…are wonderful trees which could stave off sea rise if we plant enough, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Joe Biden’s youth enthusiasm problem.

…are wonderful trees which could stave off sea rise if we plant enough, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on Joe Biden’s youth enthusiasm problem.
Yes, da yoots are creeped out by him and the geezers know he’s lost it. What can the Demos do?
PS I can think of lots better things to put in that holster than Mexican beer.
Maybe Arkancide is in order. I mean hell, they reached out and touched Jeffery Epstein in a 24 hour videotaped solitary confinement cell in a maximum security prison in the middle of New York City. Ain’t no killin’ impossible for the Clinton Crime Family.
While the rest of America is supposed to go about business as usual, mingle, play, work, jog (not if black, not in GA) and shop, here’s what the White House says:
“The President’s physician and White House Operations continue to work closely to ensure every precaution is taken to keep the President, First Family and the entire White House Complex safe and healthy at all times. In addition to social distancing, daily temperature checks and symptom histories, hand sanitizer, and regular deep cleaning of all work spaces, every staff member in close proximity to the president and vice president is being tested daily for COVID-19 as well as any guests.” – WH Dep Press Sec Judd Deere
Drs. Redfield and Hahn, heads of the CDC and FDA, respectively, are in self-quarantine.
“The DemCom hoax is over everybody! Go back to work! Call us in the WH bunker in a month and let us know how it’s going! We don’t need no stinkin’ masks, and thanks for the free healthcare!” – Sincerely, The White House
Meanwhile, your part’s candidate is senile, corrupt, and a rapist.
Meanwhile, Donald J. Trump is senile, corrupt, and a rapist. Plus he is destroying America. American voters don’t like it when presidents destroy America.
That’s why we got rid of Zippy.
And it sounds like you’re describing Gropin’ Joe. Transference yet again.
When everything you say is insane no one believes anything you say. You need to work very hard to be a self unaware as you.
Trump 2020 Fingers Biden is senile, corrupt and a rapist and anyone backing him is a liar.
I almost forgot:
Considering the CDC has been caught lying so often, it more like they’re in hiding.
While the rest of America wants to go about business as usual, mingle, play, work, jog (not if black, not in GA) and shop and is protesting to do so, the Demos want the country destroyed.
And I don’t see anybody in a bunker.
Except you. So much good news these days got you in hiding?
In 1976 Paddy Chayefsky wrote:
“There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM, and ITT, and AT&T, and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon. Those are the nations of the world today. What do you think the Russians talk about in their councils of state, Karl Marx? They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, Minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business, Mr. Beale. It has been since man crawled out of the slime.†― from Network
Today the five largest corporations on Earth are banks – three in China and two in the US.
And you support that.
All of the run by Lefties.
The unemployment rate for HS grads (or less) is over 22%. For college grads only 8%.
So America needs to get the workers back to work to keep the corporations flush and the stock market sound, regardless of risk.
No America needs to get back to work to EAT you moron Communist bitch.
Not every one has sold their companies research to CHINA and takes money under the table like you do so their family can stock up.
Not everyone can have 5 months of food in their pantries. Not everyone has lots of extra money to stock up. That is why we see food lines.
GET USED TO IT AMERICA. Corporations are only as bad as we allow them to be and guess what. Bill Clinton sold the USA down the drain by allowing CHINA into the WHO because their was a billion hungry chinaman needing stuff.
America was glad to sell it to them and glad to move their jobs overseas because people like 50 center want humongous taxes on corporations and people in general to stay here.
So cheer up America. 50 center has your best interests at heart. He wants you to starve to death because he:
says it will get worse in the fall
says we cant go outside till its better
says we cant go outside until there is vaccine
says we must abide by state governments that are taking away our constitutional rights to assemble and a redress of our grievances.
says the constitution can go fuk itself.
Thats what Communist say.
let me sum it up for you .
So they can turn to CHINA who doesnt care if their people get sick. Who will feed the world a few crumbs while the rest of us hide in our houses until we become skeletons.
Its why the LEFT WAS FURIOUS over a hair salon owner who exposed the activist communist judge who said STARVE to DEATH you BITCH and GO to JAIL for daring to try and feed your children.
THE LEFT IS RELEASING MURDERERS and RAPISTS and PEDOPHILES they put in jail a mother trying to feed her children.
WELCOME TO CHINA 2.0 Brought to you by CHINA and the Democratic Party.
No risk.
Except for you.
People might have realized what’s in store for them if your side takes over.
Unemployment rates for high school grads (or less) is at 22% because the politicians keep allowing unfettered immigration. Labor, like any commodity, loses value when the market is flooded and right now the Blue states have destroyed the low end market with their communist edicts. Another and more ignored reason for the high UE rate among that demo is minimum wage laws. Trying to force potential employers at the low, or entry level of the market to pay more than a beginner is worth is a fools (read: Democrats) errand. Even an economic illiterate can comprehend that.
America won’t get “workers back to work” by pouring trillions into corporations or the stock market. That’s not where the vast majority of American jobs begin. Small business is where the jobs are created and small business is EXACTLY what Democommies have spent the last two months destroying in a final(?) attempt to get rid of Orange Man Bad.
Just to make Elwood happy I’m going to put here a comment I put at Dana’s site, The First Street Journal. I’m sure Elwood will be all a glitter when he reads it.
Saturday, 9 May 2020 at 07:48
Our Constitutional rights are gone, gone, gone. Or haven’t you noticed? My wife’s business was shut down by the state of Pennsylvania. Her therapists and other workers deliberately had their jobs taken away. They were declared “non essentialâ€. Is that like a “basket of deplorables†in Newspeak? Who the hell gets to say that another American doing their job is “non essentialâ€? My wife is losing $4000 a week income and paying out $35000 per month fixed expenses (rent, electric, water, pest control, CAM, insurance, telephone and more). She committed no crime. She received no trial. Her entire business at this point has been ERASED!
We discussed this last night and have decided in order to stop the bleeding she will file chapter 7 bankruptcy on Monday and end the torture. She became an American citizen just in time to be fuked by America. On January 1, 2020 she had a ladies day spa valued at around $1.5 million and the state ERASED it without compensation, due process, equal justice under law or anything but contempt. The three partners put several hundred thousand dollars into building, decorating, stocking and advertising this business and this was to be their break even moment when they recouped their original investments and started actually making money. So much for that.
This was all a scam to get Trump. They used the Wuhan Virus (the first and legitimate name and just as “racist†as the Spanish Flu, the Hong Kong Flu or any other disease named for its origin) to shut down states just to kill a vibrant economy in time for an election. It’s no coincidence. Nothing the left does is coincidence.”
You’ve GOT to be against that which wants to destroy you simply in order to survive. Women submit to conquerors for their own survival and that of their children. Within their own lifetimes the conquered females will become the social enforcers for the conquerors. We are American’s, not women.
Conquered men get the yoke or the rope.
Evolution’s a bitch. Winning is the only option for us.
Trump 2020 We cannot afford to submit to communist hate. We are Americans.
I’m sorry for your troubles, but as a multi-millionaire you’ll be able to survive. The working classes have it much tougher.
Why couldn’t your wife avail her business of the GOP relief plans for small businesses?
IF her business were allowed to operate as normal, would you feel at all responsible for any customers who contracted SARS-CoV-2 or even died? Would her liability insurance have allowed her to operate? Would she be able to work with no insurance? Would you fight any lawsuits for damages that might have resulted?
Would the parlor have been able to stay open with few customers? Most responsible women would not risk their health or the health of their families and friends for a facial. Most workers would be reluctant to take that risk as well.
It seems you should direct your frustration at the gods for allowing this pandemic. Of course, ‘your’ side considered this virus a hoax to ‘get’ Donald Trump – a hoax between the Chinese communists and US Democrats.
In Michigan, contact tracing shows the mob action in Lansing led to spread of SARS-CoV-2 to northern MI, Detroit and SW MI. Totally uncalled for, except to help the tRump Campaign.
How many Americans must die to re-elect The Don? 80,000? 100,000? 150,000? The morbidity is even worse with chronic kidney disease, neurologic problems, a Kawasaki disease like syndrome in infants, pulmonary fibrosis etc.
This pandemic is a terrible thing, like WWI and the Great Depression – out of this, America has the opportunity, and perhaps the inspiration, to become better.
The hope was that tRump would not be challenged with a serious crisis because he was so obvioulsy unfit to respond in the nation’s interest. But “I told you so’s!” don’t help. We need to help this administration and the nation do better while at the same time securing the future of the nation by changing how we function. The nuGOP has become a cancer and the Dems are only marginally better. Die-hard tRump supporters profess to love America while simultaneously making it clear they hate the majority of Americans. You can’t love a nation and hate most of the people in it. We don’t wish harm to the tRumpists, but you cannot be allowed to run the nation any longer.
tRump and the nuGOP are in WAY over their heads, with even the few remaining responsible GOPhers terrified of challenging the tRump twitter machine. The decades long GOP dismantling of a responsible federal apparatus has worked all to well.
I’m sorry for your troubles, but as a multi-millionaire you’ll be able to survive. The working classes have it much tougher.
Why couldn’t your wife avail her business of the GOP relief plans for small businesses?
According to a Commie like Jeffery, anybody with a small business is a millionaire.
That’s why the Demos are the party of Wall Street and the Rs are the party of Main Street.
IF her business were allowed to operate as normal, would you feel at all responsible for any customers who contracted SARS-CoV-2 or even died? Would her liability insurance have allowed her to operate? Would she be able to work with no insurance? Would you fight any lawsuits for damages that might have resulted?
Would the parlor have been able to stay open with few customers? Most responsible women would not risk their health or the health of their families and friends for a facial. Most workers would be reluctant to take that risk as well.
Jeffery hates people like Shelley Luther who have to fight to make a living, but refuse to be intimidated by tyrannical Democrat governors, mayors, and judges.
So much for his “concern” for the “working classes”.
And why should anyone with a working business feel responsible for anyone with Fauci’s Follies?
It seems you should direct your frustration at the gods for allowing this pandemic. Of course, ‘your’ side considered this virus a hoax to ‘get’ Donald Trump – a hoax between the Chinese communists and US Democrats.
Well, the little weasel did hand it over to the Reds. And the only God had nothing to do with it.
In Michigan, contact tracing shows the mob action in Lansing led to spread of SARS-CoV-2 to northern MI, Detroit and SW MI. Totally uncalled for, except to help the tRump Campaign.
You wouldn’t happen to have any documentation for that, would you?
Why do I think the answer is, as always, “No”?
How many Americans must die to re-elect The Don? 80,000? 100,000? 150,000? The morbidity is even worse with chronic kidney disease, neurologic problems, a Kawasaki disease like syndrome in infants, pulmonary fibrosis etc.
No, you’re just being silly 3/4 of 1% of the deaths ascribed to Dien Bien Flu are actually caused by it.
And you, of course, have documentation for this, too? Because more and more doctors are pushing back against the CDC’s dishonesty.
This pandemic is a terrible thing, like WWI and the Great Depression – out of this, America has the opportunity, and perhaps the inspiration, to become better.
If you mean get rid of all the Lefties and send them to Red China, I would tend to agree.
The hope was that tRump would not be challenged with a serious crisis because he was so obvioulsy unfit to respond in the nation’s interest. But “I told you so’s!†don’t help. We need to help this administration and the nation do better while at the same time securing the future of the nation by changing how we function. The nuGOP has become a cancer and the Dems are only marginally better. Die-hard tRump supporters profess to love America while simultaneously making it clear they hate the majority of Americans. You can’t love a nation and hate most of the people in it.
Um, the majority of Americans aren’t Lefties. Actually, Lefties aren’t Americans, but only about 20% of this country falls under the Lefty label.
And you don’t love this country. You just want to turn it into another Commie Hell hole.
We don’t wish harm to the tRumpists, but you cannot be allowed to run the nation any longer.
Molon Labe.
Rump and the nuGOP are in WAY over their heads, with even the few remaining responsible GOPhers terrified of challenging the tRump twitter machine. The decades long GOP dismantling of a responsible federal apparatus has worked all to well.
No, it has a long way to go, but Trump seems to be in his element, rooting out the vermin.. Dismantling of the Deep State. Privatization of Social Security. Making welfare a state responsibility. Cleaning up vote fraud. RICOing the Democrat party.
And the word is too.
And while we’re here, looks like Col Birx has finally had enough.
There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust, she says.
And now you lie again Elwood and this time you make it personal. When you say “I’m sorry for your troubles,” then follow it up with “but as a multi-millionaire you’ll be able to survive” the lie becomes not only apparent but vulgar and full of hate and envy. Then to add insult to injury you throw in “The working classes have it much tougher.” Just what the fuk do you think we are? We ARE the working class (not classes, they aren’t plural) or we wouldn’t be working.
“Why couldn’t your wife avail her business of the GOP relief plans for small businesses?”
Well, if you recall I mentioned she put in for it however the Democommies were so busy giving money to the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Harvard, National Public Radio, Planned Parenthood, several non profits including The SPLC and CAIR and about 200 banks they ran out of money when it came to small businesses. That’s what she is Elwood, a small business. The money has not “become available” to TD Bank for our CARES loan as of Friday. That’s after 2 additional appropriations. I guess they haven’t greased enough leftist palms yet. You should realize too that we had 13 people working there plus three managers, a total of 15 people now out of work. Are they “the working classes”? Some of which are independent consultants and therefore do not qualify for any type of UE.
“IF her business were allowed to operate as normal, would you feel at all responsible for any customers who contracted SARS-CoV-2 or even died?” No more than I would about any customers who died of the flu during flu season or who get killed in car accidents on their way home. People die Elwood. That’s no reason to shut down the economy. The proof is we shut it down and people still die. When 99.7% of the people who catch this virus live there is no reason to close.
I’m not going any farther with this nonsense with you because you don’t care. You don’t care about the dead, you don’t care about the sick, you don’t care about the small businesses ERASED by your policies and you don’t care about the “working classes” who are unemployed and scared shitless how they’ll pay the rent. The only thing you care about is what your above diatribe degenerated into Trump. You, like the rest of the America hating Americans on the left hate Trump so much you’d rather destroy America than let him get credit for a great economy and get reelected. You are a degenerate like all leftists. Full of envy, hate and vile lust to destroy the greatest country on God’s green earth. You also hate Trump supporters so don”t give me that “sorry to hear” shit. You’re happy as hell we’ll lose about half a million dollars. Your only wish I was either foolish or inexperienced enough not to create a separate corporate structure to protect our other assets it took a lifetime to build. You’d be tickled if Gov. Wolf took everything and not just the one business.
Do you realize not everyone being financially ruined or made jobless by this hoax supports or voted for Trump? They will this time because unlike you they know who’s fault closing business was and it ain’t the NY businessman that’s for sure.
Trump 2020 We need to start throwing these pigs out of the country or war will break out. (Not that I’m agin’ war, mind ya)
Do you realize not everyone being financially ruined or made jobless by this hoax supports or voted for Trump?
And the only job of tRump and his supporters is to spread the lie that it is all someone else’s fault. All politics, all the time. YOU claim to be financially ruined under tRump’s watch but you are more devoted to him than ever. That’s loyalty. If what you believe to be true is true, why don’t you blame Dear Leader for not stopping it? tRump has committed two sins here that should infuriate you – one, he was too timid to stop the “hoax”, and two, since he was too cowardly to stand up to the “hoax” he waited too long to act. You claim to be a victim but you are more devoted to him than ever. The real victims are the dead and dying, those out of work with few resources, and those working in the hospitals.
The right, and the aristocracy they serve, hoping to reverse the recession/depression, would welcome a war to distract the masses of the working and middle classes from the royal screwing they’ve been getting from the oligarchy since the WWII post-war boom.
It was inevitable that tRump and his supporters would claim winning based on policies THEY OPPOSED. “Flattening the curve” likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives. And it’s not over.
More middle-school mean girl regurgitated fantasies.
And the only job of tRump and his supporters is to spread the lie that it is all someone else’s fault. All politics, all the time. YOU claim to be financially ruined under tRump’s watch but you are more devoted to him than ever. That’s loyalty. If what you believe to be true is true, why don’t you blame Dear Leader for not stopping it?
Trump didn’t cause this. The Deep State and Red China did. You know that. You also know the Democrats will take an historic thrashing this Fall. All the protests are at the state level. I don’t even see Lefties marching on DC.
tRump has committed two sins here that should infuriate you – one, he was too timid to stop the “hoaxâ€, and two, since he was too cowardly to stand up to the “hoax†he waited too long to act. You claim to be a victim but you are more devoted to him than ever. The real victims are the dead and dying, those out of work with few resources, and those working in the hospitals.
And that’s all your doing. you crashed the markets. You kept NY open in the name of open borders. You instituted dictatorial and illegal rules to impoverish people.
Trump did what he needed to do and let the Left do what it wanted, showing their true colors.
I understand why you’re beating this dead horse.
Flynn’s exoneration has brought out the fact the Mocha Messiah was hip deep in the attempt to force Trump from office and, once the election is over, it’s payback.
You make a show of your crocodile tears for those out of work with few resources, but those are the people you call Christianists, white nationalists, racists, homophobes, so you’re fooling nobody.
The right, and the aristocracy they serve, hoping to reverse the recession/depression, would welcome a war to distract the masses of the working and middle classes from the royal screwing they’ve been getting from the oligarchy since the WWII post-war boom.
Funny how Trump has been putting out all the wars Zippy started.
And that royal screwing you say the masses of the working and middle classes been getting from the oligarchy since the WWII post-war boom is regrded by them as the best time of their lives, so that’s another lie you’ll never sell.
You can’t seem to get it through your head all the lies of Communism don’t work because people see the facts and the facts are the Commies and their fellow travelers in the Deep State and the Democrat party brought all this on the country and are fighting to keep the people down.
And they can’t You’re going to lose again.
It was inevitable that tRump and his supporters would claim winning based on policies THEY OPPOSED. “Flattening the curve†likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives. And it’s not over.
Oh, but it is, no matter how hard you try to say otherwise.
And flattening the curve only means you have the same number of cases and deaths over a longer period, so opposing it would be the smart thing to do so it didn’t save hundreds of thousands of lives because the model was a crock and that’s been exposed, too.
You can copy and paste all the little screeds you want, but the facts haven’t changed. People know Deep State lied, They know the Democrats have been exposed as the power-mad wannabe tyrants they are. They know this bug was made in Red China and brought over here.
And they see how Trump has gotten them through while Fake News and the Demos fought him every step.
And you’re stuck with Gropin’ Joe.
Shocking? Maybe.
Surprising? No.
The Governor of GEORGIA got ripped by the MSM and the left for opening his state. YET
CALIFORNIA, COLORADO, NEW YORK and other BLUE states are opening up and NOT A PEEP.
I wonder if 50 center wants to know if they will pay for anyone who gets sick.
Additionally I want to KNOW….WHO TWISTED anyone’s arm to go to work or frequent a SALON to have their hair fixed?
50 center is already warming up the Lawyers to sue anyone who gets sick. That is why NOT another dollar of stimulus will show up to the people until we get immunity from being sued!
As usual Elwood, you’re a fukin’ liar. When you say “YOU claim to be financially ruined under tRump’s watch but you are more devoted to him than ever.” the whole line is a lie. I did not claim to be financially “ruined”. I claimed to be financially HARMED BY TOM WOLF, NOT DONALD TRUMP. It does not matter whose presidential “watch” it is if he had nothing to do with it.
“And the only job of tRump and his supporters is to spread the lie that it is all someone else’s fault. All politics, all the time.” Bull shit Elwood. The only people blaming someone else is you commie leftists. Trump neither started this virus not hid it nor could do any more as a human to control it. He is no more to blame than I am. The virus started in Red China, was hidden from the world and finally when it spread all over the globe idiots like you made it Politics, not us.
It’s not “a lie that it is all someone else’s fault” It’s a fukin’ fact!!! Are you so cognitively dissonant you can’t understand a virus started in a lab in Wuhan China is not Trump’s fault?
“You claim to be a victim but you are more devoted to him than ever.” My wife and he employees are the victims, not of Trump but of the Nazi actions of Tom Wolf. He’s the fascist that erased our business ALONG WITH THOUSANDS OF OTHERS and who decreed a million employees “NON-ESSENTIAL” like the Nazi’s did to the Jews, ours among them. I’m surprised he didn’t hand out yellow stars.
You leftists took away our Freedom and have us wearing masks and hiding in our homes over a flu. You took our property and devalued us as non-essential Americans. If I said blacks were non-essential you’d shit yourself screaming. You let prisoners out of jail and replace them with barbers, housewives and pizza shop owners. You close our parks and beaches and cause fear among the people all to ensure Trump’s defeat.
We may be loyal to Trump but you’re loyal to the very Red Chinese commies who told the Democrat Governors to wreck our economy and set loose a deadly virus on the world. NOW THAT’S LOYALTY ELWOOD. NAZI STYLE LOYALTY.
You are attacking an American for wanting to protect his family and property and Liberty against treasonous acts of fascism. You are a real piece of shit as a human and especially as an American. Traitor! All to get Trump. You should be ashamed of yourself for what you do and what you promote just to gain political power. If you guys win I pity for America. You will take our freedom PERMANENTLY as an emergency act.
Trump 2020 We need to eliminate the enemy before they eliminate us.
tRump’s record so far.
Unemployment 14.7% (actually much, much worse – next report will be over 20%). The worst since the Great Depression.
80,000 dead, on the way to 100,000+.
Almost $10 TRILLION added to debt.
Concentration of wealth at the top as bad as the 19th Century.
47 million Americans set to lose health insurance.
Accomplishments: Hate immigrants, Muslims, now Chinese, Dems and libs.
tRump’s record so far.
Unemployment 14.7% (actually much, much worse – next report will be over 20%). The worst since the Great Depression.
Thank the Lefties who crashed the markets. Most of that comes back once the country opens up.
And it will shortly. Despite the Democrats. The people want it.
Here’s a little wisdom from the Eminent Mr Surber on why Trump will be elected in a landslide.
Economic collapses cost presidencies. In each case, the downturn happened 3 years before the next election. Each president had plenty of time to restore the economy. Each failed.
people blame the virus for this recession and not President Trump’s policies.
Americans know his economic policies work. He took a mediocre economy with 4.9% unemployment — the new normal — and made it the best economy in 50 years with 3.5% unemployment and a 50% increase in the stock market in his first 3 years.
The man who got us to 3.5% unemployment is seen as the best bet to take on 14.7% unemployment. His policies themselves make him very electable because he took Red China head-on. Most Americans blame Red China for this cursed covid-19. They want nothing to do with Red China now.
Since June 16, 2015, when he announced his presidential candidacy, the press has been unkind and unfair to Donald Trump and his supporters. Calling people racist, sexist, xenophobic, and all that garbage is no way to win them over.
The Democrats did this because they think they can win without any of President Trump’s supporters. Arithmetic laughs in their face. His posse of voters includes Obama supporters. They took 30 states in 2016. They can do it again in 2020. That is where the battle is.
And far from dragging him down, the Russian Collusion witch hunt and the impeachment hoax have shown President Trump to be a winner.
Whereas under Obama we lost 901,000 factory jobs, we were up 601,000 under President Trump until the pandemic panic hit.
80,000 dead, on the way to 100,000+.
More like 600, CDC lied and has admitted it and it’s known throughout the country.
Almost $10 TRILLION added to debt.
Thanks in most part to the Left.
Concentration of wealth at the top as bad as the 19th Century.
It is? Gee, that’s funny. Small business has been the bedrock of the economy, unless you’re calling small business wealth.
47 million Americans set to lose health insurance.
They are? Who says? And how many of them were crewed while Zippy let the economy stagnate? Those were the peoplev who wanted no part of IdiotCare.
Accomplishments: best postwar economy, trade reform, deregulation, bringing jobs home, ending wars Demos started.
And Hate Red Chinese, Dems and libs came from what they’ve done to America. Only the Commies stand for them now.
And you are, aren’t you?
Bird Flu under Obama.
Since it started circulating in the spring of 2009, H1N1 has infected about 100 million Americans, killing about 75,000 and sending 936,000 to the hospital, the CDC estimates. Another virus, H3N2, is responsible for more infections, but “in terms of the severity, H1 is kind of this quiet killer,†said Dr. Daniel Jernigan, head the CDC’s flu division.
Where was your outrage 50 center under Obama?
Obama did not declare a health emergency till 2 fuking months after the WHO declared it a pandemic.
Gotta love the Master liar. It’s so sad to think he actually collects money to make these lying posts.
Poor Jeffery’s got nothing more than the same old tropes he’s been pushing for 2 months.
Nobody believes him and he’s got the country behind him as he pushes to open the country.
All Jeffery’s got is Gropin’ Joe.
Has Stinky-Fingers Biden come out yet to see his shadow? I guess he’s still hiding in Hunter’s basement. Now he’s Hidin’ Joe Biden. The Invisible Candidate.
Trump 2020 I wanna watch them scream again!
Col Birx claims CDC has inflated deaths and case numbers by at least 25%.
At the very least.
The people who talked to the press about what was discussed in a meeting like that should be fired.
Immediately if not sooner.