Happy Sunday! Another fantastic day in America. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the the curve is bending down in a lot of places around the country. This pinup is by Ted Withers, with a wee bit of help.
What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15
- Jo Nova highlights a study on Bat Soup Virus and vitamin D
- America’s Watchtower notes the hundreds of Bat Soup lawsuits headed to the courts
- Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller covers the cops showing up because a lady let her child play
- Blazing Cat Fur notes the “assault weapons ban” in Canada, which includes shotguns
- Chicks On The Right covers another allegation of improper sexual behavior by Joe Biden
- Cold Fury discusses going to work, going to jail
- DaTechGuy’s Blog covers why Dems are struggling with Tara Reade’s accusations
- DC Clothesline discusses the NY Times admitting Obama sent spies into Trump camp
- Geller Report News highlights the leaked “Five Eyes” dossier on China’s Bat Soup coverup
- hogewash has data on bending the curve
- IOTW Report brings your cute story, with a dog crashing a weather man’s broadcast
- Jihad Watch features Muslim migrant violence increasing in Sweden
- Just One Minute discusses more mainstream reports of Bat Soup being released from a lab
- Legal Insurrection covers the #MeToo hypocrisy of Democrats
- And last, but not least, Moonbattery notes Michigan handing out condoms and lubricants for Bat Soup
As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your “Pinups for Vets†calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me.
- The Other McCain has In The Mailbox. And Rule 5 Tuesday (both last week’s).
- The Daley Gator has Daley Babe. And more Daley Babe. And Sunday Pics. And more during the week.
- Maggies Farm has Saturday Links. And Friday links. And does this all during the week.
- Doug Ross has Larwyn’s Linx: Lou Dobbs Interviews Sidney Powell…. And more Larwyn’s Linx: Additional 11-Pages of FBI Documents Unsealed – Biggest Surprise: Obama Implicated.
- Theo Spark has your cartoon roundup. And more during the week
- The H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies.
- A View From The Beach features Rule 5 Saturday. And Palm Sunday. And a Russiagate.
- The Chive has side-boob.
- AcidCow has Acid pic dump.
- Grouchy Old Cripple has boobage (slightly NSFW).
- Caveman Circus a few photos to remind you that life is beautiful.
- Izismile has daily pic dump.
- The Right Way has Friday Babe. And Linkorama.
- Don Surber: Rules for accepting New Yorkers.
- 357 Magnum has Saturday links. And good guys 2 – bad guys 0.
- The Feral Irishman has Friday Femme Fatale, and lots more stuff during the week.
- Knuckledraggin My Life Away has something to leave your with. And has a big GIF dump. And has more fun all week long.
- Evil Blogger Lady has Rule 5 World Naked Gardening Day. And some Rule 5 linkage. And more during the week.
- By Other Means has cosplay Friday. And seeing red. And plenty more hotness during the week.
- Bookworm Room has the Bookworm Beat.
- This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories, and more during the week.
- Irons In The Fire has some babeage, and more during the week.
- Political Clown Parade has flowing curves of beauty. And check the graphics all week long.
- Sonoran Conservative has babeage. And fun all week.
- Animal Magnestism has Saturday Gingermageddon. And Rule 5 Friday. And more during the week.
- Flopping Aces has the Sunday Funnies. And this week in radical leftism.
- Diogenes’ Middle Finger has a Good Monday Morning.
- Vlad Tepes has readers links.
- Woodsterman has Funday.
- Bunkerville has a passel of potpourri linkage
- red pill jew has Gratuitous Rule 5 post.
- 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny has hot pick. And girls with guns. And morning mistress. And way more of all three during the week.
- Victory Girls Blog: Polyamorous Love In A Pandemic Poses Challenges.
- And ending with the always awesome Proof Positive with the Best Of The Web Linkaround. And vintage babe of the week. And quote du jour.
Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!
Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

George W. Bush’s powerful message of hope during the coronavirus pandemic – Video
Your ‘president’ attacked President George W. Bush for inspiring the American people. Your ‘president’ is a pathetic, immature puddle of partisan pus. He makes President George W. Bush look like President Thomas Jefferson.
Donald J. Trump
“Oh bye the way, I appreciate the message from former President Bush, but where was he during Impeachment calling for putting partisanship aside.â€
He was nowhere to be found in speaking up against the greatest Hoax in American history!
One might suspect that President Bush didn’t criticize the investigation of trump’s Ukraine problem because President Bush thought it was justified.
FOX and Trump rely on gaslighting, and they project more than Bellow and Howl.
Well, Trump had a right. I like Dubya, did while you were calling him Bushitler (remember that?), but the Donald has a point.
While the Demos were fixated on their phony impeachment, Trump was trying to corral the Shanghai Surprise and being called a racist for it.
The Lefties always call for civility and bipartisanship when they’re losing.
One might suspect that President Bush didn’t criticize the investigation of trump’s Ukraine problem because President Bush thought it was justified.
One might also suspect Dubya knew the Ukraine thig was a crock the way the Lefties yelled, “Bush lied, people died”.
FOX and Trump rely on gaslighting, and they project more than Bellow and Howl.
The only gas around here is yours.
And it’s Bell and Howell.
Sorry, Charlie, Bellow (FOX) and Howl (tRump) it is!!
I didn’t call President Bush Hitler or anything approaching that. I had two major gripes about Mr. Bush. He cut taxes on the rich. He needlessly invaded and occupied Iraq. OK, three. He was a conservative. OK, 3.5, the whole Patriot Act/Surveillance State changed America forever – he was partly responsible for that overreaction. 3000 dead “changed” America forever. 100,000, no big deal. One death is a tragedy, 100,000 is a Great Success!
Everything else he did was simply counterproductive garden-variety Republicanism, which we’ve come to expect and repair. That said, the Iraq debacle was such disaster it could have rightly ruined his reputation forever, but as Karl Rove said, “We need a war”, so we invaded in 2003.
We get that the GOP has instructed you to blame trump’s malfeasance on others – trump was occupied with his deserved impeachment to do his job – Wah, wah. tRump said he had it under control. He said 15 cases soon to be none. He suspended flights after the virus was here. He didn’t do a fukking thing to slow the spread of the tRump Plague across America. It was not his responsibility! He didn’t support increased testing or social isolating. He failed. It’s not happenstance that the US has the worst of the tRump Plague. We have the worst tRump. Probably the worst 3, with a Kushner to boot (described looking like a teenager whose mommy bought him a suit).
America cannot begin to heal until Manhattan Hillbillies move out of our White House.
No, you got caught again.
I didn’t call President Bush Hitler or anything approaching that. I had two major gripes about Mr. Bush. He cut taxes on the rich. He needlessly invaded and occupied Iraq. OK, three. He was a conservative. OK, 3.5, the whole Patriot Act/Surveillance State changed America forever – he was partly responsible for that overreaction. 3000 dead “changed†America forever. 100,000, no big deal. One death is a tragedy, 100,000 is a Great Success!
Of course, you did, like all the other drones.
Dubya had a very good strategic plan. And the threat of WMDs, which were there.
And when did we lose 100,000 in Iraq?
Everything else he did was simply counterproductive garden-variety Republicanism, which we’ve come to expect and repair. That said, the Iraq debacle was such disaster it could have rightly ruined his reputation forever, but as Karl Rove said, “We need a warâ€, so we invaded in 2003.
As opposed to Willie’s wars in Africa and the Balkans and Zippy’s wars in the Middle East?
And the Iraq plan worked. What was a disaster was all the Lefty lying. We haven’t seen that much falsehood since ‘Nam.
We get that the GOP has instructed you to blame trump’s malfeasance on others – trump was occupied with his deserved impeachment to do his job – Wah, wah. tRump said he had it under control. He said 15 cases soon to be none. He suspended flights after the virus was here. He didn’t do a fukking thing to slow the spread of the tRump Plague across America. It was not his responsibility! He didn’t support increased testing or social isolating. He failed. It’s not happenstance that the US has the worst of the tRump Plague. We have the worst tRump. Probably the worst 3, with a Kushner to boot (described looking like a teenager whose mommy bought him a suit).
Impeachment on no substantive charges is deserved? Not according to the American people.
It was the Demos who were so occupied with the impeachment farce that they didn’t want to see what was happening except to scream race.
And Trump did have it under control until Don Cuomo and Kaiser Bill told all the Euros and Red Chinese to come to NY. Ever wonder why that’s the epicenter>
That’s why.
And suspending contact with Asia was how you stop contact, so you lie again.
He didn’t support increased testing or social isolating? That was what he did, moron. He followed Fauci’s advice.
You keep lying like that, you’re going to be in trouble when you cry wolf.
It’s not happenstance that the US has the worst of the tRump Plague. We have the worst tRump. Probably the worst 3, with a Kushner to boot (described looking like a teenager whose mommy bought him a suit).
No, it’s not because we don’t. And it’s the Democrat-Wet-Dream-Flu. Only Fake News puts that out and nobody but the dumb Lefties buy it.
The Demos ignored it until Fake News made it into a panic and then they tried to turn their states into satraps.
America cannot begin to heal until Manhattan Hillbillies move out of our White House.
They did. In ’01.
‘He cut taxes on the rich..â€. And he cut taxes on just about everyone else, too. I knew that’s what you meant….
The same guy you called HITLER and Goebels and a Nazi.
The same guy you said was a war criminal and should be impeached
The same Bush you said should stand before a war tribunal of the world court for crimes against humanity.
the same Bush you threw shoes at.
The same Bush you laughed at and called him a dunce and an idiot and incapable of forming an intelligent sentence.
The same Bush who was protested mercilessly and Harry Reid passed resolution after resolution condemning the war in Iraq.
This Bush your now defending because he didnt support Trump because trump was mean to his brother and said Bush should be impeached for starting the Iraq war.
That Bush?
The puddle of PUS is you 50 center. Like you actually give a shit about Bush. He is just another NAZI to you.
[…] 230 bombings in 1 year in a country that has a land area (there is a lot of water in Sweden) a bit larger than Montana. But you can’t talk about that, for fear of being charged with “inciting race hatred.” The put a cop under investigation for that charge, because he dared to quote some statistics about serious crimes in that country. Isn’t it a good thing that guns are so controlled in that part of Europe! (Hat tip to Pirate’s Cove.) […]
[…] as always to Pirate’s Cove, Bacon Time and The Other McCain for the Rule Five […]
[…] Pirate’s Cove marked Sunday with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup. […]