Mary Wildfire has a whole series on what she’s calling “false solutions” to solving the climate crisis (scam). Here’s the end, article 6 of 6
False Solutions to Climate Change: Real Solutions
Can we get real solutions and still maintain economic growth, population growth, and the growth of inequality? Are we entitled to an ever-rising standard of living? I believe the answer is no; we need some profound transformations if we are to leave our grandchildren a planet that resembles the one we grew up on, rather than a dystopian Hell world. This is the basic theme of the controversial Michael Moore produced film Planet of the Humans. I see that film as seriously flawed, but agree with its basic message—that it’s time for humanity to grow up and accept limits, get over what I call human exceptionalism, or androtheism—the notion that man is God.
I truly enjoy when the hardcore doomsday climate cultists really say what they want, instead of trimming the edges. Perhaps Mary should explain this to all the youths backing Doing Something about ‘climate change’, see if they’re willing to give up their modern lifestyles.
A veritable cornucopia of false solutions is being pushed these days, not only by corporations and think tanks but by the UN’s IPCC, the international body responsible for research and action on climate. We could have made a gentle transition if we had begun when we first became aware of this problem decades ago, but for various reasons we did not. There is no time left for barking up one wrong tree after another; no time to waste in false solutions. Hence this series pointing out the fallacies behind such proposals as electrifying everything, carbon trading, geoengineering or switching to “gas—the clean energy fuel!â€
That’s what she means by false solutions. What does she really want?
It really doesn’t have to be this way. We can’t smoothly transition to an economic system like what we’re used to, only powered by renewable energy—it’s too late for that. The resources have been wasted and the population is too high. But we could transition to a world where everyone has enough to live on, a world marked by international cooperation, but much less international trade. Relocalizing our economies and dethroning corporations are necessary elements of this transition. Necessary to ensuring adequate resources for all is a reduction in the “standard of living†of the richest half or so of humanity, including virtually everyone reading this.
Most people reading the article are surely going to be middle and lower class. So, yeah, y’all have to give up your standard of living. Everyone would be equal in poverty.
We could supply all of Earth’s nearly eight billion humans with an adequate and varied diet, a shelter sufficient to provide comfort through the year, safe drinking water and sanitary arrangements, and basic healthcare. In other words, basic needs. But some of this would require a lot of people to move, as many areas can’t grow enough food for their current populations. Creating or upgrading shelters so they’re capable of keeping people in cold areas comfortable through the winter, and people in hot areas comfortable through summers, without continuing to burn a lot of fossil fuel or biomass, will require a major upgrading of buildings all over the world—a massive project which will provide a lot of employment but use a lot of resources. This is a more sensible use of the resources than building hundreds of millions of electric cars, though—a well-insulated building will require very little additional energy for many decades.
None of this happens without massive Authoritarian government, which controls every aspect of people’s lives. This is North Korea’s system on steroids.
Meanwhile, we need to transition from the sterile monocultures of modern agribusiness to regenerative agriculture. This means small farms run by families or groups of friends, each growing many crops, rotated frequently, in harmony with some native flora and fauna to keep pollinators and other insect populations healthy, as well as other elements of the ecosystems of which each farm is a part.
Most people do not want to be farmers anymore. Certainly, all these Modern Socialists do not want to, considering themselves to all be urban dwellers. Will they be forced to be regenerative farmers?
Of course, city life has to be changed, and people will be forced to walk, bike, or take public transportation, and only allowed to live near work. And kill off a lot of humans
In the long run, we need to lower our numbers. The fact that in one century nearly all the world’s land vertebrate population has been replaced by humans and our livestock shows that our trajectory is not sustainable.
Mary is still trying to couch this in gentle terms, rather than the reality of mass murder beyond anything ever done.
A larger change we need, radical as this sounds, is to eliminate war.
Good luck with that, dipshit.
The world we could have if we made these changes would be considerably poorer for the people currently at the top of the heap…or would it? We’d have often smaller homes, we’d travel much less, we’d own much less, we’d eat more simply. On the other hand, we could have the kind of community today’s Americans find only in their dreams—the kind of world where we know our neighbors and many of the people we pass as we walk or bike to work. We’d be healthier. We might have much more leisure time, and spend it in pursuits we find meaningful, with friends, rather than in frantic entertainment and travel. We’d have the satisfaction of doing our part to pass on a healing world to our children.
All enforced by Government, right?
This kind of world will fail to make the rich continuously richer, so they will not allow us to bring it into being as long as capitalism and empire reign. Thus, real solutions to climate change—and the other crises—probably require revolution. But not the old limited kind of revolution involving violence and the replacement of the ruling thugs with some new thugs. We need a change much more profound, and much broader than that.
Did she just endorse armed and violent worldwide revolution that makes others revolutions look like minor annoyances? Welcome to the Cult of Climastrology.

There is an appropriate response to this. High speed lead.
Eliminating war sounds like a great idea. Why hasn’t anyone ever tried that before? Maybe we should take it seriously and have a “war on war”.