Perhaps because ‘climate change’ is fake, and in the wake of a real issue, the Coronavirus, the market will focus on real stuff
Markets not paying attention to climate crisis, IMF says
Equity markets have generally ignored the increasing number of natural disasters over the past 50 years and tougher rules are needed to make investors aware of the dangers posed by the climate crisis, the International Monetary Fund has said.
Companies should be forced to disclose their exposure to climate risk because a voluntary approach does not go far enough, the IMF said in a chapter from its latest global financial stability report (GFSR).
The Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, an initiative led by Mark Carney, the former Bank of England governor, outlines how companies should calculate and disclose their exposure to climate risk to investors.
In other words, companies and markets mostly aren’t interested in joining the Cult of Climastrology nor even wasting time on this stuff.
The IMF, however, said in a GFSR published on Friday that climate risk should ultimately be made part of international reporting standards.
“An increasing number of firms have begun to voluntarily disclose climate change risk information, in line with the recommendations set out by the taskforce on climate-related financial disclosures†it said.
“However, going further by developing global mandatory disclosures on material climate change risks would be an important step to sustain financial stability. In the short term, mandatory climate change risk disclosure could be based on globally agreed principles. In the longer term, climate change risk disclosure standards could be incorporated into financial statements compliant with international financial reporting standards.â€
So, some companies have complied, but now the Cult wants even more. Go figure.
“While projections of climatic variables and their economic impact are subject to a high degree of uncertainty, aggregate equity valuations as of 2019 do not appear to reflect the predicted changes in physical risk under various climate change scenariosâ€, the IMF said. “This suggests that equity investors may not be paying sufficient attention to climate change risks.â€
Weather has always happened, and always will. But it is now caused by witchcraft, you know.

I think in the wake of the Red Chinese Flu catastrophic government blunders companies would be better off estimating their exposure to socialist, communist and fascist governmental tendencies. The damage done to both employment and small business was immediate and intense like nothing seen before. Individual and small business exposure to the ability of local and state governments to willy-nilly ignore the Constitution of the United States thereby making it a mere list of “suggestions” and not limitations and the willingness to give up those rights at the first mention of “safety” shows the damage done to the American psyche by 60 years of continuous and intensive brain washing and propaganda by American education, entertainment and information industries. Liberty and Freedom are no longer the goal of Americans but have been replaced with safety and security. A pathetic epitaph for a country born in Liberty.
Gregg Opelka has an opinion piece in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, Marxist Economic Policy—as in Groucho, in which he exposes the unintended consequences of the country’s ongoing Wuhan Cooties economic policy of shutdown and compensation:
We’re all Marxists now. Not Karl, Groucho. There’s a famous sketch in “Animal Crackers†(1930) in which Groucho (as Captain Spaulding) quizzes Chico (Signor Emanuel Ravelli) on how much money the band gets paid. “What do you fellas get an hour?†Groucho asks. “For playing we get $10 an hour,†Chico replies.
Groucho presses: “I see. What do you get for not playing?†“For not playing we get $12 an hour. . . . Now for rehearsing, we make special rate. That’s $15 an hour.†Groucho: “That’s for rehearsing? And what do you get for not rehearsing?†Chico: “You couldn’t afford it. You see, if we don’t rehearse, we don’t play. And if we don’t play, that runs into money.â€
Thus demonstrating that the Marx brothers, in a 90 year old movie, had a better grasp of Keynesian economics than anyone in Congress has exhibited at any time since.
Another one of Groucho” great lines is : “If any form of pleasure is exhibited, report to me and it will be prohibited… This is the land of the free!” . Now doesn’t sound like our blue state Bosses?
Trump 2020 Or America will be like Minneapolis.
“Increasing number of natural disastersâ€. According to the cult, what happens is caused by man, so it’s anything but natural, right? But thanks for refuting your own assertion, guys. Brilliant.
The fact the stock market has not tanked is a sure sign that the economy will turn around very quickly. My Wife is fixing to retire soon. Her 457 is worth more today than it was 6 months ago. Of course she is putting money in every month but still it is all invested in the stock market.
People are still getting their pensions because the market is propped up by the fed.
What angers me with a disdain for the left and the MSM is that one cannot have two positions.
I am very sad that people are sick and dying of Covid-19. I regret that. I also am very sad that the UNITED NATIONS ESTIMATES THAT 367 MILLION CHILDREN are going HUNGRY right now because of world wide lock downs. The UN WARNS up to a billion people might starve to death if this is not rectified.
The left in America, controlled by CHINA does not care about 1 billion children. They care about ONE BLACK MAN. The Left does not care about 300 million Americans, they care about defeating TRUMP in 2020. They do not care about the lies they tell, the deception they bring, the amount of CCP infection in our nation. They only care about whatever it takes.
Whatever it takes to win power and to shove their fuking communist agenda down our throats.
No more than in 2020 is our nation in deeper peril than with the upcoming election. To vote into power the communist left who no longer make any bones about being full blown communists is horrifying to personal and individual liberty this nation was founded on.
The IMF, however, said in a GFSR published on Friday that climate risk should ultimately be made part of international reporting standards.
how about a deep dive into the IMF?
What is the purpose of the International Monetary Fund?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization that aims to promote global economic growth and financial stability, encourage international trade, and reduce poverty. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
IMF chief urges China to focus on ‘belt and road’ sustainability
China and IMF governance. With approval from the IMF board, the quota of China was increased from 1.2 billion SDRs to 1.8 billion SDRs. China also obtained a single-country seat on the IMF executive board, which expanded the number of IMF directors to 22 members. As of 2017 the quota of China in the IMF was 30.5 billion SDRs,… Jul 19 2019
So in effect if you look at the IMF you will see that China is NOW a SITTING BOARD MEMBER, is using its BELT AND ROAD INIATIVE to take over poor countries, has started to colonize East Africa and is also attempting to do the same in IRAN and ITALY.
Now one wonders why the IMF is so keen on AGW restrictions for the DEVELOPED WORLD WHILE CHINA ITSELF AS PART OF THE IMF IS EXEMPT from those same statues.
ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN CAN SEE WHAT CHINA IS DOING. It is time for the EU and the USA and SEATO to come to grips with the fact China has been undermining them for two plus decades and our leaders let them.
You are correct Klem, as usual.
This is record breaking. The DOW is up nearly 7,000 points in the last two months. The DOW has never gone up more in a two month period.
The media cheered as the markets plummeted in February and March after reaching another all-time high on February 12, 2020, of 29,551. A depression or recession would doom the Trump Presidency. Day and night they tell stories of death and unemployment.
But things have changed. Yes, not everyone is back at work due to crazy inhibitive government or corporate actions, but many Americans are at work again. The signs of a recovery are everywhere.
“TRENDING: Looters Raid Target Store Near Minneapolis in Midst of ‘George Floyd Protests’ – Steal TVs, Clothes, Groceries – No Police Around! (VIDEO)
The markets are a picture of what the economy is and what it is expected to be. Company stock prices should reflect the present value of current and future earnings. The markets today have very high hopes of what is coming in the next few months, so much so, that the markets have reached heights never seen before.
On March 23rd, the DOW closed at 18,592. This was the lowest the markets had been since before the President was elected. But over the past two months, the DOW has gained back nearly 7,000 points. On Wednesday, May 27th, the DOW closed at 25,548, for an increase of 6,956 points since March 23rd.
This increase over the past two months is the greatest in US history! Never before has the DOW gained so much in such a short period of time.
In addition, the DOW has increased more than 1,000 points in a single day only 9 times in its history. All of these instances were under the Trump Presidency and 7 of these times were since March 3, 2020. On March 24th the DOW increased by more than 2,000 points (2,113) for the only time in its history.
Get ready – the Trump recovery is in effect!
This is what you get in one-party cities run by Democrat slavers:
Trump 2020 Recovery not slavery
Suddenly you’re all Keynesians, aren’t you? Government spending to make up for collapsing aggregate demand in the economy! And all it took was $10 TRILLION with more on the way! And the Fed buying $100s of BILLIONS in corporate bonds to keep the stock market happy!
Congressional GOPhers fought tooth and nail during President Obama’s first term to NOT stimulate the economy, hoping the Great Recession would elect a GOPher in 2012, but alas, the ever popular Obama waltzed to a second term.
Today, nuCons approve of adding TRILLIONS to the debt to re-elect tRump while cutting SNAP, Medicare and Medicaid!
Suddenly you’re all Keynesians, aren’t you? Government spending to make up for collapsing aggregate demand in the economy! And all it took was $10 TRILLION with more on the way! And the Fed buying $100s of BILLIONS in corporate bonds to keep the stock market happy!
No, money to tide people over because a lot of dictatorial Democrats have shut down much of the country.
Don’t you believe in helping people? Isn’t that what Communism is all about?
Congressional GOPhers fought tooth and nail during President Obama’s first term to NOT stimulate the economy, hoping the Great Recession would elect a GOPher in 2012, but alas, the ever popular Obama waltzed to a second term.
ever popular Obama? Then why didn’t his surrogate win? and Zippy stole that election with 140% turnouts and people bused in from out of state.
Today, nuCons approve of adding TRILLIONS to the debt to re-elect tRump while cutting SNAP, Medicare and Medicaid!
Sounds good to me.
PS Funny how Jeffery’s rap about blacks protesting their “oppression” went away when it turned out the cop didn’t kill the black guy and the rioters turned out to be white.