…are horrible big beach houses causing climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Datechguy’s Blog, with a post on We The People decide what’s normal, not the government.
Doubleshot below the fold, so, check out Irons In The Fire, with a post on a fine description on too many governors and mayors.

Why do all these ladies lately have tan lines that do not match the bathing suit? Is that some sort of new “thing”?
You think they only own one Bikini?
I didn’t say that now did I? I asked why the tan lines are all different. Wouldn’t it make sense to wear the one that matches the lines? Or is it some kind of new “thing” to not match up? So instead of an insulting retort why not just answer the fukin question?
We all understand how angry, bitter and frustrated you are with your life. Perhaps you could call an online therapist or something.
You need one far more. Look at you. All you do is spend your weekends writing these absurd phillippics.
The racism, envy, paranoia, compulsive lying. You really need help.
Should tRump nationalize the social media companies so that he can control the content?
Donald J. Trump
The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation. Stay tuned, and send names & events.
Straw man.
Dr Evil’s idea, not trump’s.
It is okay for the national media to be nationalized for the LEFT as it has been for years.
There is ZERO doubt that conservatives are being scrubbed from these platforms.
If you post a COVID-19 video on Youtube you are demonitized. If you say certain words on your video you are demonitized. IF you are doing Political commentary you are not only demonitized but scrubbed from youtube’s promoted content and even worse if you are subscribed to a creator you are unsubscribed.
Doctors with GOLDEN repubations putting out SOLID science on COVID-19 are having their youtube videos pulled down and demonitized.
WHY do you suppose that is 50 center?
Feb 13, 2020 · Education department records over the last three decades show US universities and colleges have reported more than $6.6bn in donations from Qatar, China…
THIS….is what you defend 50 center. You are defend these scumbag commies who put MUSLIMS in concentration camps and make them work for free. Persecute a non christian religious group who only likes to meditate. Welds people into their homes until they starve todeath.
Nation after nation gets it. The DEMOCRATS ARE COMMUNISTS STOOGES OWNED BY CHINA. WE GET IT 50 center.
Now time to purge our universities of communist spies. Hell the left has even been letting the CCP of CHINA INFILTRATE our High Schools and Jr. High Schools willingly.
The RIGHT MIGHT BE conspiracy theorists but the left isnt. Because they are so deep in REAL CONSPIRACIES TO OVERTHROW AMERICA they aint got time for theory. Only ACTION!!
You ask why private social media platforms pull dishonest and harmful posts? Really?
Perhaps you need to question why so many right-wing posts are dishonest and harmful.
So you admit there is a Leftist bias.
We knew that, but glad to hear a Lefty confirm it.
It’s clear that the truth, and facts, have a liberal bias.
Just as mis- and disinformation have a conservative bias.
We’ll leave it to right-wing “thought” leaders to explain it.
The world’s new social media environment could mark the end of enlightenment.
There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge. — Isaac Asimov
Have you watched the new video “Plandemic”? If so, what do you think?
We think it would be a great idea for Senate GOPhers to investigate President Obama and the administration before the election.
It could take American’s minds off the 100,000+ dead from tRump’s mishandling of the pandemic, the worst economy since the 1930s, the tRump crime family’s grifting, emoluments, taxes etc!!
What a coup if they could force Obama to testify, maybe cut his 60% approval rating a bit! And the rehashing of all the connections of tRump campaign staff and administration with Russians will remind voters what a good president tRump is!
Maybe Senators Collins, Gardner, Ernst, Tillis, McSally, et al can browbeat and try to humiliate the former President. Mr. Obama is not nearly as smart or popular as GOP Senators.
When they’re through with him he won’t get a single vote come November!!
tRump 2020: OBAMAGATE!!!
We think it would be a great idea for Senate GOPhers to investigate President Obama and the administration before the election.
It could take American’s minds off the 100,000+ dead from tRump’s mishandling of the pandemic, the worst economy since the 1930s, the tRump crime family’s grifting, emoluments, taxes etc!!
Gee, you had a chance at all that and you came up with zip.
OTOH there’s a lot of evidence the spying in the last Administration went all the way to the top. People hate the Demos for their tyrannical rule, for the looney Congresscreeps, Pelosi Galore’s attempt to hold the country for ransom, and, of course, what the public knows about all the child molesters in the Democrat party.
What a coup if they could force Obama to testify, maybe cut his 60% approval rating a bit! And the rehashing of all the connections of tRump campaign staff and administration with Russians will remind voters what a good president tRump is!
Maybe Senators Collins, Gardner, Ernst, Tillis, McSally, et al can browbeat and try to humiliate the former President. Mr. Obama is not nearly as smart or popular as GOP Senators.
As I said, you had a shot with that and blew it. And Zippy is at 60% approval? Where? Commie News Net?
Even black kids call him halfa cracka. And the worst economy we had was the one Zippy presided over.
What we have now will pass.
As for Jodi Ernst & Co, you can bet Zippy isn’t as smart. The people who were at Columbia don’t even remember him there. His life has been one diversity hire after another.
When they’re through with him he won’t get a single vote come November!!
You’ve been saying that for 4 years and it’s all been wishful thinking.
People are fed up with the Democrats. It’s not if he wins, but how many more states he carries this time.
Uh-oh formwiz, looks like you triggered Dr. Elwood today. He’s on one of his fantasy bloviations and mystical rants. I drove him over the edge yesterday and today it’s you. We need to give this weak-minded fool a break. Nobody can stay that crazy and that wrong about so many things this long without blowing a fuse. It wouldn’t matter though, the Democommies take mail-in votes from asylums all the time. It’s part of their “no illegal vote should go to waste” program. As they try and cheat their way back into the White House all the stops will be pulled out and vote harvesting will be at Peak Power.
Ever notice how he always goes back to his half Kenyan, half Mooslem, half Caucasion, half assed Messiah? He really worships at the feet of his first gay president. I think the ugly wookie tranny he was married to (Ms. Gold boots) wore all the balls in that family. Soon he’ll be getting what that little commie deserves, Traitor. Deserves a traitors fate but we all know that won’t happen. Same for all those Democommie clowns involve d in the attempted soup since before Trump was even elected. That’s pure treason.
Trump 2020 Punish the traitors!
It was a “coup” not a “soup” they were involved with. Nobody’s prosecuted over soup unless it’s my first wife’s homemade Lentil. Man was that lousy.
Here’s a suggestion for Dr. Elwood of the Meow (cause he’s a pussy) Clinic:
Trump 2020 When electing pussies again just wont do
tRump is the King of the Pussies. His manicures and pedicures; make-up; dyed bouffant hairdo; jewelry; misogyny; abuse; pussy-grabbing; cowardice; bullying; stupidity; racism; insecurity.
It’s little wonder that “men” such as you worship him.
He’s a master marketer. He knows how to present himself to the public.
Actually, you’re describing Ol’ Purple Lips. He is queer, of course. No wonder you love him.
He (trump) knows how to present himself to the public. Ha!
America and the entire world see him as the grifter joke he always was. Now with dementia!!
He is a master marketer, we’ll give him that. So are the ShamWow guy, Paris Hilton, RuPaul and Dennis Rodman. Each of whom would be as good a prez as Orange Julius.
America and the entire world see him as the grifter joke he always was. Now with dementia!!</i?
Sounds like Gropin’ Joe, not Trump. You sure that dementia isn’t catching?
He is a master marketer, we’ll give him that. So are the ShamWow guy, Paris Hilton, RuPaul and Dennis Rodman. Each of whom would be as good a prez as Orange Julius.
But none of them drives Lefties crazy the way he does.
And he’s a better President than the last half dozen Democrats combined were.
You’ve whined relentlessly that you’re not allowed to send your wife out to work.
Read on:
“Mass protests of the kind that have been organized in state capitals and large cities around the nation—mostly featuring motley crews of armed “Patriot†militiamen, “Boogaloo Bois†itching for a violent civil war, anti-vaccination fanatics, QAnon cultists, and a variety of conspiracy theorists, mingled with smatterings of ordinary businessmen put out of work—may be becoming too risky even for skeptics.”
“So now they’re diversifying their tactics, with an emphasis on smaller gatherings—primarily to “defend†small businesses that seek to defy lockdown orders and reopen. So the armed militiamen and other “ReOpen†protesters are now showing up on the streets outside taverns, tattoo parlors, hair salons, barber shops, and restaurants, claiming the governors’ orders ordering them to close are “unconstitutional.â€
So why didn’t you and other ‘patriots’ grab your guns and body armor and stand up to the fascists (gov, local police, county officials) who were assaulting not only your wife’s right to earn a living, but are assaulting the foundation of this Democratic Republic????
“So why didn’t you and other ‘patriots’ grab your guns and body armor and stand up to the fascists (gov, local police, county officials) who were assaulting not only your wife’s right to earn a living, but are assaulting the foundation of this Democratic Republic????”
Why do you think, DOCTOR Elwood? You realize I’m on oxygen, right? or are you so stooopid as to think I can run around with my condition. “Patriots” come in all forms: the leaders like Washington, the fighters like minutemen, and the supporters like Franklin. I, like Franklin before me am incapable of fighting a war. How many times must we go through the same insults to me and my illness? I’ve already shown my willingness to fight in Vietnam. Where were you?
You’re a wimp who uses the force of government to enforce your illegal and treasonous plot and to unconstitutionally crush the livelihoods of the working people of America over an overblown flu.
IOW, a fukin’ commie like all you Democrats have become, nothing but commies.
Trump 2020 No more commies and Nazi’s having gov. do their dirty work
Wow, that little rant sounds like the Left is really scared. And well they should be.
But it’s funny how just a show of rebellion was all it took. And a few well-placed lawsuits.
Even funnier how your side has to do it with vote fraud and riots and assault and lies and our side did it the Constitutional way.
PS See where Trump’s electoral lead is even bigger than last time?
Ah, me, my work is never done.
Looks like somebody’s really named this bug.
And here’s a link to some good articles about who’s really to blame
In case you need some ammo.
PS It’s becoming clear all these tyrannical, hyper-extended, draconic Democrat lockdowns are actually slowing the path to immunity.
So you can also blame Newsom, Brown, Inslee, Sisolak, Walz, Pritzker, Whitler, Murphy, Wolf, Blackface, Cooper, Beshear, Lamont, and Evers as well.