…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post noting that, per the media, “Calvin Munerlyn’s life only matters if Trump could be blamed for it ending”.

…is a horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post noting that, per the media, “Calvin Munerlyn’s life only matters if Trump could be blamed for it ending”.
Get ready to hear the Lefties scream.
Trump shelves CDC guidelines to reopening the country.
Guess Fauci will be looking for a retirement home.
PS Nice flotation devices.
Justice at last.
Flynn walks.
DOJ drops case. Jeffery hardest hit.
Everything we have been saying for 3 years has finally been revealed.
No Russian collusion with anyone on the Trump team.
The FBI lied.
The impeachment a farce. Schiff lied.
The next couple of months is going to be a lot of fun saying we told’ja so.
“Today we begin settling all family accounts.”
— Donny “Two Scoops”
Trump is sounding like he’s going to start taking command of the economy again and tell Fauci to grow up.
Let the games begin.
Somehow Emily can drink lots of carb-loaded beer and still look like this:
Well I shouldn’t be surprised because I drink a lot of beer and look great, too!
Remember when she got herself arrested protesting the Kavanaugh nomination? “Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.”
Do you think she’ll do the same to stop Biden?
Aagh, who am I kidding, after seeing her tits in Gone Girl I’d let her say whatever she wants about anything.
Nice seat cushions, too.
Capo de Cuomo is now in deep shit for killing thousands of elderly by FORCING them into virus prone Old Age Homes whilst letting PRISONERS out of jails by EXECUTIVE ORDER. Is this guy the next Il Deuce? What a fascist clown. Must be one of Elwood’s heroes.
The lies and dodging of responsibility keep on coming.
Outrageous? Try this tid-bit by the founder of Politico and Elwood uses this moron as a reference? This is what the clown thinks about Stinky-Fingers Biden being accused of sexual assault.
Trump 2020 We gotta get these filthy pigs as far away from gov’t as we can.
Right-wing operatives paid a woman to accuse Dr. Fauci of sexual assault. It’s the con way. One wonders how much Tara Reade was paid to “embellish” her story?
A woman who previously accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of sexual assault came forward to claim she was paid to lie about the incident by far-right, Pro-Trump conspiracy theorists Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman.
Well, lookie what the oh-so-reich-wing San Luis Obispo tribune found:
The trolls are desperate to shift the focus to Republicans. Their boy is not only senile, but his past, lies and sex abuse, are coming back.
The Demos really have no one else to put up, except Bernie (he did get the most delegates, after all).
Governors? Everybody hates them.
Mayors? Ditto.
Senators? They made fools of themselves questioning Brother Bret.
Congresscreeps? Everybody thinks of Pelousy and Occasional Cortex.
So Jeffery and Fake News are grabbing at straws.
And straw men.
Right-wing operatives paid a woman to accuse Dr. Fauci of sexual assault. It’s the con way. One wonders how much Tara Reade was paid to “embellish†her story?
Actually, it’s what the Demos do all the time. And I note you use the word “claims”, so none of this has been proven in a court of law.
I also notice Fauci is hardly the size to be assaulting anyone. And why would somebody want to go after him? Trump’s the one with the muscle.
I smell a Stormy coming on.
Rep Ken Buck (R-CO), loyal trump supporter and also Chair of the Colorado GOP tried to bully an election official to certify a candidate who didn’t receive the required 30% of GOP primary voters to make it on the Nov ballot. It’s the Republican way.
Said the bullied official:
Buck: “Do you understand that the order of the executive committee and the Central Committee, that you will submit the paperwork to include Mr. Stiver (24%) and Mr. Liston (74%) on the ballot…?”
Bremer responds that he understands that the Central Committee “had adopted a resolution that requires me to sign a false affidavit to the state.”
Buck: “And will you do so?”
Bremer tells Buck that he will “seek legal counsel to find out if I am putting myself in jeopardy of a misdemeanor for doing that.”
“You’ve got a sitting congressman, a sitting state party chair, who is trying to bully a volunteer — I’m a volunteer; I don’t get paid for this — into committing a crime,” Bremer told the Post on Wednesday.
Rep Ken Buck (R-CO), loyal trump supporter and also Chair of the Colorado GOP tried to bully an election official to certify a candidate who didn’t receive the required 30% of GOP primary voters to make it on the Nov ballot. It’s the Republican way.
Gee whiz, Gropin’ Joe couldn’t get arrested in this year’s race until Jim Clyburn told everybody else to drop out, the fix was in.
It’s the Democrat way.
If you’re going to try something like this, find a little more unassailable example.
Well. She is very pretty.
Staffer for Vice President Mike Pence tests positive for coronavirus
Yikes, the hoax virus is in the WH!
So? 94% of cases are asymptomatic.