…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing desertification, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the press being shocked by a double standard in the press.

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer causing desertification, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on the press being shocked by a double standard in the press.
This just cannot be true.
This just cannot be true.
You’re right! Chances are if it’s reported in ZeroHedge and originated with the ultra-right-wing Assoc of American Physicians and Surgeons it’s not true. If you find out your physician is a member of AAPS, run – do not walk – to a real doctor. It’s a collection of shamans and quacks.
The AAPS is not only ultra-conservative but is also ultra-stupid, denying that HIV is the causative agent of AIDS, claiming that vaccines cause autism and that abortions cause breast cancer. They oppose abortion, Medicare, Medicaid, gov’t medical regulations, the ACA, gun control, Social Security, electronic medical records, evidence-based medicine, and importantly oppose any regulation of a physician’s right to prescribe opiate drugs. They oppose any teaching of evolution, they deny CO2-related global warming, They feel that tobacco use has been unfairly criticized.
It was their journal that started the lie that immigrants were bringing leprosy into the US. FOX, of course, ran with that falsehood. FOX eventually admitted they were wrong, but the AAPS never did.
The AAPS gives right-wing idiots a patina of respectability.
Anyway, anecdotes do not equal data, regardless of how many anecdotes are cited. No wonder they oppose evidence-based medicine.
You’re right! Chances are if it’s reported in ZeroHedge and originated with the ultra-right-wing Assoc of American Physicians and Surgeons it’s not true. If you find out your physician is a member of AAPS, run – do not walk – to a real doctor. It’s a collection of shamans and quacks.
Translation: they don’t bow down to every PC fad that comes along and refuse to lie to the American people.
The AAPS is not only ultra-conservative but is also ultra-stupid, denying that HIV is the causative agent of AIDS, claiming that vaccines cause autism and that abortions cause breast cancer.
Technically, those are all true. HIV creates conditions for WOGS, but it’s not a cause.
Women who abort their babies never wetnurse them, which drives up cancer risks.
The autism thing is still a subject of lively debate, and the fact that the same people who say vaccination doesn’t cause autism are the same ones who said Wu Ping Cough would kill 2 million Americans. Last I looked, cases and deaths had leveled off and, if the state of MN is to be believed, actual number of deaths from the bug is about 500.
They oppose abortion, Medicare, Medicaid, gov’t medical regulations, the ACA, gun control, Social Security, electronic medical records, evidence-based medicine, and importantly oppose any regulation of a physician’s right to prescribe opiate drugs. They oppose any teaching of evolution, they deny CO2-related global warming, They feel that tobacco use has been unfairly criticized.
All of those positions sound reasonable (whatever evidence-based medicine), especially opposition to YKW.
It was their journal that started the lie that immigrants were bringing leprosy into the US. FOX, of course, ran with that falsehood. FOX eventually admitted they were wrong, but the AAPS never did.
Because they were right.
The AAPS gives right-wing idiots a patina of respectability.
If they’re so reproachable, how does that happen?
Anyway, anecdotes do not equal data, regardless of how many anecdotes are cited. No wonder they oppose evidence-based medicine.
Anecdotes are data, nitwit. They may or may not be outliers, but that’s another question.
Of course, this is the guy who says science is based on consensus, but not on proof.
Your confidence in your stupidity is cute.
Your is breathtaking.
Guess middle-school mean girl is now qualified to dispense medical advice contrary to practicing physicians.
Thanks moron.
Lolgfy MSMG
Leaked Documents Show China Hid Info On Virus Human Transmission; Secret Social Monitoring Exposed EPOCH TIMES VIDEO
trump is such a snowflake…
“President Trump moved on Friday night to replace a top official at the Department of Health and Human Services who angered him with a report last month highlighting supply shortages and testing delays at hospitals during the coronavirus pandemic…”
“The White House waited until after business hours to announce the nomination of a new inspector general for the department who, if confirmed, would take over for Christi A. Grimm, the principal deputy inspector general who was publicly assailed by the president at a news briefing three weeks ago.â€
Trump fires people who screw up.
I notice no attribution for that little piece of bias.
The angered part was gratuitous, but, considering how wrong all the “experts” were and how much they’ve cost the nation for their little power trip, I’d say a little anger probably is in order.
Protesting ‘patriots’ in Illinois were carrying signs (in German, no less!) with Nazi slogans. Charming. The J.B. the signs refer to is J.B. Pritzker, the Jewish governor of Illinois.
It was the saying at the entrance to Auschwitz.
Good thing these trumpenfuhrer supporters didn’t march through Skokie.
Protesting ‘patriots’ in Illinois were carrying signs (in German, no less!) with Nazi slogans. Charming. The J.B. the signs refer to is J.B. Pritzker, the Jewish governor of Illinois.
Another of your infiltrators, I take it.
Good thing these trumpenfuhrer supporters didn’t march through Skokie.
Why, exactly? Are you saying they don’t have a right to free speech endorsed by the US Supreme Court and the ACLU?
And the Fuhreren all seem to be on your side – Cuomo, Newsom, Wolf (a good Kraut name), Murphy, Inslee, Beshear, Brown, Whitler, Blackface, Walz, Evers, Cooper, Mills.
When you start bitching about communists waving red flags and carrying commie slogans (in any language, no less) then you’ve earned the right to bitch about Nazi’s. Communists and Nazi’s are two sides of one coin and frankly I don’t believe either should be tolerated, but that’s my opinion. Many Americans believe BOTH should have free speech but I believe any group dedicated to the destruction of America loses it’s right to free speech and it’s right to exist here. That includes Islam. The only practical difference between Nazism, communism and Mohammadism is out of the three only Nazism has no power to harm America, the other two can an will destroy us (with your help and people like you) given the chance which may well be in November.
We can’t figure why you seem to hate Nazi’s so much when you are obviously enamored with fukin communists. They are both iterations of socialism and they both have brought only misery and death. Fortunately after Nazism’s first permutation from socialism it was done for but you seem to think next time communism will work cause the “good guys” will be in charge. How’s that working out for ya? Ask the folks in Venezuela.
Either you hate socialism or you don’t. Picking and choosing which tyrannical, murdering, freedom destroying branch of socialism you prefer is a fools errand. You’re a political dog chasing its tail. Enjoy the trip, drip.
Trump 2020 Throw the socialists out.
Whataboutism and both-siderism.
Not sure why you are so accepting of right-wing terrorists (‘protesters’) waving signs with Nazi slogans.
Either you hate socialism or you don’t. Do YOU hate socialism? Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment payments, gov’t roads, clean air, clean water, FDIC, Federal Reserve… are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France etc, etc, and so forth, socialist nations?
It seems you conflate socialist policies with authoritarianism. You conflate perfectly legal temporary public health policies with the Gulag. Relax dude. We’re all sacrificing to varying extents. People like you and I have the financial wherewithal to survive. The socialist Federal Reserve has pumped trillions into the markets to keep the stock market healthy (do you recognize that the socialist Federal Reserve is keeping your stock prices up?). The socialist federal government is distributing trillions to individuals and companies, hopefully averting Great Depression II. Your argument that none of this was necessary,’cause flu, has been shown to be flawed, and fatally.
Our national response was slow and inadequate, without question. Nationwide testing, which would allow “opening” sooner, has been inadequate after these many months.
Fortunately the wisdom and core strength of the American people, our commitment to doing the right thing, to sacrifice for the common good, will win out.
Relax dude. Safety ‘on’. As you know, these temporary restrictions will be removed – it has already started – without violence. This is not the start of a left-wing authoritarian takeover of America.
“Not sure why you are so accepting of right-wing terrorists (‘protesters’) waving signs with Nazi slogans.”
You don’t? Then you’re the dumbest motherfuker on the left. The signs were DIRECTED toward the real Nazis, the governor, you fukin’ moron! And PEACEFUL American citizens exercising their right to assemble ARE NOT TERRORISTS you scumbag!
I’m not sure why you are so triggered by Americans making a lawful protest to illegal acts by Democommie tyrants.
Trump 2020 get the Democommies out!
Whataboutism and both-siderism.
Not sure why you are so accepting of right-wing terrorists (‘protesters’) waving signs with Nazi slogans.
Of course, Jeffery would never engage in either /SARC
Do YOU hate socialism? Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment payments, gov’t roads, clean air, clean water, FDIC, Federal Reserve… are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France etc, etc, and so forth, socialist nations?
Unemployment is insurance, not welfare. Social Security is, and always has been, a scam, gov’t roads aren’t socialism, clean air and clean water have less to do with socialism than with paying off the Demos’ constituencies, FDIC and Federal Reserve are definitely not socialism (I think you have no idea what that word means), but they’re more trouble than they’re worth.
And, yes, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France etc, etc, and so forth, are socialist nations.
You really don’t know what the word means, do you?
It seems you conflate socialist policies with authoritarianism. You conflate perfectly legal temporary public health policies with the Gulag.
Because when you say soxcxialism, you mean Communism.
Relax dude. We’re all sacrificing to varying extents. People like you and I have the financial wherewithal to survive.
You get a government check every month anyway and you have one of those cards, so you’re not sacrificing a thing.
The socialist Federal Reserve has pumped trillions into the markets to keep the stock market healthy (do you recognize that the socialist Federal Reserve is keeping your stock prices up?).
In the name of clarity, a central bank has nothing to do with socialism. Andrew Jackson campaigned against the first one in 1836.
The socialist federal government is distributing trillions to individuals and companies, hopefully averting Great Depression II. Your argument that none of this was necessary,’cause flu, has been shown to be flawed, and fatally.
You mean Great Depression III. Zippy presided over Great Depression II.
And, the stimulus was created to get people over a 2 week period.
The fact it’s lasting considerably longer is due to the tyrannical nature of Democrat governors and mayors.
Our national response was slow and inadequate, without question. Nationwide testing, which would allow “opening†sooner, has been inadequate after these many months.
3 is many? Shirley, you jest.
And if it was inadequate, it’s at the feet of Democrats such as yourself, too busy with a phony impeachment to pay attention.
Fortunately the wisdom and core strength of the American people, our commitment to doing the right thing, to sacrifice for the common good, will win out.
Sacrifice, my foot. The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
I see where this week’s protests even through a scare into Dr Birx. And she’s supposed to be a colonel.
Relax dude. Safety ‘on’. As you know, these temporary restrictions will be removed – it has already started – without violence. This is not the start of a left-wing authoritarian takeover of America.
No, it’s the end. You guys really thought we were going to sit still for this.
Wrong again.
Once again… taxing capitalism to pay for common goods is not socialism. Socialism is the theft of what capitalism built and giving it to political insiders for their own enrichment while making promises to the masses about equality and redistribution.
Edward Sibley typed: You guys really thought we were going to sit still for this.
What you mean “we”, pussyface? Be a man for once. Grab your musket, fluff your mullet, and head for Columbus!
Nope. Political theater.
If it were up to me, I’d remove ALL restrictions, but not provide any medical care to conservatives or GOPhers. Eazy-peazy. Further, those who spread the virus resulting in death or morbidity be held responsible for damages. Eazy-peazy. Freedumb!!!
It would take a naïf like Mr Dowd to not realize that “carrying signs (in German, no less!) with Nazi slogans” referring to the Governor of Illinois is meant to point out that Herr Pritzker was acting like a Nazi.
Of course, Herr Pritzker was outraged, and then he added, like a good little fascist:
In other words, they were Just Obeying Orders.
Mr. Dana is just another Covidiot.
Equating a governor (Jewish, no less) with the Nazis is just not right. You may not realize this but even before WWII the actual Nazis rounded up tens of thousands gays, Roma, political opponents, union members, commies, socialists, social democrats, those with the ‘wrong’ religion, locking them up, torturing, killing. In the run up to the war, and during WWII – you may have heard of this, too – the actual Nazis shipped millions of Jews, gays, Roma, disabled etc in boxcars to Extermination Camps – perhaps you’ve heard of some of them – Auschwitz, Belzec, Treblinka – millions of Jewish men, women and children were murdered outright or worked to death. The actual Nazis harvested gold from the victims mouths, hair, and conducted medical experiments on the victims. Here’s a great picture of Jewish children marching to their deaths.
Makes limited beach access seem like a real walk in the park doesn’t it?
We get that the American right-wing is panicked about the Nov 3 election as their preferred candidate and their Senate majority are under genuine threat. The GOP has made the calculus that the legal public health policies that have been instituted will harm their electoral chances more than another 100,000 dead Americans.
The GOP has mobilized a small group of loud ‘protesters’. They are Just Obeying Orders. Fair enough.
Ya triggered yet? Do you think your little lecture about who and what the Nazi’s were informed us of ANYTHING we did not already know? Well, it didn’t.
Only a die-hard commie like yourself would be blind to the fact that “limited beach access” is what this is all about. You read us the history but you don’t understand it. The Nazis like any other socialist organization did not start off with boxcars full of Jews, fags and gypsy’s. They started off making rules, laws and regulations for the “people’s own good” to protect them. If they had had Red Chink Flu they would have used that too.
Your leftist mayors and governors have done more damage to the people of this country than the actual flu did. But you don’t care because all you have is anger, envy, fear and hate. That’s all any socialist is. Vermin.
Trump 2020 we need to end the rule of despots who take your job and business.
You learned a new word the other day and use it all the time! LOL.
Your domino theory that limited beach access to prevent spreading of the Trump Plague (tP) is leading to conservatives being loaded onto freight cars and shipped to FEMA Extermination Camps is a bit over the top isn’t it?
As restrictions are being lifted state-by-state, how does this square with your theory? Wouldn’t the real NaziComs (you continually conflate Nazis and Communists for some reason), CRACK DOWN on the protests and the “re-openings”???
How many Americans would you have die from the tP to prevent the 0.000001% chance of Death Camps for Connies? You can’t really believe that.
So it’s obvious this is a right-wing pseudo-justification for mob action, driven by the fear that your president will lose and the very real possibility of the GOP losing the Senate.
Real Americans see through the right-wing. A clear majority of all Americans agree with the experts. That’s what frightens the right-wing and GOP the most.
If the right-wing was ACTUALLY worried about a Dem/Nazi/Com takeover there would be an ACTUAL uprising rather than dozens of posers playing to the cameras. If YOU were ACTUALLY afraid that we’re just months away from freight car loads of conservative men, women and children being shipped to Retention or Death Camps it seems you’d do more than type about it. Nope. It’s political theater.
You’re a little confused on your Nazi history though. The Nazis sent 10s of thousands of political opponents to concentration camps in the 30s. Communists, gays, socialists, union organizers, Democratic Socialists, leftists, intellectuals that criticized The Party, all undesirables… All the people you say WERE THE NAZI PARTY.
This only makes sense in the context of political theater. The GOP fears losing control of the WH and Senate, and rightly so. The sluggish and inadequate response by the gov’t to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has hurt the GOP.
You have your marching orders. 1. China! China! China! 2. Nazi/Commie* Dem Governors
Carry on.
*Why, according to the Panicked GOP, are Dems Nazis and Commies? Simple. Because some focus group expert told them it was more effective than authoritarian. It’s. ALL. Political. Theater.
As always, Jeffery has to lie. the JB makes all the difference in the world.
You may not realize this but even before WWII the actual Nazis rounded up tens of thousands gays, Roma, political opponents, union members, commies, socialists, social democrats, those with the ‘wrong’ religion, locking them up, torturing, killing. In the run up to the war, and during WWII – you may have heard of this, too – the actual Nazis shipped millions of Jews, gays, Roma, disabled etc in boxcars to Extermination Camps – perhaps you’ve heard of some of them – Auschwitz, Belzec, Treblinka – millions of Jewish men, women and children were murdered outright or worked to death. The actual Nazis harvested gold from the victims mouths, hair, and conducted medical experiments on the victims.
And Zippy’s uncle liberated Auschwitz, right?
Actually, you’re wrong as usual.
The death camps didn’t start until the war in Europe was well under way. Untermenschen were gathered into concentration camps before the war, but the real killing began with the Einsatzgruppen in Russia. In fact, for Russians, the New Order is the Einstatzgruppen.
Makes limited beach access seem like a real walk in the park doesn’t it?
Typical cheap shot. Newsom, Whitler, Pritzker, and Cuomo are attempting to take away Americans’ Constitutional rights and that’s as good a reason to fight as any.
You, of course, want those Constitutional rights taken away so you can have your Workers’ Paradise with you as a commissar someplace.
We get that the American right-wing is panicked about the Nov 3 election as their preferred candidate and their Senate majority are under genuine threat. The GOP has made the calculus that the legal public health policies that have been instituted will harm their electoral chances more than another 100,000 dead Americans.
Again, Shirley, you jest.
The only party that’s panicked is yours. Gropin’ Joe now has an 8th accuser, a 14 year old girl yet. So why aren’t you demanding he should be investigated?
The GOP has mobilized a small group of loud ‘protesters’. They are Just Obeying Orders. Fair enough.
50,000 at Newport Beach isn’t small.
Nicely put and good research.
The mask makes me wonder if it is another Lefty plant, but let’s assume not, for the moment.
But it’s interesting Jeffery, who is forever trying to sound erudite by making his little epigrams bi-lingual in Nazi German, wants to turn these people into Nazis.
If they are, he is.
It’s interesting Edward Sibley… continues to make no sense.
Nitwit: The neoNazi used German on the sign.
Ass: you assume it was a neo-Nazi.
Maybe just someone making an historical point.
When you assume you make an Ass of U in from of Me.
It appears an Elwood sympathizer was recently 86’d from his “essential” job telling people if it was raining out or not:
Alex Parker @ RedState
” Ahh — the old Nazi comparison. It’s a favorite of many. Wanna insult some political faction? Just compare them to Hitler’s henchmen.
It’s such a best-loved method of degradation, it’s sometimes applied to things that are the polar opposite.
Such was the case for a Minnesota weatherman recently.
Amid American’s crippling COVID-19 closure, meteorologist Sven Sundgaard reposted an online comment attributed to Rabbi Michael Adam Latz. The remark labeled anti-lockdown protestors as “white nationalist Nazi sympathizer gun fetishist miscreants.â€
Yes — miscreants.
That was April 19th, and on Friday — May 1st — news station KARE11 parted ways with their forecaster.”
To be clear, KARE11’s post about “ethics and other policies†was the only comment made by the Minneapolis station. So officially, they didn’t necessarily sack Sven for his assertion of similarity between Open America activists and murderous, goose-stepping socialists.
But I gotta think it didn’t help.
It was an odd bit of eyesight — perceiving those protesting perceived tyranny as tyrannical.
But this is the world in which we live — one that wants to paint so many as Hitler.”
It amazes me how all these communists who are supposed to be “for the people” get all triggered when people who were ILLEGALLY thrown out of their jobs or who were deprived of their business property ILLEGALLY protest in the streets. As usual, all the left has is lies, lies, lies and hate.
Trump 2020 Get rid of the leftist lies and hate!
The left is still dealing with being truly exposed as communists and now for once in two generations or at least since REAGAN people are getting a real glimpse at what communism really is so they are fighting back desperately with the NAZI tag again.
Ask most people under the age of 40 what communism is and they havent a clue. Two reasons, it had been destroyed as a major factor in the world order roughly 40 years ago and 50 years ago the communists made a concerted effort to expunge communism bad from schools.
Today these same people 6 months ago that had no idea what communism is all about are now getting an eye full. They are WTF mate? Stay at home has destroyed the left. The left just doesnt realize it yet. So now they are in full blown defend a pervert because he was better than a commie and destroy the world in order to have power.
Yeah COVID-19 is changing the new world order all right. Its just not clear how many have to die to get the commies message out to the world that they are an unstoppable force.
You learned a new word the other day and use it all the time! LOL.
Your domino theory that limited beach access to prevent spreading of the Trump Plague (tP) is leading to conservatives being loaded onto freight cars and shipped to FEMA Extermination Camps is a bit over the top isn’t it?
The Nanking Nasty has nothing to do with Trump, lots to do with the Demos. And we know Lefty politicians are willing to herd Americans into FEMA camps for open-ended periods. we also know the Lefties are forever wishing death on their adversaries, now don’t we?
So it’s not so over the top, after all.
As restrictions are being lifted state-by-state, how does this square with your theory? Wouldn’t the real NaziComs (you continually conflate Nazis and Communists for some reason), CRACK DOWN on the protests and the “re-openings�??
Well, considering it’s the R states that are lifting restrictions whiled the Demo states are extending them (as often as not out of petulance), seems to me your theory is shot to Hell. And you may think NaziComs is cute, but there was enough common ground for them to overrun Poland.
In fact, one of the Nazis’ biggest gripes was that they thought they were the true standard bearers of socialism.
And, in fact, people like Newsom, Inslee, Kaiser Bill, and Whitler are cracking down.
How many Americans would you have die from the tP to prevent the 0.000001% chance of Death Camps for Connies? You can’t really believe that.
The death count (the phony one) has leveled off, so your little Uncle Saul virtue signalling is a dud.
As for the 0.000001% chance of Death Camps, that’s what most of the Jews who climbed into the box cars in a peaceful and orderly fashion thought.
So it’s obvious this is a right-wing pseudo-justification for mob action, driven by the fear that your president will lose and the very real possibility of the GOP losing the Senate.
In your dreams.
Trump wins, the Rs pick up Senate seats, the House is returned, and all because the will of the people.
Don’t you believe in Power To The People? Funny when you’re on the receiving end.
Real Americans see through the right-wing. A clear majority of all Americans agree with the experts. That’s what frightens the right-wing and GOP the most.
So many people agree with the “experts”, they’re turning out by the tens of thousands to disagree.
If the right-wing was ACTUALLY worried about a Dem/Nazi/Com takeover there would be an ACTUAL uprising rather than dozens of posers playing to the cameras. If YOU were ACTUALLY afraid that we’re just months away from freight car loads of conservative men, women and children being shipped to Retention or Death Camps it seems you’d do more than type about it. Nope. It’s political theater.
No, you’re political theater. And damn bad at it, too.
What scares you is this is the first good look at what government control really means since WWII and kids are seeing it firsthand. The Democrat brand is going to be tainted for 40 years over this. Your guys won’t even be a regional party after November.
You’re a little confused on your Nazi history though. The Nazis sent 10s of thousands of political opponents to concentration camps in the 30s. Communists, gays, socialists, union organizers, Democratic Socialists, leftists, intellectuals that criticized The Party, all undesirables… All the people you say WERE THE NAZI PARTY.
No, all the people you say WERE THE NAZI PARTY. The Nazi party of 80 years ago was the blond, blue-eyed, six foot, heterosexual, centrist German and his family.
The Nazis today are Communists, homosexuals, socialists, union organizers, Democratic Socialists, leftists, and faux intellectuals.
This only makes sense in the context of political theater. The GOP fears losing control of the WH and Senate, and rightly so. The sluggish and inadequate response by the gov’t to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has hurt the GOP.
You have your marching orders. 1. China! China! China! 2. Nazi/Commie* Dem Governors
Sorry, isn’t flying with anybody. Even the Demos know they’re going to lose. You’re just a joke.
*Why, according to the Panicked GOP, are Dems Nazis and Commies? Simple. Because some focus group expert told them it was more effective than authoritarian. It’s. ALL. Political. Theater.
If so, it’s bombing at the box office.
You aren’t convincing anybody. This is no different than those “think pieces” people used to read in rags like Ms to show they were “right thinking people”.
Everybody else thought it was nonsense.
Perhaps it is barak obama beholden to corporatists.
Perhaps it is China joe biden flying to China and his son ending up with 2 billion deposited in his newly formed HEDGE FUND OF WHICH HE IS SO DRATICALLY QUALIFIED to run.
Perhaps it is Joe Biden’s QUID PRO QUO in Ukraine.
Perhaps it is 1000’s of university professors taking money from China under the table.
Perhaps it is HARVARDS BEST stealing military secrets from the NIH and the US military.
Perhaps it is China’s belt and road initiative in which they make countries beholden to them by offering them money in exchange for their souls.
Perhaps it is the leftist/Commie MSM defending CHINA while Trashing Trump.
Perhaps it is the left rooting for millions of deaths and a total collapse of the economy for power.
Perhaps just perhaps some of this might play a role in CHINA, CHINA, CHINA.
Perhaps, just perhaps the very fact that half the professors in college profess to be COMMUNISTS. and perhaps its just a coinicidence that the LEFT WANTS FREE COLLEGE so they can continue to brain wash our kids by communist professors.
Perhaps, just perhaps it is CHINA, CHINA, CHINA because they are 1.3 billion strong run by a ruthless COMMUNIST dictatorship that violates human rights, locks up Muslims in concentration camps and makes people disappear when they rock the boat.
Just perhaps If the MSM actually covered China for one week, Trump would win 538-0.
Just perhaps if the left told the truth just once people would realize that somewhere someone think tank come up with the idea that Conservatives are racist and Nazis.
Well if that is true then liberals/progressives are communists and mass murderers in the same vein with racism to the xtreme since they hate 70 percent of the people in our nation.
Perhaps there is no talking point. Perhaps its just the truth. The right has their demons and the left has theirs and if the truth is put up fairly beside each other I am sure that it’s 538-0 TRUMP and Biden is the one going to jail for being the biggest fuking crook on the planet.
What you mean “weâ€, pussyface? Be a man for once. Grab your musket, fluff your mullet, and head for Columbus!
I mean We The People of the United States. That, of course excludes you and yours. And I’ve been flouting DeWidiot’s restrictions since this started.
Nope. Political theater.
You’re praying for another Kent State Massacre. The right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Kills you we’re standing up for it.
If it were up to me, I’d remove ALL restrictions, but not provide any medical care to conservatives or GOPhers. Eazy-peazy.!
Well, since 94% of all cases are asymptomatic and 3/4 of 1% of all deaths attributed to the Trans Pacific Plague are actually from it, I’d say fu(k you.
Further, those who spread the virus resulting in death or morbidity be held responsible for damages. Eazy-peazy. Freedumb!!
Yeah, that’s all it is to you. Something to be used to get what you want.
Well, if you’re going to prosecute those who spread the virus resulting in death or morbidity (they’re the same, idiot) be held responsible for damages, let’s start with Kaiser Bill, Cuomo, Newsom, and Inslee?
Howzat grab ya?
By his pussy, no doubt.
Mortality and morbidity are not the same, covidiot.
You could look it up!
I did, genius.
You keep using words when you have no clue what they mean.
You must get laughed at an awful lot.
But to be effective, one must also READ when one looks something up, covidiot. You need to sue your dictionary.
Mortality refers to DEATH.
Morbidity refers to a diseased condition or state.
Two different descriptions.
We beseech thee, stop misleading people.
The definition is the condition of being diseased..
you lie again.
Anyway, those that choose not to follow the recommendations for social distancing can fill out a simple form insisting NOT to receive medical treatment if infected with SARS-CoV-2. That way you can fill up your church pews, pass the peace, hug, cough etc to your heart’s delight.
If you’re tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 you can wear a Scarlet K shoulder patch, for knucklehead, so non-knuckleheads can avoid you.
It’s over. you lose again.
The curve has flattened, the number of deaths and cases is static. No big rises.
All your dreams of how socialized medicine will punish those smart enough to see through the scam have come to naught.
And which is a grand little inducement against socialized medicine in itself.