I mentioned the protesting issues in Encinitas the other day, where the citizens protested over the closing of beaches and hiking trails, where they were told they were “prohibited from “swimming, surfing, paddleboarding, boating for recreational purposes and all other water recreational activities†at beaches.” Seriously, if you are doing any of these things within the parameters of social distancing, what’s the problem? Oh, right, power mad little dictator wannabees (who’ve forgotten there are these things called “electionsâ€). And then they were threatened with legal action by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office for protesting, and threatened with fines and arrest. And then
At least three people were arrested on Saturday during a protest at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. They were cited for violating the stay-at-home order and congregating on a closed beach pic.twitter.com/p8s6Ou0sdV
— CBS 8 San Diego (@CBS8) April 25, 2020
Here’s the story, which also has more video
(CBS 8) Even though the beach is set to open on Monday, the rally cry for protesters in Encinitas is they want them open immediately. Some walked beyond the yellow caution tape before either being warned or arrested by deputies and escorted off the beach.
Chanting “This is our right†and “Open our beach,†protesters clashed with San Diego County Sheriff’s deputies at Moonlight beach.
Alexis Hordowich says her husband was one of the three men arrested Saturday.
“I’m mad because it’s not fair for anybody to go through that, like this is his daughter, she is going to grow up in a horrible world if we don’t stand up for our rights,†Hordowich said in tears. (snip)
Law enforcement surrounded the rally using patrol cars, motorcycles, and a helicopter. Lifeguards got in the water on jet skis to make sure no one was in the ocean.
Over the intercom, deputies announced: “You are gathering in violation of the public health order,†to which the protesters shouted obscenities.
And the Sheriff’s office not only cited multiple people, but actually too them to jail to book them. The State of California stay at home order allows for exercise as long as people are taking proper precautions.
One has to wonder where the ACLU is, and, more specifically, the ACLU of Southern California. If you visit their webpage, they are concerned with illegal aliens, criminals in jail, and dunking on ICE. On Twitter? Same concerns.
There’s apparently also an ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties. Encinitas is San Diego County. Their Twitter tagline is “SDACLU is a 501c4 org that defends and preserves the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and US laws.” Going back a week, nothing from them on protests, police and city over-reach, just criminals in jails, illegal aliens, and ICE. There were happy with a protest at a detention center.
Meanwhile, Moonbattery covers a Canadian man getting an $880 fine for walking his dog. Alone. On his own property.

CNN ‘Larry King’ episode featuring Biden accuser’s mother disappears from Google Play catalog
CHINA who owns and butt fuks GOOGLE wants CHINA JOE BIDEN TO DESPERATELY BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT. Talk about someone who is owned by another government.
Latest attack ad by Biden portrays Trump as being owned and operated by CHINA.
Here we go again. Trump is now a Chinese agent in the White House.
Seems to me I remember the NOAA taking down their stats for about 2-3 weeks and then when they were put back up they had all been changed to show global warming.
TEACH, why haven’t you been arrested for fighting back against tyranny?
Are your protests limited to typing about other ‘brave’ men and women fighting for your freedoms?
After all, isn’t the tyrannical response to this Plague fascism or Nazism?
The pen is mightier than the sword.
At least he doesn’t lie about being, or having been, one of those brave men and women.
Elwood, do you consider Thomas Paine or Benjamin Franklin any less a Patriot than Washington or Hamilton because they wrote about Liberty with a pen rather than battle Tyranny with a musket?
Trump 2020 Because REAL Patriots know who they are.
After news of the 1993 clip circulated last week, several former supporters of Sanders — in addition to Sarandon — posted their reactions.
Hollywood is starting to get behind Tara Reade because they never really liked creepy Joe Biden anyway. He reminds them too much of Harvey Weinstein. But alas now is the time for the DNC to draft Michelle Obama at the Convention. It is inevitable. Michelle and Bernie as Pres and VP is the only way the left beats Trump. And I would suggest they not only beat him but Trounce him given the current economic chaos that will only worsen not get better.
Former Sanders senior adviser Winnie Wong was among others who also tweeted in support of Reade.
“The video of Tara Reade’s late mother calling into Larry King to blow the whistle about about [sic] Tara’s sexual assault is being met with relative silence from a cadre of progressives right now and I want you all to know that I see you. We all do,” she wrote.
Briahna Joy Gray, former Sanders press secretary, tweeted, “Progressives didn’t make this happen. Corporate Democrats chose Biden,” adding, “It’s a good time to note that Bernie’s on the ballot.”
There ya go. This only proves that the progressive left is not on board with Sanders and it is why I want this to go away. I want China Joe on the Ballot. When the real campaigning starts China Joe will be revealed to the world. Or perhaps not. He will just sit in the basement until November telling us were all going to die!
Not on board with Sanders. I realize this may be unclear. Sanders supported Biden and the Bernie Bros were angry as hell once again. They are NOT ON BOARD WITH SANDERS SUPPORTING THE ESTABLISHMENT WALL STREET BIDEN. Bought and paid for by Wall Street and China.
This thing with Biden shows that the bernie bros were either going to stay home again or vote for Trump again because for no other reason that Trump is trying to end wars, has not gotten us in any new wars and is not bought and paid for by Wall Street and its quite obvious that he hates the MSM……
AS DO PROGRESSIVES. That is why 50 center and his junior aide here are not progressives. The do not even know the difference between wall street corporatism democrats and progressives. They just spout China talking points without fully understanding the Nuances of progressive left and moderate leftists.
A ‘Nuance’ that Komrade Klem (aka Rubles) doesn’t understand is that ANY Dem is more progressive than the Trumpublicans, who are determined to turn the USA into connie/caucasian/corporatist/christian (C4) ‘nirvana’.
Any ‘progressive’ who would vote tRump is an anarchist, not a progressive.
America is currently experiencing the horror of a C4 nation: Tens of thousands dead, healthcare system overwhelmed, trillions of taxpayer funds transferred to corporations, 20% or more unemployment, panic in the WH and Americans in food lines – with no end in sight. It’s little wonder the Trumpublican Party wants to only talk bigly about Tara Reade.
As I said 50 center has no idea of the dynamics of the left in America. Even more proof he might even have absconded with someones ID to post online.
He simply rehashes old talking points over and over again. They are definitely over paying you 50 center. I suggest china drop your pay to 25 cents a post.
Healthcare systems overrun? Where? In NYC they sent the Navy Hospital ship there to help and it has now left to go back to Norfolk having treated less than 200 patients. NY said they would need 30,000 respirators. Trump got them for them and they have used roughly 5,000.
Hospitals across the country are in danger of shutting down because of the recommendations made by your so-called ‘experts’ and ‘wonderful’ computer models.
Klem, I think people like 50 cent left the real Democrat reservation years ago. I actually watched at this site as Elwood’s political opinions morphed into far left radical pro communist rantings over the last 3 or 4 years. And yes, his latest iteration is that of a pro Red China operative spouting commie talking points @ 50 cent a pop. But I haven’t seen nor heard the ” Nuances of progressive left and moderate leftists” in as many years. Seems to me there are traditional Democrats lost in the mist and being denied any form of public platform by the radical left Fake News Cabal and radical left pinkos like Alex Occasional-Cotex, Omar and the rest of Nazi Pelousy’s “squad” and assorted know-nothing bums like Maxine Waters and the rest of the SPLC and Congressional Black Caucus. All radicals, all on China’s payroll and all America haters, anti white racists and Christophobes.
Leftism is mental disease, not political standpoint. Honest, patriotic American people made this mistake 100 years back. They thought that a leftist is capable of rational thinking. At least in the brink of biblical disaster like World Wars, plagues or famines. Yet leftists are responsible for all of these in the last 100 years. Well, leftists are communists and they thrive on biblical disasters like 50 or 100 million dead. It means absolutely nothing to them as Stalin pointed out. People like Elwood and John wouldn’t care if we all were dead. They wouldn’t care if our families were dead. They wouldn’t care if the entire 60 million Americans who voted for Trump were dead as long as they win the next election. That’s their entire raison de vivre. They don’t believe in God, don’t feel patriotism or nationalism, and the Party comes before friends and family that’s why they block people on Facebook, drive them from Youtube and do nothing but argue if they even show up for holiday dinners. They are the snitches that rat to the Stasi and Gestapo. They are the pissed-off Baristas from Starbucks who will be there when the cattle cars unload and tell people to go right or go left because they now have the power they deserve. That’s why they create and are comfortable in “lock downs”. What Republic has lock downs? You don’t see leftists protesting to “open up” the country. To them we’r just TeaParty reruns bitching about having our rights trampled on. We need to be gotten rid of. And this Kung Flu is a good lesson on how they will go about doing it.
Leftists hate because they want to and that makes rational cooperation impossible.
Does anybody here think the Founding Fathers would agree with the way our “politicians” handled this crisis? I don’t.
Trump 2020 Because Freedom.
Kye typed: … traditional Democrats lost in the mist and being denied any form of public platform…
The presumptive Dem nominee is VP Joseph Biden, a long time Sr Senator and two term VP. Sounds traditional.
Did you mean ‘traditional Republicans’, now dead and buried?
Kye typed: * … we’re just Tea Party reruns bitching about having our rights trampled on. We need to be gotten rid of. And this Kung Flu is a good lesson on how they will go about doing it.*
It’s clear that the Flu Klux Klan ‘protests’ are largely Tea Party brand astroturfed events, complete with confederate and Gadsden flags, swastikas, Trump2020 banners and MAGA hats. Although your ‘kind’ of voter harms the nation, the Trump Plague which kills predominantly urban Americans and Black Americans seems an inefficient method to eliminate you, doesn’t it? And wouldn’t any fascist regime worth its salt suppress the protests? Why wasn’t the ‘Stasi’ called in to club the protesters? No tear gas? No police state armored water cannons?
Why not?
Once again 50 center speaks and what comes out of his mouth is RED CHINA TALKING POINTS.
The left only has one tactic and Red CHINA actually believes it works in America. RACISM.
Remember 50 center CCP of CHINA is blaming everything thrown at them as RACIST. Appealing to a narrative they have established over the last 30 years in the EU, SEATO and North America.
RACISM is the card and you play it all day every day when referencing the right.
In America today there are dozens of radio and TV stations bought and run by CCP of CHINA. China is buying all kinds of Stations in Mexico and spreading their propaganda which includes America is racist and hates Hispanics, Blacks and Asians.
China has been buying up huge adds in Muslim countries and is spreading the propaganda that America hates Muslims while China loves them. Even with a million Muslims in Concentration camps undergoing ripping the hearts out of those peoples faith based lives.
50 center does well to espouse and defend China Values. He is all that has become wrong with the left in this nation in the last 30 years. He is the poster child.
The presumptive Dem nominee is VP Joseph Biden, a long time Sr Senator and two term VP. Sounds traditional.
You forgot corrupt and senile. The corrupt part is very traditional for the Demos.
Did you mean ‘traditional Republicans’, now dead and buried?
If you mean Whigs, they’re irrelevant.
It’s clear that the Flu Klux Klan ‘protests’ are largely Tea Party brand astroturfed events, complete with confederate and Gadsden flags, swastikas, Trump2020 banners and MAGA hats. Although your ‘kind’ of voter harms the nation, the Trump Plague which kills predominantly urban Americans and Black Americans seems an inefficient method to eliminate you, doesn’t it?
50,000 people at the beach on a hot day is astroturfing?
And the Shanghai Surprise is the work of your pals, the Reds. Funny how that works out.
And wouldn’t any fascist regime worth its salt suppress the protests? Why wasn’t the ‘Stasi’ called in to club the protesters? No tear gas? No police state armored water cannons?
The Demos of yesteryear. Besides, they’ve already done more damage to the Democrat brand than Bull Connor and Orval Faubus (Willie’s hero) ever dreamed of doing.
First, that’s former Veep (and current creep).
Second, he’s not the presumptive anything. Bernie, maybe, but not him.
I always figured all those women coming forward to accuse him at this particular time would be the Demos’ excuse for dumping him.
And here it is.
Think the Beast will maker another run?
She’s going to need a lot more fraudulent votes this time.
Were any carrying signs saying
“Justice for Typhoud Maryâ€
San Diego is the most conservative of any big city in CA
The hero’s of this epidemic are those who willingly risk their own and families health by trying to mitigate this ongoing tragedy: they are opposed by the selfish people who are demanding the “right†to possibly infect others along with themselves and risk killing those on the front lines, the doctors,nurses, janitors, and first responders
We should all be trying to stop this virus that has killed over 50,000.
25 center John needs to brush up on his constant spelling errors. A sure sign his english is not very polished and he needs to brush up on it as he espouses CHINESE TALKING POINTS.
Komrade Klem, the Russian agent, should be careful criticizing the grammar of others.
The word is English.
More like 15,000.
If that.
Janitors? Sure.
And you forgot all the truck drivers, grocery store clerks, etc.
You know, those “working classes” you love so much.
And people are getting sick of Democrat tyranny. They endangering nobody.
They endangering nobody. LOL. Is that translated from Russian?
Yes, janitors, you cowardly elitist. Essential workers, including fast food clerks, store clerks, food processors, migrant farm workers, truck and deliver drivers, shelf stockers, janitors, medical professionals, utilities workers, trash collectors – nearly all earning much less than any trump spawn (non-essentials) – are keeping America going while cowards like you are in hiding, urging your Flu Klux Klan ‘warriors’ to attack Democratic Governors.
You’re the one who forgot them.
As I say, I’ve been out every day since this nonsense began. you’re the one hiding in Mommy’s basement.
And those are the people you always call racists, sexists, Islamophobes, homophobes, Christianists, white nationalists.
urging your Flu Klux Klan ‘warriors’ to attack Democratic Governors.
I have? When? Exactly when? Give us a time and date and an exact verbatim quote.
We all know you keep a record of what we say, complete with date and time stamp.
Let’s see what you have.
As usual John you are wrong. Nobody is demanding the right to possibly infect others. They are demanding their Go given rights which WE USED to call the Law of the Land. They are not trying to FORCE anyone to leave quarantine, they only want to get on with their lives, go to work, open their businesses. Why does that bother you? Have you not harmed America enough with this Democrat disease and shut down?
Trump 2020 Stop the Crazy Commies/ good old Joe Hiden.
[…] William Teach on The Pirate’s Cove: Police Arrest Multiple People For Being At Beach In Encinitas, California […]
50 center and 25 center a simple question for you.
At what point do you see the world collapsing? At what point do you see people starving and food riots beginning all over the world.
At what point will it be safe to go back to work?
What is your solution, since there is NO treatment and China has been ahead of the world for 3 months and they have NO treatment or vaccine.
So you think 3-4-5 more months hiding in our homes is the answer? IF the flu is to come around again in the fall your scenario would mean, opps we need to stay in our homes till next FEB or MARCH.
They bought up 2 billion N-95 masks from the world knowing in a month or two these people were going to need them. They are murdering people. And you defend them.
At what point is it safe to go back to work? Would that be November right after Trump is defeated and the virus suddenly becomes NOTHING??????
Manhattan has 66,940 people per square mile.
All of New York City has 26,403 people per square mile.
The rest of the nation has 92.9 people per square mile.
24 states are less than the U.S. average.
Why in the name of all that is responsible is Alaska locked down? It has 1.3 persons per square mile.
We know the answer.
COMPASSIONATE DEMOCRATS and HOLLYWOOD SEX, BOOZE AND DRUG ADDICTS as well as CHINA BOUGHT AND PAID FOR ACADEMIA wants the world to starve to death. They want the world to collapse because all of them are rich. They can weather the storm, and welcome death of 100’s of millions.
They pine for food riots around the world and millions of deaths from starvation and economic collapse
IF that is what it takes to get rid of TRUMP.
The left is pure EVIL. FEAR is their weapon. RACISM their tool and yet, they are perfectly willing to watch the world DIE just to get power. Only people I know with that mentality is the CHINA COMMUNIST PARTY. I wonder how much they pay Hollywood……oh wait, its in the billions, I forgot. Or the NBA? Oh wait the NBA trashed anyone who dared defend Hong Kong as they get billions from China.
Purdy soon it will the the Wuhan Yankees playing the Xinghau Mighty Clucks in baseball at Yankee field with Governor Cuomo and his brother throwing out the first pitch.
Komrade Klem,
You should cite Bret Stephens for your data.
You should tell the Trumpublican governor of Alaska to unlock his state. Why hasn’t he?
Why haven’t any Trumpublican Governors, and tRump, exhibited one iota of courage and resisted the Deep State, Commie, scientist and media call to lock down???
Komrade Klem,
Defending the truth is not the same as defending China. The US has a horrible record against this pandemic. Just horrible. So does China.
Your solution, oft repeated, is to immediately return to ‘normal’, infecting most Americans, and killing hundreds of thousands, at least.
We get it. The Trumpists are panicked, seeing tRump’s almost certain re-election now circling the drain because of his brutally awful record before the pandemic, and his even worse response during the pandemic. Trump was unpopular before the pandemic, even with a booming economy. Senate GOP incumbents are trailing or tied with Dem challengers. The House is solidly Dem. So unless the trumpublicans can steal the elections (suppress the vote, even cancel the elections) they should be panicked. Traditional Republicans have left the party.
Would you have called all the sacrifices the gov’t enforced during WWII to by ‘tyranny’?
The Dems are proposing another round of relief, but Moscow Mitch says no.
Jeffery’s disappointed the CA cops didn’t attack the working stiffs trying to cool off on a hot day.
Remember this next time he whines about the “working classes”.
In any case, the war is over.
Even the Gray Lady realizes the lockdown causes the Demos more harm than good.
Too bad. You lost again.
Trump comes out the hero and the Demos are all just tin penny Hitlers (or Whitlers) and Nancy Antoinettes.
Next time you might be better off letting the good crisis go to waste.
It’s certainly wasted you.
Vladimir Sibley?
Non sequitur.
as always.
Sibley claims the NYTs realizes lockdowns cause the Dems more harm than good.
Three points: He linked an opinion piece from conservative columnist Bret Stephens, not the NYTs editorial board. Stephens didn’t claim it would hurt the Dems. And Sibley ignored that many of the states are locked down by trumpublican Party (tP) governors: AL, AK, AZ, AR, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, MD, MA, MS, MO, NE, NH, ND, OH, OK, SC, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, WV, WY. That’s over half the states!
Those tP governors can ‘reopen’ whenever the wish. They could show some real courage and ‘open’ their states, but they won’t! Trump claimed he had absolute authority, yet even he doesn’t officially support ‘reopening’. So it appears there exists a tiny right-wing extremist element storming Dem statehouses, carrying semi-auto weapons, demanding the ‘re-opening’ of their states. Strange.
The tRumpublicans only hope is extreme bigly cheating in November, or delay the elections. The extremist right on the Supreme Court is poised to help tRump.
Conservative columnist? At the Gray Lady? Shirley, you jest. and anything allowed on the Op-ed page has to get the editorial board’s imprimatur.
I’d say this is a little something Pinch is using to soften the blow for all the little Lefties like yourself.
When 50,000 people say, “Up yours”, and go to the beach, when Kaiser Bill’s snitchline gets a big, “Heil Hitler”, it’s over.
And the states where the protests are being held are all Democrat.
AL, AR, FL, GA, ND, OH, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, MS are ending their lockdowns this week. The rest aren’t acting like VC executioners the way the Demos are.
The Demos’ only hope is extreme bigly cheating in November (Nazi Pelousy tried holding the country for ransom for that), or delay the elections (Senile Joe). The extremist Leftt on the local Federal Courts is poised to help even if it doesn’t work.
On a personal note, you seem to imagine there exists a contest, or a ‘thing’ between you and I.
Sorry, but no. The losers are the American people, including you. tRump and his spawn are winners only in the sense that they keep raping the American taxpayers, fiscally, but also in transferring power from the people to the Presidency and the courts. You may view that as a psychological win for you personally. Good for you.
If we’re lucky enough to be living in November, you’ll have a change of heart.
On a personal note, you seem to imagine there exists a contest, or a ‘thing’ between you and I.
Of course, there is. You’re losing. That’s why you wrote it.
Sorry, but no. The losers are the American people, including you. tRump and his spawn are winners only in the sense that they keep raping the American taxpayers, fiscally, but also in transferring power from the people to the Presidency and the courts. You may view that as a psychological win for you personally. Good for you.
Last I looked, the Poewr of the People was on display in many Democrat run states PA, NY, NJ, MI, CA, VA, IL, MN, WI, KY, LA, WA, OR.
If we’re lucky enough to be living in November, you’ll have a change of heart.
Certainly won’t be from the Chinkypox.