St. Greta has apparently earned a PhD in Economics to go with her degree in climate science
Earth Day: Greta Thunberg calls for ‘new path’ after pandemic
Greta Thunberg has urged people around the world to take a new path after the coronavirus pandemic, which she said proved “our society is not sustainableâ€.
The Swedish climate activist said the strong global response to Covid-19 demonstrated how quickly change could happen when humanity came together and acted on the advice of scientists.
She said the same principles should be applied to the climate crisis.
“Whether we like it or not, the world has changed. It looks completely different now from how it did a few months ago. It may never look the same again. We have to choose a new way forward,†she told a YouTube audience in a virtual meeting to mark the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
“If the coronavirus crisis has shown us one thing, it is that our society is not sustainable. If one single virus can destroy economies in a couple of weeks, it shows we are not thinking long-term and taking risks into account.â€
Interestingly, she fails to denote what type of economy would be sustainable. And, of course, no one in the media with access would dare ask her the question as to what kind of economy she wants. Would it be a government run one? The economic devastation was made worse thanks to government shutting everything down. Interestingly, her home nation of Sweden refused to shut everything down, and are doing OK.
(Breitbart) The global Chinese coronavirus pandemic and the “climate crisis†should be tackled together, Swedish climate worrier Greta Thunberg told an Earth Day event on Wednesday.
“Today is Earth Day and that reminds us that climate and the environmental emergency is still ongoing and we need to tackle both the corona pandemic … at the same time as we tackle climate and environmental emergency, because we need to tackle two crises at once,†the 17-year-old said, according to Reuters.
Joining a live-streamed event to mark Earth Day, launched 50 years ago to highlight environmental challenges, Thunberg said the outbreak of the coronavirus meant it was time to listen to the experts.
“That goes for all crises, whether its the corona crisis or whether it is the climate crisis which is still ongoing and is not slowing down, even in times like these,†she said.
Why are people listening to her? She’s not an expert. On anything. She not only has no degrees, but she’s blowing of getting her high school degree. But, you know what? For her and the other kiddies who follow and/or believe the same thing

A new way forward ? Or should we continue with the old way that jumped the deficit of the USA by 5 trillion in 2 months?
Teach are you going to join the boycott of things made in Communist China? if you blame them, then you gotta walk the walk. There are plenty of other places that make them. Only lefties dhoukd be able to buy/sell anything made in Red China.
Am I right,Kye?
I left a spelling error in just to make sure Formwiz could feel better about him being himself
What is the “Am I right, Kye?” about? I assume you’re trying to be provocative but I must admit I don’t understand about what or why. I don’t see how the deficit jumped 5 trillion in 2 months when the CARES Act was for 2 trillion? Sounds to me like you’re exaggerating. Beside that, when have you or any leftist given a rats ass about deficit? Did you care when when Bush did the first bailout? How about when Hussein added 1.3 trillion in his first year while projecting 8 trillion more?
Guys like you don’t really care how much money is pissed away as long as it’s pissed away on the shit you like. For example you don’t want money spent on the military but you’d blow a wad on “education” like that’s underfunded. You don’t want to spend money on the VA but Planned Parenthood needs them some cash to kill the brown babies.
I also fail to understand your Red China comments. I think we should trade with Red China I just don’t think we should buy more off of them than they buy from us. But I believe that of all trading partners. I personally always read the label of origin for my purchases and you can bet if I can get it from just about anywhere but Red China I do. In fact I have very few items other than some low end textiles like sweat pants and T’s for crapping around that hail from China. My wife’s taste is too upscale for the shit they produce. She wouldn’t even accept a Vera Wang diamond necklace I bought her for her birthday even though I told her Wang is American but she won’t buy it.
So are you saying only leftists should buy Chinese?
Trump 2020 Don’t buy Chinese shit.
I always suspected you of being a 50 center and now that you are defending CHINA there is no doubt.
How much do you make each month John as a 70 year old communist living in America defending the heroic efforts of CHINA to destroy the world?
What is your way forward John. You always point fingers, but never have solutions.
If you like cheap junk.
Good job, John. Now show us where Trump said the virus was hoax, as you asserted.
I’m tired of elected officials treating We the People like we’re subjects who exist at their whims rather than citizens with rights.
We need another civil war. These leftists gotta go.
Trump 2020 Because I have a RIGHT to go to the park.