Let’s start with the NY Times editorial board, which has forgotten some important information
With Unemployment Expected to Reach 20%, Senators Take a Vacation
Facing a calamity on par with the Great Depression, they left without a new relief package in place.
After three weeks in session, the United States Senate emptied out again on Friday, as lawmakers fled Washington for the Memorial Day recess. They left without even pretending to tackle the next round of coronavirus relief.
This is how the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, wants it. Many Republicans, including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, are reluctant to embrace more government spending, so Mr. McConnell is taking a wait-and-see approach.
The Democratic-led House passed a $3 trillion relief package on May 15. That bill was imperfect but it was something. Mr. McConnell, on the other hand, has repeatedly said he’s in no hurry for the Senate to offer its own proposal. He has put talks on an indefinite pause, saying he wants to see how the economy responds to previous relief measures. The Senate may get around to putting together a plan when it reconvenes next month. Or perhaps it will in July.
Hmm, that would be the $3 trillion package which has zero chance of going anywhere, and was also passed while, get this, the House was essentially out, and has been out since mid-April. Both chambers took a break to self quarantine, but only the Senate came back. The House has only a couple members in the chamber to technically be in session, and voted on their insane bill remotely. They still aren’t back. So, big whoop, the Senate is gone for a couple days. The NYTEB never said word one about the House being out.
And, when it comes to Joe Biden, the Times had one, small piece which initially said that it “prompts outcry”, you know, Republicans pounce, and now discusses him “apologizing”. No opinion pieces, though. Imagine a Republican saying “you ain’t black”.
CNN downplays Biden’s ‘you ain’t black’ comments, avoids on-air coverage throughout the day
CNN, which often dedicates wall-to-wall coverage for any latest controversy from President Trump, virtually avoided covering Joe Biden’s “you ain’t black” remarks Friday morning that sparked backlash throughout the day.
The presumptive Democrat nominee sparked a firestorm on Friday during an interview with Charlamagne tha God on the radio show “The Breakfast Club” as he defended his record with the black community.
“I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,†Biden said.
Later in the afternoon, Biden walked back those remarks during a conversation with black business leaders, stopping short of a full apology.
Most outlets barely touched it. The Washington Post had a small, low on the page article which was as straightforward as you get and one lone op-ed, which defends the comment as a joke. Again, if a Republican had said something like that they would be excoriated. For days. Racist or not, it shows that Democrats think they own blacks and the black vote.
And just wait till Trump brings this up during the general election. You know he will. The media firefighters will look to rally the wagons around Joe, calling Trump the racist for bringing up Joe’s comment.
This is disgusting.
Joe Biden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black." pic.twitter.com/UvYZTjcPqZ
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) May 22, 2020

Our esteemed host wrote:
This is a good thing! If the House continues to allow remote voting, congressmen can spend more time in their districts, among their constituents, and this will lead to less idiocy from the Washington cocoon. Keeping marginally liberal congressmen closer to their more conservative constituents, and the actual problems in their districts, can only help.
Quite simply the plantation mentality of the LEFT. IF you are black, get the FF back on the plantation and STFU.
If your white. WE HATE YOU.
IF YOUR CHINA we love and adore you.
IF YOU are hispanics sneaking over the border by the millions we adore you.
If your Asians and someone calls it the WUHAN FLU we hate them.
In other words, the only people that are racists are DEMOCRATS and LEFTISTS.
It is why the walk away movement is gaining stream. It is why the Progressive movement is losing steam.
It is why Moderate Democrats do not like Trump but they sure in the hell understand that BIDEN will SWING BATSHIT CRAZY LEFT AS SURE AS HE IS ELECTED negating any moderates vote for CHINA JOE.