Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was attempting to double dip on the ballot in case she lost her Democratic primary
AOC removed from union-backed progressive party ballot line in New York
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was booted from the progressive union-backed Working Families Party (WFP) ballot line by a Queens judge, a blow to her potentially competitive Democratic primary fight.
The freshman lawmaker was removed from the primary ballot after receiving only 13 signatures from members of the progressive group that has dubbed itself the “Tea Party of the left” — two short of what she needed to get on the ballot.
Now, she won’t be on the WFP ballot line in the November general election, either, said Martin O’Connor, attorney for AOC’s Democrat opponent Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.
“AOC has hurt working people of the Bronx and Queens with her votes and creates disunity within our party,” Caruso-Cabrera told the New York Daily News. “No wonder why pro-union forces don’t want her, and neither do our neighborhoods.â€
Caruso-Cabrera said the leftist firebrand is out of touch with the needs of her blue-collar district.
The Working Families Party is an independent political party that cross-endorses progressive candidates through New York’s fusion voting system — which allows endorsement across ballot lines –Â to press Democrats to the left and extract concessions without being dismissed by voters as a spoiler.
Well, that is a real shame when she can’t even get enough votes from a hardcore leftist group because she has ended up hurting the Democratic party and jobs for the working class (Amazon jobs), among other issues that she’s created being the darling of Leftist elites across the country. But, then, remember, something like 80% of her funding for the 2018 election came from outside of her district.
Ocasio-Cortez and Caruso-Cabrera, a former CNBC anchor, are at the front of the race for the Democrat primary in New York’s 14th Congressional District spanning through Queens and the Bronx, trailed by a number of lesser-known candidates. Eight Republicans are also vying for Ocasio-Cortez’s seat, but whoever wins the Democrat primary is essentially assured victory come November in the deep-blue district.
Having a spot on the Working Families Party ballot would have offered Ocasio-Cortez a glimmer of hope should she suffer a defeat from Caruso-Cabrera.
Can Caruso-Cabrera defeat her? Good question. We really haven’t seen polling on this. Not CC will be any better on her votes, it’ll still be party line, but, will mostly like be less loony tunes unhinged Socialist and more standard working class Democrat.

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I knows I watch a lot more TV and I see whats been doin and I can help buts believe Trump will do better and not badder causen them demecraps be so full o lies people seein them fer what they are.
I heard that 2 more pefessors were resseted by the cops too! They takin all kinds oh money from them commie creeps in China.
I can[‘t see trumpster losing to nobody in November. If anything those demecraps need the country ta open up and everyone get sick agin ifn they want ta win in da election.
Since everyone votes party line, there is no real difference between the most whacked out members and the most moderate members. If you are forced to participate in this fight, vote for the one who will entertain you the best. Worst case, you cant go wrong by voting against the incumbent.