People need their social media validation and likes, you know (via Twitchy)
I hate wearing the mask. We have to do it at work when we are wandering around the dealership or with a customer. If we are at our desks or outside without a customer, we do not have to wear one. Those blue masks bothered my lips and made me feel like I smoked a whole pack between 9 and 7 from all the CO2 inhaled and stuff coming off the mask. Not allowed to wear a bandana, and cloth aren’t much better. However, if I go to a store that requires one I’ll put it on briefly, or not go. Some people, though, just have to be pains.
Also, speaking of bad protests
What started out as a freedom-loving celebration of the Second Amendment ahead of Memorial Day turned into Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear being hanged in effigy and protesters chanting outside the governor’s mansion.
The Second Amendment rally, meant to inspire people “about what it really means to be FREE,†according to Take Back Kentucky, attracted at least 100 people to the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort on Sunday.
It began as a celebration of constitutional rights but turned into a protest of coronavirus restrictions and Beshear’s administration. Folks toted guns and waved American and “Don’t tread on me†flags. Taps honored the fallen, and free flags were given to veterans from all military branches.
Yes, yes, I know Beshear has been horrible for 2nd Amendment rights, but, again, I’ve said and written it, leave the guns out. Don’t mix and muddle the message of reopening.
The effigy was swiftly condemned by leaders on both sides of the aisle, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
“As a strong defender of the First Amendment, I believe Americans have the right to peacefully protest,” McConnell said on Twitter. “However, today’s action toward Governor Beshear is unacceptable. There is no place for hate in Kentucky.â€
Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams, also a Republican, called the effigy “disgusting” on social media.
“I condemn it wholeheartedly,” he tweeted. “The words of John Wilkes Booth have no place in the Party of Lincoln.”
Kentucky House Democratic Leader Joni Jenkins, House Democratic Caucus Chair Derrick Graham and House Democratic Whip Angie Hatton issued a joint statement, calling the effigy “beyond reprehensible” and an “act that reeks of hate and intimidation.”
Interestingly, Democrats won’t condemn when Democrats hang Republicans, most notably Trump and Bush 43, in effigy.

Problem is we have not actually hung a politician. We really should start.
Pictures are hung, people are hanged.
Blazing Saddles
Charlie: They said you was hung!
Bart: And they was right.
david wants to start hanging politicians. Who chooses who to hang?
Start with the Democrats.
Hanging people in effigy has a long history behind it; how many on the left protested when the younger President Bush was so frequently hanged in effigy?
No, it only became a problem when other protesters hanged President Obama in effigy; that was raaaaacist, don’t you know? The Secret Service was investigating those, but, strangely, a Google search for Bbush hanged in effigy Secret Service didn’t return any hits.
From Slate:
I have no problem at all with Reichsstatthalter being hanged in effigy. Were this 1773, a governor who had acted as he has would have been dragged out and had an unfortunate encounter with tar and feathers, something which is, sadly, illegal today. And, of course, the Reichsstatthalter has the Staatspolizei to not just protect him, but to carry out his orders to record license plates from church parking lots and order those families into two weeks of house arrest.
To disagree with our esteemed host, I have no problem at all with the hanging of Reichsstatthalter Beshear in effigy. It is a form of protest with a long, long history, and is protected by the First Amendment. As an opponent of capital punishment, I wouldn’t want to see him actually hanged, but were I to read of a mob dragging him out for that unfortunate encounter with tar and feathers, I’d probably cheer. I can’t think of anyone would deserve it more.
were I to read of a mob dragging him out for that unfortunate encounter with tar and feathers, I’d probably cheer
Semi-civilized Con “Men” often incite their brush-ape cousins to violence but not risk their own security.
Anyway, regarding handling the pandemic, a recent favorability survey had the President at a solid 44%, Gov Mike DeWine (R-OH) at 87% and Gov Andy Beshear (D-KY) at 80%.
What laws or norms have Gov Beshear violated that would require his violent removal?
“Semi-civilized Con “Men†often incite their brush-ape cousins to violence but not risk their own security.” Triggered again I see. You always come out with an outlandish accusation about non-communists when you can’t think of anything else.
We would appreciate if you would not call our black brothers “brush-ape cousins”. Just because they’re Republicans does not make them less than Democrat blacks.
Just so you know we are ALWAYS the ones who risk our own security, life and limb to protect this country and our Constitution. How many liberal arts majors do you think are in the United States Marines, asshole?
And you are lapsing into the same state of hypnotism that lead you to defeat in 2016: quoting bull shit polls. Please keep doing that. Every time clowns like you recite phony numbers many of your not-so-swift comrades figure you’re winning and don’t show up to vote. That works for us just like it did in 2016. Even though with your new “mail-in scam” this time you really do need some LIVING people to vote, don’t you? Or are you guys planning on just fuking up the entire system so bad a winner will be the last guy standing?
You really are little more than despots.
Trump 2020 Keep the lying “mail-in” fraudsters out!
We would appreciate if you would not call our black brothers “brush-ape cousinsâ€
Well, Elwood and Biden both agree these are NOT BLACK so they must be “bush-ape cousins”.
Well, there’s that First Amendment thingy to start with.
A joint project of:
The Network Science Institute of Northeastern University
The Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy of Harvard University
School of Communication & Information, Rutgers University
You must be joking.
You can bet that 87 did not come out of OH.
So, the esteemed Mr Dowd believes that the patriots of 1773-1775 who employed tar and feathers were “brush-ape cousins”, huh? Had Mr Dowd been a Bostonian in 1773, he’d have been the guy who whispered to a Redcoat, from the alley in which he was hiding, “Psst, you see those guys over there? They were the ones who dressed up as the noble indigenous people and dumped all of that tea overboard.”
Whatever the male name for a “Karen” is, that would be Mr Dowd.
Reichsstatthalter Beshear is popular, yes, but that is because we seem to have more sheeple than people. And his violation of our constitutional rights is what justifies his removal.
But, then again, you probably approve of his orders which sent a man into what amounts to house arrest, complete with armed guards posted outside, with no day in court, no due process of law. You probably approve of him sending the Staatspolizei to photograph license plates in church parking lots and then order churchgoers into house arrest. Heck, if these Governors ordered the people into boxcars, to take them to ‘decontamination,’ you’d probably have approved that as well.
But you do have your freedom of speech, which you so frequently exercise, but we all know one thing: if it had depended upon you to win it for us, it never would have happened.
The honorable Mr. Dana compares today to 1773-1775 and the Holocaust. Nice try.
Governor Beshear is neither Hitler nor George III, is he? You would approve of the Governor being lynched but will settle for tar and feathering. You may be right that the threat of illegal vigilante violence could have a repressive effect on politicians. All it would take is for men to have the courage of their beliefs and mob up with like-minded citizens and march on Frankfort, tarbuckets and feather boas in hand.
It’s concerning that you have so little regard for your fellow Kentuckians, but this is typical of the far-right minority. So 80% of Kentuckians are sheeple?
And if you really believe America is on the verge of a leftist dictatorship or a Nazi takeover, why are YOU not marching on Frankfort? You would have encouraged the original Boston Tea Partiers but walked away when the redcoats showed up.
Don’t see dana invoking the Final solution, although his Revolutionary analogy is on the money.
doubtless why our own Karen is feeling uneasy.
Governor Beshear is neither Hitler nor George III, is he? You would approve of the Governor being lynched but will settle for tar and feathering. You may be right that the threat of illegal vigilante violence could have a repressive effect on politicians. All it would take is for men to have the courage of their beliefs and mob up with like-minded citizens and march on Frankfort, tarbuckets and feather boas in hand.
Shows how much he knows. The First Amendment was written with George in ind and Der Fuhrer was big into suppression of religion.
My, my, little Jeffery is really hoping for a fighting war, isn’t he? Everything else has flopped, so maybe a little martial law is required.
So much for freedom.
It’s concerning that you have so little regard for your fellow Kentuckians, but this is typical of the far-right minority. So 80% of Kentuckians are sheeple?
Another straw man. You wonder how much he pays for all that hay.
And if you really believe America is on the verge of a leftist dictatorship or a Nazi takeover, why are YOU not marching on Frankfort? You would have encouraged the original Boston Tea Partiers but walked away when the redcoats showed up.
Legal means seem to be working, sad to say for your side, but you’re the one who likes to double dare people until your bluff is called.
As usual Elwood your attention is focused on nonsense while your own commie ass holes do this:
“D-list ‘celebrity’ Kathy Griffin must be getting thirsty for attention again.
But she may just be getting another visit from the Secret Service again with her last remarks about President Donald Trump.
CNN’s Jim Acosta was tweeting about the president joking at a diabetes event at the White House that perhaps he should be on insulin.
Griffin responded, “Syringe with nothing but air inside it would do the trick. F–k Trump.â€
The Washington Examiner picked it up and reported she was advocating for someone to stab Trump with a syringe full of air, observing that “air embolisms, caused by air getting into the bloodstream, can be fatal.â€
But to treasonous asses like you that seems okay.×360
how upset was the left for hanging bush during the IRAQ war? Not the least. They laughed in glee. Called him Hitler.
The left doesnt like it when the right uses the same tactics. Its RACIST. HATEMONGERING.
Governors in places like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania seemingly refuse to acknowledge the limits of their state executive powers and forget they are the holders of public trust.
The blue wall. The ticket to Trump 2020’s reelection. These governors are getting their marching orders from BIDEN and the DNC. Not doctors and scientists. THE BLUE WALL MUST BE REBUILT.
May 03, 2018 · L.A. Antifa Group Hangs Trump in Effigy, Calls for ‘Revolutionary Violence’ Against ‘the Capitalist State’ the left celebrates. the MSM ignores the act.
Hillary Supporters Hang Trump in Effigy Outside Trump Tower Front page news. No universal condemnation.
Nov 10, 2016 · Heads roll in the streets of Los Angeles as a large Donald Trump effigy was set on fire by protesters the day after he was elected president….where was 50 center’s outrage?
Trump effigies burn in cities around the … – Washington Post YAWN WHO CARES? Certainly not the MSM or the DNC.
Effigies of Obama were burned at a bar in Milwaukee; as well as hung from a tree at the University of Kentucky; a building in Plains, Ga.; and a noose in the front yard of a home in Moreno Valley
Both sides do it. Don’t get me started on the 100 million times BUSH was burned in effigy or Clinton or Reagan.
Or Coincidently every since CHINA became a national player on the world stage and stared infiltrating the WEST with its 1000’s of agents and 100’s of thousands of agent children brainwashed with communist propaganda.
Its really time to take back America and make it great again. Starting with expelling every chinese actor and student in this nation and expelling EVERY professor who is found to be taking money secretly from CHINA.
Stop with letting communist progaganda in our high schools and colleges and we will see this nation return to greatness or we can just keep up this trajectory and then when the CCP is in charge all those LGBTQ’s and Hispanics will be pining for the days of TRUMP and OBAMA as they are put in reeducation camps to learn that the CCP way is the only way and anything less is death or 40 years in prision. Time is really running out on America and the WEST. It really is.
Time may have already run out, Klem. We have an entire major political party that has tossed off its historic democratic roots for a platform of steady anti- American, anti Constitution bull crap. They aid and comfort every enemy of the American people and quite frankly would have most conservatives, Republicans and Christians sent to gulags or shot if they could. Hell, these animals even booed God at their convention. God! Three times!!! Talk about commie heathens!
Trump 2020. Keep the heathens out.
[…] My good friend William Teach noted the protests in which Reichsstatthalter Andy Beshear (NSDAP-KY) was hanged in effigy, and he disapproved: […]
She’s only a part-time idiot, but she’s a full-time attention whore.