…is a horrible giant house when Everyone Else should be living in tiny homes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on someone you would have called crazy 6 months ago.

…is a horrible giant house when Everyone Else should be living in tiny homes, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on someone you would have called crazy 6 months ago.
Well, I did say it three months ago and they did call me crazy and they still are. BTW, “they” are the willing simpletons who believe the shit they’re spoon fed from the fake news media, Hollywood and all these fukin’ so-called “experts” that have yet you get one fukin’ prediction correct either regarding China Virus or glow ball warming.
Trump 2020 Or the liars win.
More good news.
Looks like the Demos are revving up for a rerun of ’16.
Can I be their cabana boy and rub oil all over them???? I’d die a very happy and content man…
Lutheran minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer (executed by the Nazis):
“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force.â€
“Against stupidity we are defenseless; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed, and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one.â€
“It seems obvious that stupidity is less a psychological than a sociological problem. It is a particular form of the impact of historical circumstances on human beings, a psychological concomitant of certain external conditions.â€
“The fact that the stupid person is often stubborn must not blind us to the fact that he speaks on behalf of an empowered group. In conversation with him, one feels that one is dealing not at all with him as a person, but with slogans and catchwords that have taken possession of him.â€
“The stupid man is under a spell…[And] having become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.â€
“The Bible’s words that the ‘fear of the Lord God is the beginning of wisdom’ teaches us that a person’s inward liberation from foolishness and decision to live responsibly and intelligently before God is the only real cure to stupidity.â€
You to a T.
That summaries what we have been telling you. You see, you are the stupid person here.
When I read that list of quotes I thought Elwood had an epiphany. If he did I am very happy for him. It’s like becoming a Christian. One doesn’t realize how happy and free that makes one. The fact that the public now knows the corruption that was the Hussein administration and maybe even see the depth of evil that people have who want to take your jobs and businesses away and send the elderly to die in nursing homes all to win an election. Scary.
Keep walking toward the light Elwood, you will always be welcome. Come see how life is when even when you’re getting bitch-slapped by the Karens in blue states you can keep a positive outlook and smile. You’ll see that it isn’t “hateful” to disagree, rather it’s hateful to persecute those who do.
Our country shouldn’t be putting up with shit like this:
Trump 2020 Make America smile again.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and
there always has been.
The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread
winding its way through our political and cultural life,
nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that
“my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
Isaac Asimov
And no one exemplifies that cult more than you.
Is this the week of babes whose bikinis dont match their tan lines?
I don’t mind it… nope, not one bit.
Over 85,000 dead in US
Nearly 30,000 new cases today.
33 million workers filing for unemployment
Unemployment on its way to 20%
Food lines
43 million Americans to lose health coverage
$10 TRILLION and rising added to debt (relief and economic stimulus).
“3, 4, 5, even 6% GDP!”… is actually going to be negative.
Welcome to socialism. Not much fun is it?
Ima thinkun, this dowd fellah be lovin the misery gave us by China.
He be pointing out the obvious and den blamun Trump.
Any folk asked the Democraps their solution and youse get stay crickets.
No solutions only one last tunity to bash Trump in da hope it gets him thrown out. This dowd fellah don’t care none bout people. He only care bout power so he can tell us folk what ta think and when ta think it.
And JuSt think. Dat Nazi witmer from Michigun is in da runnin ta be VP. That be all yas need to know bout them dems who be trying to kill us all off.
Why Elwood, you sound just giddy at all the human misery the left and the Red Chinese has unleashed upon America. Why? Why do you like the spread of misery and pain? Is there something wrong with you that you seem to enjoy it?
Come over to the Good side Elwood. Loving the misery of others is so Nazi or commie it’s not for you. You’re better than that, aren’t you?
Trump 2020 Don’t let those happy about our misery win.
Why Kye, you sound just ignorant over attributing human emotions to the bare recitation of facts. If the tRump Plague Virus (tPV) ever recedes it will be over the bodies of more than 100,000 Americans and a collapsed economy.
This reveals the weakness of our system of government when a seriously flawed and dishonest president can bring the nation to its knees. We all knew that tRump was unfit to be president, but hoped he would ride it out without having to face a serious crisis. No such luck.
Kye, anyone who thinks allegiance to tRump is coming to the good side is mentally ill. You’re part of a personality cult of anti-Americanism that you are incapable of recognizing because tRump brand authoritarianism suits your own bias.
The quotes about the worship of ignorance and stupidity describe Trumpism, but didn’t start there. There has been a simmering stupidity in America for the past several decades – which has reached a full boil. Stupidity is the GOP; the GOP is now the great bastion of stupidity in America. But don’t think your cult leaders are stupid, they know exactly what they’re doing. An evildoer such as tRump relies on the ignorance and stupidity of his followers to believe his lies and conspiracy tales. Global warming denial; China did it!; testing is overrated; bleach!; if we didn’t test we’d have very few cases!; SARS-CoV-2 denial; chloroquine!; ObamaBidenGate!; birtherism; experts don’t know anything; vaccines cause…
Get back out there, tRump needs your vote.
Elwood, if I’m ignorant you’re insane and retarded. There is no tRump Plague Virus (tPV) and there never was. The evolution of this virus is: it started in Wuhan China-you know that yet willfully lie. When it finally arrived here Trump banned travel from Communist China and you called him a bigot and a racist. Then both Nazi Pelousy and “Don” Cuomo held public Chineses New Year rallies and ENCOURAGED people to mingle and touch each other. You lie about everything.
You and animals like you made a flu into a national emergency and a national emergency a reason to destroy economy and murder our people just because of your HATE for Trump. That’s all you empty soulless bastards have left: HATE.
Then your co-conspirators pulled this shit:
Rachel Levine, the cross-dressing mental case serving as Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Health, has made ChiCom virus news once again. Earlier, it was for inflating the death toll. Now we learn that after helping to turn Pennsylvania nursing homes into death traps by forcing them to accept patients with Wuhan coronavirus, he removed his own mom from one.
From the Daily Caller: Levine’s mother moved out of a personal care home with the health secretary’s help, after Levine ordered all nursing homes and long-term facilities in the state to accept coronavirus patients from hospitals.
Being a typical death loving Democommie Levine doesn’t care if anyone elses family die, only his/its.
Levine probably doesn’t care much about Pennsylvania taxpayers either. In addition to the loss of life, there will be a monetary price for his mismanagement: The state is facing a class-action lawsuit, filed April 28, that claims the department of health ceased inspecting long-term care facilities now plagued by the virus.
It isn’t just Pennsylvania. Other states under liberal rule have inflicted the virus on homes for the elderly. This has done wonders to drive up the death count. I assume Elwood is all for i. The more dead Americans the merrier.
In New York, Governor Andrew “Don” Cuomo’s administration was responsible for a policy that mandated nursing homes to admit, or readmit, nursing home residents still contagious with Wuhan after hospital stays, thereby spawning outbreaks at facilities previously free of the virus. This dangerous policy, which was reversed on May 10, contributed to many of the approximately 5,400 nursing home deaths through May 11 in New York, amounting to more than 5% of the 100,000 nursing home residents in the state, and has been an unmitigated disaster. Making Cuomo the most prolific murderer in American history.
California’s Gavin Newsom isn’t much better: So far, at least 41% of Duck Soup Virus deaths in California are from nursing homes with an estimated 72% of Chi-com Flu deaths in Long Beach, CA coming from nursing homes. Notwithstanding the rate of Kung Flu in California’s nursing homes, Newsom approved a plan to effectively BRIBE nursing homes and assisted living communities to accept Chink Flu positive patients, paying small facilities of 6 or fewer residents $1,000 a day to accept them, with undisclosed rates for larger facilities. Another Democommie killer in our midst. And whereve there are Democommies there are “BRIBES”.
Then there is the poster girl for Red Flu tyranny, Gauleiter Gretchen: In Michigan, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order that requires admission of Wuhan Screw Flu positive patients into nursing homes.
No worries; she keeps the death toll under control by forbidding people from buying garden seeds.
Let’s not forget New Jersey, where Governor Phil Murphy defended his authoritarian Chink Flu measures by shrugging that worrying about the Constitution is above his pay grade: New Jersey had also called on nursing homes to admit Virus positive patients. As of May 12, New Jersey reported that 52% of the Wuhan related fatalities in the state were at 518 of the state’s long-term care facilities, or 4,953 out of 9,508 total deaths.
An estimated 11% of all New Jersey nursing home residents have died of the virus. Good going Democommies. Any number of dead for the cause, right?
Gee,” Imagine how low the coronavirus mortality rate would be if instead of closing down the entire economy and quarantining people who are neither sick nor particularly vulnerable, the government had isolated the elderly rather than coercively forcing the virus upon them. By now, herd immunity would have been achieved and the whole crisis would be over — which is possibly why authorities did not take this course of action.” *
*On tips from Kate P, Henry B, Mr. Freemarket, and Occam’s Stubble, Moonbattery.
This is for you Elwood. Another liar in your midst.
Trump 2020 Stop the left from murdering our loved ones.
Why Kye, you sound just ignorant over attributing human emotions to the bare recitation of facts. If the tRump Plague Virus (tPV) ever recedes it will be over the bodies of more than 100,000 Americans and a collapsed economy.
More like the Democrat-Wet-Dream-Flu since that’s who’s getting the blame and the economy is also you’re doing, as protests across the country show.
This reveals the weakness of our system of government when a seriously flawed and dishonest president can bring the nation to its knees. We all knew that tRump was unfit to be president, but hoped he would ride it out without having to face a serious crisis. No such luck.
You mean Ol’ Purple Lips. All his evil is finally coming out and you can’t stop it.
I love the Interwebz.
Kye, anyone who thinks allegiance to tRump is coming to the good side is mentally ill. You’re part of a personality cult of anti-Americanism that you are incapable of recognizing because tRump brand authoritarianism suits your own bias.
As always, you lie
It’s the Inslee, Brown, Newsom, Walz, Evers, Pritzker, Whitler, Beshear, Wolf, Murphy Blackface Cuomo brand authoritarianism and itsuits your own bias.
The quotes about the worship of ignorance and stupidity describe Trumpism, but didn’t start there. There has been a simmering stupidity in America for the past several decades – which has reached a full boil. Stupidity is the GOP; the GOP is now the great bastion of stupidity in America. But don’t think your cult leaders are stupid, they know exactly what they’re doing. An evildoer such as tRump relies on the ignorance and stupidity of his followers to believe his lies and conspiracy tales. Global warming denial; China did it!; testing is overrated; bleach!; if we didn’t test we’d have very few cases!; SARS-CoV-2 denial; chloroquine!; ObamaBidenGate!; birtherism; experts don’t know anything; vaccines cause…
I wondered where all those quotes were going.
Sounds awfully like the Krauts and the Nips after the war had started in earnest. No suroprise, of course.
That’s where people like you always end up.
Thankfully, you’re losing.
Actually, you’re wrong That’s the way it would have been if Zippy had been in charge.
More like 640 dead and everybody knows it.
Unemployment’s bottomed out. That’s why the markets went up yesterday.
No food lines. I know, real bummer. Commies love mass starvation.
No loss in health yet, but we had the same problem 5 years ago and IdiotCare still failed.
The debt is your baby. You caused this.
Negative GDP? Good luck
Some Grim news out of China from several leading economic experts NOT OF THE USA and not on the MSM PAYROLL.
I do not believe a think the MSM in America says anymore and havent for years. They are douchebag liars, sensationalizing stuff for clicks and ad revenue. The truth no longer matters to them.
But I digress.
Back to China.
Folks who spend their lives watching CHINA believe that nation is on the cusp of economic collapse. This virus was released to take the rest of the world with them to keep the playing field fair.
The household debt of the average citizen in China is staggering and makes the USA look like paupers. Durable goods are in the negative and have been for a couple years. Every car sold in China is MADE IN CHINA BY CHINA, with the exception of a few Luxury vehicles that they are willing to import.
Ford, Chevy, Fiat, VW all those people who moved plants to China. They only get a small percent of the price of each car sold and have no rights to their own vehicles.
The CCP is absorbing nations as this covid-19 spreads and the worlds focus is elsewhere. They are currently attempting to annex Kazakhstan which they claim belonged to China during Genghis Khan a 1000 years ago. They are taking over the entire south China sea.
Indonesia is having stand offs in the sea as China literally fishes and runs their coast guard in their territorial waters.
The Offical GDP is -6 percent which everyone even the lairs in our own MSM believe China’s GDP is 3-4 times that bad meaning they are in the -20-30 range of GDP and China is not situated to sustain this.
A month ago the CCP warned the government to prepare for war. When they go down and the world goes with them, they are willing to use the pretext of war to TAKE what they want. Even today they began building a DAMN with PAKISTAN in INDIA territory againt India’s wishes.
They have troops 60 miles from Afghanistan waiting to move on the oil rich nations of the Middle east.
Meanwhile the West frets over people getting sick. Trust me when I say that within one year we could very well be in a shooting war and every scenario has the USA losing a war with CHINA, unless Japan, Korea, Nato and India join the campaign.
Will that be possible if the world is starving due to a lock down?