We all know that politicians and political parties cheat, and try to cheat. That’s politics. But, there’s cheating, and then there’s Cheating. Democrats have systemized cheating, and ballot harvesting is there cheat of choice, hence why they want “vote by mail”
(Fox News) Ballot harvesting, or the practice of allowing political operatives and others to collect voters’ ballots and turn them in en masse to polling stations, has drawn bipartisan concerns of fraud from election watchers. (snip)
Some prominent examples of ballot harvesting have already impacted national politics. In 2016, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law AB1921, which legalized ballot harvesting. Previously, only a family member or someone living in the same household was permitted to drop off mail ballots for a voter, but the new allowed anyone — including political operatives – to collect and return them for a voter.
See, it’s not really people mailing in ballots, actually dropping them off at the post office: it’s allowing ballots to be dropped off. Seriously, nothing bad could happen, right?
A minor change in California’s election laws may have had a major effect on last month’s midterm elections that saw Democrats steamroll their Republican rivals and claim all but seven of the Golden State’s 53 House seats.
Despite holding substantial leads on Election Day, many Republican candidates in California saw their advantage shrink, and then disappear, as late-arriving Democratic votes were counted in the weeks following the election. While no hard evidence is available, many observers point to the Democrats use of “ballot harvesting†as a key to their success in the elections.
“Anecdotally there was a lot of evidence that ballot harvesting was going on,†Neal Kelley, the registrar for voters in Southern California’s Orange County, told Fox News.
In Orange County – once seen as a Republican stronghold in the state– every House seat went to a Democrat after an unprecedented “250,000†vote-by-mail drop-offs were counted, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
“People were carrying in stacks of 100 and 200 of them. We had had multiple people calling to ask if these people were allowed to do this,†Kelley said. (snip)
“We were only down 26 seats (nationally) the night of the election and three weeks later, we lost basically every California race,†outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., told the Washington Post. “Point being, when you have candidates that win the absentee ballot vote, win the day of the vote, and then lose three weeks later because of provisionals, that’s really bizarre.â€
It is strange, but, the California GOP saw it coming. The rules were changed so that Democrats, who already controlled California, could take more, because they have no problem cheating. Sure, Democrats say that it was due to other measures, but, imagine this nationwide, with no real attempt to check the veracity of the ballots?

Jeffery would call this whining.
Until it’s done to Democrats.
No such thing as vote fraud.
Then this must be a mistake of some sort. Justice charges Philadelphia Democrat with stuffing ballot box with fraudulent votes
Sounds like the DOJ also thinks fraudulent votes don’t count.
Lock Her Up! Lock Her Up!
Damn, formwiz. I saved that earlier today but was waiting till Elwood was already triggered about something else to throw some gas on the perennial fire. Oh well, he who hesitates…..
More vote fraud.
SC mail-in ballots turn up in MD.
How could this be? I thought out of state voters were illegal.
Just as the Red Chinese Wuhan Bat Soup Virus was used as a dry run for the ascendancy of the Democommie party this mail-in shit along with vote harvesting etc. is a dry run for what they will need to defraud the vote in November.
I said it last year and the year before all this anti Trump shit is just anti American buffoonery in preparation to steal the 2020 election. Right now in every state there are highly paid lawyers and law firms preparing the necessary paperwork to challenge ANY loss in the election. Bet your life and Freedom on it.
Trump 2020 stop the lying left.
[…] The Pirate’s Cove – A View Of How Ballot Harvesting Leads To Election Shenanigans. […]
formwiz is right.
the republican party in cali needs to get organized and form their own ballot harvesting groups.
and if nasty pelousy gets this $#!t passed nation wide, the RNC needs to play hardball…;very very hardball in all 50 states and out “harvest” them dems. then when they have all 3 branches, make it permanently illegal.