…is a horrible extreme weather cloud because Other People cooked a steak, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on the blue pill people.
Cleaning out the folder week.

…is a horrible extreme weather cloud because Other People cooked a steak, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on the blue pill people.
Cleaning out the folder week.
The husband of the woman who leads the Reopen NC movement says people should be willing to kill, if necessary, to resist the “New World Order†and emergency orders imposed by state government to contain the coronavirus pandemic.
Adam Smith posted a string of Facebook Live videos on Facebook on Friday, May 22, 2020 that culminated with a chilling threat.
“But are we willing to kill people? Are we willing to lay down our lives?†he asked. “We have to say, ‘Yes.’ We have to say, ‘Yes.’
Man/ child,
Are you just awakening to the fact that a good number of people in the US can’t stand folks like you? People have gotten a taste of the vile a Democrat leaders that are intentionally trying to ruin the average worker to destroy the economy so they can win power (ain’t happening). The Dem governors intentionally or stupidly forcing infected patients into nursing home to get more deaths.
We are in a war. It is people like the commenters here versus scum like you.
What they’ve gotten is a taste of what the Left would do after taking power.
Informers, strong-arm tactics, curfews, live your life as we tell you or else.
That’s what the lockdown foreshadows.
If Jeffery wants to be “chilled”, that’s just sticking your hand in the freezer for a Popsicle compared to what we’ve seen from not only the lockdown, but Zippy’s Reign of Error.
Do you really believe that no one recognizes the hatred emanating from the far-right these days? Thug tRump has emboldened you and your ilk. Decent society made certain you and yours stayed hidden under your bridges and behind the woodwork but tRump has destroyed the norms of decent society.
So here we are. You and yours openly discussing killing your fellow Americans over wearing masks.
The excuse you use is that those you “need” to kill are not real Americans, being commies, traitors, Chinese agents, scum, fascists, Nazis. To you, the only true Americans are conservative, Caucasian, Christian and straight. The rest are trying to “harm you”, yo.
I seem to remember lots of people on the Left who wanted to kill Dubya and Trump. One tried to kill several R Congressmen.
And the threat is hardly “chilling” in comparison to all the Lefties who have stated again and again (yourself among them) that the white population of this country needs to be thinned out.
If not completely exterminated.
Chill that, moron.
COMMUNIST CHINA stoking the fires of REBELLION.
Who wins when civil war starts.
50 center and China. The world suffers, China has no one to stand against them.
Europe spends a dollar between all of them on defense. Africa is defenseless. China wins.
China takes over the world as CHINA STROKES THE FIRES OF REBELLION.
How many politicians how many 50 centers are in this country stoking the fires.
I would be willing to bet that Kamala Harris is getting funding from Beijing. Whitmer? Sure…shes in the running to be CHINA aint a problem JOE BIDEN’s VP.
STOKE THOSE FIRES 50 center. BE sure you BANKRUPT AMERICA for your STUPID ASS AGW AGENDA while CHINA and Brazil and INDIA and RUSSIA turn this world into a smoldering ash pit.
Yeah no one likes 50 centers. No one likes China cept Kamala harris, Whitmer and China Joe Biden and of course his now billionaire son HUNTING THOSE CHINA DOLLARS BIDEN.
Klem, Kye, form, david:
Are YOU guys ready to kill your fellow citizens because of a political disagreement?
You are.
You mean kill the people trying to harm us? Yo.
50 center and china agents are stoking the fires of rebellion in this country.
They lie about everything. AGW is a scam and a lie.
Racism is a card played by the Chinese communists agents in America turning everything in America as an us vs them. White vs Black. Asian vs White. Hispanic vs White. WHITE people have become evil in America.
Thank you China.
49 center is here day after day defending communism, lockdowns, a destroyed economy all to defeat Trump. The left can’t wait 4 more years and he will be gone. NO CHINA HATES TRUMP AND HIS TARRIFS and the fact he has the GUTS TO STAND UP TO HIM and so the entire COMMUNIST CHINESE ARMY IN AMERICA including the COMMUNIST MAIN STREAM MEDIA has made it their mission to destroy TRUMP and the RIGHT to return things to the trajectory of destroying America so CHINA can take over the world with their communist manifesto.
How much you get paid this week 49 center?
America’s race problems pre-dated the rise of modern CHINA. Slavery, lynching’s, Jim Crow laws, wealth inequality etc have been around for a long time.
Oppressors always squeal when they are forced to recognize rights of the oppressed. It didn’t take the CHINESE to tell American Blacks, women, immigrants, Muslims, LGBTQ people they were being victimized by the dominant white, Christian, straight majority.
Global warming is real.
Around $5K. You?
Even worse, here is Ashleigh with a fossil fuel guzzling high powered boat AND a CO2 spewing beer at the same time. She’s going to hell!
Oh, forget to mention, she went to Dartmouth and plays the saxophone.
A Florida law requiring felons to pay legal fees as part of their sentences before regaining the right to vote is unconstitutional for those unable to pay or unable to find out how much they owe, a federal judge ruled Sunday. The 125-page ruling was issued by U.S. District Court Judge Robert Hinkle in Tallahassee.
In 2016 the Republican-led Legislature had stipulated that fines and legal fees must be paid as part of the sentence, in addition to serving any prison time.
The case could have deep ramifications in the crucial electoral battleground given that Florida has an estimated 774,000 disenfranchised felons who are barred because of financial obligations.
Well 50 center if the left needs mass murderers, car jackers and rapists to get them in power then what does that say about YOUR side of the political spectrum?
Sure sounds like something CHINA would be comfortable doing.
You still have not proven you’re not a Russian agent, and won’t even deny it.
You elected an accused rapist, tax cheat, money launderer, who has left a wake of associates in prison, so your record of voting is no bargain for America.
Does CHINA even allow voting?
^^This^^ from an accused pedophile and lying draft dodger!
Oh Rodney… It was YOU that accused another commenter of being a pedophile and a draft dodger, wasn’t it?
Now that we know exactly who YOU are, Rod, are you sure YOU want to press this? You know how to reach the local authorities. Just remember, you’re responsible for your actions, not Mr. Good, or the platform. You, Rodney…
Let us know how you wish to proceed.
So you deny the accusations?
One has already been proven, “Private” Keene.
For one who keeps tossing unproven accusations around maybe you’re the one who should refrain, Jeffery.
Of course I’ve denied your accusations, Fuller.
You’ve proven nothing, Rodney.
You don’t like mean things said about your Dear Leader? Boohoo.
Maybe you can snitch me to the Feds.
Capische, langoustine?
Come at me, bro.
One of Willie’s judges.
Watch it get overturned.
The case could have deep ramifications in the crucial electoral battleground given that Florida has an estimated 774,000 disenfranchised felons who are barred because of financial obligations.
Not to mention legal ones.
The fact of the matter is that the measure to allow criminals to vote was approved by voters if the felons had completed the terms of their sentence and that included monetary obligations.
Denying people the ability to vote is allowed under the Constitution, so the ruling that it is not is contrary to the Constitution and precedent.
Once again, we see how the left hates the Constitution because all the left has is hate.
Oh Rodney… It was YOU that accused another commenter of being a pedophile and a draft dodger, wasn’t it?
Now that we know exactly who YOU are, Rod, are you sure YOU want to press this? You know how to reach the local authorities. Just remember, you’re responsible for your actions, not Mr. Good, or the platform. You, Rodney…
Let us know how you wish to proceed.
You might want to keep that in mind yourself.
How many accusations have to made against other people here?
It might be interesting to run a tally.
Other commenters are confused regarding this issue.
Here’s the ballot text of the 2018 Florida Amendment 4:
No. 4 Constitutional Amendment Article VI, Section 4. Voting Restoration Amendment
This amendment restores the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence including parole or probation. The amendment would not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses, who would continue to be permanently barred from voting unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore their voting rights on a case by case basis.
It was the Florida Republican legislature that added the requirement for all “fines and fees” be paid by the citizen before their voting rights were restored.
Judge Hinkle said the state must let the potential voter know how much they owe (which seems quite reasonable) saying it was unconstitutional to bar any voter whose amount owed “could not be determined with diligenceâ€.
Judge Hinkle said the requirement to pay fines and restitution as ordered in a sentence IS constitutional for those who are able to pay if the amount can be determined.
So… No murderers or rapists get to vote as other commenters claimed. Payment of fines and restitution in the sentence IS still allowed as long as the citizen is able to pay.
Another commenter averred that it’s contrary to the Constitution to deny states their right to deny citizens the right to vote. Fair enough. But courts get to review these laws and the 11th Court of Appeals and Federal judges have ruled time after time that the GOP’s attempt to override Amendment 4 was not Constitutional.
The right of citizens (18 and over) of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude or sex.
And here’s the text from the Constitution regarding disenfranchising citizens (noting that this was amended to allow Blacks, women and those 18 and over to vote – see above) :
But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. (The Florida constitution adds mental illness as a disqualification).
So “or other crime” gives a state broad leeway in tailoring their electorate as long as it doses not disproportionately impact on the basis of race, color, sex or prior servitude.
All the right has is dishonesty.
The Lefties don’t even have that.
These political hacks like Hinkle are always overturned when their decisions hit the higher courts.
Now where did you get your JD? I don’t think you ever said.
It was the Florida Republican legislature that added the requirement for all “fines and fees†be paid by the citizen before their voting rights were restored.
Another commenter can’t read even though they cited the amendment:
This amendment restores the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence including parole or probation. The amendment would not apply to those convicted of murder or sexual offenses, who would continue to be permanently barred from voting unless the Governor and Cabinet vote to restore their voting rights on a case by case basis.
Fines and fees are clearly part of the terms of their sentence. It was not the Florida GOP that added anything. It was the clear understanding and the vote of the people of Florida.
The right of citizens (18 and over) of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude or sex.
And if the right to vote was being abridged by any of those conditions, you would be correct. However, that does not apply.
So “or other crime†gives a state broad leeway in tailoring their electorate as long as it doses not disproportionately impact on the basis of race, color, sex or prior servitude.
So there ya go. You have gone from the stated meaning and purpose of the Amendment to the theory of “disparate impact.”
In other words, the requirement was neutral and not on the basis of race, color, sex or prior servitude, but rather more people of color weren’t completing their terms of conviction.
As always, the left hates policies that are facially neutral and seeks to make victims out of groups they wish to keep in chains.
The left hates laws that don’t distinguish between sex, and race, but seeks to enforce laws that disparately impact people of faith. (Specifically the Christian faith.)
All the left has is hate.
It was the Florida Republican legislature that added the requirement for all “fines and fees†be paid by the citizen before their voting rights were restored.
Judge Hinkle said the state must let the potential voter know how much they owe (which seems quite reasonable) saying it was unconstitutional to bar any voter whose amount owed “could not be determined with diligenceâ€.
Judge Hinkle said the requirement to pay fines and restitution as ordered in a sentence IS constitutional for those who are able to pay if the amount can be determined.
So… No murderers or rapists get to vote as other commenters claimed. Payment of fines and restitution in the sentence IS still allowed as long as the citizen is able to pay.
US Courts disagree with the legal interpretations by blog commenters. Funny that.
It was the Florida Republican legislature that added the requirement for all “fines and fees†be paid by the citizen before their voting rights were restored.
It was the people of Florida who said that.
The Legislature just clarified the meaning after the Democrats began to see that the felons they thought would be voting would not be eligible until they had completed their sentences.
Judge Hinkle said the state must let the potential voter know how much they owe (which seems quite reasonable) saying it was unconstitutional to bar any voter whose amount owed “could not be determined with diligenceâ€.
The amounts were determined at the time of sentencing. What Hinkle was talking about was the amount of interest and fines if the fees and fines were not paid by the criminal.
Payment of fines and restitution in the sentence IS still allowed as long as the citizen is able to pay.
Is able to pay? Congratulations. You’ve hit upon the problem. Two people with convicted of the same crime, serving the same time and assigned the same fees and fines are now treated differently.
Please enlighten us all how that is fair to anyone?
Please tell us all how that fits into the meaning of the 14th Amendment (which was, of course opposed by the Democrats at the time of passage.)
US Courts disagree with the legal interpretations by blog commenters. Funny that.
Good to know that you agree with the Dred Scott decision.
Funny how you think that the people of Florida – including minorities – cannot read the plain wording of the proposed amendment when it was voted upon. You must really hate minorities and others to think they are that ignorant.
Than again, all the left has is hate.
Of course I’ve denied your accusations, Fuller.
You’ve proven nothing, Rodney.
You don’t like mean things said about your Dear Leader? Boohoo.
Maybe you can snitch me to the Feds.
Capische, langoustine?
Come at me, bro.
I think he was asking you to come at him.
You like to mouth off, butyou always back down. You have something, prove it.
You can’t, of course, but I have the feeling liljeffy can, or you wouldn’t get so wound up.
And only an insecure “man” makes an issue of size. I seem to recall they did the same with Trump until he beat them all.
You’re the one who gets all wound up when we mention the evil of Willie, the Hildabeast, Zippy, Gropin’ Joe, and the rest of the democrat rogues’ gallery, so a big Boo Hoo to you.
I take it you weren’t invited to the neighborhood Memorial day Parade and Block Party, either.