…is a wonderful high rise in a big city with people who are fellow Believers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on Climate Barbie speaking and lying.
It’s tan lines week!

…is a wonderful high rise in a big city with people who are fellow Believers, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on Climate Barbie speaking and lying.
It’s tan lines week!
Also fingerprints week.
Speaking of which, you know that racist shooting of an innocent jogger?
Well, it might not be after all.
I don’t know about your referral. I know of a justified shooting of a guy who was trying to harm a man with a gun and stealing from a house. Likely same case.
We all agree on one thing. Every black man in America should always carry a legal semi-auto pistol for self-defense. Unless it’s a law enforcement officer, some guy brandishing a shotgun blocking a public street is likely up to no good and a person has the right to defend oneself and neutralize that threat.
Every black man in America should always carry a legal semi-auto pistol for self-defense.
And just think, a just a few years ago you were advocating for a complete and total ban on handguns.
While you now want to say that “every black man” should legally carry a semi-automatic, you show your own racism. Instead of saying “people should carry firearms,” you made the distinction based on race. Presumably you feel that caucasians, Asians, Hispanics, etc should not have the same rights.
Speaking of which, you know that racist shooting of an innocent jogger?
Well, it might not be after all.
I presume that you are talking about the video of him entering a house under construction and leaving.
Speaking of which, you know that racist shooting of an innocent jogger?
Well, it might not be after all.
(Sorry….hit the wrong button.)
It doesn’t appear that the man left the home under construction with anything, and many people go into homes under construction even though it is against the law (at least it is down here.)
Secondly, the man did not appear to be a threat to anyone and was attacked while leaving the area. The man and his son were not protecting their safety or property.
That’s a problem.
The other problem is the length of time that this case has taken to come to light. The shooting happened in February. That’s far too long for an investigation and I wonder if part of the delay is the former job of the father.
The issue is really whether the man that was killed was guilty of any crime that night.
No one has come up with anything that says he is.
Did race play a part in the shooting? Possibly. Interviews with the accused should bring that out or not.
Either way, the two men have killed some one, ruined their lives as well, and should face a trial.
Your bigotry is showing. A gun was never pointed at the robber till he jumped the old man from behind.
No sense in exchanging comments as you have some blizzard agenda going.
I was advocating for ban on handguns a just a few years ago?
You don’t think black men have a right to defend themselves? Black men are the ones who get shot while jogging. That was my point.
Your bigotry is showing. A gun was never pointed at the robber till he jumped the old man from behind.
There was no robber. There is video that Aubrey was in a house under construction, but nothing was missing from that home.
As for the gun, even the statements of the two killers don’t agree with you as they say the son tried to stop Aubrey while the son was holding a pistol. The father became involved when that attack was going on and pointed a shotgun at Aubrey. In other words, the father was not ambushed from behind.
No sense in exchanging comments as you have some blizzard agenda going.
A blizzard? In Georgia? Surely you jest.
I have said that I am troubled by the shooting of the man. There is no cause for the shooting and the two killers had no legal right to request Aubrey to stop or to cut him off in an attempt to detain him.
You aren’t troubled by this at all because you are making claims that are false and without factual basis. You are and always have been the worst kind of racist. You believe that in a confrontation it is always the white person who is not at fault and the minority who is at fault.
At least I am trying to listen and look at the evidence objectively. You can’t or rather won’t do that.
I was advocating for ban on handguns a just a few years ago?
Yep. Denying it makes your statements even more trollish than normal.
In fact, you have advocated for the banning of all firearms.
Is it the hate that makes you forget what you have said?
You don’t think black men have a right to defend themselves?
If you can find that sentiment from me anywhere, I’d love to see it. As it is, you are just trolling in your hate.
Black men are the ones who get shot while jogging. That was my point.
Other people have been shot while jogging as well. They are of all races and gender. It is only a racist that makes the distinction like you and david do.
So at least you have company in your hatred.
After all, hate is all the left has.
gitarcarver may have us confused with someone else. We recognize the futility of banning firearms. This is America. Our Supreme Court has ruled that Americans have a right to keep and bear arms.
The insecure gitarcarver strives for relevance by attacking every commenter.
All gitarcarver has is hate.
gitarcarver may have us confused with someone else.
As I am not the only one who remembers your attack on the right to bear arms, it is clear that you either are losing your mental facilities, are trolling, or are lying.
None of those there things is a good thing for you.
We recognize the futility of banning firearms.
That has not stopped you from making statements that all firearms should be banned.
The insecure gitarcarver strives for relevance by attacking every commenter.
With the left, it is always projection and hate.
After all, all the left has is hate.
The white guys were doing the appropriate thing. They saw a man not recognized to be part of the neighborhood. His actions to them seemed suspicious. They then followed him and likely notified the police. We have performed similar actions in my area. As to being armed, that is their call and a wise one considering the record of this clown. The robber would still be alive if he had not attacked the older man.
Well, there’s something not kosher going on here.
The white guys were doing the appropriate thing.
The robber would still be alive if he had not attacked the older man.
What “robber?”
The two men didn’t see him commit a felony which under Georgia law is the only way they could have detained him.
As for “attacking the older man,” the older man had a weapon pointed at the unarmed Arbery. If you think that is justified under the law or morals there is no help for you.
While the family admits that Arbery had had run ins with the police back in his teens, (shoplifting and bringing a gun into a high school basketball game in 2013)there is no way that those incidents have any bearing on what happened 7 years later in February of 2020.
While there may be racial overtones to this case, it appears that the case was initially dropped because the two men had worked for the division that was called to investigate the shooting.
If that is the case, that should frighten everyone because it says that law enforcement and those who work in the system aren’t held to the same standard as other and are free to do what they want – up to and including killing someone.
Once the case got out of the local politics and good ol’ boy network, it took the Georgia Bureau of Investigation less than 36 hours to investigate and proffer charges.
We do? Why?
Because you want blacks to feel every white man is out to get them?
Your paranoia needs professional help.
some guy brandishing a shotgun blocking a public street is likely up to no good and a person has the right to defend oneself and neutralize that threat.
So, if some guy is brandishing a shotgun blocking a public street, a black guy has the right to shoot him?
Like to see you get that one past the courts.
My mistake. You’re right. White men have the right to arm themselves, block public streets and shoot and kill black joggers who try to pass. I was confused.
Oh My!
President Obama was in on plot to ‘frame’ Flynn, attorney says
AND NOW we know why the left has been FRANTIC in trying to remove TRUMP FROM OFFICE!!!!!!
I’ve been saying for 3 years this went straight to Obama because he made a relatively benign off the cuff statement not long after Trump took office.
Don’t worry, I have people in place to take care of this….referring to the MORON IN CHIEF TRUMP TAKING OVER FOR HIM.
That stuck with me and has since been scrubbed from the internet but I remember it very well and it was pretty ominous in tone and said by someone who felt he had the deep state under control.
ANOTHER conspiracy story??
tRump may not realize this, but as much as it satisfies his base to see him bash a black man, President Obama is no longer eligible to run for President.
He may, however, be eligible for extradition to Mexico.
The talking point exposed.
Gotcha 50 center.
China has screamed Racism since day one of the covid-19. Straight out of the lefts playbook.
Obama Knew. In fact he told the girl friend to KEEP POTUS INFORMED of what they are doing.
ON INAUGRATION DAY Susan sent herself an email telling herself that Obama wanted this done on the up and up.
Obama is a sleaze bag politician and after 8 years in the swamp he is covered in shit from the swamp. He did it. Joe Biden did it.
There crime? The exact same thing NIXON DID. HE ILLEGALLY WIRETAPPED a POLITICAL CAMPAIGN UNDER FALSE PRETENSE. The same thing Nixon got caught trying to do and then the counsel found out about the tapes and he erased the evidence before handing them over.
GAWD, it must be nice to be a member of the left and know that no matter what crime you commit it will be covered by the deep state.
It’s not just “wonderful high rise in a big city with people who are fellow Believers,” but a wonderful place to live and work where you can take public transportation to everything!
Orange woman………………..GOOD!
The Trump administration and semiconductor companies are looking to jump-start development of new chip factories in the U.S. as concern grows about reliance on Asia as a source of critical technology.
A new crop of cutting-edge chip factories in the U.S. would reshape the industry and mark a U-turn after decades of expansion into Asia by many American companies eager to reap investment incentives and take part in a robust regional supply chain.
This is happening all over the world. China is going down.
Documents revealed that China was told to prepare for war with the USA. I am sure this slipped out on purpose as if they can intimidate the world. Hell Even Vietnam a next door neighbor is standing up to China right now as China moves to try and assimilate all of the South China sea while the world is in panic mode over Covid-19.
In reality. The USA moved to restrict visa’s for education. The universities will be hollaring.
The democrats will be screaming racism as their bread and butter, under the table funding by the CCP of CHINA is threatened by ORANGE MAN BAD who cares about America even if the DEMS dont.
I was advocating for ban on handguns a just a few years ago?
Of course you were. You wanted all firearms banned.
You lie yet again.
You don’t think black men have a right to defend themselves? Black men are the ones who get shot while jogging. That was my point.
Actually black men aren’t the ones who get shot while jogging They might get shot while trying to run away from a crime scene.
You don’t support all black men (17 and older) being legally armed at all times?
Do you not support “stand your ground” laws?
Do you agree that a person has no obligation to retreat when they are threatened or perceive a serious threat? A black man jogging down a public street and noting two fat, bearded white men (but not police) shouting at him and blocking his path has no obligation to retreat, and should open fire before being killed himself.
In fact, we advocate that all black men legally carry a loaded AR-15 type semi-automatic rifle when they go out.
Would the two fat, bearded white guys in GA have murdered a jogger carrying an AR-15?
You don’t support all black men (17 and older) being legally armed at all times?
You don’t support all white men (17 and older) being legally armed at all times?
Do you agree that a person has no obligation to retreat when they are threatened or perceive a serious threat? A black man jogging down a public street and noting two fat, bearded white men (but not police) shouting at him and blocking his path has no obligation to retreat, and should open fire before being killed himself.
First, we have to determine if he was a jogger (looking less and less likely) or involved in a nefarious act and fleeing the scene.
In fact, we advocate that all black men legally carry a loaded AR-15 type semi-automatic rifle when they go out.
Then you advocate that all white men legally carry a loaded AR-15 type semi-automatic rifle when they go out.
Would the two fat, bearded white guys in GA have murdered a jogger carrying an AR-15?
God did not make all men equal. Sam Colt did.
Nicely done, Elwood. You stood up for all black men everywhere and their right to keep and bear arms and only twice insulted white people with your need to describe “two fat, bearded white men”. The second reference was only to exaggerate the “murder” part. We know the vast majority of murders are white on black, right? Same with rapes, robbery, home invasion, assault and car theft. And white looters outnumber white looters five to one.
While you are encouraging ALL black men carry loaded (why would one carry an unloaded) AR-15 type semi-automatic rifles (glad you FINALLY stopped mislabeling them “assault weapons. Even a Karen like you knows better than that) you probably should also encourage them not to trespass on construction sites looking to steal shit while they’re out. I know you’re gonna ask how I know he was looking to steal shit and I admit I don’t but I don’t believe he was an aspiring architect checking out the interior design. Just a guess!
” The National Crime Victimization Survey can be used to determine how much violent crime blacks commit against whites and vice versa. Unfortunately, although it has clear racial categories for victims, NCVS classifications for perpetrators are vague. Therefore, for the purposes of interracial crime only, we must refer to a “white†(with quotation marks) perpetrator category that includes some but not all Hispanics. Because the victim categories are better defined, we can still refer to white (without quotation marks) victims of interracial crime. Because the “white†perpetrator category for interracial crime includes some Hispanics, the result is an inflated measure of what we will have to call “whiteâ€-on-black crime.
Even so, the differences between black and “white†rates of interracial crime are enormous. As Figure 18 shows, between 2001 and 2003, blacks were 39 times more likely to commit violent crimes against whites than the reverse, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery. 40 There were an average of 15,400 black-on-white rapes every year during this period, 139,000 robberies, 489,000 assaults, and 12,762 sexual assaults. By contrast, there were only 900 “whiteâ€-on-black rapes every year, 7,600 robberies, 101,000 assaults, and 3,217 sexual assaults. Of all 768,879 violent interracial crimes involving blacks and whites, blacks committed 85 percent and “whites†15 percent.
What about interracial murder? The Supplementary Homicide Reports (SHR) include the race of the victim and offender, and make it possible to calculate rates of interracial murder. In 2002, blacks were 16 times more likely to murder W&H than the reverse. SHR statistics from 1976 to 2002 tell us blacks murdered 26,727 W&H during those 26 years, and W&H murdered 10,207 blacks, making the black-on-W&H murder rate 17 times that of the W&H-on-black murder rate. 41
High multiples like these do not necessarily mean blacks are deliberately targeting whites (and Hispanics) for violent crime. One reason multiples for interracial crime are so high is that there are about 5.5 times as many whites as blacks in the United States. This means blacks are 5.5 times more likely to encounter whites than the other way around, so even if blacks choose victims without regard to race, there are many more potential white than black victims. White criminals are also more likely to have white victims for the same reason.
40: These estimates are based on both single and multiple offender crimes in NCVS. For information on the tabulation of the number of offenders in NCVS, please see the Methodological Notes.
41: BJS, “Homicide Trends in the U.S.: Trends by Race†(BJS), http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/tables/ovracetab.htm. Accessed July 13, 2005.
[NCVS is the National Crime Victimization Survey. BJS is the Bureau of Justice Statistics. While the above was taken from a 2005 report, more recent data, available from the sites linked above, are consistent with it in overall pattern. — FWP] ”
Thank the black Jesus Elwood is always there and always vigilant to defend the noble black man against the slings and arrows of white bigotry and hatred. Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown are looking UP at you in awe.
Trump 2020 Stop the leftists before they end us.
My mistake. You’re right. White men have the right to arm themselves, block public streets and shoot and kill black joggers who try to pass. I was confused.
It’s looking more and more as if said “jogger” was more like another Trayvon.
We’ll see, but it ain’t looking good for your side.
IF the jogger was looking to steal something (no evidence; and nothing taken), is the punishment 2 shotgun blasts to the chest?
Is the punishment for trespassing 2 shotgun blasts to the chest?
Do you really believe that because black men commit crimes at a higher rate than whites that that justifies killing black men for not obeying your orders?
Since it’s clear all the facts are not yet known, your virtue signalling is mere buffoonery.
Do you really believe that because black men commit crimes at a higher rate than whites that that justifies killing black men for not obeying your orders?
Depends on the order, depends on the crime.
Depends if he was armed.
I believe Elwood, that before you run to the defense of the “hapless, innocent” black guy like you always do (hands up, don’t shoot) you may want to take a breather from your usual hate filled anti white racist rants long enough to allow the court to decide. Just a suggestion but I know it falls on deaf ears since you only accept favorable decisions by the court too. Same with elections as you’ve done nothing but bitch and cry since November 2016.
nd in case you couldn’t figure it out because your hate clouds your judgement I was being SARCASTIC!
Trump 2020 We need to get these anti white racists out of here.
Was the jogger armed with Skittles like Mr. Martin?
Is that reason enough to murder someone?
St Skittles wasn’t murdered.
You lie again.
Martin was trying to beat a citizen to death and you know it. Once again you LIE when the facts, as determined by a full investigation and the court don’t agree with your hate whitie bigotry.
Trump 2020 Stop these anti white racists.
Here are some excerpts from an opinion piece by Zman called “Springtime for Joggers” see how it fits. Notice the last paragraph. If that doesn’t describe you nothin’ will.
“Thanks to the relentless anti-white animus, America and the world now has a new colorful euphemism for a certain element of society. The word “jogger†is now the preferred word of choice to describe the young black male creeping around in the neighborhood, looking for trouble.
The “jogger†phenomenon is interesting, because it suggests white people in America have turned a critical corner. When this well-orchestrated media campaign was unleashed last week, the first reaction by most whites was to assume it was yet another hoax to libel white people. Of course, there were plenty of “fellow whites†on social media working their usual scams. Then there were the professional grovelers, who are whites paid to amplify anti-white propaganda.
Unremarked thus far is just how quickly this crew came up with this ridiculous rationalization in support of the narrative. Certain people will claim they received instructions from the usual suspects, but in reality, it was as natural a response as pulling away from a hot stove. These organ grinder’s monkeys for the anti-white rage heads in charge of America are so thoroughly conditioned, rationalizing the blood libel is as natural to them as breathing or blinking.
In this time of government-imposed misery, it was a nice bit of fun. The fact that the propagandists have had to retreat from the story is the real story. Unlike prior hoaxes, this one appears to have crashed into a new wall of white skepticism. The police have arrested the two men involved, but the lynch mob that was expected to pressure the authorities into railroading these two men has suddenly gone quiet. All of a sudden, white people are pushing back against the JIM SNOW laws.
Of course, the story was greatly enhanced by the fact that as the blood libel machine was cranking up, a black was literally hunting white people in a Delaware veterans cemetery, killing an elderly couple. A jogger named Sheldon C. Francis executed an 80-year old couple as they honored their ancestors. It was a stark reminder that while the Ahmaud Arbery story is entirely fake, the jogger threat is real. White people in America have spent generations trying to avoid joggers.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but generations of white people have had to pay the tax, the jogger tax, for sins they never committed and in fact, we never committed. Baltimore would go from Lagos on the Chesapeake to Hong Kong on the Chesapeake if the local “joggers” all decamped to another land. If not for the jogger phenomenon, alarm companies would go out of business and cars would have normal keys again. Everyone knows this. The jogger tax is the cost of being white.
Another nuance to this is that there has not been much outrage from whites about yet another libel against white people. Instead, it seems as if whites, at least with regards to joggers, have moved past outrage onto mockery. The usual suspects can manipulate the righteous anger of the victims to their ends, but they are powerless to do much in the face of mockery. Odious carbuncles like Matt Walsh will continue to put on their self-righteous face, but it just makes the mockery more powerful.
The elephant in the room, of course, is the race problem. Blacks still think OJ Simpson was innocent, they think Trayvon was executed and they think Michael Brown was the victim of police abuse. They think the father and son at the center of this jogger hoax hunted and killed Ahmaud Arbery. They are absolute sure gangs of whites roam the countryside hunting innocent black bodies. They are sure everyone who voted for Donald Trump is a racist for supporting the racist-in-chief. (Right Elwood?)
Similarly, the usual suspects share most of these beliefs. Two standard deviations to the right of blacks are a class of people whose identity is rooted in the blood libel against white America. Matt Walsh did not rush forth to condemn white people because he is being paid by Ben Shapiro. David French and his goofy old lady did not kidnap an African child as a trophy for career advancement. These self-loathing whites are not just paid flaks for the orthodoxy. This is who they are now.
This means there is no reconciliation possible between the self-loathing whites, American blacks and the rest of white America. No amount of mockery will dampen the enthusiasm for these hoaxes and libels. No matter how many are revealed to be fake and no matter how many “joggers” roam white neighborhoods looking for victims, the people behind this latest hoax will keep at it. Who they are depends on it. Like the oxpecker, they exist to live off the rest of us.”
Trump 2020 Because thee is no reconciliation between right and wrong.