…is champagne which will soon disappear due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a criminal released from jail strangling a child 10 minutes after.

…is champagne which will soon disappear due to climate change, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on a criminal released from jail strangling a child 10 minutes after.
Michigan AG tells Trump to wear a mask when visiting Michigan.
Isn’t there a “law” in Michigan about wearing a mask at all times when outside your home? However in an interview outside, Nobody in the interviews including the governor who was standing 3 feet from an interrupter and JUST told the President of the US that wearing a mask in Michigan is the LAW and the President is not above the law, was not wearing a mask.
Whitmer was doing the typical “I’m a blooming HYPOCRITE because I am ABOVE THE LAW” democratic mantra by not wearing her mask in public AND not social distancing.
U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain Announces Charges and Guilty Plea of Former Philadelphia Judge of Elections Who Committed Election Fraud
PHILADELPHIA – United States Attorney William M. McSwain announced today that Domenick J. DeMuro, 73, of Philadelphia, PA, a former Judge of Elections for the 39th Ward, 36th Division in South Philadelphia, has been charged and has pled guilty to a two-count Information charging (1) conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections, and (2) a violation of the Travel Act, which forbids the use of any facility in interstate commerce (here, a cell phone) with the intent to promote certain illegal activity (here, bribery).
Jan. 22 CNBC’s Joe Kernen: “Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?â€
Trump: “No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
â€Jan. 22, Twitter:
“One of the many great things about our just signed giant Trade Deal with China is that it will bring both the USA & China closer together in so many other ways. Terrific working with President Xi, a man who truly loves his country. Much more to come!â€
Jan. 24, Twitter:
“It will all work out well.â€
Jan. 28, Twitter, retweeted from One America News:
“Johnson & Johnson to create coronavirus vaccine.â€
Jan. 29, Remarks at signing ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement:
“And, honestly, I think, as tough as this negotiation was, I think our relationship with China now might be the best it’s been in a long, long time. And now it’s reciprocal. Before, we were being ripped off badly. Now we have a reciprocal relationship, maybe even better than reciprocal for us.â€
Jan. 30, Michigan speech:
“We have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment — five. And those people are all recuperating successfully.â€
Jan. 30, Fox News interview:
“China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they’re working very hard. We’ll see what happens. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries.”
Jan 31, Hannity: “How concerned are you?â€
Trump: “Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China. We have a tremendous relationship with China, which is a very positive thing. Getting along with China, getting along with Russia, getting along with these countries.â€
Feb. 7, Remarks at North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit in Charlotte, N.C.:
“I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we’re working on the — the problem, the virus. It’s a — it’s a very tough situation. But I think he’s going to handle it. I think he’s handled it really well. We’re helping wherever we can.”
Feb. 7, Twitter:
“Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days … Great discipline is taking place in China, as President Xi strongly leads what will be a very successful operation. We are working closely with China to help!
Feb. 7, Remarks before Marine One departure:
“Late last night, I had a very good talk with President Xi, and we talked about — mostly about the coronavirus. They’re working really hard, and I think they are doing a very professional job. They’re in touch with World — the World — World Organization. CDC also. We’re working together. But World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It’s a tough situation. I think they’re doing a very good job.â€
Feb. 10, Campaign rally:
“Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.â€
Feb. 10, Fox Business interview:
“I think China is very, you know, professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control,” Trump said. “I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. You know in April, supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather. And that’s a beautiful date to look forward to. But China I can tell you is working very hard.”
Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.â€
Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they’ve handled it professionally and I think they’re extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it’s going to be resolved.”
Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.â€
Feb. 19, told a Phoenix television station:
“I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go along.â€
Feb. 23, remarks before Marine One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He’s working very hard. I think he’s doing a very good job. It’s a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He’s working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?”
Feb 23, Marine One departure: Situation “very much under control.†“We had 12, at one point. And now they’ve gotten very much better. Many of them are fully recovered.â€
Feb. 26, remarks at a business roundtable in New Delhi, India:
“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.â€
Feb. 26, Task Force press conference:
“We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.â€
On Feb. 27, meeting with Black leaders:
“It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.â€
Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.â€
Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference: a vaccine would be available “very quickly†and “very rapidly†and praised his administration’s actions as “the most aggressive taken by any country.â€
Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.â€
Mar. 2, Task Force:
“We’re talking about a much smaller range†of deaths than from the flu.
Mar. 4, Hannity Show:
“It’s very mild.â€
Mar. 6, at CDC:
“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.â€
“I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
March 7, Mar-a-Lago with Brazil contingent:
“I’m not concerned at all.â€
March 10, to GOP Senators:
“It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.â€
Things have only gotten worse since then.
tRump’s love affair with China and Xi ended when he needed someone to blame for his own ineptitude.
Americans needed a serious leader, but had elected a game show host.
tRump fiddles while America burns.
tRump now treats the pandemic as a public relations problem, blaming China, the Chinese, the CDC, Biden, Obmama, Schumer, Pelosi, immigrants, WHO, scientists, Democrats, liberals, communists, the media, healthcare workers, nasty reporters…
tRump’s love affair with China and Xi ended when he needed someone to blame for his own ineptitude.
The trade war is a love affair. You must see your dominatrix a lot. Guess that’s why you do weird stuff
Americans needed a serious leader, but had elected a game show host.
Yes, but we got rid of him for a businessman.
tRump fiddles while America burns.
Come up with that yourself?
I see people going back to work, going out again. Don’t smell any smoke.
tRump now treats the pandemic as a public relations problem, blaming China, the Chinese, the CDC, Biden, Obmama, Schumer, Pelosi, immigrants, WHO, scientists, Democrats, liberals, communists, the media, healthcare workers, nasty reporters…
Truth hurts. He’s won.
PS Not a whole lot new there. Poor little Jeffery knows he’s lost.
Wow, you commies must be making lists of cherry picked comments believing we will actually believe anything you commie operatives print.
NOBODY, BUT NOBODY knew anything about the Red Chinese Wuhan Virus. It was new. Trump did what any responsible leader would: he listened to our “experts” who we’ve been employing at great public expense for decades to advise him and direct him. He also, as a RESPONSIBLE leader tried to keep a positive outlook and put a positive spin on the situation. It was you commie bastards that went all crazy with panic and hysteria along with the Red Chinese paid Media stirring the pot that caused ALL OUT PROBLEMS BOTH MEDICAL AND ECONOMIC.
You deliberately caused panic, fear and ultimately MURDERED our elderly in homes while purposfully shutting down our economy all just to hurt Trump in an election year. You failed. Even people I know who are still Democrats hate you elitist liars now. Even they will either not vote or vote Trump.
Maybe as a campaign idea you should stop spreading hateful propaganda and start trying to praise and build up America. That’s too much to ask from a traitor like you.
Now you’ve started you ballot box stuffing program since as you keep propagandizing we don’t have. Liar! The proof is in the news. It’s got your lying, cheating fingerprints all over it.
Trump 2020 Get these traitors to the gallows.
Thing is, now they’re getting caught before they can actually do it.
We’re winning.
You nationalists always shout, “My country, right or wrong!”
Lynch the traitors who dare criticize Dear Leader!
Nationalists ‘love’ America but hate most Americans. The America you ‘love’ is tRump’s America.
Did you love America as much when Clinton and Obama were Presidents?
So of course, to you, any criticism of this administration is traitorous behavior.
And as I said, just like your Orange Messiah, you blame the Chinese, the media, liberals, governors, mayors, Dems etc for all tRump’s foibles. tRump was asleep at the switch. It’s no fluke of nature that the United States has become the epicenter of this pandemic. It’s a result of tRump’s inept handling.
In March: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.â€
It hasn’t gone away, has it? The US has only 4% of the world’s population, but 30% of the cases, 30% of the deaths, and the worst economy since the Great Depression some 90 years ago. And it continues. Good job, Donnie… good job. If he had a conscience he’d resign or choose not to run (as did LBJ in 1968), but circumstances force him to win in Nov regardless of the cost to America.
tRump has nothing to run on, so his campaign is pimping Obamagate! Demented Biden! Voter Fraud! (when he loses he’ll claim voter fraud just as he did in 2016 – will he leave WH, who knows!?!), Chinese commies… and people like you are his foot-soldiers in this war on reason.
You want an America where only you and those like you live. And hang the rest.
You nationalists always shout, “My country, right or wrong!â€
Lynch the traitors who dare criticize Dear Leader!
Nationalists ‘love’ America but hate most Americans. The America you ‘love’ is tRump’s America.
Did you love America as much when Clinton and Obama were Presidents?
The reason we hated Willie and Zippy was because we love America. and it sounds like you are the hater.
I notice we’re no longer white nationalists. I guess enough blacks and Hispanics are pro-Trump, you have to go after them now, as well.
And as I said, just like your Orange Messiah, you blame the Chinese, the media, liberals, governors, mayors, Dems etc for all tRump’s foibles. tRump was asleep at the switch. It’s no fluke of nature that the United States has become the epicenter of this pandemic. It’s a result of tRump’s inept handling.
In March: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.â€
It hasn’t gone away, has it? The US has only 4% of the world’s population, but 30% of the cases, 30% of the deaths, and the worst economy since the Great Depression some 90 years ago. And it continues. Good job, Donnie… good job. If he had a conscience he’d resign or choose not to run (as did LBJ in 1968), but circumstances force him to win in Nov regardless of the cost to America.
Actually, it has gone away, and nobody is buying that “we’re leading the world in deaths from the Whitmer Wheeze”, rap. People like Don Cuomo and Wolf are responsible more deaths than anyone else in the country and crashing the markets is your doing.
But I’m glad to see you admit he’s going to win.
tRump has nothing to run on, so his campaign is pimping Obamagate! Demented Biden! Voter Fraud! (when he loses he’ll claim voter fraud just as he did in 2016 – will he leave WH, who knows!?!), Chinese commies… and people like you are his foot-soldiers in this war on reason.
‘Scuse me, but when did you ever use reason? Certainly not with global wahoo.
BTW Hear about Goofy Joe’s latest?
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black”.
That’ll go down well.
You want an America where only you and those like you live. And hang the rest.
A noble sentiment if I ever heard one.
Especially the last part.
Trump claimed vote fraud? When? He won in ’16.
Man/ child……..Jeff,
Trump has from the first attempted to down play this virus. So have I and form. The virus is little more than the flu and Trump tried to reduce any impact by stopping travel to China, then Europe. But the liberals fought his efforts and thus allowed the virus here.
The virus has proved to be oflittle signify very, just as we predicted. All would have been fine except for the idiot response by liberal/ communist governors and mayors, they killed the economy and our country.
Being stupid, you fail to see this. Fortunately the Dems days are numbered and a Trump will pull us out. MAGA, KAG
I would be willing to close down the economy for absolutely nothing! We may as well have been hit with a dozen Red Chinese nuclear missals if we respond this way to a virus.
While the leftists undermine the upper middle class white Karen’s with their usual motto “But if it saves just one life” shit they encourage our women to 600,000 aborted children every year.
Hey Elwood, wanna talk about a ‘pandemic” talk about the millions of American babies you sent to their deaths. That’s the real crime.
Trump 2020 Let’s get the traitors out of America..”by any means necessary”.
What is your plan to stop abortions?
And if your kind wins in Nov how do you plan to kill the opposition (hang the traitors)? Right-wing death squads? Or do you prefer mobs lynching citizens in public to get your point across?
Any MAGAt or KAPer in my yard is assumed to be an assassin.
That’s it, kid, change the subject as fast as you can, but you can’t.
What is your plan to stop abortions?
Courts ring a bell?
And if your kind wins in Nov how do you plan to kill the opposition (hang the traitors)? Right-wing death squads? Or do you prefer mobs lynching citizens in public to get your point across?
That’s a Democrat thing. And hanging’s too good. Just denounce them as the murderers they are and boycott them..
No such thing as a poor, white Liberal, after all.
Any MAGAt or KAPer in my yard is assumed to be an assassin.
Gonna use all your military prowess you picked up in ‘Nam?
There is no way to stop abortions, that would be like you people trying to stop gun ownership. I would just have a government fee of $10k for an abortion that would go toward the NRA.
I don’t plan to kill the opposition, it’s the leftists that do that. I plan to try them and if they are guilty of Treason jail them. In some very severe situations like Nazi Pelousy or Nibsy Cuomo perhaps execution. Death squads are so 20th century communist. You really are stuck in the past.
If you assume anyone is “an assassin” you will be treated accordingly. Take your best shot Sgt. York, you’ll only get one.
Just the mere fact you came up with this comment shows I triggered you again. The closer we get to President Trumps second term the more un hinged you become and more easily triggered. I suggest you go bact to the meds before November.
Here’s some of your lying, corrupt comrades:
Trump 2020 Then we can try the traitors like they tried Trump.
If SCUS knocks down Roe, it just reverts to the states, the way it was before, but, with all the feminazis looking at a date with the Grim Reaper and the growing unpopularity of it, I’d say we’re looking at something a lot different than what the Lefties want.
You apparently have not heard. Biden has declared that black people that don’t support him are not black. So I guess that they are now just white people with tans.
I thought I had, maybe in another post here.
Anywho, it’s sure to go over well in the African community.
Haven’t seen damage control like this since Mondale told us, “Ronald Reagan and I will both raise your taxes. He won’t tell you. I just did”.
If this doesn’t force the Demos to dump him, we’re in for a fun autumn.
“I should not have been so cavalier. I’ve never, never, ever taken the African American community for granted,†said Biden in a call with black business leaders.
“I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy,†Biden said later in the call with the @usblackchambers
But it’s not going to work
Diamond and Silk called Joe Biden “Jim Crow Joeâ€. that’s going to leave a mark.
Candace Owens was outraged and said Biden and the Democrat party view black people as “trained chimpanzees who should not ask questions, but perform the same circus act every 4 yearsâ€.
Imagine if Trump said “ain’t†when speaking to black people? Candace Owens said.
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said Biden’s comment was “the most arrogant, condescending comment I’ve heard in a very long timeâ€.
Rap mogul Sean “Diddy†Combs scolded Biden and said, “I already told you the black vote ain’t freeâ€.
Waiting for Jeffery’s frantic attempt to tell us what racists we are.
Looks like I was right when I noted he stopped specifying us as “white” nationalists.