Yesterday might have been Sunday, but, there were a lot more people out and about that previous. Home Depot and Lowe’s were slammed. And most people were practicing social distancing
ReOpenNC rally planned for Tuesday in downtown Raleigh
Protesters calling for a quicker reopening of the North Carolina economy amid the coronavirus pandemic plan to rally Tuesday near the governor’s mansion and say they’ll do so every Tuesday as needed.
Their attorney said members plan to exercise social distancing at the 11 a.m. protest. A once-discussed plan to bus people in has been set aside, attorney Anthony Biller said. Biller says he’s asking the governor and Wake County to respond by 2 p.m. tomorrow and resolve this. If not, he says, he’ll go to federal court to protect his clients’ rights.
Biller sent a letter to the governor’s office saying protesters should be able to exercise their First Amendment rights without fear of arrest. “It’s easy to have freedom of the press and freedom of assembly when everything is fine, and there is nothing contentious. But it’s times like these that we need to be the most diligent about respecting those rights,” he added.
Kinda like the whole “if we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” The 1st Amendment is specifically about freedom of speech and freedom to protest peaceably (among others) when government is involved. To be able to say what you want to say to criticize government, to protest government.
It’s unclear how many people will attend, but 9th District Congressman Dan Bishop, a Charlotte-area Republican, said Saturday that he plans to go, and the group’s Facebook page has more than 50,000 members. (it’s over 60,000 today)
ReOpenNC’s goal, according to organizer Ashley Smith, is to do away with stay-at-home orders and reopen the state economy in full at the end of April.
“The group is in favor of reopening North Carolina completely on May 1,” Smith said Sunday. “I believe that people will continue to make their own judgment calls. … Social distancing, hand washing, all those things are good practices, but they don’t need to be enforced by executive orders.”
And there it is, let people make their own choices, with health professionals guiding the NC government which provides guidance, but not Dictates.
Gov. Roy Cooper has said the state likely will relax some restrictions in the coming weeks, but he’s made it clear others will remain. He has promised careful consideration and to roll out more details soon.
It’s easy for him: he lives in a big mansion, has food brought in, is getting paid, and can travel around whenever he wants.
“At the end of the day, law enforcement has an obligation– I have an obligation — to uphold the law, and so we’re going to do that,” Wake County Attorney Freeman added.
No, their first obligation is to uphold the US and NC Constitutions.
(WRAL) More than 500,000 people are without a job in North Carolina because of coronavirus, according to the Division of Employment Security. On Sunday, Dr. Mike Walden, an economics professor at N.C. State University, said unemployment rates should improve by the fall as businesses begin rehiring. Walden also said it could take more than a year for North Carolina to see a drop in unemployment numbers.
People who aren’t working aren’t earning.
Wrightsville Beach will reopen its beaches at noon on Monday with some limitations. All access points, except for East Salisbury Street, will reopen, according to a press release. WECT reports beaches will be open for individual exercising only, such as walking, jogging, swimming and water sports. The exercise group can not have more than ten people in it.
This is what we’re talking about. You can’t sunbathe, but, why not be able to walk on the beach, fish, get in the water (it’s still a bit chilly, about 60F)
Republican Gov. Henry McMaster wants to open non-essential businesses in South Carolina starting Tuesday. The order will apply to numerous nonessential stores, including department stores, flea markets, florists, bookstores and music shops. Grocery stores, pharmacies, home improvement stores and medical facilities have been allowed to stay open during the pandemic.
And people can make the choice of whether to go. I’d probably stay out of a flea market at the moment, but I’d love to be able to go to PetsCo or PetsMart for a few new fish. Could use some new sneakers. Let it be our choice.

They’re not the only ones.
Ya know how Don Cuomo closed all the golf courses and water activities because of ChiCom Cough 19?
Looks like he’s feeling the heat. NY’s going to start opening up. As will the rest of the triumvirate, NJ and CT.
Looks like the first payment for the power trip came in the mail and I’ll bet it’s a doozy.
TEACH types: No, their first obligation is to uphold the US and NC Constitutions
So TEACH subscribes to the notion that Americans need not obey laws! There’s no mention of stop signs in the Constitution, so run ’em. In fact, the US Constitution mentions only 3 crimes, Treason, Piracy and Counterfeiting. So have at it, anarchists, have at it.