See, she doesn’t want the money to go to big business or fossil fuels companies. And she’s taken lots and lots of long fossil fueled trips to prove her point. BTW, how much of her own money is she donating? When is she going to make her life carbon neutral?
Jane Fonda demands coronavirus fund be used to stop climate change, not bail out oil billionaires
Environmental activist and actress Jane Fonda chose May Day to urge people to end the use of fossil fuels and protect worker rights.
She urged against corporate bailouts amid the current coronavirus pandemic. She believes that the government should instead set aside recovery money to develop green and sustainable energy and also a “level playing field” for workers.
During her climate change rally ‘Fire Drill Friday’ which was held online, Fonda said, “these historic sums of stimulus money aren’t going to happen again, maybe even during our lifetimes. And where they go and how they are spent will determine so much about what kind of future we have,” Breitbart reports.
“So while we insist on more funding to heal the effects of this pandemic, we must also insist that the money is used to lay the foundation for a clean, sustainable energy future as well as justice and dignity and a level playing field for all workers,” Fonda continued.
She should be telling the few people who are listening (as she continues to attempt to hijack St. Greta’s Fridays for the Future schtick) that they need to give up their own use of fossil fuels, and that she will start. That she’ll move out of her big mansion and into a tiny home, running off solar. Once again, this is the problem with Warmists: they want Other People to pay the price for their beliefs.
She had started her virtual rally by slamming POTUS Donald Trump and said that his administration is trying “to ram through bailouts for the already privileged and the powerful.” She also praised Democrats whom she believes “have fought to include financial aid for workers and small businesses, hospitals… but more, much more needs to be done.”
Ah, so this is really all about left-wing politics. Maybe she could go pose with the enemy again, just like during Vietnam.
In her virtual rally, Fonda also highlighted her stance on oil and drilling companies and their leaders. “We have to say ‘no’ to bailouts for corporate executives and oil billionaires and ‘yes’ to immediately protecting the most vulnerable among us.”
“Fossil fuel executives don’t give a fuzzy rat’s ass about workers or communities’ well being,” she shared. She also believes that there must be free coronavirus testing and free medical care for workers who have contracted the virus.
Interestingly, of all the sectors we are hearing complaints from, when it comes to the workers, the fossil fuels industry is not one of them.

Prominent university bio lab urged to reveal extent of relationship with Wuhan lab at center of coronavirus outbreak
of course the COMMUNIST HANOI JANE would want that. So does CHINA. They have insideously intertwined themselves in every aspect of science around the world up to and including faking data about AGW while they themselves are the worst polluter in the world bar none.
What does it benefit for the Stupid west to give up their fossil fuels? More, better and cheaper for them plus then now have 90 percent of the worlds true POWER in their hands and its game over folks. The usa or the west or India could not fight back if they wanted to.
GO fuk yourselves AGW movement, we all know what your really all about. A china ploy to steal whats left of the world for themselves.
Exposed: Democrats’ double standard on believing women VIDEO
The lovely Miss Fonda “believes that the government should instead set aside recovery money to develop green and sustainable energy and also a “level playing field†for workers.”
Thing is, ‘developing’ green and sustainable energy is a research project, something which will employ very few people.