It’s coming soon! Maybe! Possibly! They Think! We can solve this with a tax
Humidity and heat extremes are on the verge of exceeding limits of human survivability, study finds
Welcome to “Steambath Earth,†featuring sauna-like temperatures and humidity too high for humans to tolerate.
Extremely humid heat that is more intense than most Americans have experienced — approaching a crucial, immovable human survivability limit — has more than doubled in frequency in some coastal subtropical regions of the world since 1979, according to a study published Friday.
The study is the first to find that wet-bulb temperatures of 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 Celsius) — which render ineffective the human heat response of sweating to shed heat through evaporation, leading to hyperthermia — are already occurring for short periods of time at a few weather stations.
These tend to occur in parts of the Persian Gulf shoreline and coastal southwest North America, where sizzling lands border sultry seas, as well as in northern South Asia, where extreme heat and humidity combinations overlap just before the annual monsoon season begins.
With computer-model projections showing the world will continue to warm rapidly in response to increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the study, published Friday in the journal Science Advances, warns that highly populated regions of the world will be rendered uninhabitable sooner than previously thought for parts of each year.
They don’t really say when “sooner” is. So, this is politics, not science. Further, there is nothing unusual going on than any other Holocene warm period.

Teach: there is nothing unusual going on than any other Holocene warm period
How do you know the heat and humidity of other periods?
About as much as you do.
Climate models project the first 35°C TW occurrences by the mid-21st century. However, a comprehensive evaluation of weather station data shows that some coastal subtropical locations have already reported a TW of 35°C and that extreme humid heat overall has more than doubled in frequency since.
Guess these guys were never in Vietnam or most of the tropics before. Oh noes.
35 Degrees C equals 95 degrees. Oh the humanity.
I wonder how much the Chinese paid these guys to spout this bullshit.
“These tend to occur in parts of the Persian gulf shoreline and coastal southwest North America…â€. Why worry, because no one will be living there anyway due to sea levels that “may†rise (checking my magic 8-ball…) “x†number of feet by (magic 8-ball again) whatever year it is as long as it’s past the retirement age of those of us doing the predicting…
But yet people lived and survived in these areas for thousands of years before air conditioning….
Except, of course, that humans have been surviving in those conditions for as long as there have been humans. Every steaming jungle on earth is inhabited.
Human beings have been surviving and thriving in steaming jungles, in bone-dry, blisteringly hot deserts and in Arctic wastelands, and they did so before industrialization.
Teach: computer-model projections showing the world will continue to warm rapidly in response to increasing amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
And the world continues to warm rapidly as the models predict.
A Wet Bulb temperature > 95C is different from what you may think.
“And the world continues to warm rapidly as the models predict”
Liar. All the models except one are wildly inaccurate. The ONE model that is the closest is one in Russia that gives very little weight to man made CO2 as a driving force for climate.
It does?
You mean like the ChiCom Cough 19 model that said we’d have 2 million dead?
And he still won’t give President Trump credit for saving those 1,955,000 American lives. Too much Chinee Tea.
Trump 2020 Make America a free nation again.
Rapid or unprecedented? No.
How has the commie global warming hoax (recently displaced by the commie Covid hoax), persuaded polar ice to melt?
And no one said unprecedented.
The 2 are one and the same.
And, don’t worry you will.
And the models are like monkeys throwing darts to see where they land.