Apparently, NYC has stopped all crime and the effects of Coronavirus (being pretty much ground zero in the U.S.)
New York City reportedly outlawed the use of the terms “alien†and “illegal immigrant†in official government documents Thursday and will now refer to illegal immigrants as “noncitizens.â€
New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson said the term “alien†was “dehumanizing,†and said New York will become the first city to bar the language in government documents.
“These words are outdated and loaded words used to dehumanize the people they describe. It’s time to retire them,†Council Member Francisco Moya, the resolution’s sponsor said, according to an NBC affiliate in New York. “Words matter. The language we choose to use has power and consequences.â€
The report also stated that the new resolution will make it a crime to threaten “someone for their use of another language or their limited English proficiency, and [to threaten] to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE ) on a person based on a discriminatory motive.â€
The words illegal and alien are used in the federal code to describe people who are unlawfully present in the United States. But, SJW Open Borders Advocates gotta SJW Open Borders Advocate.
Trump should announce that ICE will not operate in NYC, so any illegal alien is safe there. Let’s see how much the city enjoys a massive stream of illegals.

Teach: Having Solved All Their Problems, NYC Bans Use Of Certain Words To Describe Illegal Aliens
In gov’t documents. They also don’t label gays as fags, Blacks as niggers, Hispanics as spics, women as bitches and whores, Muslims as Mooslems or Muzzies, liberals as communists, Catholics as papists, conservatives as cementheads/TEAnderthals/assholes/racists/grifters/knee jerk liars/rednecks/low info voters/peckerwoods/fascists/Nazis/authoritarians/tyrants/dumbasses etc.
You nuCons cans still call people whatever you wish. No ban. Just don’t go to work for the NYC gov’t and you’ll be OK.
In gov’t documents.
And the regulatory costs of such measures?
Or wait. It’s New York. They’ve got lots of money to spare.
The fact of the matter is that the left hates so much that they are willing to make specific terms apply to a whole class of people.
“Noncitizens” would correctly apply to visitors legally in the US from other countries. Lumping legal visitors and illegal immigrants together is wrong on many levels. Government has the duty to be accurate, and not play word games because the left hates accuracy.
It’s also funny how Jeffery came up with a list of hate names for people with whom he disagrees.
That’s the depth of the hate.
Hate is all the left has.
And Bingo! Elwood was triggered to use every slur he could think of for conservative Patriots who, knowing it is unconstitutional refuse to make “laws” telling people what words they’re “allowed” to use don’t like the idea of limiting Free Speech for ANYONE regardless of where they work.
You commie ass holes are so threatened by words it’s funny to watch. Even Elwood the Nazi runs deep in that dude.
Do you guys want to control your niggers before they burn down every blue city in America. Thanks for not banning us Herr Goebbels.
Trump 2020 We gotta get these Nazi control freaks away from the levers of power.
Uh-oh, we triggered the increasingly unhinged Kye again! WTBs* such as Kye, Teach, gitar, formwhiz and Klem are all triggered so easily, likely because they see their world crumbling.
Of course, Kye doesn’t know what he’s talking about (but he believes what Teach n tRump tell him). It’s not unconstitutional for an employer to constrain what employees say or write for public consumption, even gov’t employers. Certainly, you’re not suggesting that public school teachers be allowed to teach/say whatever they want are you? Would it be OK for her to call her Chinese students “chinks”, her black students “n*****s”, Koreans “kimchinks”, evangelicals “Bible thumpers”, Hispanic looking kids “illegals”…
*WTB = whiny titty baby
Elwood the NCT*, you have never seen a Freedom limiting law you didn’t endorse. Nobody’s unhinged except you who grind through each day trying as hard as you can yo limit everyone’s freedom. If you weren’t so busy trying to distract frome your blue cities burning you’d realize we have freedom of speech and that is what I’m referring to. It is immoral to deny another human their right to speak. Since, as a Nazi you have no morals it is understandable which side you’d be on. Hitler’s. You always are.
*Little Nazi Traitor
Trump 2020 before people like Elwood take our Free Speech away with our RKBA.
Isn’t that special. Jeffery has a new little taunt to throw at the grownups.
And the only world crumbling is his. The saturnalia currently ongoing will again hand the election to Trump. His tory is a great teacher and we’ve seen this too many times.
It’s not unconstitutional for an employer to constrain what employees say or write for public consumption, even gov’t employers.
I’d like to see you take that one into court.
Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech. Pretty absolute, I’d say.
Certainly, you’re not suggesting that public school teachers be allowed to teach/say whatever they want are you? Would it be OK for her to call her Chinese students “chinksâ€, her black students “n*****sâ€, Koreans “kimchinksâ€, evangelicals “Bible thumpersâ€, Hispanic looking kids “illegalsâ€â€¦
Legal, yes, good manners, no.
That’s the problem with Lefties. They were never housebroken as children.
Another false equivalence from J… Sorry, but illegal immigrant and alien aren’t slurs like the rest of your list, no matter how hard you wish it to be so. Anyway, what would someone breaking into you house then be-a non-house guest? Only liberals would come up with something this stupid…
tRump has proscribed the use of certain words and phrases by employees at NASA, EPA, USDA, NWS, NOAA, NIAID, HHS, USGS… the tRump misAdministration has “banned” “Climate change”, prohibited the CDC from using the words “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based,” and “science-based” in 2018 documents.
Is that OK but a local gov’t blocking the use of slurs is not?
Would you be upset if NOAA referred to climate skeptics as “science deniers”?
Illegal is a slur? Alien is a slur?
those are merely descriptions codified in law.
Would you be upset if NOAA referred to climate skeptics as “science deniers�
I doubt most people would care since they have the facts and know a lot of government agencies were turned into PC satraps by Zippy.
“But local government blocking the use of slurs is not?†Geeez..that’s the point. Illegal immigrant and aliens aren’t slurs. Please keep up
How odd….
The CDC mentions “vulnerable” on their website many times.
NOAA’s forecast for hurricanes and press releases use the term “climate change.”
In a recent decision from the DOE concerning a Connecticut case, the DOE said that “transgender males” competing as females would be a violation of Title IX.
If Trump “banned” those words as you claim, how is it that they are being used in the Federal government by agencies?
The left hates the truth because all the left has is hate.
P.S. Is that OK but a local gov’t blocking the use of slurs is not?
As previously stated, “illegal immigrant” is not a slur. It is an accurate description of the person who is in this country illegally. The depth of the left to hate even accurate terms is amazing. Then again, all the left has is hate.
Even if that were true 50 center. Which I doubt.
How does it feel to be told what to think, how to think and when to think it. How does it feel to be told certain words are off limits and will not be used and to do so makes you a slime ball.
Yeah you keep wondering why people voted for Trump. You just gave the classic example of the Political Correctness the left was shoving down everyone’s throat under 8 years of Obama.
You wonder why people worship their ORANGE MAN with HIS BIGGLY HAIRDO and his most incredible speeches of all time or why we think that Suk that China Dik Biden will go down in the greatest defeat in the HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES.
We don’t worship the BIGGLY TRUMPSTER. We celebrate leftists heads exploding all over the world whenever they just think about Donald John Trump. HAHA. It takes lots of work on your part to trigger me, but take comfort in the fact you are triggered night and day everyday for at least 4 years because of the GREAT ORANGE MAN who is coming for you……BIGLY!!!!
Idiots. In no time “non-citizen” will become as derogatory as “alien” or “illegal immigrant”. What is it they say? A rose by any other name is still a rose. Dimwits all.
Why act surprised? This is how the tribe rolls. And they run New York. Both the state as well as the big Craphole!!!
“Just by my experience of reporting on protests and being in the thick of Baltimore, Ferguson, that the bad actors were people that weren’t from the area,” Jones said. “This wasn’t something that I just made up. It’s just a matter of experience and being there on the ground.
“And as you know, the [Minneapolis] mayor and the [Minnesota] governor, after records are starting to come out, they told us that all the people that they arrested were people from out of state. That’s what’s going on right now. You have people that have their own agenda that are anarchists, that are part of Antifa, that are professional paid protesters.
IF THE LEFT WANTS TO INVESTIGATE RUSSIA how about the above. CHINA, RUSSIA, IRAN and any number of nations have every cause to stir up and instigate rioting in the USA. HEll I have little doubt the USA had tried to do the same in Hong Kong, Iran and Venezuela.
This is not beyond the realm of possibility and to think that China and Russia is not trying to bring America to an end is ludicrous thinking on the LEFTS PART.
China even tweeted “CAN’T BREATHE”. Of course China Jack Dorsey applauded this tweet. Had Trump said something similar it would have been fact Checked with something like their is plenty of oxygen therefore it is a lie that China Can’t Breathe.
Investigate Russia and China for the right things, but the left wont. Thats because all these dikwads are being paid under the table by China and Russia to bring America into a communist state and to destroy our fossil fuel industry and our economic might.
After all America has so much fertile soil for growing food that should be all were good for. Pickin cotton and beans for CHINA.
New York City is not a person, it can’t ban the use of certain words. Only specific people can do that, and only after law-making procedures have been followed. So what is the name of the government employee who has declared these words to be illegal? We need his name, phone number, office address, and e-mail address. Then we need to make an appointment to see him, so that he can explain the administrative procedure which authorized him to create a new law. Then we need to post the story, so that people can comment, or contact this person.
Ron, that sounds like a fair and reasonable request. We, as citizens deserve to know EXACTLY WHO is making the rules they impose on us by the force of law. I agree that anytime a dumbass “rule” is initiated the name, address, cell phone number and e-mail address should be provided to the persons affected.