Hey, remember when everyone was freaked out and started wearing gloves because they were concerned with touching things and getting Bat Soup Virus? How the media, politicians, and health departments were saying “wear gloves, wash your hands, don’t touch stuff?” People were binge buying cleaners and disinfectants, washing everything? Yeah, about that
Even before COVID-19 officially had a name, public health officials said the virus could be transmitted through infected respiratory droplets and by touching infected surfaces and then touching your nose, mouth, and possibly your eyes. So, people began snatching up face masks, wearing gloves, and ramping up hand hygiene to try to protect themselves.
While touching infected surfaces has always been part of the messaging on how the virus spreads, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently shifted its stance online. The CDC now says that COVID-19 spreads from person to person contact, and then lists touching infected surfaces under a section titled, “The virus does not spread easily in other ways.” The CDC adds: “This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about this virus.†The language is a subtle change from the organization’s warning in early March, when it wrote simply that it “may be possible†to spread the virus through contaminated surfaces.
OK, in all fairness, we just didn’t know enough about COVID-19, so, better safe than sorry. You can understand the early panic. It’s easy to Monday morning QB it all. You’d think this would be bigger news than it is, wouldn’t you? Something rather important to know?
They’ve also released a big plan for re-opening
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly released detailed reopening guidance for schools, child care facilities, restaurants and mass transit systems as states have already started reopening businesses over the past few weeks.
The 60-page set of recommendations encourages communities to use coronavirus transmission rates to determine whether to reopen, adding that restrictions should remain in some locations for now.
The guidance was released without media attention over the weekend after reported delays and internal administration debate about the recommendations.
I’m good with the basics. Wash your hands a lot (I did that beforehand, because I shake a lot of hands, and hands are nasty, and I am 100% OK with not shaking hands, which I never liked to do). Keep your distance. Cover your coughs and sneezes (which you should have done anyhow). I’m personally not happy with having to wear a face mask, but, I have a good cooling bandana for when required. The problem, of course, is some people are, let’s generously call them “assholes”, who can’t follow some basics to safeguard themselves, much less others.
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris should resign, seeing as she doesn’t seem to understand the 1st Amendment
Kamala Harris is trying to pass a resolution calling it racist to use the term “Wuhan virus”https://t.co/VCX0ouJpca pic.twitter.com/khKjXFHkIU
— Comfortably Smug (@ComfortablySmug) May 20, 2020

And just like that… poof.
Top. Men.
She should be fired for being stupid. Wuhan is a place, not a race. And by the way, Kamala, the Chinese aren’t a race, either
Fired for being stupid? There’d be no GOPhers left. But GOPher may be racist, since it refers to stupid white Christian men.
So gook, chink, honky, spic, brush ape, coon, cracker, dune coon, kimchee, wop, kike, peckerwood, polock, white trash, slant, spook, spade are not racist insults. Got it.
“So gook, chink, honky, spic, brush ape, coon, cracker, dune coon, kimchee, wop, kike, peckerwood, polock, white trash, slant, spook, spade are not racist insults. Got it.”
Some of those are racist insults and some are not. Wuhan is a place and Chinese isn’t a race it’s the people of a country. You know, like the Hong Kong Flu or the Spanish Flu.
NOW you got it.
The so-called Spanish Flu likely originated in Kansas USA, so could be rightly called the Kansas Flu or American Flu. So one of the worst, if not the worst, pandemic in history was the American Flu, or Caucasian Flu.
We’ve noticed that Connies resort to narrow semantic arguments when cornered. Since there is only one race, human, the term racism clearly has broader meanings beyond pigmentation, eye folds and blond hair.
Since no nation has suffered more than the US during the Covid-19 pandemic, perhaps it could be called the Orange Death, the tRump Plague, GOPher Pandemic.
The so-called Spanish Flu likely originated in Kansas USA
Likely? Care to give us a source or is this more of your CO2 “science”?
We’ve noticed that Connies resort to narrow semantic arguments when cornered. Since there is only one race, human, the term racism clearly has broader meanings beyond pigmentation, eye folds and blond hair.
IOW Lefties are against humanity, ergo, racist.
Makes sense.
Since no nation has suffered more than the US during the Covid-19 pandemic, perhaps it could be called the Orange Death, the tRump Plague, GOPher Pandemic.
Well, since we all know that’s a lie as it’s pretty universally accepted in came from Red China, let’s go for accuracy.
Oriental Lung Rash, Peking Pulmonary Pox, Shy Knees Blight, Sino Sinus Syphilis, Lung Pao Flu, Flu Manchu, Kung Flu, Wu Flu, Wu Hu Flu, Red Chinese Lung Rot, Peking Pox Panic, Chinese Floozy, Wu Ping Cough, ChiCom Cough 19, Winnie The Flu, Nanking Nasty, Trans Pacific Plague, Shanghai Surprise, Chinkypox, Pooh Flu, Red Plague, and Dien Bien Flu.
And always the “experts” who tried to scare us all to death.
Fauci Faux Phlegm, Birx Barf, Fauci’s Follies, and WHO Flu
Then, of course, there’s the people who tried to turn the country into a dictartorship.
Democrat-Wet-Dream-Flu, Cuomo Curse, Whitmer Wheeze, Newsom Nausea, Pritzker Palsy, Cooper Crud, Wolf Whoop, Beshear Blahs, Inslee Infirmity, Brown Bile, and Northam Blackface Death.
Elwood, we can see how you’re twisting and turning to make epidemics “Caucasian” but it won’t work. Although the actual origin of the Spanish Flu is UNKNOWN (not “likely Kansas”) since it was a result of the after affects of WWI it most likely began in Europe and was brought to the USA by troops. It was one of the worst pandemics in “recorded” history but not nearly as bad as the Bubonic Plague which is bacterial, not viral.
Sorry but it’s still the Spanish Flu, like it or not. BTW, my grandfather died of it in 1919.
We’ve noticed that commies resort to broad, inaccurate, emotional semantic arguments when cornered. Like trying to claim that a SPECIES (humans) is a race which we all know is anti-science nonsense. Then again the commies are science deniers from way back. The Human Species comes in several races all having distinctive pigmentation, eye folds and hair color as well as different intellectual capacities and physical abilities. Denial is a stubborn mistress, Elwood. Just as a Beagle is a K-9 but all K-9’s are not Beagles so a Caucasian is a Homosapien but not all homosapiens are Caucasian.
You are doing your masters wishes by spreading the international rumor that “no nation has suffered more than the US” when we have no way of knowing what or who the Wuhan Red Chinese Bat Soup Virus killed in Red China, the ME and N. Korea since all they do is lie. Similarly, we are seeing the fact that in America the bookes are already being cooked and the numbers phonied up to reach the leftists goals as per the election and as per stealing as much taxpayer money as they can. SOP.
And if you want to rename the Commie Plague best to name it after the guys who murdered the most people in nursing homes like the Nipsy Cuomo Death Flu, or the Tom “The Killer” Wolf Plague. It fu=its better since you know as we all do Trump was as much ahead of this thing as humanly possible knowing what we did about it from the beginning and all you c***s did was bitch. You know right well no matter what Trump did you would say it was wrong because all you do is lie and all you have is hate. Especially for Trump, America, Caucasians, Christians and Jews.
Trump 2020 cause we do’t need killers like Cuomo making decisions.
You must mean Democrats. They gave us this mess, all the way up to that idiot, Fauci.
But GOPher may be racist, since it refers to stupid white Christian men.
Last I looked, Christian and stupid weren’t races, although, in your case, stupid may qualify.
PS the hate really shows in our Jeffery when he’s losing.
“But GOPher may be racist, since it refers to stupid white Christian men.”
Yep! The “white” would make it raaaaacist and the “Christian” makes it bigoted and “men” would be sexist. So only a real low class idiot would use a term that prejudice, racist and insulting.
In fact, we did receive a cease-and-desist letter for using “GOPher” from an attorney for local Republican, G. Bursarius.
So in other words, “Wuhan virus†isn’t racist, correct? But we knew that
Of course it is. Duh.
Which race, genius?
That’s where it came from.
It’s called accuracy.
If you felt on information from the CDC, make sure to buy some WD40. You spray it on your back so you can kiss your ass goodby.
In fact, we did receive a cease-and-desist letter for using “GOPher†from an attorney for local Republican, G. Bursarius.
When do you go to court and will they bring up your past record?