You’ve heard of climate anxiety, right? Excitable climate doomsday cultist Bill McKibben takes it a step further
How to Combat Climate Depression
If there existed some kind of gauge for measuring ambient sadness, I imagine the needle would now be pinned to the far end of the red. Some of us are mourning the deaths of those we loved; more are terrified for the ailing; more still lie abed trying to figure out whether their job will last another month, or what to do about the one they just lost. The Times reports that the pandemic has become a “grim slog†for New Yorkers. Even away from the epicenter, the pervading uncertainty brews a fog that makes the future seem drab.
But here’s the worse news: even before the coronavirus descended, that’s how the world looked to an awful lot of Americans, especially younger ones. Seventh Generation, the recycled-paper-towel and household-products company, commissioned a survey, released in April. It showed that seventy-one per cent of millennials and sixty-seven per cent of Generation Z feel that climate change has negatively affected their mental health. How upset were they? Four in five people in the eighteen-to-twenty-three age cohort “aren’t planning—or didn’t want—to have children of their own as a result of climate change.â€Â Even if the survey were off by fifty per cent, that would still be an astonishing number.
See, we do Science by polls now.
The only way to combat this kind of depression may also be the only way to combat the Depression now threatening our economy: an all-encompassing, society-wide effort to build out renewable energy, retrofit houses and offices for energy efficiency, and safeguard and nurture our remaining working ecosystems. If we don’t do it fast, then the gloom of young people will be justified—and it’s hard to think of a more powerful indictment of older generations than that. Their childlessness must not be our legacy.
Bill should explain to the kiddies that what they are seeing in the world right now with the restrictions and garbage economies and such is just a test drive of their future with the policies they want. The only problem is, Bill forgot to really actually mention how to fight climate depression. Sure, some yammering about a few lawsuits and spreading awareness, but no actual policies. I have some

Michigan’s Whitmer proposes GI bill-style free college for coronavirus essential workers
HERE we go…Lets get MORE people into our universities RUN BY CHINA and fill their heads with COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA.
My wife went to college and the professor who was proclaiming Ho Chi Minh the greatest general of all time wanted to debate me when My wife told him I said to her he was full of shit.
Was quite literally the only C she received in college. Was on the honor roll 4 straight years and on the deans list 7 out of 8 semesters. After she graduated I called the professor and asked if I debated him so he could assuage his communist hard on if he would change her grade he said no. He told me. It is Angry white men like you that have made this country suck. And I said to him. Dude the only angry white man in this conversation is YOU!!!!!!!
Yeah keep sending our kids to college to get a job at McDonalds. It wont make them smarter but it will finish the job of telling them how fuking EVIL AMERICA IS and how GREAT CHINA IS.