Strangely, the people who put this together aren’t saying how much of their own money they are putting into this. But, apparently, they need illegals to do their gardens and scrub their toilets
In CA: A call to donate stimulus checks to support undocumented families
Would you donate your $1,200 stimulus check to undocumented immigrants who aren’t eligible to receive the federal assistance?
Undocumented people — who comprise an estimated one in 10 California workers — are ineligible for the stimulus funding or unemployment insurance. Now, with millions of Californians laid off or working fewer hours as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, many undocumented people and their families are struggling and have no safety net.
The leaders of 805 Undocufund, a collective effort among community organizations in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties that provides disaster relief to undocumented people and families, are calling on people who haven’t been financially impacted by the crisis to donate their federal stimulus checks, reports Erin Rode for the Ventura County Star.
“We’re thinking of it in terms of equity and sharing the dollars that people receive from the federal government, because it’s about supporting undocumented families when they’re not receiving any other type of support,†said Eder Gaona-Macedo, executive director of Future Leaders of America.
These Open Borders advocates just never stop.

Look at all those Republicans.
Must be a cult or something…
Or they could just go back to Mexico!
You think the Republicans in San Diego are Mexican?
Here’s a gedankenexperiment for you: Suppose America goes all revolution like the right-wing extremists advocate, and gangs start roaming the streets killing people. What if those Americans who flee to Canada to avoid murder and rape were arrested, their kids put in cages, and the adults deported?
You think the Republicans in San Diego are Mexican?
They are now.
Here’s a gedankenexperiment for you
You seem to be really stuck on the German language. Got a thing for the Reich, do we?
And it’s really Gedankenerfahrung. Gedanken experiment is 2 words.
Suppose America goes all revolution like the right-wing extremists advocate, and gangs start roaming the streets killing people.
Well, there’s your problem right there. It’s going to be the Lefties roaming the streets. It’s what Commies do.
Until they run into the Conservatives.
What if those Americans who flee to Canada to avoid murder and rape were arrested, their kids put in cages, and the adults deported?
Then it’s Baby Trudeau’s problem.
Last time a bunch of Lefties went north, they weren’t made very welcome.