The Politico’s Caitlin Oprysko seems rather shocked that Democrats are getting sued left and right, but mostly not Republicans
Democratic governors hit with flurry of legal challenges to coronavirus lockdowns
The raging public debate over statewide coronavirus lockdowns is running parallel to a series of legal battles in state capitals — and the lockdown skeptics got a big boost this week.
The decision by Wisconsin’s Supreme Court on Wednesday to toss Gov. Tony Evers’ statewide shelter-in-place order set off a scramble in cities across the state to impose their own local restrictions. Elsewhere, bars and restaurants shut down by the order declared themselves open for business.
And legal challenges are continuing to pile-up across the country — even as governors who extend their state’s shelter-in-place orders begin peeling back some restrictions. The plaintiffs are business owners, aggrieved private citizens, pastors and in some cases, state legislators and legislatures.
The targets? Almost always Democratic governors or their top health appointees.
Gee, I wonder why? Suits against Dems in Maine, Michigan, California, New York, Oregon, Washington state, Colorado, Virginian, and others
The lone pair of Republican governors facing such lawsuits, Maryland’s Larry Hogan and Ohio’s Mike DeWine, recently announced reopening plans that could potentially render pending lawsuits moot.
They aren’t drunk with power
Legal threats against Democrats who have kept more stringent social distancing restrictions in place have taken different forms.
In Texas, for example, the pressure has come from the top down. There, state Attorney General Ken Paxton on Tuesday threatened the leaders of three major metro areas — Austin, Dallas and San Antonio — with legal action if they don’t roll back parts of their local stay-at-home orders.
Because cities and counties run by Democrats have been just as authoritarian. What started as elected officials slapping restrictions and such because they were afraid and people were afraid and wanted to do something morphed into quasi-dictatorships. Hogan and DeWine knew when to back off. They weren’t the ones telling people that no only do they have to stay home, but they couldn’t even be outside at their own home, so, no gardening stuff (initially, that woman in Michigan backed off).

DeWidiot has been fairly mild, although the whole thing was pretty stupid, so he doesn’t get a lot of blowback.
In addition to Teach’s list of Maine, Michigan, California, New York, Oregon, Washington state, Colorado, Virginia, there’s also Jersey, IL, WI, MN, NC, and KY.
That’s a third of the states and all run by Demos.
Anybody think they’ll flip this Fall?
One of the big debates taking place right now is the use of Hydroxychloroquine. There are studies done, most notably by Yale University, that show this drug used in conjunction with Zinc Phosphate has a significant effect in reducing the time in hospitals. Additionally most doctors that I know are using Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc Phosphate as a means to reduce the viral load in the event they contract SARS-CoV-2.
This is not a cure. Nor does it prevent you from contracting Covid-19. What is does is reduce the viral load from the initial contact and in many, many cases ensures that you are not put in the hospital but rather end up with a bad cold.
What is important to understand is that this medicine needs to be administered by a doctor who is familiar with the patient. Any type of heart arrhythmias should not be taking this medicine. Vice President Pence says his doctor has not suggest it. That might mean the VP has health issues which would prevent the Vice President from being a candidate for taking this drug.
President Trump might very well have no underlying health conditions that would prevent him from taking the drug. I hate to break it to the press but a vast majority of doctors that treat covid-19 patients are taking this drug in concert with Zinc Phosphate as a means to prevent a massive viral loading upon contact in a hospital setting.
I wished our country could get over itself. There is so much disinformation going around that it makes it difficult for those of us working this disease to prescribe anything without having to write a thesis and support it with a dozen studies as to the efficacy of a course of treatment.
The press is making our lives miserable on the front lines. Stop it!!
a vast majority of doctors that treat covid-19 patients are taking this drug in concert with zinc is oft repeated but is there actual evidence to support this claim?
Licensed US physicians can use their judgement in prescribing approved drugs “off-label”.
If hydroxychloroquine and zinc work so well, and almost all doctors treating Covid-19 are taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc themselves, why aren’t they prescribing it for all their patients? Is it because of a Dr/Dem/Deep State/Communist plot/hoax to kill over 100,000 Americans and kill the ‘best economy evuh’ to get tRump?
You got it.
And a lot of doctors are prescribing it.
Including Trump’s.
If you choose not to read my entire post then read the sentences with the *** in front of them to understand HC and zinc.
I am not sure about any plot, I feel I am most likely wasting my time trying to discuss this with you but I shall try. The reason most patients are not being treated with Hydroxychloroquine is because it can only be prescribed to certain people. One of the side effects of this drug is its ability to cause mood swings and less commonly but more deadly is heart arrhythmia.
***This is the answer to your question Mr. Elwood. The main reason we do not prescribe this drug is because as of this writing the FDA says that HC should not be prescribed other than in a hospital or clinical trial setting.
I can tell you that Hc with zinc has been shown by a Yale study to reduce hospital stay times by up to 3 days and that in the same instances the mortality rate is halved based upon those using Hc with zinc vs a control group using only HC.
Now if you understand anything about medicine and the practice thereof you understand that The FDA has effectively shut off the use of HC as a drug that works with a fair degree of success in preventing a case from presenting to the Hospital ER in the first case.
What we know of HC is that it is ineffective against the SARS-CoV-2 without the follow on use of Zinc Phosphate.
Why is that you and so many others might ask? There is a doctor who regularly does a Covid-19 update on Youtube. He is a brilliant man but just last night I heard one of my colleagues tell me he said that HC is rubbish and that we should perhaps just use the Zinc instead. I had to watch the video to believe this gentleman was saying something so ill informed.
***Hydroxychloroquine’s mechanism of action appears to be how it acts as a strong zinc ionophore. That means the HC pushes the zinc into the intracellular space which allows it to then inhibit the enzyme that the virus is using to replicate.
Simply loading up on zinc is about 95 percent ineffective against Covid-19. It is this medicine’s ability to force the zinc inside the cells structure where the enzyme is being used to replicate and prevent the replication that makes the early use of Hc plus zinc a reasonable early treatment.
I would love to see another medication that acts as an ionophore which is much safer and more efficacious. Until there is one on the market, Doctors I know consider their own health, understand the risks and prescribe themselves with Hc plus zinc to stop the viral loading should they be infected.
***Once again I will state as I stated earlier that Hc plus zinc is not a cure. It will not prevent you from contracting SARS-CoV-2. It only prevents the rapid spread in your body which people may have heard referred to as the Cytokine storm where the body over reacts too late and attacks itself creating a storm or cascade of actions which usually result in death. It is this Cytokine storm that Hc plus zinc helps to prevent.
My questions:
Is there evidence to support the claim that the “a vast majority of doctors that treat covid-19 patients are taking this drug in concert with zinc.”
Are doctors prescribing hydroxychloroquine/Zn to hospitalized patients as authorized by the FDA? If not, why not? (The FDA requires evidence that a drug is safe and effective to approve a drug for a specific indication, and there’s always a balance between safety and effectiveness.)
You’re not claiming hydroxychloroquine/Zn directly prevents cytokine storm, are you? If true, that would be huge in critical care since cytokine storm and result multi-organ failure lead to significant mortality.
In addition, your description implies that the drug combo should save the lives of critically ill Covid-19 patients. If the “vast majority” of treating physicians know this and even self-treat with the combo, why aren’t they using it in the hospital to save lives?
50 center you are so full of bullshit.
He said nothing of the sort that your claiming.
Let me explain this to you in laymens terms that even you will understand.
If I flick a small turd on your face. You will become enraged and fight back because your pride is sullied.
However if a take a bucket of diarrhea and cover your face with it you will also want to fight back. But before you can you need to clean your eyes, nose and mouth so you can see to fight. You will most likely want to clean yourself up before you come looking for me.
Dis be the KUNG FLU in a nutshell. When your body is invaded with a bug, your body recognizes it and gets pissed and fights back. But when your body is overwhelmed by a massive amount of the bug, it takes time to build up its system and then when its cleaned its face and is ready to fight IT attacks with the fury of a 50 center who had his face shoved in an outhouse commode.
So you see 50 center. Covid-19 is like communist agents eating shit for breakfast. You can either have a small turd on your face(droxychlor however you spell that name and zinc) or you can shove your ugly fuking head in a commode full of shit and jack off as you raise dumb ass questions in a communist effort to discredit any and every attempt to help America get back to work.
Yale’s COVID-19 inpatient protocol: Hydroxychloroquine plus/minus tocilizumab
Publish date: April 30, 2020
Hydroxychloroquine is currently first-line, and tocilizumab second-line, for people hospitalized with polymerase chain reaction–confirmed COVID-19 in the Yale New Haven (Conn.) Health System, which operates hospitals across Connecticut, many of them hard hit by the pandemic.
GAWD how much you being paid to spread all these lies 50 center. you must love yourself at night as you continue to kill people with disinformation.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus
Cardillo is the CEO of Mend Urgent Care, which has locations in Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys and Burbank.
He said he has found it only works if combined with zinc. The drug, he said, opens a channel for the zinc to enter the cell and block virus replication.
On and on it goes 50 center. LET ME ASK YOU THIS….is this a CONSPIRACY BY DOCTORS TO KILL DEMOCRATS?
Hydroxychloroquine Shows Promise In Coronavirus Study
Doctors Didier Raoult in Marseille and Vladimir Zelenko in New York.
AGAIN THE PRESS AND THIS 50 center piece of human refuse is trying to refute the basics of what doctors across the world are saying and that is simply:
In other words, Raoult, Zelenko and numerous other doctors who have treated their patients with the same drug cocktail have made it very clear that this is most useful when given as soon as possible – before the patient is in severe enough condition to require hospitalization.
This is consistent with standard medical practice. No physician waits for a disease to become more severe before giving treatment. Indeed, for most medical conditions, doctors swear by early intervention and actively work to prevent hospitalization.
And I wonder why the world is so fired up to discredit zinc and droxy? Could it be that CHINA has PAID 50 center and half the UNIVERSITIES TO FIND WHAT CHINA WANTS TO FIND WHILE…..
I believe the real utility of this treatment is far overshadowed by the fact that most exposed people either won’t get sick or will have very mild cases. People are getting well on their own at a high rate without regard to what they are taking. So every snake oil, vitamin, and camel urine salesman is out making wild claims. It just isn’t possible to know the truth, especially in this environment where our national media has been lying to us about EVERYTHING since the 70’s. But if I or my loved ones were on death’s doorstep, I would lunge for that straw too.
Why are Connies suing? Because conservatives have become whiny snowflakes.
No, because it’s the remedy the Constitution gives us.
Violence is the remedy of Lefties like you. Especially when the other guy’s back is turned.
The Constitution requires snowflakes to sue the gov’t for every perceived slight?
Nice try.
The Constitution does not “require” any such thing.
Nice try.
If we do not fight for our rights, our rights will be lost.
Oh, wait, now I get it: for Mr Dowd, the infringement of our constitutional rights is just a “perceived slight.”
Because tar-and-feathers are no longer allowed. Sad, that.
It’s pretty laughable: the esteemed Mr Dowd is calling conservatives — to whom I suppose he is referring with “Connies” — “whiny snowflakes” for fighting for their constitutional rights even as they are doing so without using firearms, something else he would loudly combitch about.
It wasn’t that long ago that Mr Dowd was complaining that President Trump was a fascist who was attacking our rights . . . or at least the rights of illegal immigrants, brown people, Mooslims, and really anybody who wasn’t a white cisheterosexual Christian male. Now that it’s (primarily) Democratic state governors unilaterally imposing restrictions on people’s right to peaceably assemble, upon the free exercise of religion, and upon due process of law, why he’s all for it, and “Connies” are just whiny little wimps for not meekly going along with such unconstitutional authoritarianism. If a Democratic state Governor told the sheeple that they needed to get into the boxcars, to be taken to a place of safety, Mr Dowd would be among the first aboard, and excoriate those who didn’t follow such orders.
The normally reasonable Mr. Dana has now gone of the deep end (evidence of the panic resonating in the right-wing as tRump and the GOP circles the drain). The Constitution does not guarantee your right to spread contagious diseases to innocent victims. As I’ve said before please lobby your representatives to eliminate/modify the laws applicable to emergency declarations, and reduce the power given to governors and presidents.
Connies (a construct parallel to Commies) are imagining (actually projecting) that legal temporary emergency restrictions are to last forever and will lead to the imaginary FEMA camps that President Obama was constructing for all Connies. Aren’t all the states loosening the restrictions?
We understand your anxiety around tRump’s dwindling chances for re-election and his need to synthesize new hate issues to motivate the right-wing base. tRump wants to run on Obamagate, Stalinist Dem governors, hatred of China, the WHO and Hunter Biden.
The normally reasonable Mr. Dana has now gone of the deep end (evidence of the panic resonating in the right-wing as tRump and the GOP circles the drain). The Constitution does not guarantee your right to spread contagious diseases to innocent victims. As I’ve said before please lobby your representatives to eliminate/modify the laws applicable to emergency declarations, and reduce the power given to governors and presidents.
It also does not give dictatorially-inclined Democrats the right to impoverish the public by forever changing the criteria of unscientific and false quarantine standards at their whim simply because the people demand, by Constitutional means, their freedom.
It also does not arrogate to Democrat mayors and governors methods not in line with the established effects of any disease, and only intended to destroy the freedom andprosperity of the people.
Connies (a construct parallel to Commies) are imagining (actually projecting) that legal temporary emergency restrictions are to last forever and will lead to the imaginary FEMA camps that President Obama was constructing for all Connies.
When governors are forever changing the limits of restrictions at whim up to and including 2 years after the disease has passed, the jig, as they say, is up. When several governors extend such restrictions because, “I’m the Mommy, that’s why”, it is obvious to all that said governors have exceeded their rights.
BTW Connies? Such ribaldry! Such gaiety (no joke) of wit!
Why don’t you go along with Gropin’ Joe and call Trump President Tweety, something which went over like a lead balloon even with the Lefties?
Aren’t all the states loosening the restrictions?
No, not really. Some are looking at as much as 2 more months, if not 2 more years.
And many of those that are, are only doing so because the protesters, y’know, those loutish gun nuts and flouters of the law you derided, turned out to be speaking for the people after all, and raised enough Hell such as to make it evident that said dictatorial Democrat governors and mayors’ careers in politics were about to come to a screeching halt.
See where Shelley Luther, the Betsy Ross of the Dien Bien Flu, joined barbers and hairdressers from across the country in supporting Karl Manke at his shop in MI?
We understand your anxiety around tRump’s dwindling chances for re-election and his need to synthesize new hate issues to motivate the right-wing base. tRump wants to run on Obamagate, Stalinist Dem governors, hatred of China, the WHO and Hunter Biden.
That’s why you were forced to make your claim that, “Aren’t all the states loosening the restrictions?”. You were the one who told us the dead would be piled in the streets.
Only in Gotham.
You were the one who told us the guys with the ARs were standing in defiance of The Law and that Constitution you say you worship when it’s clear you’ve never even read it.
And, yes, Vagina, that’s what will hand him the country, along with the facts that he was right and the Demos were wrong about Fauci’s Follies and that the economy is already coming back.
As for dwindling, who, exactly, is running against him?
Gropin’ Joe, who can’t even mumble a simple declarative English sentence?
His Veep designate, if they can ever find one?
Zippy, whose conduct of 4 years ago is being revealed as the worst scandal in American politics?
We’ve been hearing you belch this particular line for 4 years.
When you see evidence of this dwindling, by all means, let us know.
The ridiculous Mr Dowd wrote:
What the Constitution does guarantee is my right to assemble with anyone who wishes to join me, that I may practice my religion without government interference, that I may go where I wish, and that neither my life, nor liberty, nor property can be taken from me without due process of law. If someone wishes to avoid contact with me because he fears I might be “spread(ing) contagious diseases,” it is within his rights to avoid me.
I wrote, “If a Democratic state Governor told the sheeple that they needed to get into the boxcars, to be taken to a place of safety, Mr Dowd would be among the first aboard, and excoriate those who didn’t follow such orders,” and it appears, with Mr Dowd’s response, he has proven me to have been correct.
My personal treatment is to disinfect the outside of my body in a hot, bubbling chlorine solution and disinfect my insides with a weak alcohol solution. Mixed with lime juice to increase the PH. I can report 100% success in preventing Covids 1 through 19, west Nile. Ebola, herpes, and small pox.
Your results may be different.
It would be FAR better if instead they were hit with high-speed lead. The “Legal” system will not touch them…
Shoot first, sue later! The Connie mantra.
Most of the mass shootings come from Lefties or Moslems.
It’s possible the commenter advocating shooting Democratic governors is a leftist, but seems unlikely.
He didn’t specify and you assume and we all know what that means.
When you assume, you make an ass of u in front of me.
I understand WHY the Second Amendment exists. And it ain’t for hunting…
And, since Jeffery was whining about lawsuits and how we can’t challenge some unelected broad’s dictatorial fetishes, looks like that is exactly what just happened in OH.
According to Elwood we can’t shoot’em and we can’t sue’em so what exactly are we allowed to do, surrender?
Connies can sue anyone they want. In fact, few sue like president Tweety sues.
But you sure shouldn’t shoot anyone.
One shouldn’t go around shooting their fellow citizens unless it’s a matter of survival. Suing is a lot more civilized.
Oh, I’ve known people who put president Tweety to shame when it comes to suing. I knew a guy who went around with his wife an a wheelchair and sued every business that didn’t meet the ADA guidelines to the max. They would of course settle for 5 or 10 thousand but he made a living. He once squeezed 10 grand out of a shoe store because their mirror in a “employees only” rest room was 12/4 inches too high to meet standards. That after they were kind enough to let him use it in the first place.
Tweety 2020 Let’s ruin another four years for the commies.