Yes, yes, they spend some of their own money, but, not all that much. Why not? If they really care, they should put their money where their mouths are
Chief executives and other representatives from more than 330 businesses, including Capital One, General Mills, Microsoft, Nike, Salesforce, Visa, and more are calling on bipartisan federal lawmakers to build back a better economy from COVID-19 by infusing resilient climate solutions.
The businesses, in lobbying Congress Wednesday through an effort they call LEAD on Climate 2020, represent combined annual revenues of more than $1 trillion and a shared market valuation of nearly $11.5 trillion. They employee more than 3 million people. The group, supported by sustainable investing advocates Ceres, claims they are the largest ever to advance a call to action from the business community to Congress on climate change.
The businesses behind the pledge want Congress to work toward putting Americans into clean-energy jobs, as well as foster an accelerated transition to a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 or sooner and provide more investment in sustainable infrastructure. The business leaders also urge Congress to consider a goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 and setting a carbon price. Setting a market-based carbon price remains a policy sticking point in a divided quest for a solution to man-made accelerating climate change, although has been increasingly, if slowly, adopted.
Let them do it themselves. Why do Warmists always want Other People to bear the burden of their Beliefs? If they really thought this was a good idea they’d be investing heavily with their own revenues…..oh, hey, they wouldn’t have any ulterior motives in getting some of that sweet, sweet tax money, right?

Teach typed: If they really care, they should put their money where their mouths are
They used to until Republicans slashed corporate taxes. Since the anarchist GOP emerged some 40 years ago, with the primary objective to dismantle government, the nation no longer strives to take on important projects (except the Spaaaace Fooooorce! and the Super-Duper Missile).
The anarchist idea that Every Man for Himself strengthens the nation is stupid. We used to be in it together, now it’s YOYO (You’re On Your Own).
They used to until Republicans slashed corporate taxes. Since the anarchist GOP emerged some 40 years ago, with the primary objective to dismantle government, the nation no longer strives to take on important projects (except the Spaaaace Fooooorce! and the Super-Duper Missile).
Yeah, all that money should go to Medicare For All and illegals and more abortion and global wahoo, right? This country was founded on the idea government should do as little as possible. That the people know what they need.
Sure is evident tonight. Rebellion from Gotham to Hollyweird.
The anarchist idea that Every Man for Himself strengthens the nation is stupid. We used to be in it together, now it’s YOYO (You’re On Your Own).
No, it’s called rugged Individualism and it built this country and made it great. You don’t like that because individualists aren’t going to be ordered around by tin penny tyrants.
Worst part? All those schools closed means all that indoctrination is shot to Hell. Kids will spend a year with Mom and Dad learning families and sticking together and why relying on government is a bad idea.
They’ll even learn to think for themselves, those that come back to public schools. A lot will be homeschooled and that’s the real nightmare for guys like you. Parents can shop around for the best teaching online, rather take pot luck with some union teacher who can’t wait to molest the kids.
“Until Republicans slashed corporate taxes…â€. You mean until they lowered them to more closely match what a majority of the rest of the world was paying?
“The anarchist idea that Every Man for Himself strengthens the nation is stupid. We used to be in it together, now it’s YOYO (You’re On Your Own).”
That statement shows how little you understand what makes America great. Liberty is not anarchism any more than Freedom democracy. I don’t recall anybody IN MY LIFE advocating a dumbass idea like every man for himself strengthens the nation let alone anyone here. Where do you come up with this imaginary shit? Are you still hearing those voices in your head?
We’re still “in it together” just not the way you want. We were never in it together that way. We were always rugged individuals brought together by community to achieve common goals but left to our best devices as far as our personal goals were concerned. IOW, the government that rules best is the smallest. Half the federal agencies are either outdated, unnecessary, redundant or so corrupt under leftist rule as to promote actions dangerous to the people and our Freedom. Frankly, as bad as anarchy is I’d rather have that than a leftist commie boot on my neck which is your ideal.
Trump 2020 Too many fukin’ laws!
Step one, tax the hell out of companies like Nike and use THAT money to create whatever the heck the Environgelicals demand. Make them put their profits made from off-shore slave labor where their mouths are.
I don’t believe it’s either legal or constitutional to tax a company to support a religion. I could be wrong though. Lately what is legal and constitutional has little to do with the Democommies plans.
Trump 2020 We’ve had enough of the lawlessness of the left. Free America!
Liars about Red Chinese Peking Duck: