As Anthony Watts notes “if you can’t prove more hurricanes, say it’s making them relocate.” Remember, the Cult of Climastrology first said there would be more hurricanes after the big season of 2005, at which point landfalling systems fell off and we were mostly getting low level hurricanes and tropical systems. And we had a record period between landfalling hurricanes and landfalling major hurricanes for the U.S. So, they said that was also ‘climate change’, and made excuses like that it was causing more wind shear, killing the systems. Then Superstorm Sandy, and said that was the new normal. Nope. And that we’d have fewer systems, but they would be stronger. Nope. Now
Study: Climate change has been influencing where tropical cyclones rage
While the global average number of tropical cyclones each year has not budged from 86 over the last four decades, climate change has been influencing the locations of where these deadly storms occur, according to new NOAA-led research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
New research indicates that the number of tropical cyclones has been rising since 1980 in the North Atlantic and Central Pacific, while storms have been declining in the western Pacific and in the South Indian Ocean.
“We show for the first time that this observed geographic pattern cannot be explained only by natural variability,†said Hiroyuki Murakami, a climate researcher at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory and lead author.
Murakami used climate models to determine that greenhouse gases, manmade aerosols including particulate pollution, and volcanic eruptions were influencing where tropical cyclones were hitting.
So, wait, things change on Earth? Holy cow! It’s like these people think that Earth is always the same….wait, what was that part about tropical cyclones staying the same over the last 4 decades?
Oh, but, wait
Climate models project decreases in tropical cyclones toward the end of the 21st century from the annual average of 86 to about 69 worldwide, according to the new study. Declines are projected in most regions except in the Central Pacific, including Hawaii, where tropical cyclones activity is expected to increase.
Despite a projected decline in tropical cyclones by 2100, many of these cyclones will be significantly more severe. Why? Rising sea surface temperatures fuel the intensity and destructiveness of tropical storms.
Yup, back to that one. Sigh.

“Murakami used climate models”
And this puts the “bullshit” label on the study.
Covid-19 is not playing well for the left. They realized that their ideas of keeping the country closed too long will bite them in the ass big time as they watch the GOP sweep in November to get these blue state Hitlers out of office.
They then you have Tara Reade and Joe the Registered sexual offender Biden trying to become president.
So how do you distract the people from Biden back to Trump.
Well……Y O U F I N D A N O T H E R W H I S T L E B L O W E R!!!!!!
Enter I was telling them this was going to be bad. Trump is evil he didn’t close the border till January when he should have done it last year in March….LOLOLOLOLOLOL
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Don’t you just love how the left has an answer for everything.
It’s Called buh, buh, buh, but Bush er Orange Man Bad or any other republican ever to serve in the white house.
There new plan is to shift the focus FROM CHINA and FROM COVID-19 and FROM JOE THE REGISTERED SEXUAL OFFENDER BIDEN to another 24×7 coverage of another whistle blower.
Obama just had his whistle blowers put in jail. LOLOLOL And the MSM and Democrats shouted Hallelujah!!!