See, this is the kind of stuff that causes protests for authoritarian over-reach
Idaho woman faces jail for holding yard sale in violation of coronavirus stay-at-home order
A northern Idaho woman with six kids is facing six months in jail on a charge of holding a yard sale in violation of the state’s coronavirus stay-at-home order.
The misdemeanor summons was issued to Christa Thompson, 33, of Rathdrum on Friday, according to Rathdrum police and local media reports.
“The Rathdrum Police Department attempted to educate and warn prior to issuing a citation,†Police Chief Tomi McLean said Friday in a Facebook post that has generated more than 1,400 comments.
“Rathdrum PD has also received several complaints from the public in regard to the yard sale,†she said. “This was a large non-essential yard sale that filled the entire front yard and spilled into the back yard as well. These yard sale items could be seen from Highway 41.â€
Under Idaho Gov. Brad Little’s stay-at-home coronavirus order, garage sales and yard sales are not an essential business and are prohibited. Violations of the order are misdemeanors punishable by a 6-month jail sentence or a $1,000 fine.
“Officers were on scene on April 9, 2020 when the owner asked if the yard sale was in violation of the Governor’s orders,†McLean said. “The officer educated the homeowner that the yard sale was in violation of the Governor’s stay-at-home-order, and they were admonished not to have the yard sale.â€
So, there were some snitches, eh? Why is this there business? And then law enforcement comes by? What if everyone was still social distancing? Regardless, this is someone doing this on their private property. A yard sale. Are people not disturbed that law enforcement is coming to arrest someone having a yard sale? That the Governor (who is a Republican, let’s not that, because it apparently isn’t just Democrats being little Fascists) can simply deem everything not liked as non-essential, and have a citizen arrested like this? With the potential for 6 months in jail.
Also in Idaho
Coronavirus: Idaho mother’s arrest at closed playground area sparks protest
The arrest of an Idaho mother who allegedly refused to leave a playground area closed by the coronavirus pandemic sparked a protest at Meridian City Hall Tuesday, according to multiple reports.
Sara Brady, 40, was allegedly captured on video telling an officer to arrest her as she participated in a smaller planned protest at the park with a group of people and her two children nearby, according to reports.
“Arrest me for being difficult. Do it! Record it!,” she was allegedly heard saying. Police gave her a count of five to leave, according to Boise’s KTVB.
Now, this isn’t quite so black and white for liberties. Parks, and areas of parks, are closed periodically for reasons. In this case, it was the play equipment, which has plastic, and reports say bat soup virus can stick to plastic and metal and such for several hours to several days (which is interesting, because they also say that we shouldn’t worry about it sticking to stuff we buy at the supermarket, which can be in plastic containers). Kids play on it, someone gets it, they pass it on to older people. And, the rest of the park was open. There’s a time to make a stand and a time not to. This was in the “not to”, in my opinion.
Her arrest prompted about 100 people to demonstrate in front of Meridian City Hall.
This is not the hill to die on, as the saying goes, but, you know what? They can do them, because the Idaho Constitution says so. Article I section 10. #9 is freedom of speech. #2 is about power being inherent in the people.
There is a much bigger protest planned at the Idaho capital for Friday.

Russians fed up with Putin as infections, deaths from coronavirus grow
Several top CCP leaders in China “”””STEP DOWN”””” ahem. Never to be seen again.
Several nations are now suing China.
Defective PPE keeps being sold by China to other nations. A nation that thought it could turn itself into the worlds saviour is fast becoming the worlds go to “WE HATE YOU” Country. Guess the world is RACIST.
Connecticut to introduce drones that fly over and monitor your health. LIKE CHINA.
Drones being used around the USA to invade your privacy by the governments.
The left is masterbating at the loss of freedoms in this country. Oh not all, just the commie wing of the party.
The left is crying wolf that this fall…….5 months away the virus will come back and be even worse. The headlines read and yet it doesnt say HOW it will be WORSE, just that it will be. Implications….LETS KEEP HIDING UNTIL THE WORLD IS DYING FROM HUNGER, Food riots and wars errupt all over the world.
Several obtained documents from the CCP of China reveal lock downs and stay at home orders in north east China.
Russia and China have closed their borders and the Ambassador to Russia from China is lamblasting Russia for making TEMPORARY CHINESE WORKERS RETURN TO CHINA who may or may not have the virus.
Border WARS??
Several military friends including family members beyond my granddaughter tell me that they are on war footing. They have been running simulations after simulations that have nothing to do with the virus and everything to do with other more deadly consequences.
The world needs to go back to work or there will be a world war.
You want something to fear ELWOOD AND JOHN? Fear 150 countries fighting each other for food. But thats okay. Orange man bad and we have always known that AGW is about population control anyway. What better way to depopulate the earth than to starve it to death.
Tsk tsk Klemperer you seem to be the one living in total fear
Maybe these are the Biblical End Times?
Will you get raptured or left behind?
Of course the military is always training and running simulations
Don’t you remembrances CONOP 8888
Better google it if you are no longer able to remember it .
It was for Zombie Apocalypse
Teach why aren’t we getting any personal reports about the rally yesterday in NC to end the lockdown ?
You did go, didn’t you ? How could you not fail to support this ?
And looks like Your a Dear Leader was wrong again about hydoxychrloquine
It not only dissent help, it causes more deaths, according to the largest study done so far. That study was fine in the USA by the VA.
And now of course Trump is blaming Obama, for not predicting this and developing a test for it
Trump “ I have absolute authorityâ€
Trump “ I take no responsibility ‘
And looks like Your a Dear Leader was wrong again about hydoxychrloquine
Wrong about what, retard?
When did Trump say either of those?
And looks like Your a Dear Leader was wrong again about hydoxychrloquine
It not only dissent help, it causes more deaths, according to the largest study done so far. That study was fine in the USA by the VA.
It was?
Then where is the link?
And now of course Trump is blaming Obama, for not predicting this and developing a test for it
The VA study was conducted on sick people with multiple morbidities.
Doctor after Doctor is prescribing Hydroxychloroquin for themselves.
The VA patients had heart conditions to begin with. Ever notice how desperate people are to prove a GENERIC DRUG WRONG?
Elwood you only take glee in this because Trump touted it, when in reality Remdesivir is being touted as the saviour. A PATENTED DRUG that will make one Drug company exorbitantly rich. Along comes several more PATENTED DRUGS…..doing the same for their COMPANIES, they are our salvation. As they charge billions and billions for a drug that cost them a couple billion to develop and patent.
Meanwhile Generic drugs are bashed mindlessly as ineffective and dangerous.
why the fuk do you think people want to work in the Deep state. Its a way to become multi- millionaires with a bachelors degree handing out checks under the table to make sure the right study concludes the right things.
Your rants against Drug companies and then your rants against a generic drug because Trump touts it because he is not bought and sold by PAC’s is so 50 center.
50 center speaks. The world laughs.
The nationwide study was not a rigorous experiment. But with 368 patients, it’s the largest look so far of hydroxychloroquine with or without the antibiotic azithromycin for COVID-19, which has killed more than 171,000 people as of Tuesday.
The study was posted on an online site for researchers and has not been reviewed by other scientists. Grants from the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia paid for the work.
Don’t you find it funny that this drug is given to people all over the world to combat Malaria but suddenly it is killing people right and left in a small NON PEER REVIEWED STUDY????
No you don’t. ITS A GENERIC DRUG. GOD FORBID a drug that can be produced by anyone should be the salvation for the world and not a PATENTED mindlessly expensive drug that makes millions and millons of investors filthy rich.
Sadly this is a biased test with a lot of flaws. I just finished reading it and while I am not medical expert it is broken down in a table which makes it pretty easy to understand.
Table two shows that a majority of these patients were BLACK, and MALE. The highest two groups facing Mortality.
Secondly their BMI taken shows a vast majority of them were Obese. The table continued down a long list of bad comorbidities including Diabetes, cancer, High blood pressure, Vascular disease and renal failure.
Many even sufferered from Dementia.
In short the study took those most at risk and then said, Opps they died. Sorry this drug doesnt work.
Actually I would beg to differ. Despite all these comorbidities and age and Obese patients with dementia.
That sounds like a win, not a loss to me.
OK, so it’s another massive conspiracy between the gov’t and big pharma and the world’s commies.
You might not understand. The Covid-19 patients are much sicker than those receiving malaria prophylaxis.
The chloroquine drugs work much differently than an anti-viral such as remdesivir.
You accept anecdotes from physicians and patients but not a VA study. Obviously, there are caveats to consider from the reported study and additional studies will be reported.
The greatest at-risk patients are the ones with co-morbidities such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, CV diseases. And it should be no surprise that a VA has more males. Black males have more comorbidities. They’re the ones that die right? More in that population died with the drug than without the drug. It’s possible the populations (drug vs control) were not similar.
72% of them with the drug survived!! But 89% of them without hydroxychloroquine survived. Don’t ignore the control group.
The anecdotes claim 80-100% cures without any control group and without any characterization of the groups.
OK, so it’s another massive conspiracy between the gov’t and big pharma and the world’s commies.
You might not understand. The Covid-19 patients are much sicker than those receiving malaria prophylaxis.
The chloroquine drugs work much differently than an anti-viral such as remdesivir.
but, sad to say, chloroquine works.
You accept anecdotes from physicians and patients but not a VA study. Obviously, there are caveats to consider from the reported study and additional studies will be reported.
Well, we know you and the Deep State want to attenuate this farce in the hopes you can bring Trump down and, since the “experts” have been so wrong, skepticism seems justified.
The greatest at-risk patients are the ones with co-morbidities such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, CV diseases. And it should be no surprise that a VA has more males. Black males have more comorbidities. They’re the ones that die right? More in that population died with the drug than without the drug. It’s possible the populations (drug vs control) were not similar.
since I’ve been saying that for a month, thank you, Captain Obvious.
The part not mentioned is the fact Shy Knees Blight only kills about 30% of them. The rest are the “probables” CDC and Medicare are pushing.
72% of them with the drug survived!! But 89% of them without hydroxychloroquine survived. Don’t ignore the control group.
The anecdotes claim 80-100% cures without any control group and without any characterization of the groups.
Last I looked, other people, credible people such as Raoult, have had 98 – 100% success. After all, VA is not the best place to get medical care, but it is emblematic of that socialized medicine you love.
THIS is what I pay attention to 50 Center.
More than 100 faculty at Texas A&M on China’s payroll
China’s Funding of U.S. Researchers Raises Red Flags
Academics don’t always disclose the funding, adding to concerns about national security
China Expands Research Funding, Luring U.S. Scientists And Students
Justice Dept. charges professor with hiding ties to China
EXCLUSIVE: China, Russia, and Other Foreign States Have Given U.S. Universities $10 Billion……….. The Clarion Project, a watchdog group known for its groundbreaking documentaries on extreme ideologies, compiled a report this month revealing the billions of dollars that colleges and universities in America have taken from foreign entities — including adversarial states.
On and on it goes. How can we even trust Academia anymore when they are all being paid under the table to find what they are told to find.
Just by reading the comments (and there are many) to this “study” reveals that it’s not really a study at all but probably a Big Pharma (since they sponsored it) pr/hit job.
Jeez! What a f@cking joke!
They told you that they are on “war footingâ€
That all leaves have been cancelled and all are restricted to base?
War footing ??? Really ? Then why are not one but 2 of our aircraft carriers in the western Pacific in port ?
Klem people believe what they choose to believe, regardless of the factual relevance
That all leaves have been cancelled and all are restricted to base?
Shows how much you really know about the Army.
Then why are not one but 2 of our aircraft carriers in the western Pacific in port ?
Then why are not one but 2 of your brain cells still working?
Klem people believe what they choose to believe, regardless of the factual relevance
Jeffery, especially in the John, is living proof.
The term “war footing” has nothing to do with leaves being cancelled or restrictions to base. Were all leaves cancelled and everyone restricted to bases for the ten years of Vietnam? Of course not. Perhaps if you had actually served you’d know that.
War footing has to do with logistics, deployment and level of readiness. And if we are at a war footing and 2 of our aircraft carriers are in port in the Western Pacific then that’s where they are needed to be. Have you added Admiral to your credits of doctor, lawyer, scientist, climatologist, politician?
Admiral John. Sounds like defeat.
Does it ever bother you that your comments are stupid, irrelevant, lacking in knowledge, often taken out of context and without any logic at all.
The army is confined and preparing for action. As to the Navy, what makes you concerned about ships in harbor? I find it disgusting that young men and women give their lives and health to protect people like you and your peers.
Leave and liberty have been cancelled for all U.S. troops serving within the U.S. Central Command theater to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, defense officials confirmed on Thursday News Army
CENTCOM suspends leave and liberty for US troops to avoid …
the reason for the restrictions are to keep the soldiers in fighting condition. You bring up a good point. Two navy ships are basically out of commission due to the virus and yet are expected to sorte if needed.
No one realizes this but the entire Chinese Military was quarantined and have been nowhere to be found. Only certain aspects of the CCP’s version of the Gestapo are running the country.
Why do you suppose that is John? You don’t know shit. You use GOOGLE and think you know everything.
“This is not the hill to die on,” said our esteemed host, but I disagree: giving up on our constitutional rights, because it was maybe kinda, sorta understandable simply opens the door for other infringements.
The whole stay at home orders notion has to be fought. It is perfectly reasonable to ask people to stay at home, but the idea of using government force is repugnant.
The movie musical 1776 had the following fictitious exchange between John Dickinson and Benjamin Franklin, delegates to the Continental Congress from Pennsylvania:
And so it is: how are we to be called Americans if our constitutional rights are so blatantly trampled upon, and most Americans seem to be perfectly fine with it?
Yes sir! I just watched a video of an Idaho woman being led off in hand cuffs for being at a park with her kids. She and other mothers were protesting in Kleiner Park when the cops hauled her off.
The police are now the Stasi of the bureaucracy. I’ve said it before, all this “I support the police” shit is just that shit. The cops will shoot their own friends if they’re told to. They are paid by Tyrants using our money taken by force.
Now we can’t go outside because of a virus. Dozens of RNC abd Trump ads have been removed from Facebook because they don’t meet their standards. Really? Now Facebook gets to determine who and what can be advertised for an election? Really?
In some states you can by dope and alcohol but not guns or plant seeds or American flags. This is not a virus this is a dry run for the left taking over America. Just look at what Bill de Stasio did in NYC.
Let me ask you this: if the epicenter of this virus was Des Moines, Iowa would they shut down New York? You bet your ass they wouldn’t. But they don’t hesitate to shut down Roslyn PA (victims -0-) because Philly has been turned into a self destroying ghetto by Democommies for 60 years. All the Dem run cities are shitholes of corruption, crime, drugs and disease but we all have to suffer.
Trup 2020 We need to reclaim America for Americans.
The police are now the Stasi of the bureaucracy
This started when Willie Whitewater promised he’d put 100,000 cops on the streets, but that politicized them since the bean counters needed all the diversity slots filled so, unless you’re out in the boonies, you get these machine politicians with their own private army.
Also why most of them can’t shoot straight.
Saw the vid BTW and, along with Nancy Antoinette, this is what has the country mad. These things won’t be forgotten this Fall and Jeffery, along with all the other Lefties, knows it, so he’s trying to keep the panic going.
Too late.
PS You’re in Roslyn? Near my old home. We were at opposite ends of Montgomery County.
Yes sir! I just watched a video of an Idaho woman being led off in hand cuffs for being at a park with her kids. She and other mothers were protesting in Kleiner Park when the cops hauled her off.
You sure that is why she was arrested?
All I know gitarcarver is that is what is currently being reported. Since it’s not on CNNMSNBC I will assume it’s accurate.
A shocking video has been posted on social media of a mother being hauled off in handcuffs from a playground at Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park in Meridian, Idaho.
It was posted on Facebook by activist Erin Whitt Timmerman and demonstrated how law enforcement officials will readily comply with unconstitutional orders.
She wrote in the description for the video: “Local police officer arresting a Mom for being at our peaceful protest at. The. Kleiner Park. Playground. In the first 10-20 seconds of my video you can also see an officer stiff arm a mom holding a 2 mo old baby What is this world coming too (sic)…?â€
Trending: REPORT: Virginia Governor Northam Violating Stay-at-Home Orders With Travel to North Carolina Vacation Home
The crowd can be heard booing and yelling things like, “Paying taxes at the playground,†“This makes no sense,†“Taxpayer money,†and other slogans. According to the local news, the woman identified as 40-year-old Sarah Brady received a trespassing charge for unauthorized entry of the playground. Protests are reportedly being held at the Meridian City Hall on Brady’s behalf.
Are Democrats and the Fake News Media rooting for the Wuhan coronavirus to destroy the economy to remove Trump?
The Meridian Police Department (MPD) stands behind their decision to enforce tyranny because a sign and caution tape were placed around the playground.
“These are very trying times and the Meridian Police Department supports the public’s right to assemble for peaceful protest, however the right does not include damaging public property or ignoring closures of City property and facilities,†MPD said.
Playgrounds and outdoor equipment have been banned in the city of Meridian since March 23 at the behest of Mayor Lauren McLean. Snitches made the call to local police when they saw children playing on the equipment, which resulted in Brady being hauled off in handcuffs.
If Brady is convicted of the charges, she faces up to six months in county jail for the misdemeanor crime and a possible $1,000 fine.
The problem is that people assume that others with agenda who aren’t part of the media don’t lie as well.
(sorry – hit the submit button by accident.)
The Blaze (hardly a left wing site) reports that a group of parents went to the park to remove tape and signage from a PLAYGROUND that was there because of the amount of time COVID-19 can remain alive. So the City had closed the PLAYGROUND and not PARK.
( )
According to the police, they had talked to the woman, explained the rules that were in place allowing people to play in the PARK, but not on the PLAYGROUND SETS.
Even the tweet that you linked to got it wrong by saying she was arrested for being in the park. She wasn’t. This was not about the park, but the playground and the equipment there.
Furthermore, you quote: Playgrounds and outdoor equipment have been banned in the city of Meridian since March 23 at the behest of Mayor Lauren McLean. Snitches made the call to local police when they saw children playing on the equipment, which resulted in Brady being hauled off in handcuffs.
You may not like it, but the closing of the playground / equipment seems to be a reasonable thing. After all, kids are well known for rubbing the hands and fingers across their mouths and eyes. If those little hands have COVID-19 on them, not only is the health of the child at risk, but others as well including members of the child’s families and other families.
Teach is right about this one. This is not the hill anyone should want to die on.
There are legitimate issues with the extent of some “stay at home” orders. This is not one of those issues.
This is a contrived case where a bunch of selfish people got together and said “you aren’t the boss of me!”
To restate, the people were allowed to play in the park. What there were not allowed to do was 1) play on the equipment and 2) destroy the safeguards in place that would help protect others.
Nifty little rebuttal to Jeffery’s latest spin.
Well, well, well, turns out Red Chinese agents were spreading messages designed to start a panic.
Of course, Fake News and Deep State were only too willing to help.
Man/ child. (Jeff),
You obviously have no knowledge of the VA. Just to make it out of the VA alive is a major accomplishment. I know the VA well as I had to work as an expert witness for a Federal attorneys in getting the doctors out from under numerous law suits. This so called study is a joke and cannot be taken seriously.
But you will be able to flip the study as that is your regular job, taking crap and making it look good or depending on what message your corporation desires.
Oh and guess who was using Chloroquine and ezithromycin to treat its patients first. Yeah that would be China.
Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies.
Gao J1, Tian Z2, Yang X2.
Author information
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) virus is spreading rapidly, and scientists are endeavoring to discover drugs for its efficacious treatment in China. Chloroquine phosphate, an old drug for treatment of malaria, is shown to have apparent efficacy and acceptable safety against COVID-19 associated pneumonia in multicenter clinical trials conducted in China. The drug is recommended to be included in the next version of the Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Pneumonia Caused by COVID-19 issued by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China for treatment of COVID-19 infection in larger populations in the future.
Why would they spread disinformation in America that it doesnt work?
Well perhaps that would be so they can get India to send them more doses and the USA can then have 1000’s more die.
China is buying up all the medical supplies around the world. Including drugs they dont control.
We even gave them Remdesivir to use early on and now they are refusing to let it go back to the USA. BRILLIANT!
Way to go Joe!