Here’s from Raleigh (no, I didn’t go, had to help a friend at that time, and I wasn’t happy, as mentioned in posts, with bringing firearms, which mixes the message)
Armed groups in downtown Raleigh protest virus-related restrictions
A small group of demonstrators, some carrying guns, marched in downtown Raleigh Friday afternoon to protest coronavirus restrictions and the statewide stay-at-home order.
Dozens of law enforcement officers were also downtown, anticipating a large protest after recent ReOpenNC rallies. Legal gun owners were allowed to carry their weapons while they walked as long as they stayed off the State Capitol grounds.
Some of the protestors were from American Revolution 2.0, part of a national movement to reopen states amid the pandemic. The group had planned 52 protests across the country on Friday, according to its website.
“It’s a giant party. Let’s get together. Let’s have a good time. Let’s celebrate America,” Josh Ellis, who founded the grassroots group on April 8, said Thursday. “This is unconstitutional. It should never have happened and it should never happen again.â€
“I really am only here for one reason and that is to be with like people that believe in civil rights,” said Lisa Molgren, a nurse from Pinehurst and a member of American Revolution 2.0.
“The rights that I want are not to be told when I can work, if I can work, what companies should be closed and why they’re being closed,” Molgren said. “Everything is changing in front of our eyes, and it seems that people have sort of decided that stay at home means do nothing, and I think it’s time we do something.”
It was a much smaller group than the Tuesday ReOpenNC ones, and the only thing that happened was some older gent coming out and talking out them about scaring people. That’s it.
There was no violence at the Michigan rallies, Ohio, Chicago, or anywhere else. Had there been, you would have heard about it in the big news services. NBC couldn’t report violence. Nor could the Washington Post or CNN (which rather buried the story, much like their Tara Reade stories).
Funny how right wing protests aren’t violent despite all the guns, eh? Oh, because left-wingers did not show up. AOC tweeted the other day
Think about how harshly #BlackLivesMatter & #AbolishICE activists were debased, called rioters, & treated as a threat to society.
Now watch & examine how this MAGA-armed rushing of a state legislature is treated.
This is for those who still think racial privilege is a fantasy.
But, unlike those protests, there was no violence. Huh.
That said, leave the guns home. Stay on topic, which is re-opening the country.

It’s a good thing those Patriots at Lexington and Concord weren’t worried about sending “mixed messages” or getting off topic when they confronted the British Red Coats. Since we were all British at the time it was the same message, to the same tyrants about the same irreconcilable difference…Liberty!
We need to bring our guns to rallies BECAUSE WE CAN and if they tray and stop us we should do what the Patriots at Lexington and Concord did. We are now dangerously close to no longer being Free Men. Something must give one way or the other.
By the rude bridge that arched the flood,
Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled,
Here once the embattled farmers stood
And fired the shot heard round the world.
The foe long since in silence slept;
Alike the conqueror silent sleeps;
And Time the ruined bridge has swept
Down the dark stream which seaward creeps.
On this green bank, by this soft stream,
We set today a votive stone;
That memory may their deed redeem,
When, like our sires, our sons are gone.
Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and thee.
Ralph Waldo Emerson 1837
Teach typed: That said, leave the guns home.
And what good is a gun at home when the fight is at the tyrant’s castle?? Will the dictator’s forces lay down their guns??
You don’t believe that the response to the pandemic is just an excuse for a tyrannical communist takeover of America? You don’t believe that temporary restrictions on travel aren’t a test case for 1984 and Big Brother?? FREEDOM!
The AR-15s are a symbol, as are the confederate and Gadsden flags, the MAGA hats, the Trump2020 and ‘TYRANTS GET THE ROPE’ banners. Boogaloo baby… boogaloo. We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!
Why aren’t those suffering most from the pandemic, Black Americans, the poor, the old, are not fighting the tyrants? Only young white men, mostly with beards and backward ball caps.
And of course the political donor class is pushing back, but Senator McConnell has their six. IF the US gov’t attempts to make the citizenry whole, it MAY mean the wealthy MAY have to pay more taxes some day. Or that wealthy privilege might suffer.
And what good is a gun at home when the fight is at the tyrant’s castle?? Will the dictator’s forces lay down their guns??
That’s why those guys took their firearms.
You don’t believe that the response to the pandemic is just an excuse for a tyrannical communist takeover of America? You don’t believe that temporary restrictions on travel aren’t a test case for 1984 and Big Brother?? FREEDOM!
The last word’s the only one he got right. The Democrats have shown their true colors just as Trump knew they would.
Now Jeffery and the rest of the trolls have gotten their orders (that’s where he’s been this week). Ameerica’s showing it won’t stand for this and they’re fighting back.
And Troll Central is worried they’ll take that fight all the way to November.
And we will.
The AR-15s are a symbol, as are the confederate and Gadsden flags, the MAGA hats, the Trump2020 and ‘TYRANTS GET THE ROPE’ banners. Boogaloo baby… boogaloo. We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!
Boy George, I think he’s got it.
Why aren’t those suffering most from the pandemic, Black Americans, the poor, the old, are not fighting the tyrants? Only young white men, mostly with beards and backward ball caps.
The race angle. You knew there’d be one. And the class warfare angle. There had to be that.
But who is the heart of all revolutions? The middle class (even in Russia, even in Red China, even in Iran) and the young.
This is why Idiot is scared. This is how revolutions start.
And of course the political donor class is pushing back, but Senator McConnell has their six. IF the US gov’t attempts to make the citizenry whole, it MAY mean the wealthy MAY have to pay more taxes some day. Or that wealthy privilege might suffer.
He forgot white privilege.
He’s not a very good troll.
PS What does make the citizenry whole mean? I’m sure we’ll find out.
“Why aren’t those suffering most from the pandemic, Black Americans, the poor, the old, are not fighting the tyrants? Only young white men, mostly with beards and backward ball caps.”
With you leftists everything can be broken down into race or income or sex or something to divide us. Diversity! First, what statistics do you have that shows the Red Chinese Virus is racccccist against blacks or for some reason hates poor people? We all know the only real demographic impact is to the elderly with comorbidity issues so where do the rest of your “victims” hale?
Those suffering most from the pandemic are those who are being economically tortured by the power mad leftist mayors and governors. Those suffering most are out of work, out of business and out of money and guys like you don’t give a rats ass because they are those “deplorables” Hillary hated. The working man! The guy who cuts our hair, stocks shelves, waits tables and changes the sheets in the hotels. They are out of work and their bosses are out of business. But all I see are stupid self aggrandizing ads on TV where the dep piano notes in the back ground while some B list celebrity tells us how by staying at home we’re all heroes. These pasty-ass fuks wouldn’t know a hero if he bit them in the ass. Americans crouching in their basements hoarding Charmin are NOT heroes. The guys at the rallies with their AR’s are. And they always will be. If I could be out there with them I would be. Proudly. Armed. American.
Trump 2020 Stand up like a Patriot and fight for our rights.
Sibley needs to leave the safety of his cloistered existence.
The ‘protesters’ appear to be fat, bearded, white guys playing soldier.
Read: The White Privilege to Terrorize
Who could have predicted back in 2016 that a trump presidency would result in a failed economy and dying Americans? His massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations, his ruthless deregulation, his funding cuts for pandemic control… all to make the best economy evah and to save Americans!
There are some 330 million Americans and a thousand or so teabagging, astroturfed, Charlottesvilling, boogalooing, fat, white boys are parading around with their toy guns ’cause tyrants! Your boogaloo will fail, you know, as there are more real Americans than right-wing terrorists. And we real Americans refuse to live in the world you and your ilk crave. trump is playing youse guyz.
Gee, back in ‘Nam and again in Iraq, the Lefties never talked about their terrorizing people to get what they wanted.
They just did it.
Now poor widdle Jeffery cries, “Foul”, because his side’s on the receiving end.
There are some 330 million Americans and a thousand or so teabagging, astroturfed, Charlottesvilling, boogalooing, fat, white boys are parading around with their toy guns ’cause tyrants!
Charlottesville? Are we still on that? (well, it’s all he’s got; maybe we ought to bring up Waco and Ruby Ridge)
In any case, a) it was not different in 1775. I’m sure all the little trolls back then said pretty much the same thing.
Your boogaloo will fail, you know, as there are more real Americans than right-wing terrorists. And we real Americans refuse to live in the world you and your ilk crave. trump is playing youse guyz.
The real Americans are the ones resisting. See Huntington Beach yesterday? See what people did to Kaiser Wilhelm’s snitchline?
You don’t know any real Americans because what you want died with Stalin. And it’s getting ready to die with Shi.
And you’re the one being played. How does it go? “there will always be useful idiots”
Nobody can come out with such a masterful line that shows not only anti white racccccism but utter hatred of all that is American like Elwood can. Kudos. You should have been around to write for Hitler and Stalin. The fact you penned such bull shit is encouraging because it shows you’re losing your mind about the election. Nobody not insane would refer to Americans exercising their right to assemble This way: “There are some 330 million Americans and a thousand or so teabagging, astroturfed, Charlottesvilling, boogalooing, fat, white boys are parading around with their toy guns ’cause tyrants!”
You are a buffoon and a moron.
And when you follow it up with something as cognitively dissonant as: “Your boogaloo will fail, you know, as there are more real Americans than right-wing terrorists. And we real Americans refuse to live in the world you and your ilk crave. trump is playing youse guyz.” you show your ignorance and as usual, your hate. Cause basically that’s all you have.
You have spent your ungrateful sad life living in a world we and our ilk crave: A Free society! And you’ve hated us and our ancestors who created it, fought for it and handed it to you. You would be lying in a mass grave or in a concentration camp in the countries you love: China, N Korea, Cuba.
You’re like an ungrateful child, full of anger and hate for the people who gave you the world you live in and the comfortable life you have. Full of hate and anger.
Trump 2020 Keep the Hate out of America. We and our “ilk” love FREEDOM! Yes, fool.