We all know this. Democrats are unintentionally saying it
Democrats fear rapid economic growth in third quarter. 'Best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.' For Biden, a worst-case scenario. From @politico https://t.co/ZGd1cUCpBP pic.twitter.com/9IG7UfhzWM
— Byron York (@ByronYork) May 26, 2020
(Politico) In early April, Jason Furman, a top economist in the Obama administration and now a professor at Harvard, was speaking via Zoom to a large bipartisan group of top officials from both parties. The economy had just been shut down, unemployment was spiking, and some policymakers were predicting an era worse than the Great Depression. The economic carnage seemed likely to doom President Donald Trump’s chances at reelection.
Furman, tapped to give the opening presentation, looked into his screen of poorly lit boxes of frightened wonks and made a startling claim.
“We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country,†he said.
Furman’s counterintuitive pitch has caused some Democrats, especially Obama alumni, around Washington to panic. “This is my big worry,†said a former Obama White House official who is still close to the former president. Asked about the level of concern among top party officials, he said, “It’s high — high, high, high, high.â€
And top policy officials on the Biden campaign are preparing for a fall economic debate that might look very different than the one predicted at the start of the pandemic in March. “They are very much aware of this,†said an informal adviser.
Democrats want a bad economy. Or, at least a tepid economy.
The scenario would be a major long-term problem for any president. But before that reality sets in, Trump could be poised to benefit from the dramatic numbers produced during the partial rebound phase that is likely to coincide with the four months before November.
That realization has many Democrats spooked.
“In absolute terms, the economy will look historically terrible come November,†said Kenneth Baer, a Democratic strategist who worked in a senior role at the Office of Management and Budget under Obama. “But relative to the depths of April, it will be on an upswing — 12 percent unemployment, for example, is better than 20, but historically terrible. On Election Day, we Democrats need voters to ask themselves, ‘Are you better off than you were four years ago?’ Republicans need voters to ask themselves, ‘Are you better off than you were four months ago?’â€
Democrats are praying for the economic picture to look poor to gain political power, and they do not care who gets hurt to make it happen.

Too good not to share.
Outgoing DNI Ric Grenell asks Dem. Sen. Mark Warner, “How does my ass taste…” or something to that effect.
The other problem is, who are the people going to really hold responsible for things being bad, Trump or the dictatorial governors and mayors that made the lockdown as painful as possible and as long as possible?
And Jeffery’s talking points won’t cut much ice.
What has to chap the lefts arse is the fact that Grenell is GAY. Trump appointed a GAY man who is a REPUBLICAN and worked for Romney. I was skeptical of anyone even remotely associated with BUSH, MCCAIN or ROMNEY to ever hold a position in Trumps admin since almost everyone that has has Backstabbed Trump repeatedly. But Grenell at least outwardly has done a fine job. Kudo’s to him.
The airwaves are full of BUSHIES and MCGANSTERS and ROMNITES bashing trump daily because the man dared to speak bad words about their respective god king. At least Dana Perino on the five a former Bushie has managed to maintain her sanity and put the party before Democrats.
One more point.
We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country
When it happens, what does Jeffery say? This guy was a member of the Choom Gang.
And it wasn’t Trump who crashed the markets, so who do they hold responsible?
As I say, are the people really that dumb or is it just wishful thinking by the Lefties and a few whiny-ass “Conservatives”?
It is hard for me to believe that liberals are so perverted, hateful and lacking in compassion for their fellow man that they are using this virus to intentionally harm the citizens they are supposed to be leading. Yet they are destroying businesses for no scientific reason and even trying to increase illness and deaths by forcing ill patients into nursing homes. This action shows the underlying reason for all their policy, even the climate religion. They will do anything for their communist agenda. Jeff will call this conspiracy thinking, but nothing else will explain it.
Power is everything to these people. Compassion is a tool, just a word.
One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic. Their philosophy in a nutshell.
Most states are controlled by Republicans. The president is a Republican. The Senate is controlled by Republicans. The Supreme Court is now a conservative, Republican majority. tRump and McConnell confirmed more than 200 Federal judges, with dozens more waiting for confirmation. It’s a GOP controlled, conservative government but it’s liberals who conspired to have the Earth’s nations start a pandemic solely to get rid of tRump.
… will call this conspiracy thinking, but nothing else will explain it*
Ignorance and fantasy will explain it.
If Republicans were in control as you assert with your cockamamie list of stupid shit that has NOTHING to do with the pandemic then how could there have been an impeachment? As usual you leftists lie by deflection.
The states controlled by Republicans had little or no lock downs, had not illegal abridgment of Constitutional rights and fewer deaths by RED Chinese Flu than the Blue states. The President did NOT close businesses in ANY state nor did he send elderly victims to die alone and terrified in nursing homes without being able to have visits from their families. He did not stop treatments and/or operations on life threatening diseases to clear out hospitals for a overblown flu that never happened. He neither terminated people’s employment nor forcefully closed their businesses often ending them forever and causing great economic harm. All these things were done by power mad leftist Democommies, like you Elwood, in mostly RED states.
The leftists caused untold misery, thousands of non-Wuhan flu caused deaths, hysteria, panic and the largest DELIBERATE destruction of our economy in history. All in a LAST DITCH EFFORT to get Trump. We WILL hold you commies responsible in November (unless you mail in yourselves a victory).
Trump 2020 When these Democommie pricks said “By whatever means necessary” they really, really meant it. Look around to what they’ve done to America.
If Republicans were in control as you assert with your cockamamie list of stupid shit that has NOTHING to do with the pandemic then how could there have been an impeachment?
Impeachment is the responsibility of the US House of Representatives, which is the only lever of gov’t held by Democrats.
And impeachment has nothing to do with the pandemic, so why did YOU bring it up?
The states controlled by Republicans had little or no lock downs, had not illegal abridgment of Constitutional rights and fewer deaths by RED Chinese Flu than the Blue states.
Most of what connies believe to be true is not. Blue States are where people live and where viruses infect and kill people, not acreage. Republican governors in populous states also imposed restrictions, e.g., Massachusetts, Maryland, Florida, Ohio.
AL, AK, AZ, AR, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, MD, MA, MS, MO, NE, NH, ND, OH, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, WV, WY have Republicun governors. Montana has a Dem governor and had only 17 deaths. The same for Hawaii. 60% of the US GDP comes from Blue States.
But you’re right about one thing, the president did little in his power to combat this pandemic.
All these things were done by power mad leftist Democommies, like you Elwood, in mostly RED states.
How many Democratic governors are in RED states???? The Republic governors of AL, AK, AZ, AR, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, MD, MA, MS, MO, NE, NH, ND, OH, OK, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VT, WV, WY had/have the power to 1) never place any restrictions on their citizens or 2) “open” up completely. Are those Republic governors all closet commies that should be hanged?
We fully understand that Dear Leader needs his acolytes to drink the Kool-Aid and blame imaginary communists, Dems, media, China for his own deficiencies. He is desperate, and desperate “leaders” are dangerous.
Dear Leader yesterday asked America if he should take insulin. Dear Leader also yesterday again threatened to override governors with his “total authoritay!” and open churches. That’s what Putin and Xi would do. Dear Leader just twitted that he will regulate social media platforms or “shut them down”. What do you think? That’s what Putin and Xi would do.
FACEBOOK is pure evil in every sense of the word. I tried to create a Facebook account and they want a cell phone number. Fine. I go to the store and buy one of those by the minute cell phones with cash because I don’t want big brother watching me. I have only one thing left in this world and that is my little bitty personal space that I own.
Well after a couple days of having Facebook, it gets suspended and I haven’t even used it other then to read some posts by family members. I mean I literally did not POST ONE THING and my page itself had a picture of a cat on it and a post that says one word. Peace.
Reason. Suspicious activity. LOLOLOLOLOL.. Couldn’t verify owners ID of cell phone number.
Folks DO NOT USE FACEBOOK they are a DATA MINING arm of the Gestapo’s around the world. Most likely CHINA pays them billions per year to get every detail of every American life and it honestly would not surprise me that all the 3 letter agencies in America do the same thing. Amazing how much freedom we are willing to give up just to use a social platform as if that is how we measure our lives.
Twitter is notoriously biased against conservatives because of this LIE that conservatives are Racists.
If that is true then Liberals are MS-13 gang members. Liberals are Communists from red china. Liberals are Muslim Terrorists.
YouTube owned by GOOGLE is extremely biased against any form of political commentary but push FOX, MSNBC, CNN, and the big media giants with their millions of views. Once again Google has sold out the USA so that they can put a search engine in China.
Lets see 1.4 billion vs 320 million souls to data mine, mind control is a no brainer. So I say let the tech giant move its fuking operation to CHINA and then lets see how all those Indian’s and Pakistanis LOVE working for a company IN CHINA OWNED BY CHINA.
I like that America opens her arms for people to come here and live their version of the American Dream but when that version says half the peoples version is wrong and needs to be CENSORED well…..fuk them. Let them work in China and live the CCP DREAM.
I mean the workers of GOOGLE said they refuse to help the USA but have no qualms in sucking China’s dik. So I say let them move to china and suck away.
As for Instagram. Owned by FACEBOOK and just another platform used by the young because FACEBOOK has become too square for GENZ. Yet another platform to DATA MINE.
50 center will defend these practices while he posts here anonymously.
60% of the US GDP comes from Blue States.
AND 90 percent of the countries food comes from the RED STATES. I dont see any military bases in NYC or Downtown Chicago.
I don’t see any large railway switch stations in New Jersey other than those that herd people around.
How many cows run the streets of Detroit or Buffalo or Jersey City?
How many tractors does downtown Los Angeles sell? How much food does those 60 percent consume vs the 40 percent of us who live and work in those EVIL RED STATES?
Fly over country. I have lived in Dallas/FT. Worth area. I have lived in Rural America. It is a no brainer and right now people are flocking out of the cities, Breaking leases and longing for the open pastures of these RED STATES.
Why is that Elwood. Well its simple. For a century and a half the left has herded people onto the plantation and told them to shut up and vote for Democrats.
They provide no value to society other than as voters and that by god is not their fault. Trump gives them hope and a job and a 401k and retirement and vacation and sick leave and the left goes Apoplectic. Trump for sure is a sick racist. How dare he give all those people herded on to plantations with the promise of HOPELESSNESS an give them hope?
Yeah you go right on with that Geographical bullshit and remember that next time you go to the store and buy your food. 50 center, I get it that your paid to bash America and spread racist lies but really, have you no shred of self respect left in your tired old commie bones?
California is the top agricultural producer, and Illinois is in the top 5. And about half of US food is imported. But you’re correct that the US needs both Red and Blue states.
Am I better off than I was 4 years ago? Yes. While this economy got tanked because of lies and panic spread by the MSM and demonrats I know that the recovery will be faster and stronger with Trump in the White house. Our last economic recovery with a demonrat in the White House simply sucked and never really recovered until he left.
I too am better off than 4 years ago, but America is much, much worse off. Much of what Con Men believe to be true is not. The post-Great Recession (financial/housing collapse) economy recovered slowly because we refused to invest in America and Americans. This time around the Republicuns have pumped some $10 TRILLION of stimulus spending into the economy.
What is the economic trend that tRump enhanced? The rates of improvement in job growth, GDP, stock market, wages, unemployment didn’t occur. To tRump’s credit he didn’t derail the recovery and although his late and anemic response made the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic much worse, it would have occurred regardless of who was in the WH. This pandemic has revealed weaknesses in the US healthcare, child care, insurance, unemployment and food security systems as well as the effects of inequality.
Same old lies, different day, right Elwood? Trumps “response” was neither anemic nor “much worse” because he used the very same “experts” you tout and believe all the time…unless they happen to be working for a Republican named Trump. You do realize Fauci et al are career government drones and were there giving Hussein guidance too?
This pandemic “This pandemic has revealed weaknesses in the US healthcare, child care, insurance, unemployment and food security systems”. Bull shit, it revealed the weaknesses in elected leftist tyrants as they ruined the economy and murdered the elderly and those waiting for non-Chinese flu procedures, IOW the bureaucracy killed them. And you new $20 bull shit line about “as well as the effects of inequality” is just that, bull shit. You find inequality in everything except where it actually exists. You are a blind partisan unable to look honestly at any given problem because whatever it is it’s Trump’s fault. And you’re so blind and so partisan YOU CAN”T EVEN ADMIT IT! I guess you must have decided Trump is now your god because you think he can do all these things.
Trump 2020 Let’s get America back to where Trump had it before the leftist governors killed the economy.
Oops. We’ve triggered Kye again.
You do realize Fauci et al are career government drones and were there giving (President Obama) guidance too?
Perhaps President Obama actually took their advice. We can’t recall a devastating pandemic during President Obama’s terms. Perhaps President Obama maintained kept the CDC, WHO and the pandemic response/public health apparatus intact. President Bush had the SARS epidemic, Obama the Ebola and the MERS epidemics, without the US becoming the global epicenter of the epidemics.
tRump pretends that SARS-CoV-2 is a Democratic/lib/commie/media plot to “dethrone” him and is a political threat, not a threat to health.
Kye repeatedly fails to explain how powerless leftists caused all this damage. Since Blue States such as NY, NJ, CA, MA, IL, CT are unproductive plantations of leftists herded together smoking pot, eating avocado toast, and reading the NYT, how could the governors there have destroyed the American economy?
Anyway, the best way to get the world functioning again is to control this virus.
Do you really believe that life as normal (no restrictions at all) would have resulted in reduced mortality from SARS-CoV-2? The recommendations that this highly contagious virus should have been allowed to infect the 70 or 80% believed necessary for herd immunity, would likely have resulted in 1-3 million dead Americans. If 100,000 deaths strained our hospital system what 10 to 30 times more have wrought?
Perhaps President Obama actually took their advice. We can’t recall a devastating pandemic during President Obama’s terms. Perhaps President Obama maintained kept the CDC, WHO and the pandemic response/public health apparatus intact. President Bush had the SARS epidemic, Obama the Ebola and the MERS epidemics, without the US becoming the global epicenter of the epidemics.
Notice he didn’t mention H1N1, which was alsio on Zippy’s watch and racked up 3500 deaths in this country, and that’s a bit more “devastating” than the 750 deaths from the Trans Pacific Plague (as we all know, the death toll has been hideously over-inflated).
And, if Zippy took Fauci’s advice for the bird flu, it’s no wonder it killed so many.
and we’re not the global epicenter of anything. Everybody admits your pals in the forbidden City are lying their asses off. No new cases in 6 weeks?
Get real. You’re becoming a joke.
tRump pretends that SARS-CoV-2 is a Democratic/lib/commie/media plot to “dethrone†him and is a political threat, not a threat to health.
And he’s right.
Kye repeatedly fails to explain how powerless leftists caused all this damage. Since Blue States such as NY, NJ, CA, MA, IL, CT are unproductive plantations of leftists herded together smoking pot, eating avocado toast, and reading the NYT, how could the governors there have destroyed the American economy?
Looks like I’ll have to remind Jeffery how Don Cuomo and Kaiser Wilhelm invited all those “health refugees” into NY.
And, try as they might, the Demos haven’t “destroyed” the American economy. they crashed the markets and have imposed Draconic lockdowns, but all those red staes are opening up and the economy is roaring back.
Or didn’t you see Teach’s post about Jason Furman’s podcast. “We are about to see the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country,†he said.
Must have scared the Hell out of you.
Anyway, the best way to get the world functioning again is to control this virus.
Already did. Like Zippy, the Demos want to prolong the agony, but the people are rising up.
Do you really believe that life as normal (no restrictions at all) would have resulted in reduced mortality from SARS-CoV-2? The recommendations that this highly contagious virus should have been allowed to infect the 70 or 80% believed necessary for herd immunity, would likely have resulted in 1-3 million dead Americans. If 100,000 deaths strained our hospital system what 10 to 30 times more have wrought?
Um, that’s what your pal, Fauci said, but the damned model kept shifting. All this for 750 deaths.
What a letdown, huh? You were so hoping for carts coming around every morning, “Bring out your dead”, so you could scream, “Trump lied, people died”. Too bad it was the Demos.
How many people partying at the Lake of the Ozarks this weekend?
And “our hospital system” was never “strained”. Remember all those vents Don Cuomo screamed for as he wet his pants that never were used? Remember those 2 hospital ships that barely saw any patients?
Again you little weasel, I don’t get “triggered”. That’s for leftist fags who need safe spaces…..like you. The rest of that drivel has been addressed by me and the other commenters but you won’t admit it was the RED STARE governors that destroyed the economy. WE never had a shut down before because the old time liberals (as stupid as they were) were still Americans and united for America in times of trouble. Not like you petty, destructive, whiny little bitches that have to have your own way all the time.
Excuse me but our “hospital system” was not strained in any way. We had more beds and providers than we needed and the proof is they laid off NURSES and Doctors all over. You and your belligerent commie comrades are weaponizing a world wide pandemic, created in Wuhan China, by commies like yourself, deliberately hidden from public view then unleashed on an unknowing and unprepared world. Trump did NONE of this. It’s ALL, 100% on you!!! If anything , the original model called for 50-100 million Americans infected and 1-2 million DEAD. TRUMP STOPPED THAT FROM HAPPENING and you hat that. You and your leftist conspirators in treason wanted as many American dead as possible as proven by your “daily update” (until the numbers started going down) and as many American out of work and put out of business and you could manage to screw.
You, your commie governors and mayors, your blue state Nazi tyranny and the Fake pigs on the fake media are all liars and frauds. And you created the fear, panic and hysteria that destroyed this country. We NEVER closed down for a pandemic before. This is all on YOU.
Hell, you morons don’t even know how many sexes there are or races there are. You are the most anti-science idiots since the Flat Earth Society.
Now watch as the employment numbers goes up-up-up till election putting our Great President back in office. You tryed by screwed the pooch once again. How many times is this you tried to get Trump out of office? 4,5 no 6! so far. Hahahaha. You lose!
Just to ruin the rest of your day my wife was approved for a HUGE CARES Act windfall in the high 6 digits to compensate her for the Nazi Tom Wolf closing her business illegally PLUS—We are joining a lawsuit by businessmen all across the state to sue Pennsylvania for the damages the Democrat/Nazi regime caused by their illegal and immoral acts.
Trump 2020 Keep the Nazi and commie tyrants out of Washington.
More leftist lies as we now encounter virus based numbers fraud. They’re doing to medicine what they’ve done to law—-weaponizing!
… my wife was approved for a HUGE CARES Act windfall in the high 6 digits to compensate her for the Nazi Tom Wolf closing her business illegally PLUS—We are joining a lawsuit by businessmen all across the state to sue Pennsylvania for the damages the Democrat/Nazi regime caused by their illegal and immoral acts
Good for you! A multimillionaire receiving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars. Socialism at its best! And now suing the state!
I too am better off than 4 years ago, then you’re a hypocrite, but you already knew that but America is much, much worse off. Much of what Con Men believe to be true is not. The post-Great Recession (financial/housing collapse) economy recovered slowly because we refused to invest in America and Americans.
No, we’d be looking at a third Depression if the Demos were in charge in DC.
The second Depression lasted as long as it did because the Demos wanted it to. That’s why they were voted out in ’16.
This time around the Republicuns have pumped some $10 TRILLION of stimulus spending into the economy.
While the Demos were throwing it away on illegals, vote fraud, arresting people for going to church and running a business.
What is the economic trend that tRump enhanced? The rates of improvement in job growth, GDP, stock market, wages, unemployment didn’t occur.
Ah, but they did. Everything skyrocketed after Zippy was gone.
As always, Jeffery has to use phony data to make his case.
To tRump’s credit he didn’t derail the recovery and although his late and anemic response made the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic much worse, it would have occurred regardless of who was in the WH.
Trump was the recovery. Zippy and Gropin’ Joe had none. And Trump was acting on the Shanghai Surprise while your side was all about impeachment.
And even that didn’t work.
This pandemic has revealed weaknesses in the US healthcare, child care, insurance, unemployment and food security systems as well as the effects of inequality.
It has? In what way?
The only thing it’s revealed is that the American people don’t like socuialism and don’t want to be Euros, much less Red Chinese.
Why pretend to be surprised? This is, after all, the way of the tribe as they yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin. And they OWN the Democrats!
Here’s an interesting piece describing the status of stay-at-home/shelter-in-place etc issues by state.
Almost every state had some degree of restrictions, including the 26 states with GOP governors. Are these 26 governors closeted commie/leftists who should be hanged?
Yes, ALMOST every state had SOME restrictions but the most egregious, illegal and immoral restrictions were limited to the Democommie governors. Period. They LITERALLY cause people to die by putting them in homes, alone, afraid. They are monsters seeking only power. You know it because you just cited it. So admit it.
“Are these 26 governors closeted commie/leftists who should be hanged?”
No, only the Democommies on the left because a few shelter at home orders do not a Nazi Make. But closing down schools, taking people’s right to worship away, taking their businesses, throwing people out of work and labeling a whole distinct group of American citizens “non-essential” and therefore, expendable is morally corrupt.
When leftists say gathering by the hundreds at WalMart is okay but taking communion is illegal we have a serious problem with people not understanding the meaning of Freedom of Worship.
You’re all lying nazi/commies and you should meet a traitors fate. Now that ugly twat Griffith is advocating murdering Trump. When will we say “ENOUGH” and start taking these creeps out? They should be in prison…to start.
Here’s another description of state-by-state restrictions triggered by the pandemic:
ALMOST every state had SOME restrictions but the most egregious, illegal and immoral restrictions were limited to the Democommie governors. Period.
Prove it.
Are you certain your claim is supported by evidence? Read through the attached descriptions and see if it matches your belief.
The claim that protests against Democratic governors proves the point is flawed, since the protests were hardly spontaneous and were organized and supported by right-wing organizations (e.g., the DeVos family supported Michigan Freedom Network). These were astroturfed pro-tRump mini-rallies.
The high dudgeon from the right – it’s the nuRevolution! – This is like Hitler all over again! – The DemCommies will round righties up and send them to extermination camps! – is all part of the tRump re-election campaign.
The Gates network? Shirley, you jest.
And most Rs had sense enough to go easy on the restrictions. That’s why you didn’t see many protests in places like OH.
There were a few Whigs, MO, MD, who went crazy, but I seem to recall 4 states that didn’t lock down at all. All of them red. The real Hell is being raised in blue states.
Or should I call them purple? Things don’t look good for November.
Good for you! A multimillionaire receiving hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars. Socialism at its best! And now suing the state!
Multimillionaire? Yeah, I’m sure all small businessmen and women are multimillionaires.
Just like all those Democrat politicians who go from law school to politics. It’s why they know nothing and can’t do anything except screw things up.
And here’s a neat little rebuttal.
Jeffery likes to invoke images of violence and asks why Conservatives aren’t rioting?
That’s because we believe in the Constitution. We seek a remedy at law before we do anything.
Howsomever, Lefties in MN are doing what Lefties always do.
Rioting. A man is killed so Lefties riot. no waiting to hear what the courts say (and God knows the courts are on the side of the Left in MN) and, when the see a car with a Trump sticker, the man in it is dragged out and beaten by said Lefties.
So that’s who lynches people and who doesn’t.
Keep this in mind when Jeffery starts shooting of his mouth again.
A Black man was calmly and methodically killed by an officer in Minneapolis. Once again. It was caught on video.
Why wasn’t the killer immediately arrested? Why do white police officers have special rights?
It’s hardly surprising that a riot broke out. This illustrates the difference between an organic outburst and the carefully coordinated pro-tRump rallies disguised as protests in Blue states.
The only lynching in Minneapolis was of a Black man by a white cop.
A Black man was calmly and methodically killed by an officer in Minneapolis. Once again. It was caught on video.
Gee, and I thought we had to have a trial. No, all we need is a video.
And video can’t be edited.
Can it?
Why wasn’t the killer immediately arrested? Why do white police officers have special rights?
There’s this little thingy called due process. You investigate first.
It’s hardly surprising that a riot broke out. This illustrates the difference between an organic outburst and the carefully coordinated pro-tRump rallies disguised as protests in Blue states.
No, what it illustrates is all the lies Jeffery tells about how “threatening” peaceful protests by Conservatives demanding their Constitutional rights are as opposed to the usual round of violence the Left organizes any time it wants to jack up all the carefully nurtured animosities it’s sown among blacks (or anyone else) over the years.
You want astroturf, this is it.
The only lynching in Minneapolis was of a Black man by a white cop.
Of course. Any time a black is killed by a white cop, it’s a lynching. Funny how this happens just at a time when the Demos are really afraid of where the black vote is going.
Especially in a racist, redneck place like Minneapolis.
Why do white police officers have special rights?
That’s not an appropriate question as the white officer had no more “special rights” than a black officer, a Hispanic officer, etc.
The real question is “why do officers have more rights than the every day citizen?”
So called “law enforcement bill of rights” that are in place around the country are an abomination and every American should be against them.
They should all be repealed.
However, because Jeffery and his ilk don’t care about that, they show a hatred for other races of people. It doesn’t matter one iota the race of the victim or the cop. What does matter is that a cop went against his training, (knees are NEVER to be used on the neck – only shoulders and back,) two other cops stood by and watched and now a man is dead.
While the rest of America will think that this is a wrong no matter the race of the people involved, Jeffery and the left will make this about race because they hate all races other than their own.
After all, hate is all the left has.
California is the top agricultural producer, and Illinois is in the top 5. And about half of US food is imported. But you’re correct that the US needs both Red and Blue states.
OKAY 50 center get out a map of CALIFORNIA that shows red counties and blue counties and what you will see even in BLUE STATES is that all the farming, agriculture and food production in all states is done in RED COUNTIES. CONSERVATIVE and not just by a little. THEY ARE ALMOST OVERWHELMINGLY RED COUNTIES.
Why do you suppose that is 50 center. Do you think that all farmers are racists and hitlerites even in BLUE states?
So now you’re dividing the nation into Red and Blue counties? OK, even ignoring you ignoring all the food we import, you do admit you were wrong claiming 90% of the nation’s food comes from Red States.
What next, do you want to examine the political leanings of every US farmer and rancher?
Much of the produce grown in the US is harvested by immigrants, often here illegally. Are the farmers who hire them Red or Blue farmers?
And since California is such a liberal, hyperregulated hellhole, why do they produce so much produce?
90 percent of the nations food….meaning food produced inside the shores of the United States comes from Red States and RED COUNTIES.
YOU are the one who started segregating the USA into GEOGRAPHICAL divisions. Not me. I am just playing your 50 cent game.
Much of the produce grown in the US is harvested by immigrants, often here illegally. Are the farmers who hire them Red or Blue farmers?
Stupid race baiting question. Much of the harvests of produce is done by machines. And then ask yourself this. IF 90 percent of all farming is done in RED STATES and RED COUNTIES and they are willing to HIRE immigrants does that mean your RACIST MEME IS FULL OF SHIT????
I suggest it does. Cons are no more racist that Chinese 50 centers or Democrats. And you just proved my point for me.
[…] Pirate’s Cove – Why Do Democrats Want Lockdowns To Continue? A Bad Economy Is Good For Their Election Chances […]