It’s almost like Democrats want to keep things closed. No, no, definitely not politics, right?
When North Carolina’s Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper announced last week the extension of his stay-at-home order until at least May 8, he also said the state will not move into Phase One of an economic reopening even after that date until two criteria are met.
North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) Director Dr. Mandy Cohen identified those criteria at Cooper’s Thursday press conference:
- A decrease or sustained level in the number of cases,  and
- A decrease in the percentage of positive tests
Those Phase One criteria differ in several ways from the Phase One criteria identified in the guidelines established by the Trump administration last week.
Both guidelines must be met.
According to the COVID Tracking Project, the percentage of positive tests for daily coronavirus deaths in North Carolina has declined from 23.7 percent on April 13 to 6.7 percent on April 29. The total number of new cases per day has increased from 296 on April 13 to 380 on April 29. That increase reflects more than quadrupling of tests on those two dates, as the chart below illustrates:
This meets the federal government’s standards
Unlike the Trump administration guidelines that identify three different areas of focus – symptoms, hospitals, and cases – the North Carolina criteria announced by Cooper’s administration focus just on cases.
Notably, those guidelines for cases identify either of two criteria: (1) Downward trajectory of documented cases within a 14-day period OR (2) Downward trajectory of positive tests as a percent of total tests within a 14-day period (flat or increasing volume of tests).
Heck, it seems like there is a downward trajectory for both Cooper’s criteria. Gaston County, just west of Charlotte, is wavering back and forth on whether or not they will enforce Cooper’s order, but here in Wake County, where the seat of government resides
(WRAL) More Wake County businesses will be allowed to open their doors on Friday after the county’s stay-at-home order during the coronavirus pandemic expires.
Most of the county will shift to the statewide stay-at-home order, although Apex officials plan to issue their own rules.
“We put our order in place in late March to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Wake County, one day before the governor issued the statewide stay-at-home order,” Greg Ford, chairman of the Wake County Board of Commissioners, said in a statement. “Our community was affected first by the virus, making it vital that we act more swiftly. But now that there is community spread and we are all fighting to slow the spread collectively, it’s appropriate to follow the state’s order, which provides some additional flexibility to our residents.”
So, down to Cooper’s rules (which don’t seem to be any different from the state rules), which means that things are going well. I literally know of 1 person who got Bat Soup Virus, spouse of a coworker. Another coworkers (don’t know who) spouse got it, as well. Both caught it very early after traveling for their jobs. No one I know in the personal life has it, nor family members. The parents haven’t mentioned knowing anyone with it. We still want to be careful, but, let’s start re-opening stuff.
But in a disturbing incident that happened around lunchtime today, an Apex, NC man was seen on video being being led away by police from his business in handcuffs after attempting to reopen his tattoo parlor:
Guy is about to lose his business, and needs to be able to feed his family. He hasn’t had any success with getting the small business loan yet, nor applying for unenployment.

When the sheeple allow officeholders to take authoritarian decisions, we shouldn’t be surprised that they keep taking authoritarian decisions.
Governors have every right to ask people to take various precautions, but when they order such actions, and use the police power of the state to enforce them, they have violated our rights.
Just as the left over the lat five decades have turned religion and faith into garbage and the Ten Commandments into ignored suggestions all for the advancement of their narrative so have they shredded both the Declaration Of Independence and the Constitution to establish their supremacy. They are Destroyers of culture and society. They celebrate the depraved, the ugly and the evil. They have no uplifting philosophy whatsoever. They created “liberal democracy” as a joke and now have evolved into “democratic socialism” as the ugly stepsister. And they’re selling it successfully through their schools and media control.
Instead, modern liberal democracy awards dignity by default. We are supposed to respect all choices and all behaviors as being equal. There are no standards against which to measure human behavior, other than the standard of absolute, unconditional acceptance. As a result, the most inventively degenerate and base activities spring from the culture, almost like a test of the community’s tolerance. Instead of looking up to the heavens for inspiration, liberal democracies look down in the gutter.
It is not unreasonable to say that the evolution of Protestant ethics magnified and structured naturally occurring instincts among the people. With the collapse of Christianity as a social force in the West, the natural defense to degeneracy and vulgarity has collapsed with it. As a result, great plenty is the fuel for a small cohort of deviants to overrun the culture of liberal democracies.
What is it about liberal democracy that seems to lead to this loss of dignity? Why do Caucasians in Free Nations hate Caucasians? Why do they hate Christians and Men? Who is promoting all this self hate and destruction of America?
Let’s see, in just the recent past China has given the U.S. poisoned dog food, toxic candy, toxic toothpaste, radioactive dry wall, counterfeit electronic and medical components, counterfeit designer products, counterfeit high end watches, Fentanyl, carcinogenic fish and currently the Red China Virus. Why are we doing business with them and why is our government allowing their students and workers into America? Are the Reds paying that much Americans don’t care who they kill? Are the communists paying so much the Fake News Media will not tell who is benefiting from this largess? Is the CCP so powerful that they not only control the college curriculum but the very professors and administrators that run them?
How deep does this Treason and Corruption go? I want to know. Elwood, can you please elucidate?
Trump 2020 Get the commies out of Media and academia. NOW!