…is a sea that will soon rise to swamp all the land because Other People ordered stuff from Amazon, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Brass Pills, with a post on a professor winning a big lawsuit over a false rape accusation.

…is a sea that will soon rise to swamp all the land because Other People ordered stuff from Amazon, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Brass Pills, with a post on a professor winning a big lawsuit over a false rape accusation.
They’ll float.
Both of them.
It’s the doublemint twins!!!
Trump: “I tested very positively in another sense. So this morning, yeah, I tested positively toward negative, right? So no, I tested perfectly this morning. Meaning, meaning I tested negative. But that’s a way of saying it, positively toward the negative.”
He should triple his dose of hydroxychloroquine.
Ah, the taste of sour grapes.
Yeah, remdesivir isn’t panning out, is it?
Backed the wrong horse yet again.
With several states attempting to reopen their economies by forcing people back to work under threat of losing their unemployment benefits and health insurance, many Americans may soon be scrambling to find adequate child care. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has already forced most child care centers to close, and a lack of public funding threatens to decimate the entire industry, leaving millions of Americans without any safe or viable child care options, just as they are being urged to return to the workplace.
Swedish families receive: (1) free maternity and child health care; (2) child allowances for each child of 9,000 krona per year through age 16; (3) up to 450 days of paid parental leave for the birth of a child, with 360 days paid at 90 percent of the parent’s normal pay rate; and (4) up to 60 days of paid leave per year to take care of a sick child. Child care in Sweden is considered a public responsibility, and is financed by the state, local municipalities, and parental fees. Parents sending their children to part-time preschools and part-time group care pay no fees, while day care centers, family day care centers, and leisure centers for school-age children receive partial state subsidies.
Maybe we should cut taxes on the super-rich.
The Swedes also have the highest suicide rate in the world.
I guess it’s all that paternalism.
Anywho, once the Lefties feel the wrath of the american people, the states will all open and there will be plenty of day care for those who want it.
Market forces, doncha know.
Of course, a lot of people are learning the virtues of homeschooling. Could be day care won’t be needed as much. Mom is better than day care.
The Swedes also have the highest suicide rate in the world
Would be irrelevant even if true, which it isn’t. Not even close. Sweden was 28th. The US has a higher suicide rate.
Interesting how you leave out all the juicy tidbits as you press for your CHINESE system of government in the USA.
SWEDEN has 10.3 million people. Total.
Sweden taxes are: The Personal Income Tax Rate in Sweden stands at 57.20 percent.
VAT in Sweden. Sweden’s general VAT rate is 25%, with other rates including 12% and 6% that can apply to certain transactions.
Sweden Healthcare costs: Sweden is divided into 290 municipalities and 20 county councils. Swedish healthcare is decentralised responsibility lies with the county councils and, in some cases, local councils or municipal governments. This is regulated by the Health and Medical Service Act. The role of the central government is to establish principles and guidelines, and to set the political agenda for health and medical care.
And lets not forget this:
Seventy-one percent of health care is funded through local taxation, and county councils have the right to collect income tax. The state finances the bulk of health care costs, with the patient paying a small nominal fee for examination
Income tax is 57.2 percent
VAT TAX is 25 percent with additional fees possible.
State and local taxes its citizens for healthcare and they pay a fee to be seen.
So basically All swedes are broke but by god they have free healthcare.
And lets not forget their are only 10 million of them.
Heres an Idea. Lets try this in say NEW JERSEY which has about 10 million citizens and see how it works out for everyone before you demand your bullshit 85 percent RAPING of Americas citizens as your CHINESE HANDLERS HAVE ORDERED YOU TO DO.
Swedes are more satisfied with their lives than are Americans. In fact, almost all those slaves in the “communist nations” of Europe are happier with life than Americans. Sweden is 7, the USA is 19. In a real Communist nation, China, the people are the 93rd most satisfied.
People in your “communist” nations like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada, New Zealand, Austria, Israel, Australia etc are happy to live there – but in an actual repressive Communist nation, China, they are not.
Do you really think that universal healthcare is the cornerstone of actual Communism? Did you know there are only 5 real Communist nations on Earth? Laos, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea and China. People in real Communist countries are distressed with their conditions, yet people in your imagined “commie” nations are the most satisfied on Earth. How can that be?
Swedes pay high taxes yet are delighted with their lives. They have few worries over healthcare, childcare, education, old age pensions, environmental concerns (except global warming – although they are 2nd in sustainable energy production!) and infrastructure. Sweden rates high in income equality, quality of life, gender equality, civil liberties, personal income and per capita GDP. As a parliamentary democracy the people could get rid of their welfare state and slash taxes but haven’t for some reason. Their national debt as a % of GDP is 1/3rd that of the US.
Can a parliamentary democracy where the people living there are happy with their lives and government really be a Communist nation?
I’m sure there are other studies.
Issue is, the Swedes aren’t us.
We didn’t want that kind of paternalism from Zippy and we don’t want it from Democrat governors.
That’s why there’s a rebellion going on in this country to get us out from under the kind of restrictions we’d have if we let the Demos impose global wahoo on us.
Child care in Sweden is considered a public responsibility, and is financed by the state, local municipalities, and parental fees
and their taxes are a lot higher, just like the rest of Europe.
Or maybe you should fukin’ move to Sweden and quit complaining. As Klem points out there are about 10 million Swedes. Since there are about 9 million New Yorkers why not inflict the Swedish Method on New York for five years as a trial to see how it goes? Caveat: No federal or state bailout!
Perhaps that’s why people the world over are immigrating to Sweden, right?
Trump 2020 Help send Elwood to Sweden.
Uh-oh! Looks as if we super-triggered Kye again!!
Maybe I should fukin’ stay here and keep working to make America better, since this is my home. Why don’t we send you back to Communist Vietnam which you supposedly liberated decades ago? How’d that work out?
It sounds as if you want the United States of America to disband into 50 separate nations. Fair enough. Or maybe the old confederacy can reform and secede! Yay! Caveat: No foreign aid bailouts for the nuCSA!
Maybe New Yorkers can withhold their federal taxes for a couple of years. Perhaps get New Jersey, California, Illinois, Connecticut, Minnesota, Massachusetts to join them. How will the taker states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky etc make ends meet? “Maker = Blue” States send BILLIONS more in taxes than they receive, while “Taker = Red” States receive BILLIONS more. BILLIONS more are added to Red States by federal borrowing. It’s a great deal for Red States.
Boy, did that trigger you!!!! Consider that my Memorial Day gift to you, Elwood. Now go take you meds, burn a flag, beat your wife and find new ways to fuk your fellow Americans.
Note: If you loved your country you wouldn’t want to fundamentally change it.
Trump 2020 Then we can trigger Elwood daily.
The Democommies have begun their annual Voter Fraud Drive:
Various residents of Passaic County, New Jersey are complaining about not receiving or sending a vote-by-mail ballot.
Such complaints have emerged despite the Board of Election records showing a ballot in their name was mailed in.
A resident of Passaic County, Ramona Javier made the same complaint.
“We did not receive vote by mail ballots and thus we did not vote,†she stated in Spanish. When she was presented with an official list of some of the people who voted in her neighborhood – where her name was also on that list —, Javier stated â€This is corruption. This is fraud.â€
According to Javier, there are eight relatives and immediate neighbors she knows that were listed as having voted but who sustain that they never received ballots. One of Javier’s relatives says she had been in Florida for weeks.
The local councilman, Luis Velez, acknowledged that a dozen of similar cases have taken place in his ward. “Where is the democracy in this? Where is the fair process?†Velez stated.
Corruption continues to be a major issue regarding vote-by-mail election taking place across Paterson, New Jersey — the third largest city in the state. All of it on the Democratic side.
NBC New York highlighted some questionable video footage that surfaced of voters carrying multiple ballots:
Videos are surfacing online of a single voter carrying numerous ballots. Postal workers were seen leaving some ballots sitting out in building lobbies. And hundreds of filled out ballots were found by postal workers in single mailboxes in Paterson, suggesting a possible vote bundling operation which election experts say is a crime. In one case, officials said more than 300 Paterson city ballots were found in a single mailbox in an entirely different town: Haledon.
According to a county spokesperson, more than 800 mail-in votes were cast in one of New Jersey’s largest cities.
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy did not cover the specific problems taking place in Paterson during his Wuhan virus news briefing on May 13, 2020. When asked about corruption issues when dealing with the statewide vote-by-mail election, Murphy said, â€It is too early to give you a full answer.†We assume he wants to wait until the fraud puts him back in office and that will be the right time.
One candidate in the area, Ramon Joaquin, said that the Board of Elections was not being transparent about how officials were going about in eliminating votes. “The 800 votes should be counted or the names of the people whose votes were suppressed should be released.†In other words count all illegal votes or advertise the names, addresses and party affiliations of the people defrauded! How’s that for honesty? (sarc)
NBC New York also noted the following:
Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh has voiced concern ballot-stealing operations may have been underway in many Democrat controlled wards, and he said so-called ballot stuffing appeared to be a big problem. The mayor called on law enforcement authorities to investigate. Also calling for a criminal investigation was council candidate Frank Filippelli. He said he was also aware of voting problems he believed were criminal across the city.
Republicans should make noise on this issue and point out how mail-in-votes are teeming with corruption, especially during the Wuhan virus pandemic where resources are tight.
Maybe I should fukin’ stay here and keep working to make America better, since this is my home. Why don’t we send you back to Communist Vietnam which you supposedly liberated decades ago? How’d that work out?
Lousy for the Vietnamese. They got stuck in yet another Commie Hellhole.
and it sounds like Jeffery’s the one who got triggered.
It sounds as if you want the United States of America to disband into 50 separate nations. Fair enough. Or maybe the old confederacy can reform and secede! Yay! Caveat: No foreign aid bailouts for the nuCSA!
Then who would pay the taxes for your Swedish healthcare?
No, blexit. Especially after Gropin’ Joe just gave the election to Trump.
Maybe New Yorkers can withhold their federal taxes for a couple of years. Perhaps get New Jersey, California, Illinois, Connecticut, Minnesota, Massachusetts to join them. How will the taker states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Texas, Kansas, Indiana, Kentucky etc make ends meet? “Maker = Blue†States send BILLIONS more in taxes than they receive, while “Taker = Red†States receive BILLIONS more. BILLIONS more are added to Red States by federal borrowing. It’s a great deal for Red States.<?i>
You mean there are live New Yorkers left? All the ones Don Cuomo and Kaiser Bill haven’t killed are leaving. Same with New Jersey, California, Illinois, Connecticut, Minnesota, and .
I guess all those blue states were the takers, after all.Massachusetts
Prager U Video – The Fallen Soldier
This is not your home 50 center. You are a paid stooge of the CCP military. You have sold out your fellow workers by slipping your research to the CCP so they don’t go bald.
This is not your home and you don’t give a shit about the poor or blacks or Asians or Hispanics. You do not care.
You only care about the big house you live in the ATV’s you drive to the hunting range, and the blackpowder weapons you own to show off. Not to mention the 3 cars in your driveway. You only care about all the STUFF you have come to possess and so you take money from CHINA so you can buy more STUFF as you try to persuade those with a fraction of what you POSSES that owning STUFF is not important.
Having Daddy Daycare and Momma Healthcare is all that matters. That robbing the country of its power. Fossil fuels will save the planet while your employer destroys it single handedly is all that matters to you.
Not a word that you type is believable. And yeah I doubt you would want to go back and live in the country you defend(CHINA) because they don’t have daddy daycare, Momma healthcare and they are single handedly destroying the planet. You would be sad. Instead you accuse every American who disagrees with you of being a racist, planet raping neanderthal, while you yourself defend the most Racist,planet raping country on earth. CHINA.
You are willing to destroy the entire economy of this country until people are eating dirt so that China can just waltz across the ocean and take us over. You have wet dreams about being a low ranking piss ant in a Communist Authoritarian regime where you can finally incarcerate conservatives and Christians and Jews and Muslims into a concentration camp.
50 center here is the epitome of what a vote for a democrat gets you in November.
Hate to disappoint you but you’re wrong, I’m an American, born and raised in America’s heartland. Never been to China but have bought lots from Amazon so I get a lot of parcels from China!
We understand that men like you consider those with whom you disagree communists and traitors. We understand that to men like you, tRump is not only the perfect president but the perfect man. Most Americans disagree with you and that’s why you launch into your traitor/commie name-calling.
Can you prove that YOU’RE an American and not a pro-tRump Russian agent?
And you’re nuts.