Owners of more than 120 of Georgia’s most popular restaurants announced this week they won’t be reopening their doors just yet, despite getting a green light to do so from the governor.
Gov. Brian Kemp said customers could again go to restaurants for dine-in service starting April 27 as long as eateries put in place measures to mitigate staff and guest exposure to coronavirus. The state has, so far, had more than 27,490 infections and at least 1,169 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.
In a full-page advertisement in a local newspaper, more than 50 restaurateurs said they would hunker down a little longer.
“We pledge ourselves to act as custodians of the public’s trust,” the statement reads. “(…) Recognizing that each operator faces incredibly difficult decisions on the path ahead, we affirm the fact that public safety is the top priority as we navigate the challenge.” (snip)
“In order to have that long-term thinking, it’s very challenging to do so, especially when you’re losing money or the state is running out of money,” he said. “At the same time if we want to avoid further pain down the road my feeling is we have to incur a little bit more pain now.”
And then
Some in central Iowa, like Baldwin, are eager to again welcome customers for table service. Others say they need more time to prepare their physical spaces and staff to ensure they’re reopening under the safest possible conditions that won’t contribute to a new spread of virus activity. Some say they’re having difficulty restocking certain food items and obtaining enough disinfectant.
You’re getting a smattering of that all across the country, with not just restaurants, but gyms and such. And, you know what, places that are not ready don’t have to open. But, many are demanding that others do not open. That the lockdown rules remain in place. They’re attempting to put their beliefs on others and take away their Constitutional Rights. Think of the beach. Why is it not open? Certainly, they can allow people to go and sit on the beach as long as they social distance. Heck, make it 10 feet apart. 15. How does that hurt anyone? Why can’t people people be free to live their lives within the social distance rules? Physical separation. We do not have to be locked down.

Their PC is some other guy’s gain.
It’s important to remember that, when these businesses do reopen, and call back laid off employees, those who decline to return to work because they are still afraid of COVID-19 will have just made themselves ineligible for unemployment compensation.
In Pennsylvania, when you make your bi-weekly unemployment claim, you are asked “Are you able to work and available for work?” If you lie about this, you can become permanently ineligible for unemployment. Employers are notified concerning all employees who make unemployment claims, and if the employer responds that a particular person was offered his previous job back and declined, Boom! unemployment is denied, and the claimant becomes legally liable for making a fraudulent claim, subject to criminal charges.
It’s important to remember that, when these businesses do reopen, and call back laid off employees, those who decline to return to work because they are still afraid of COVID-19 will have just made themselves ineligible for unemployment compensation.
Absolutely not. There is not a law in the land that forces people to do work they think is dangerous or puts their health at risk.
In that states are only partially opening up because of health concerns, any claimant would have the right to say “if the government doesn’t think it is totally safe, I am not risking my health.”
This would be especially true for that fall in certain “at risk” groups.
You are assuming that the states, overwhelmed as they are, would somehow see this as justice and react as you have stated. I would never take such an assumption. Employers are the ones responsible for providing a safe working environment, and if the employers say it’s safe, the state would have to prove otherwise.
I don’t have the link, but Christine Romans, CNN’s economic reporter, pointed out the same thing a few days ago.
You are assuming that the states, overwhelmed as they are, would somehow see this as justice and react as you have stated.
Not assuming that at all. It is EEOC (ie Federal law.) This really is one of the easy ones out there, even in “right to work states.” An employer cannot force an employee to do work that the employee feels is dangerous.
With states not opening up, or restricting distancing and other issues, people can say it is not safe and there is not one thing the state or the employer can do.
Said employee, however, can find him/herself out of a job, one way or another, for being unreasonable or just PC.
Said employee, however, can find him/herself out of a job, one way or another, for being unreasonable or just PC.
It is not “unreasonable” to protect ones health and not place it at risk.
You are right gitarcarver, nobody can force them to work but the rest of us refuse to pay them not to. After all wouldn’t that be forcing us to work to pay them not to work? Where’s the justice in that?
Don’t start with the “at risk” groups. Who are they? And who said they work anyway? The only authentic at risk group are old farts with pre existing conditions. Until the civil rights lawyers get involved, that is.
It is black letter law that one cannot be forced to do something that puts their health at risk. If that wasn’t the case, people could be told to work in hazardous environments without protection or do risky tasks without safety gear and when the employee refuses, they could be fired.
As for “at risk groups,” the CDC and Johns Hopkins disagree with you that it is only “old farts” who form an “at risk” group.
I read your links and they said at risk are old farts with pre existing conditions. That’s what I said. That’s what everybody has been saying for two months now.
This is the table from the linked CDC article. Being over 65 was one risk factor, among a total of ten. The other 9 were not associated with age. You’re venturing dangerously close to a trump/Sibley level of gaslighting.
Conditions and Other Risk Factors
Chronic lung disease
Serious heart conditions
Chronic kidney disease being treated with dialysis
Severe obesity
People aged 65 years and older
People in nursing homes or long-term care facilities
Liver disease
If you’re a 31 yr old cancer survivor with a compromised immune system, you’re at risk.
If you’re an 8 yr old with Type 1 diabetes, you’re at risk.
If you’re 47 yr old cancer survivor with pulmonary fibrosis, you’re at risk.
Anyway, you get the idea.
“Old farts” was only one of the “at risk” groups. Maybe you didn’t read the entire article?
“Georgia’s governor said they could reopen. More than 50 restaurateurs said in a newspaper ad they’re not ready”
OMG – people making their own decisions? We can’t have THAT!
Of course the honest businesses that say they aren’t ready are at a competitive disadvantage to those that aren’t ready but open anyway, even at the risk of infecting workers and customers. In essence the government is picking winners and losers by pushing the openings, with the winners doing what the gov’t wants. “Fortunately”, the government is also working to transfer the risk from the employers to the employees. This is deregulation at its most Republican. Neither the government nor the businesses have any responsibility for worker safety. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. Keep the working classes hungry and desperate!
If some businesses want to be all PC and beg for a time when the Lefty brahmins say it’s OK to open up insist on staying closed now, that’s on them.
Everybody will have some rough times opening up. Jeffery, as always, wants the government to insure a level playing field.
Too bad the essence of capitalism is competition. You don’t want to compete, that’s on you.
In essence the government is picking winners and losers by pushing the openings, with the winners doing what the gov’t wants. “Fortunatelyâ€, the government is also working to transfer the risk from the employers to the employees. This is deregulation at its most Republican.
No, it’s not. Everybody has an equal chance. If the snowflakes want to wait until Dr Evil is satisfied enough damage has been done to the country, that’s not the government’s doing.
And it has nothing to do with deregulation. Again, Jeffery uses a word without understanding what it means.
He does that a lot.
Neither the government nor the businesses have any responsibility for worker safety. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was. Keep the working classes hungry and desperate!
Worker safety from what? Social distancing is a crock. Masks are an even bigger crock. The only mask that can protect you from a virus is a HIPAA mask.
So Jeffery lies again.
All he forgot was, “Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your brains!”.
Who does he thing are the ones demonstrating? The working classes want to go back to work.
He wants them on welfare.
He’s the one who’s hungry and desperate!
Edward Sibley lies again. And again. And once more for good measure.
Suck it, loser.
I’m not the one going against the will of the American people.
He says people don’t want to go back to work.
I say look at all the demonstrations.
Looks like morticians are joining doctors in exposing the lie that is the Chinkypox death count. Funeral directors are attesting that virtually all death certs are for the bug.
One went so far as to have a private autopsy done to verify her suspicions. Good thing people aren’t on the Internet or this would be all over America.
I think Dr Fauci might want to start looking for a retirement home.
It’s amazing how suddenly NOBODY dies of natural causes. Everybody who croaks is now a Chink Flu “victim”. Maybe it has something to do with the monetary rewards of having virus deaths. Ya think? I hear they recassified Marc Rich as carona but Epstein still didn’t kill himself.
Each day on average, 7500 Americans die from all causes. About 1500-2000 per day are attributed to SARS-CoV-2. It’s possible that some who die from the virus would have died the next week, the next month, or the next year from accidents, MIs, cancer, suicide, COPD, liver failure, kidney disease, “natural” causes, but there’s no way to know that.
About 1500-2000 per day are attributed to SARS-CoV-2. It’s possible that some who die from the virus would have died the next week, the next month, or the next year from accidents, MIs, cancer, suicide, COPD, liver failure, kidney disease, “natural†causes, but there’s no way to know that.
The word autopsy ring a bell?
MN and NYC have both noted that deaths from Red Plague are only about 3/4 of 1% of all deaths.
It’s supported by doctors and funeral directors.
The word is getting out. The longer you maintain this charade, the more stupid and duplicitous you look.
You can perform an autopsy to determine if someone would have died of something else a month later?
Think before you type.
Nobody’s projecting into the future here, Elwood. Dying next week, month or even tomorrow isn’t the point. Labeling people who died of heart failure as Red Pox victims is being done and being done deliberately. You know it and we know it so there’s no use in getting on your high horse or doing your ridiculously sarcastic shtick.
Why doesn’t it matter to you that the cause of death for people is being mislabeled? I know it doesn’t matter to a victims family whether the death certificate says Cause of Death COPD or Peking Flu the poor bastard is dead. It won’t matter to the authorities unless there is foul play I presume. The only thing really affected is data and stats, so basically the TRUTH about the severity of the disease. Is there some reason you think we should not know the real numbers? Or am I missing how cooking the books once again benefits the left?
Trump 2020 Don’t tolerate phony stats.
Add Gotham to MN in the verification that Pooh Flu is a scam.
The city notes fatalities without co-morbidities constitute 3/5 of 1%.
Looks like a lot more people are going to be marching.
This is the table from the linked CDC article. Being over 65 was one risk factor, among a total of ten. The other 9 were not associated with age. You’re venturing dangerously close to a trump/Sibley level of gaslighting.
Conditions and Other Risk Factors
Chronic lung disease
Serious heart conditions
Chronic kidney disease being treated with dialysis
Severe obesity
People aged 65 years and older
People in nursing homes or long-term care facilities
Liver disease
If you’re a 31 yr old cancer survivor with a compromised immune system, you’re at risk.
If you’re an 8 yr old with Type 1 diabetes, you’re at risk.
If you’re 47 yr old cancer survivor with pulmonary fibrosis, you’re at risk.
Anyway, you get the idea.
Since the CDC has lied about everything else, no reason to listen to them now.
You get the idea.
Once credibility is lost, it’s almost impossible to get it back.
The “IS NOT” rebuttal. You are a gaslighting Trumpian through and through!
Kye, Do you see what you may become? formie has lost touch with reality, believing only what he hears from trump or jimhoft. Go out amongst the people, SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax. formie and Klem are lost but there’s hope for you. Really.
50 center do you see what you have become?
An anti-Trump Democratic-aligned political action committee advised by retired Army Gen. Stanley McChrystal is planning to deploy an information warfare tool that received initial funding from DARPA, the Pentagon’s secretive research arm — transforming technology originally envisioned as a way to fight ISIS propaganda into a campaign platform to benefit Joe Biden.
The Washington Post first reported that the initiative, called Defeat Disinfo, will utilize “artificial intelligence and network analysis to map discussion of the president’s claims on social media,” and then attempt to “intervene” by “identifying the most popular counter-narratives and boosting them through a network of more than 3.4 million influencers across the country — in some cases paying users with large followings to take sides against the president.”
PAYING UP TO 3.4 MILLION PEOPLE TO SPREAD THEIR OWN VERSION OF Disinformation is another form of propaganda, and of course we know the left only speaks of facts and NEVER, EVER uses propaganda or fake news to fight for their POLITICAL LIVES.
Why are they doing this? I am pretty sure Mr. McCrystal is getting his marching orders from CHINA. Defeat Trump at all costs because he has the world RILED UP AGAINST AN EVIL FUKING EMPIRE THAT MURDERS PEOPLE FOR SPORT.
An evil empire that uses propaganda, steals everything in sight, has built a military capable of defeating the USA in a war using the USA’s own stolen technology and YOU DEFEND THEM. YOU call Trump evil and a racist. Facts aren’t always wrapped in bow ties like the left pretends to keep their slaves on the plantation.
Facts sometimes have to be unwrapped. The left is pissed that COVID-19 has began unwrapping the facts and the world is taking notice for the first time since the USSR was defeated.
Ah, yes, divide and rule.
The backbone of Communism.
Fact is, I get my stuff from all over the ‘Net and the Hofts always cite their sources.
Trust the guy who lies to you about global nonsense and socialized medicine or trust the guy who digs out the facts to show what a liar the other guy is.
Choose wisely.
Since the CDC has lied about everything else, no reason to listen to them now.
If it were just the CDC you might have a point. However other countries and health organizations are saying the same thing.
There are at risk groups other than the elderly.
Okay, I obviously am not making my point. I should have said the only at risk groups are the elderly with preexisting conditions and EXERYBODY else with pre existing conditions. I figured you are getting the same info that I am so you would get what I was meaning. You didn’t.
“The “IS NOT†rebuttal. You are a gaslighting Trumpian through and through!
Kye, Do you see what you may become? formie has lost touch with reality, believing only what he hears from trump or jimhoft. Go out amongst the people, SARS-CoV-2 is a hoax. formie and Klem are lost but there’s hope for you. Really.”
I’m not gaslighting anything and Trump has NOTHING to do with this discussion you partisan hack. Unlike you Elwood, I do not “only” believe what I hear from a certain group. I try to be fair but accurate and all I see as the Primary At Risk groups are the elderly and sick. Maybe I should have put it differently so you all could plainly see what I mean, my bad. But the fact is
when formwiz listed:
“If you’re a 31 yr old cancer survivor with a compromised immune system, you’re at risk.
If you’re an 8 yr old with Type 1 diabetes, you’re at risk.
If you’re 47 yr old cancer survivor with pulmonary fibrosis, you’re at risk.
Anyway, you get the idea”
I understand that but the underlying point is they all have preexisting conditions. I should have said “old farts and people with preexisting conditions” but my point which I didn’t make , obviously, is that soon there will be special interest groups of women, blacks, homos and other of the perpetually victimized stepping up with their well coiffed lawyers to declare they are “at risk” and need money because of it. That’s the friggin’ point I so poorly was trying to make. And if we don’t have ACCURATE, REAL numbers we can’t determine the truth.
Agreed. The point was for all to strive for accuracy. You now have. THAT was my point in distinguishing you from formwiz.
Would you be angry if your 50 yr old wife with compromised lung function from radiation therapy died from SARS-CoV-2 contracted by some bozo in a grocery store who thinks the pandemic is a hoax? Or if your 7 yr old granddaughter with Type 1 diabetes died from being infected in a school forced to open?
That was my point. This is not a disagreement between so-called patriots and so-called communists, it’s an evidence-based discussion balancing public health issues against the need to keep our economies functioning, all in the midst of a raucous political campaign.
What little Jeffery omits is that there are degrees of risk.
The 8 year old does not have the same degree as the 47 year old, but the whole point is to scare people and set them at each other’s throats, which is what the Lefties want.
To wit
Would you be angry if your 50 yr old wife with compromised lung function from radiation therapy died from SARS-CoV-2 contracted by some bozo in a grocery store who thinks the pandemic is a hoax? Or if your 7 yr old granddaughter with Type 1 diabetes died from being infected in a school forced to open?
Then have the groceries delivered. But, of course, this is the essence of community organizing. Find an Emmanuel Goldstein, any Emmanuel Goldstein, and set the people at his throat.
No matter that the masks most people are using are worthless. No matter that there are several ways you can avoid the little woman going to the store. No matter that the guy who didn’t wear a mask has been doing his homework on the Interwebz.
No matter that the kid could be (gasp!) homeschooled. No matter that kids are the least likely to contract the Fauci Faux Phlegm.
The object is hate. You can’t be a good Lefty without it and you can’t be a successful Lefty if you can’t create it.
That was my point. This is not a disagreement between so-called patriots and so-called communists, it’s an evidence-based discussion balancing public health issues against the need to keep our economies functioning, all in the midst of a raucous political campaign.
First, this isn’t a disagreement between so-called patriots and so-called communists. It’s a war between patriots who love this country and communists who want to destroy it.
Second, notice how Jeffery goes back to his old tropes used for global nothing and socialized medicine. “We’re smart because science and you’re not”. It’s not an evidence-based discussion balancing public health issues against the need to keep our economies functioning.
The “evidence”, no different than global nothing and socialized medicine, is phony, even the Feds have been forced to admit it. And what’s this “economies” business?
There’s only one economy and we all live or die by it. Jeffery is setting up the old 1%er community organizer pitch.
Don’t fall for it.
COVID-19 is very dangerous. BUT, it has only mutated once that we are aware of. Very good for us. This means that herd immunity is going to be the only key to flattening the curve.
There are many people at risk with this disease. But that can be said of the Flu as well. Someone whose had a heart transplant and is taking immune suppressive drugs is at very high risk of the FLU as well as COVID-19. My wife takes Humera(sp) the drug originally designed for arthritis but turns out its awesome against Psoriasis. But it suppresses her immune system. She is a high risk patient working as a teacher. Talk about brave. She is mindlessly brave IMO, being around that breeding ground of young kids who are constantly sick with a suppressed immune system.
but I digress.
It’s just common sense. I have had this bug. Its nasty, but no more so for me at least than the flu I had in 1998. I don’t even know what flu that was but it had me in bed for two weeks and I lost 18 pounds off a frame that was only 160 lbs at the time. Not a pretty sight.
I agree. What I disagree with is keeping the entire country locked down when entire sections of the country have relatively few cases. Wyoming has what? 500 cases maybe in the whole state. Alaska, ND, SD, MT, ID. Why are these states basically shut down? States that produce a whole lot of food for the WHOLE COUNTRY.
Why is portions of other states shut down when their counties might only have a a dozen or so cases? Why shut down Northern Michigan when 80 percent of their COVID-19 cases are in the south in Detroit? 400-700 miles away?
The only thing I believe the CDC is lying about is the use of any generic drug to treat this thing, such as Hydroxychlorquine. Why? Well Gilead for example will loose out on trillions of dollars and I HAVE ZERO DOUBT THAT EVERY DOCTOR AT THE CDC IS GETTING THEIR POCKETS LINED BY BIG PHARMA TO MAKE SURE THEIR DRUGS GO STRAIGHT TO THE FRONT OF THE LINE.
That is a no brainer in a world of kickbacks, bribes and under the table dealings.
America has the most corrupt government in the world. We just do it civily and with class, if there can be such a thing.
Klem, I have no doubt about that which you speak save one remark”America has the most corrupt government in the world. We just do it civily and with class, if there can be such a thing.” I’ve been in countries where one has to bribe an official to park, use a rest room or buy a refrigerator. Or places where just to get a crap job money must change hands. Or once where if you didn’t pay off the UN guys, you didn’t get the food. So I must say America is pretty honest compared to a lot of other places. I think Americans are basically honest folks if you subtract the self deluded, envious and hateful leftists.
Klem is Jeffery role-playing as a Conservative.
The Lefties call it ROLCON.
Ed Sibley is Klem role-playing as an insane dumbass.
The Righties call it TYPING.
Formwiz has this thing that if you dare to disagree with a single syllable he writes then you are a Fake Conservative and a closet ELWOOD sock puppet.
Sad for him, but I agree with a lot of what he says and I disagree with some of what he says. That does not make him evil or a communist. It makes me a nazi and an elwood wanna be for daring to challenge a single word he writes.
Yes, but where are almost all the deaths? If you can trust the breakdown.
I spent weeks trying to find just how many people died from the Birx Barf and not from the co-morbidity. Now the truth is coming out.
If you look around, you see Fake News trying to drown out any search with their propaganda and overseas sources reflect Fake News because they’re run by the same Lefties. You see socialist governments echoing this because the way they treated people shows how lousy their system is.
You’ve got to dig.
Now Jeffery will chime in with how paranoid I am. Guess what? Every lie we know the government and Fake News has told us was paranoid a month ago.
Just remember, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.
Everything deserves a grain of salt. A lot of it.
For Ed Sibley paranoia runs deep.
What lies have the Deep State and Fake News told you?
Did they say, months ago, if you want a test you can get a test? No, that was djt.
Did they say, months ago, that doctors are amazed at how me he knows about coronavirus? Nope, djt.
Did they tell you they had it “under control”? No, that was djt.
Did they tell you it was 15, soon to be zero? Nope, djt.
Did they tell you we can do 5 million tests a day? Nope.
Did they tell you nobody knew there would be a pandemic? Nope. djt.
Did they tell you the administration efforts were a ‘great success’? Nope, that was the translucent sociopath and djt son-in-law, Jared Kushner (and why the fuk is he there anyway??).
The US gov’t response has been a colossal failure. Trump, CDC, FDA…
But bless the strength, courage, common sense and commitment of 99% of the American people!
And a pox on the houses of those looking to profit, of those spreading disinformation, and of those refusing to take responsibility for their role is this.
What lies?
2 million dead.
We have a model.
We need a national lockdown.
We need vents.
We need hospital ships.
Don’t trust chloroquine.
We need to wait months for a trial.
Did they say, months ago, if you want a test you can get a test? No, that was djt.
Actually, that was Zippy.
Did they tell you nobody knew there would be a pandemic? Nope. djt.
Trump was the first to act against it.
Did they say, months ago, that doctors are amazed at how me he knows about coronavirus? Nope, djt.
He was the one who saw the potential of Chloroquine.
Did they tell you it was 15, soon to be zero? Nope, djt.
Until the Lefties in NY wanted to play open borders. That’s why it’s the epicenter.
Did they tell you they had it “under control� No, that was djt.
Did they tell you nobody knew there would be a pandemic? Nope. djt.
Did they tell you we can do 5 million tests a day? Nope.
Did they tell you Red China sent us faulty tests?
Did they tell you the administration efforts were a ‘great success’? Nope, that was the translucent sociopath and djt son-in-law, Jared Kushner (and why the fuk is he there anyway??).
The curve flattened. More hospital space than we ever needed. Chloroquine worked.
Because he isn’t smart and not a lying fu(k like you?
The US gov’t response has been a colossal failure. Trump, CDC, FDA…
The US Deep State response has been a colossal failure. Demos, CDC, FDA…
But bless the strength, courage, common sense and commitment of 99% of the American people!
Bless? God blesses. You don’t believe in God. You lie.
Yeah, the ones out demonstrating. The ones who had the initiative to find out the facts. The ones who want to get back to work.
And a pox on the houses of those looking to profit, of those spreading disinformation, and of those refusing to take responsibility for their role is this.
A pox? How Edward Jenner.
But since you order it, you should be dead by nightfall.
I’ll send flowers to your funeral.
If you’ve been keeping track with worldometers, the curve is flat and has been for a week.
All of Jeffery’s scare tactics are aimed at keeping people wound up to stir up hatred for those of us who have found the truth. The truth that the Deep State and Fake News have been lying to us. The people are mad at the Democrats from Nazi Pelousy to Gretched Whitler to Kaiser Wilhelm, so he wants to turn the people against the Conservatives. And his Would you be angry is how the Nazis stirred up the Krauts in the 30s. Look up a movie called Jud Sus. Same tactics.
Emmanuel Goldstein was originally some guy in Munich in 1938.
Morning News.
CDC has miraculously dropped the Bat Soup Complaint deaths to 37,000.
You still want to listen to Jeffery?
Edward Sibley (aka formwiz) has lied to you once more. No, the CDC did not miraculously drop Covid-19 US deaths to 37,000. It was a partial count picked up by right-wing twits and tweeted. Edward Sibley fell for it. No doubt he read it on jimhoft.
Please stop spreading disinformation.
No doubt I didn’t. Got this from the Eminent Mr Surber, who’s more reliable than Jeffery.
I put up a source. Where’s yours?
Don Surber, LOL. Another right-wing kook. Citing information from the crooked Dinesh D’Souza who labeled it a “gaffe”.
So suddenly YOU trust the CDC data? Didn’t you say earlier you couldn’t trust the CDC? Oh, we understand – you trust them if you find something you like. We call that “conservative science”.
Here’s what the CDC says:
*Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction, age, and cause of death.
Why these numbers are different
Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Our counts often track 1–2 weeks behind other data for a number of reasons: Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps involved in completing and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays. States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation among jurisdictions. It takes extra time to code COVID-19 deaths. While 80% of deaths are electronically processed and coded by NCHS within minutes, most deaths from COVID-19 must be coded manually, which takes an average of 7 days. Other reporting systems use different definitions or methods for counting deaths.
Things to know about the data
Provisional counts are not final and are subject to change. Counts from previous weeks are continually revised as additional records are received and processed. Provisional data are not yet complete. Counts will not include all deaths that occurred during a given time period, especially for more recent periods. However, we can estimate how complete our numbers are by looking at the average number of deaths reported in previous years. Death counts should not be compared across jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions report deaths on a daily basis, while others report deaths weekly or monthly. In addition, vital record reporting may also be affected or delayed by COVID-19 related response activities.
Ed Sibley is increasingly unhinged.
The Deep State and Fake News are part of the Chinese Communist Party conspiracy to turn America over to China!!! First it was AGW, now SARS-CoV-2! Donald J. Trump is all that stands between American Freedom and Chinese Tyranny! That’s why the Chinese/Dem/Communists Russia’ed him, impeached him, have tried to 25th Amendment’ed him, hired bitches and hookers to accuse him…
You know who’s been lying to you? Donald Trump, Ed Sibley, Tucker Carlson, jimhoft, Teach etc.
The people are mad at Donald J. Trump and his lies and incompetence. Poll after poll proves it. A few rioters with rifles does not. Ed Sibley has had a break from reality but is not stupid. He realizes his dream of Pax Trumpana is over unless… unless there is an intervention by trump or his minions to save him.
See how he panics.
The world knows that any Lefty will support what the Reds say and many people like dealing with Red China because slave labor is always cheaper.
The people are mad at Donald J. Trump and his lies and incompetence. Poll after poll proves it. A few rioters with rifles does not.
And Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
Polls? Gallup has him up 6 points.
A few rioters? What riots? How many? Where? Gothamites “swarmed” to the parks Sunday. 50,000 at Newport Beach. Crowds on Chicago beaches.
The only rioters were the politicians (see how he lies?).
Damning, if true.
So doctors are murdering black and Hispanic patients in NYC???
That’s what the lady said.
We’ve had doctors and funeral directors speaking out.
The nurses are the real ones on the front lines. If they come out, it’s gospel.
There goes socialized medicine for another hundred years.
It should be remembered that Governor Cuomo issued a fairly broad non-liability order to cover the people people “on the front lines” and in the medical field.
That’s great except Gov. Bono does not have the authority to decide who can and can’t be sued. Of course the same dickhead closed people’s businesses, took it upon himself to decide who was essential and nonessential and ruined his economy all while pissing on the Constitution so I guess this is no big deal.
That’s great except Gov. Bono does not have the authority to decide who can and can’t be sued.
In a time of an epidemic, he can.
all while pissing on the Constitution so I guess this is no big deal.
Whether he can put restrictions on people during an epidemic is well established law and upheld by the US Supreme Court.
Only the depth and breadth of the restrictions can be challenged.
Ed Sibley is Klem role-playing as an insane dumbass.
The Righties call it TYPING.
Poor Jeffery.
Like his Mocha Messiah, unless somebody writes it for him, he hasn’t got a thought he can call his own.
Don Surber, LOL. Another right-wing kook. Citing information from the crooked Dinesh D’Souza who labeled it a “gaffeâ€.
Too bad he’s always right. Real pain in the ass, huh?
So suddenly YOU trust the CDC data? Didn’t you say earlier you couldn’t trust the CDC? Oh, we understand – you trust them if you find something you like. We call that “conservative scienceâ€.
I didn’t say I trusted them or their data. I said they came out with a new figure.
Here’s what the CDC says:
*Data during this period are incomplete because of the lag in time between when the death occurred and when the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the jurisdiction, age, and cause of death.
Why these numbers are different
Provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as media reports or numbers from county health departments. Our counts often track 1–2 weeks behind other data for a number of reasons: Death certificates take time to be completed. There are many steps involved in completing and submitting a death certificate. Waiting for test results can create additional delays. States report at different rates. Currently, 63% of all U.S. deaths are reported within 10 days of the date of death, but there is significant variation among jurisdictions. It takes extra time to code COVID-19 deaths. While 80% of deaths are electronically processed and coded by NCHS within minutes, most deaths from COVID-19 must be coded manually, which takes an average of 7 days. Other reporting systems use different definitions or methods for counting deaths.
Things to know about the data
Provisional counts are not final and are subject to change. Counts from previous weeks are continually revised as additional records are received and processed. Provisional data are not yet complete. Counts will not include all deaths that occurred during a given time period, especially for more recent periods. However, we can estimate how complete our numbers are by looking at the average number of deaths reported in previous years. Death counts should not be compared across jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions report deaths on a daily basis, while others report deaths weekly or monthly. In addition, vital record reporting may also be affected or delayed by COVID-19 related response activities.
They also said 2 million dead, not enough hospital space, not enough vents, national lockdown. All this is just excuses when they get caught.
I’m still waiting for your source.
Since we’re all listening to Jeffery quote the “experts”, here’s one that says the lockdown was a mistake.
Nobel laureate. And in a related field, mirabile dictu.