…is coffee that will soon be too expensive for most people to drink due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Battle of Atillis Gym.

…is coffee that will soon be too expensive for most people to drink due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on the Battle of Atillis Gym.
A New Mexico Republican official: “I’ve come to a place where I’ve come to the conclusion that the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat,” he told the crowd gathered in violation of the state’s stay-at-home orders at New Hope Revival Church.
Otero County Commissioner and founder of Cowboys for Trump Couy Griffin also posted to the group’s Facebook page: “Virginia I’m coming your way. And I got a rope on my saddle if you think we may need it?†last month while sharing a news article highlighting the state’s Democratic governor Ralph Northam.
He should resign shouldn’t he?
Kamala Harris introduces Senate resolution saying phrase ‘Wuhan virus’ is ‘anti-Asian’
As should be obvious to you by now DEMOCRATS are communist paid stooges of CHINA.
Kamala Harris should be investigated to her ties to CHINA.
Yeah he should resign right after the slut harris finishes sucking china’s dik and they can resign together.
If he introduced a Senate resolution to that effect, yes. If it’s only words he has as much right to say that as anyone. When all these Democommies are doing the same thing and harming and killing their people what would you do?
When all you and your Fake News Media do is lie what is a patriot to do? What they did in 1775? An excellent explanation of the lies perpetrated by the “experts” and repeated WITHOUT QUESTION by the Fake News Media about this ridiculous lockdown and the China Flu:
Do you really think you have common cause with conservatives?? You can’t even post a comment here without showing your hate and bigotry.
You need to STFU if you have never lived there. I did for 16 years and the dems when in power lose their ever loving minds. In fact the goal of most are to get that fat state job where they rape the coffers and walk away scott free. I currently Live in Virginia where I was raised and would welcome some rope to some of the communists in office.