Monthly Archives: April 2020

Hawaii, Laredo Ramp Up Fines And Threats For Bat Soup Virus Violators

These could make for some interesting Constitutional, both state and federal, lawsuits. Does Hawaii and Laredo, Texas, have the authority to do this? Hawaii will fine self-quarantine violators $5,000 or send them to prison If you were thinking of riding out the pandemic in sunny Hawaii, think again: Anyone traveling between the state’s islands must […]

UK Government Unveils Sweeping Vision Of Future Travel To Tackle Hotcoldwetdry

Of course, this vision only applies to you little people, not the government officials and big time Warmists Government unveils ‘unprecedented’ vision of future travel in bid to tackle climate crisis The government has quietly published an ambitious plan for how it will revolutionise UK transport to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight the climate […]

If All You See…

…are trees that are blooming earlier because Other People use electricity, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on some good news.

Police State: Seattle Police Chief Wants People To Call 911 If They Hear “Racist Name Calling”

The Seattle police department certainly has better things to do, don’t you think, than dealing with name calling, right? Besides this violating the Washington and federal Constitutions Seattle Police Chief: Call 911 if You Hear ‘Racist Name-Calling’ Law enforcement officials in Seattle are cracking down on hate crimes and urging residents to call 911 over […]

Who’s Up For Labels On “Climate Killing Products”?

Does anyone who smokes ever look at the warning labels on packs of cigarettes? Or on cans/packs of dip and chew? Do they do anything to warn people away? The Cult of Climastrology can’t help themselves in pushing silliness Climate-killing products should come with smoking-style warnings Cigarette packets with grisly warnings of the consequences of […]

President Trump Tops Handsy Joe On Economy, Bat Soup Virus Response

And just wait till the economy come roaring back prior to the election (Breitbart) 43 percent of Americans trust Joe Biden to handle the coronavirus crisis, compared to 45 percent who said the same about President Trump. There was not a lot of good news for Slow Joe Biden in this week’s Washington Post/ABC News poll. The […]

Pirate's Cove