They feel that it is very important to tackle the ‘climate change’ scam with BSV, because they are cultists. You can bet if there was no BSV they’d take fossil fueled trips to meet in person in a nice place paid for by the taxpayers
Coronavirus recovery plan ‘must tackle climate change’
Tackling climate change must be woven into the solution to the Covid-19 economic crisis, the UK will tell governments next week.
Environment ministers from 30 countries are meeting in a two-day online conference in a bid to make progress on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
The gathering is called the “Petersberg Climate Dialogue”.
It will focus on how to organise a “green” economic recovery after the acute phase of the pandemic is over.
The other aim is to forge international agreement on ambitious carbon cuts despite the postponement of the key conference COP26 – previously scheduled for Glasgow in November (now without a date).
Here’s a good question: do the citizeny give a crap? Obviously, some care in theory, but, in reality land, most people just want their lives back. They don’t want Hotcoldwetdry policies instituted that will extend the pain, that will keep them stuck inside, that will keep businesses closed, and could see many permanently closed. They do not want to see their cost of living jacked up.
Alok Sharma, the UK Climate Secretary and president of COP26, said: “I am committed to increasing global climate ambition so that we deliver on the Paris Agreement (to stabilise temperature rise well below 2C).
“The world must work together, as it has to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, to support a green and resilient recovery, which leaves no one behind.
Here’s the dare: tell us exactly what your plans are. Put it in plain language. Let’s see what you actually want to do.
The EU is already set on delivering a green stimulus. The Commission’s Green Deal chief, Frans Timmermans, said every euro spent on economic recovery measures after the COVID-19 crisis would be linked to the green and digital transitions.
“The European Green Deal is a growth strategy and a winning strategy,” he tweeted.
And we’ll see what their recovery looks like. Cultists just gotta cult, you know.

Calling a pandemic that has killed over 50,000 Americans by a cartoon sounding name, is that like Trump’s latest attempt at justification for a misstatement, sarcasm?
Trump’s incompetent handling made this pandemic much worse. At Kraft he is now backtracking his open early position in reopening Georgia
Calling a pandemic that has killed over 50,000 Americans by a cartoon sounding name, is that like Trump’s latest attempt at justification for a misstatement, sarcasm?
When it’s more like 15,000 dead, I guess sarcasm is the least you could call it.
Trump’s incompetent handling made this pandemic much worse. At Kraft he is now backtracking his open early position in reopening Georgia
whatever that means.
And, if we’re talking competence, by all means, let’s compare him to all those tyrannical governors and mayors.
Send ’em back to a nursing home Cuomo
Arrest ’em at church Beshear
Don’t leave home without it Pritzker
Let’s not take the bums off the streets Newsom
And, last, but by no means least
Gretched Whitler