Let’s start here. Article I
SECTION 1. All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.
SEC. 2. (a) Every person may freely speak, write and publish his or her sentiments on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of this right. A law may not restrain or abridge liberty of speech or press.
SEC. 3. (a) The people have the right to instruct their representatives, petition government for redress of grievances, and assemble freely to consult for the common good.
The government of Encinitas and the sheriff of San Diego County need a refresher
A coastal city in San Diego County is demanding that county officials return local control over its access to public spaces such as walking trails and beaches.
Encinitas, which is about 25 miles north of San Diego, made national headlines Sunday when a group of about 200 people gathered to protest the city’s closure of the Coastal Rail Trail and a portion of South Highway 101 to pedestrians amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
The city’s closure of those public spaces came less than a week after the county’s Health and Human Services Agency issued an order that prohibited the public from “swimming, surfing, paddleboarding, boating for recreational purposes and all other water recreational activities” at beaches.
City officials said its latest closures were done to comply with social distancing orders from the state of California and San Diego County. The restrictions allowed for residents to run or walk within their neighborhoods but “within the parameters of the current Orders.â€
If you are doing any of these things within the parameters of social distancing, what’s the problem? Oh, right, power mad little dictator wannabees (who’ve forgotten there are these things called “elections”). So, the people protested, as allowed by the federal and state constitutions
Crista Anne Curtis, who organized Sunday’s protest, said the city’s new restrictions were frustrating because of the area’s lack of sidewalks and the trail being the only way to get around on foot.
“There were no new cases, Encinitas has only had 34 cases [of COVID-19],” she said. “It’s clear what we’ve been doing has been working, and so I didn’t understand why we needed to do even more.”
The mayor, or, is it, The Mayor(?), was not Amused
“It is quite selfish for people to be completely violating stay-at-home orders,†mayor Catherine Blakespear said. “People are sacrificing and really suffering. People are out of work, small businesses are closed… and health care workers are putting their own health at risk on the front lines.
“There is a way to exercise your First Amendment and freedom of assembly rights… while also maintaining distance from other people, wearing facial coverings and abiding by the social contract.â€
Meanwhile, there’s yet another study saying that only people who are sick should wear face masks. Anyhow, first they said “make sure to social distance.” We said “can do.” Then they said “try and stay home.” Then they said “you vill stay at home, comrades, or ve vill make you.” As for the social contract, perhaps Blakespear should read the California Constitution.
Here’s where it gets funny
She also criticized the protesters for, at one point during the day, showing up in front of her home, calling it an “invasion of my own privacy.”
“It definitely frightened my children to have a hundred people taunting me to come out, trying to somehow engage me on a Sunday at my private home,†she said.
And invasion of her privacy, huh. How about a violation of people’s Rights, Catherine? And where it gets really disturbing
Meanwhile, the county sheriff’s office told Fox News its’ investigators have submitted a case to the District Attorney’s Office recommending that Curtis be charged with a misdemeanor and fined up to $1,000 for supposedly violating the state’s stay-at-home order.
Similarly, Naomi Israel, a 27-year-old woman who organized another protest rally Saturday in downtown San Diego opposing the stay-at-home order, is also facing possible arrest and a misdemeanor charge that could result in 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.
They should claim they are illegal aliens, and then the sheriff will back off. Yes, San Diego County is a sanctuary jurisdiction. But, hey, why not put these ladies in jail for following the Constitution, while releasing all sorts of criminals, including a killer?
More protests are planned, and you can bet lawsuits will emerge if the county dares to fine or prosecute. Heck, they should file a suit just on the threats by the sheriff alone
Curtis’ assessment is shared by Janice Bidwell, a practicing nurse and clinical faculty member at San Diego State University who participated in Sunday’s rally and supports “stay-at-home” protests in states where COVID-19 cases are low. Bidwell told Fox News that the number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units in San Diego — compared with New York, for instance — do not warrant restrive stay-at-home orders.
“[San Diego County] hospitals are furloughing nurses. Nurses are taking pay cuts. We have empty beds,†she said. “The hospitals are suffering severe financial losses from canceling all the elective surgeries. And while we’ve been waiting around for almost two months now and nothing’s happened, and I think there’s a high degree of frustration among health care workers.â€
People are good with common sense things, once Government goes all Mussolini, there’s a problem.

“People are sacrificing and really suffering. People are out of work, small businesses are closed…”
And WHY are they closed, Ms. Mayor? Who exactly decreed that they be closed?
(Hint: Not the private sector.)
"She also criticized the protesters for, at one point during the day, showing up in front of her home, calling it an “invasion of my own privacy.â€
“It definitely frightened my children to have a hundred people taunting me to come out, trying to somehow engage me on a Sunday at my private home,†she said."
Try not issuing dictatorial, panicky orders.
I’ll bet she’s from the “Party of Science”.
Teach what do you think of your Dear Leader’s ideas for curing people already infected with Covid-19?
Injecting disinfectants directly into your body, think that might work? Interested in becoming the first to try it ?
Well then, how about shining a UV light up your butt to disinfect from the inside ?
Trump really is bigly smart,no wonder as he days, doctors are constantly amazed at just how much he knows about medicine
Fake News lies, Jeffery in the John spreads.
Trump is on video saying it.
Sibley in Trump’s ass spreads lies.
Jeffery’s been exposed yet again as a liar.
Now the bear suit comes out.
Especially as states begin to open up.
You lose yet again.
Show us the video, liar. I dare you.
Trump 2020 Keep triggering Elwood and John, they prove our point!!!
Injecting disinfectants directly into your body, think that might work? Interested in becoming the first to try it ?
Well then, how about shining a UV light up your butt to disinfect from the inside ?
A talking point lie.
After a briefing on disinfectants on surfaces, Trump brought up the possibility of doing something that inside the body.
He asked the assembled doctors if they had thought of that or had looked into that.
There was never any suggestion that it was a suggestion to try it, only that had it been looked into.
The left hates Trump so much that they are willing to take a question on a hypothetical and say it was a position he took.
That’s okay. People are becoming more aware of the left’s hatred. It is all the left has.
Hey John, how do you feel about New York saying that if your mom had a heart attack and her heart stopped, they wouldn’t revive her? Or sending COVID-19 infected patients back into nursing homes?
Got any opinions on that or are you just willing to let that pass?
Who will make your pizza rolls for you while you’re in the basement?
Hey John, what would you call a person like yourself that spreads lies and disinformation for political reasons in a national emergency deliberately trying to undermine the efforts of the administration and keep his fellow Americans in a state of fear and panic?
Trump 2020 Maybe then we can get rid of the quislings.
Lysol Maker Urges People Not to Inject Disinfectants after Trump Remarks
Lysol Maker Urges People Not to Inject Disinfectants after Trump Remarks
Just Trump’s remarks? That’s not supported by what the RB.L. said:
Due to recent speculation and social media activity, RB (the makers of Lysol and Dettol) has been asked whether internal administration of disinfectants may be appropriate for investigation or use as a treatment for coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
As a global leader in health and hygiene products, we must be clear that under no circumstance should our disinfectant products be administered into the human body (through injection, ingestion or any other route). As with all products, our disinfectant and hygiene products should only be used as intended and in line with usage guidelines. Please read the label and safety information.
We have a responsibility in providing consumers with access to accurate, up-to-date information as advised by leading public health experts. For this and other myth-busting facts, please visit Covid-19facts.com.</i>
Furthermore, the Reuters’ article says that the response came after “U.S. President Donald Trump suggested researchers try putting disinfectants into patients’ bodies.”
Here’s the actual quote from Trump:
Trump: So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.
So despite what Jeffery and John say, the President never suggested actually injecting anything, but wondered whether something like that was possible.
It goes to show how desperate and hateful the left is and their willingness to lie to support that hate.
After all, all the left has is hate.
Just more bullshit. ‘Coincidentally’, the makers of Lysol released their warning after tRump “spitballed” about injecting disinfectants. Coincidentally.
trump was surprised to hear that disinfectants inactivated this coronavirus!
Jeffery ignores the truth.
Like the rest of the Left.
We understand that the feckless trump only exists from the attention he receives from others.
You know what the feckless trump should have said about injecting disinfectants? Nothing. But he only exists from the attention he receives from others.
When a sociopathic, malignant narcissist becomes irrelevant, he becomes increasingly dangerous.
America needs a leader, but we have a game show host.
Joel McHale, Elizabeth Banks, Wayne Brady or Drew Carey are better game show hosts and would have made a better president.
When a sociopathic, malignant narcissistic little middle-school mean girl becomes irrelevant, she becomes increasingly irrelevant.
Thanks MSMG!
You know what the feckless trump should have said about injecting disinfectants? Nothing. But he only exists from the attention he receives from others.
Boy, you guys are running with that one.
Too bad it’s not what he said.
When a sociopathic, malignant narcissist becomes irrelevant, he becomes increasingly dangerous.
You shouldn’t talk that way about your Mocha Messiah.
America needs a leader, but we have a game show host.
Notice all those people marching on Democrat run state capitals?
But not DC?
We have a leader.
All I know is he triggered your crazy psychotic commie ass so good job Mr. President. Every time he throws something out there and you crazy commies bust a nut over it he wins, we win and America wins. It shows the folks and the world how absolutely fukin’ stupid and worthless you leftists are.
Instead of trying to help with the problem, lift up the morale, keep America going all you crazy commies do is look for things to slime Trump with. WE SEE THAT! We know who is on our side and trying to end this mess and it certainly is people like you who bitch, gripe and berate Trump every fukin’ day for 4 years now. You have not onece come up with a reasonable idea. All you crazy commies have is “Lock it down” and “Lock them up” and “Close their stores” and “Eliminate their jobs”. All you have left is HATE!
Trump wins again. Every time you post, Trump wins. Clowns like you will get him reelected. Thanks!
The Lefties are panicking because the people want the country open NOW!
Democrat run state capitals are being besieged by angry Americans.
It’s the American thing to do.
I love the smell of revolution in the morning.
Has anyone posting here tried Trump’s latest idea about directly injecting bleach to cure Covid-19 ?
Kye? Formwiz? Can we get a personal report ?
It’s rice pudding Friday, retard, why aren’t you in line?
As always, another lie from the Left.
Or how about laying out in the sun for 2 hours on one side and 2 hours on the other?
And heat? How about placing patients in heated rooms to get their body temperature up? Or injecting substances that cause high fevers?
FDA cautions against hydroxychloroquine outside of hospital setting.
Clinical trials can continue, but the drug’s heart risks are too great to be used otherwise to treat COVID-19.
Is this the Deep State conspiring with Fake News and the International Communist Movement indirectly smearing Mr. Trump?
Next up is Pravda.
Hydroxy is used to treat Lupus and rhumatoid arthritis as well as Malaria. Has been since 1934.
Now SUDDENLY it is a dangerous medicine.
From the Manufacturer long before it was considered to be used for Covid-19.
Child danger warning: Accidentally swallowing just a few tablets has been fatal in some children. Keep this drug in a child-resistant bottle out of reach of children.
Worsened skin conditions warning: Tell your doctor if you have skin conditions, such as psoriasis or porphyria. This medication may make these conditions worse.
Eye damage: This medication can damage your eyes, leading to vision problems that can be permanent. This damage is more likely when the drug is used in high doses.
Heart damage: This medication can cause heart disease. Although uncommon, some cases have been fatal.
Seriously do you think the FDA would approve a drug that was deadly? Not hardly. The reason this drug is being suppressed is two fold.
An Insideous plot by aliens from outer space led by Elwood and John to destroy the world and Two. If you notice Mike Pence’s eyebrows are not even showing he is actually an alien. He was also wearing a black suit today so Trump in under the influence of beings from another dimension.
I have it on good authority they tried with Joe Biden but his brain could not be located. HRC on the other hand is also under investigation for being from outer space since she thinks all of the midwest can be put in a basket.
The drug is also used for prophylaxis, meaning you are perfectly healthy when taking it. The only controversy about the drug is that Trump mentioned it. The liberals are getting ridiculous.
Jeffery, ever the wannabe commissar, wants to have socialized medicine so he can ban tobacco (what’s tobacco ever done to him?).
See where smokers have a lower incidence of the Wuhan Plague?
Lil Sibley, ever Trump’s lickspittle… Link? (of course not).
Earlier data showed smokers were more likely to die from the Trump Plague.
Very few nations have socialized medicine. Most with successful universal care have socialized insurance. The hospitals, doctors, nurses, clinics are private.
A doctor can prescribe a drug despite FDA warnings, in fact in the everyday use of medications the FDA counts for little.
The combination of hydroxy and Zithromax causes a prolongation in QT interval which gives lesser doctors the vapors, but is not a real issue.
I would suggest you confine your opinions to how to count pills as that is all you are trained for.
All doctors take hydroxy if exposed to virus.
By the way, the best study of meds and procedures is to gather a large number of doctors in a room, present the clinical situation drug options and ask how the doctors would treat themselves. All doctors would and do take hydroxy.
[…] mentioned the protesting issues in Encinitas the other day, where the citizens protested over the closing of beaches and hiking trails, where […]
[…] Not in California. Forget about the 1st Amendment, you do NOT have the right to Peaceably Assemble. You have the right to do exactly what they tell you to do. Encinitas, Ca., Protesters Threatened With Legal Action For Daring To Protest. […]