Monthly Archives: April 2020

Jim Acosta Dragged For Interrupting Dr. Birx: “An Effort To Score Points”

While Fox News is leading with Dear Diary Jim Acosta “mansplaining” to Dr. Birx, the focus should be on the scoring points part CNN’s Jim Acosta blasted for ‘mansplaining’ after interrupting Dr. Birx to attack Trump CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta was widely blasted for interrupting Dr. Deborah Birx during Friday’s coronavirus briefing […]

In Case You Missed It, Progressive Towns Which Banned Plastic Bags Now Turning To Them

Isn’t the climate crisis the most important crisis facing us? More so than Bat Soup Virus? San Francisco reverses ban on plastic bags, now bars reusable totes San Francisco has reversed its 13-year ban on plastic bags and will now prohibit the reusable bags city leaders once championed because of the coronavirus. The city announced […]

If All You See…

…is a cactus that will soon be growing in Alaska due to the climate crisis, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on 27 feet of social distancing.

Surprise: Lots Of Liberals Are Buying Guns During Bat Soup Virus Emergency

Well, this is a heck of a thing, gun grabbers putting aside their gun grabbing beliefs for their own protection Yes, Plenty Of Liberals Are Buying Guns Too The record number of firearms sold in March weren’t all purchased by Trump-loving Republicans in red states, despite claims by gun control activists that the surge in […]

Bummer: U.N. Postpones Climate Crisis Working Vacation Meeting

If there’s one thing that Bat Soup Virus has shown us, it’s that people can actually use technology to have meetings. Nothing new there, though, right? We’ve been doing conference calls for decades and decades and decades, along with video conferencing in the same manner. But, you know, climate cultists want to be able to […]

NY Times: Why Is The Guy We Accuse Of Being A Dictator Not Action Like A Dictator?

As we all know, Democrats and their pet Credentialed Media have been accusing Trump of being an authoritarian for years. They can’t say exactly how he’s being one, especially since he tends to do away with rules and regulations rather than enact them. I guess it’s do to him being mean to Dems and the […]

‘Climate Change’ Can Totally Decimate The Economy Just Like Bat Soup Virus Or Something

This is a doozy of an attempt to fear-monger while linking Coronavirus If The Virus Can Decimate Global Economies So Can Climate Change When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and the Soviet Union ultimately collapsed in 1991, the world changed. The end to the Cold War corresponded with prosperity, balanced budgets and the rise […]

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is The Political Hat, with a post on how to be a Conservative. I don’t usually editorialize with in these posts, but, I don’t fully agree with Sir Roger Sruton’s version, since it is moving the needle from Classical […]

Wake County Sheriff Told To Issue New Gun Permits

Of course, there is a very big caveat in this Wake sheriff to resume pistol permit applications halted by coronavirus concerns The Wake County sheriff will resume processing pistol purchase permits in “as timely a fashion as possible under the current conditions,” according to a court order filed Tuesday. Sheriff Gerald Baker said he was […]

Queen Beats Greens On Lawsuit To Build Hydroelectric Dam

You know how Greenie Weenie’s want us to build lots of solar, wind, and hydro power to replace Evil coal and fossil fuels? That mostly seems to be in theory, because when you actually try and build them the greenies try and stop them Queen wins battle with environmental protestors to build hydroelectric turbine on […]

Pirate's Cove