Monthly Archives: April 2020

You Ate A Burger, Meaning Health Crises Like Bat Soup Virus Will Become More Common

See, it’s all your fault that dangerous viruses can rampage, something that never happened prior to CO2 going above 350ppm Climate change is only going to make health crises like coronavirus more frequent and worse While the world is currently facing down the COVID-19 pandemic, until we address an even broader issue — climate change […]

NY Times: Social Distancing Is White And Rich Privilege

You can obviously depend on the NY Times to provide lots and lots of hot takes on the backs of people getting sick and dying. You have this one Healthcare Workers Are Begging For Masks. Is The President Listening? The country that spends the most in the world on health care doesn’t have nearly enough […]

Hot Take: Trump Admin Let Thousands Stream In Before Implementing Travel Ban Media Slammed Him Over

There’s some very interesting revisionism going on. When Trump put in place the travel ban from China he was slammed for it, because the media had been saying it wasn’t that bad There was a lot of the sort of stuff depicted below. — Brit Hume (@brithume) April 1, 2020 Plus, you know, Orange […]

If All You See…

…is a sea that is flooding the land, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Crawdad Hole, with a post on Democrats adopting the “Big Lie” campaign strategy. It’s fit ladies about to be arrested for being outside week!

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup – 800th Edition, 15 Years

Happy Sunday! It’s still better to be in America than anywhere else. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and things will turn around. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help. BTW, this is the 800th edition, and I started doing this on 4/3/2005. It evolved from just photos […]

CoC: People Suffering Is A Small Price To Pay To Solve The Climate Crisis

It’s a shame that the media is not focusing that much on ‘climate change’ in these days of Bat Soup Virus (I only made it to page 4 of Google News for climate change, stories from past 24 hours, before they became mostly about other things, with climate change either as something small or mentioned […]

Super TDS Take: China’s Wet Markets Are Safer Than America’s Supermarkets

This is what you get when the U.S. media hates Trump so much that they take China’s side. This is taking the notion of attempting to score points to hatred Hold the outrage. Wet markets are a healthy alternative to supermarkets, @davidfickling writes (via @bopinion) — Bloomberg Economics (@economics) April 4, 2020 Here we […]

If All You See…

…is an evil air conditioner causing Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on France not enforcing lockdown in the Muslim no-go zones. Doubleshot under the fold, so, check out Just One Minute, with a post on NYC’s mayor urging that doctors be […]

Apparently, Marijuana Stores Are Considered “Essential” In California

What about the cookie stores that are next door to them? Anyhow, one doctor is rather upset over this, as she writes to the LA Times Letters to the Editor: Pot vaping was ruining lungs before COVID-19, and now cannabis is ‘essential’? As an emergency physician, I believe treating marijuana shops as essential businesses during the COVID-19 […]

Climate Cult: Huge Drop In CO2 From Bat Soup Virus, But We Still Need Massive Policy Changes

Haven’t the members of the Cult of Climastrology been screaming and screeching for everyone to reduce their carbon footprint for 25+ years? Covid-19: Biggest drop in CO2 emissions since WWII but little impact on climate change Though scientists expect carbon emissions to fall by 5% in 2020, the coronavirus pandemic is having very little impact […]

Pirate's Cove