patent addressing baldness.
Explain yourself?
Of course you would have supported slavery, Elwood. Just like you support abortion today. Because your Party supports it. There is nothing the Democrat Party endorses that you disagree with. Nothing. Even killing babies. Even letting illegals vote. Even open borders. Even vote harvesting and mail-in voting. Even giving grants and benefits out by race. Even 58 genders. And you can bet your life if the Democrats supported slavery so would you.
You buy every single thing the left sells. You’re a true believer. Just like you would never, ever agree with Trump on anything you would never disagree with Nazi Pelousy on anything. You are the quintessential “useful idiot” and a true follower of Lenin.
That’s why you accuse all of us of being dupes for Trump, that’s how you operate so you think everybody operates like that. News flash: We Don’t. We know when Trump says he has the power to open the states he’s full of bluster. So what? But when Pelousy refuses to sign the SBA bill to help Americans unless she gets mail in vote fraud you’re okay with that. That’s cause you aren’t an American, you’re a Democrat.
And you’re nothing but an angry man filled with hate.
Knock off your bullshit. Even today YOU would exile non-Christians and non-whites.
The heart and soul of conservatism is racism.
Funny, coming from a Democrat. Their policies toward blacks drip with racism.
They follow the dictates of Margaret Sanger, who pushed abortion to keep the darker races down.
They put blacks on the welfare plantation.
They try to homogenize Hispanics.
LOLOLOL at 50 center. He most definitely is a useful Idiot.
He can’t even get his facts straight, is now totally on board with AUTHORITARIAN STATE GOVERNMENTS while declaring it is TRUMP who is the KING.
LOLOLOL. He is just frantically throwing out nonsense, his broken Chinese failing him and he is begining to wonder if he will get paid this month for all these posts since China is on the verge of collapsing and taking with it the rest of the world.
His money, will be worthless. When it is you will see him taking up his guns and killing his neighbors dog so he can eat.
LOLOLOLOLOL. Its what happens to people that never had to do without while preaching to those that have how and what they should think.
You are the quintessential “useful idiot†and a true follower of Lenin.
Nicely put and well thought out.
tRump was going to “open up” America by Easter. At that time he felt he had absolute authority to do so, but found out from those knowledgeable (high school educated) about such things that he was an elected official, not a King. So why didn’t he use his great skills as a negotiator and salesman to persuade at least the GOP governors to “open up” those states?
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming.
Well over half the land mass of America, over 1/3 of the people! Are all those GOP governors part of the hated “Whigs”?
tRump was going to “open up†America by Easter. At that time he felt he had absolute authority to do so, but found out from those knowledgeable (high school educated) about such things that he was an elected official, not a King. So why didn’t he use his great skills as a negotiator and salesman to persuade at least the GOP governors to “open up†those states?
Wrong again. He wanted to.
Fauci wanted a little more time, so Trump relented.
And he does have the authority.
Well over half the land mass of America, over 1/3 of the people! Are all those GOP governors part of the hated “Whigs�
As I said, he listened to Fauci.
In any case, the problem isn’t with the Whigs, it’s with the Demos. So he let them have their heads.
Good and hard.
Something people will remember in the Fall.
And he does have the authority.
What??? If tRump DOES have the authority, why has he released his hounds on the governors? Why doesn’t he ‘open’ the economy?
So tRump is prolonging and deepening this recession because he thinks it will get him re-elected??
What a cynical coward he is. You support over 20% unemployment, 10 trillion in spending, small businesses destroyed, 60,000 dead, all to get tRump re-elected?!? Is there any price too high to get more connie judges? What a cynical coward you are.
Hey Kye – formie is blaming tRump for your business problems – he claims it’s part of tRump’s grand plan. What do you think?
I think the connies have gone completely crazy.