…is an evil big meal which makes people fat (but don’t body shame!!!!!) which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Busted Knuckles, with a post wondering what your favorite dipping sauce is.

…is an evil big meal which makes people fat (but don’t body shame!!!!!) which is bad for climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Busted Knuckles, with a post wondering what your favorite dipping sauce is.
Latest tactic by the DementiaCrats…
That’s what the MeToo is all about.
God bless Texas and Gov. Abbott.
Check out the lockdown protest song… M.. A.. G.. A! M.. A.. G.. A! To the tune of a song about anonymous gay sex.
Somebody else added the track, moron. You’d bitch about anything.
You’re lying, of course, you lying moron. To what tune were the covidiots dancing?
The covidiots are all on your side.
And the usual background noise from a recording was not present.
You think everyone is as stupid as you.
Want ti see more
So? You’d bitch about anything and somebody else added the track, moron.
Raising Hell works.
NV is going to open up.
Be this the shot heard ’round the country?
IL House R sued Pritzker on grounds of civil rights violation and the judge upheld it.
One presumes this fever will spread.
Yet another group of doctors challenging the “experts”
Wait for Jeffery to change his tune about these “heroes”.
Sibley calls two doctors a ‘group’. That’s a ‘brace’, not a group. Drs. Massihi and Erickson are entitled to their opinions, which were spread widely on YouTube, and on local news and FOX. Sibley cites the odious jimhoft who labels the emergency care physicians as Doctors of Immunology. Neither are. They own and operate an urgent care clinic and are trained in emergency medicine, not immunology or public health.
Erickson: “Do we need to test them and get them back to work? Yes we do.â€
Where is the wide-spread testing that was promised?